16:01:33 <adamw> #startmeeting F27-blocker-review 16:01:33 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Sep 11 16:01:33 2017 UTC. The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:33 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:01:33 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f27-blocker-review' 16:01:33 <adamw> #meetingname F27-blocker-review 16:01:33 <adamw> #topic Roll Call 16:01:33 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f27-blocker-review' 16:01:39 <adamw> morning folks, who's around for some blocker review? 16:01:49 <jkurik> .hello2 16:01:50 <zodbot> jkurik: jkurik 'Jan Kurik' <jkurik@redhat.com> 16:01:53 <kalev> morning 16:01:56 * kparal is here 16:01:56 <jkurik> hi adamw 16:01:58 <kalev> .hello2 16:02:00 <zodbot> kalev: kalev 'Kalev Lember' <klember@redhat.com> 16:02:39 <kparal> hello kalev. perhaps we should start with workstation bugs? or are you here for the whole deal? :) 16:03:19 <kalev> I'll be here for the whole deal, was thinking of starting to come here regularly 16:03:29 * mkolman notes the unusual lack of outstanding Anaconda blockers 16:04:23 <kparal> kalev: awesome 16:04:45 <kparal> mkolman: very weird, eh? 16:06:19 <adamw> mkolman: there *is* a new bug in the latest anaconda build 16:06:22 <adamw> but it's probably not a blocker 16:06:46 <adamw> mkolman: when we do a btrfs install using 'create partitions for me' on a 10G disk, it produces a warning about the swap size 16:06:48 <adamw> it didn't used to do that 16:06:53 <adamw> but i'll look into that some more and file it later. 16:07:18 <adamw> anyhoo, morning everyone 16:07:24 <mkolman> btrfs... 16:07:25 <adamw> #chair kparal jkurik 16:07:25 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw jkurik kparal 16:08:07 <Amita> warnings can be ignored - so not a blocker :) 16:08:34 * Amita waves to everyone 16:08:46 * pwhalen is here 16:09:20 <adamw> Amita: true 16:09:22 <adamw> hi amita 16:09:37 <adamw> #topic Introduction 16:09:37 <adamw> Why are we here? 16:09:37 <adamw> #info Our purpose in this meeting is to review proposed blocker and nice-to-have bugs and decide whether to accept them, and to monitor the progress of fixing existing accepted blocker and nice-to-have bugs. 16:09:38 <adamw> #info We'll be following the process outlined at: 16:09:39 <adamw> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:SOP_Blocker_Bug_Meeting 16:09:39 <adamw> #info The bugs up for review today are available at: 16:09:43 <adamw> #link http://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/current 16:09:45 <adamw> #info The criteria for release blocking bugs can be found at: 16:09:47 <adamw> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Alpha_Release_Criteria 16:09:49 <adamw> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Beta_Release_Criteria 16:09:51 <adamw> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Final_Release_Criteria 16:09:53 <adamw> (yes, the Alpha criteria *still* exist, i swear i'll get my changes into production this week...) 16:10:13 <kparal> adamw: booo 16:10:48 * kparal back in 5-10 min 16:11:27 <Amita> did not I read mails about Alpha Criteria will go away 16:11:38 <Amita> I think I missed the train after that 16:12:27 <adamw> Amita: they're going away because Alphas are going away, i've drafted the changes but not sent them out into production yet 16:13:07 <Amita> ah got it now, I thought you gonna bring that back in prod 16:13:09 <Amita> :) 16:13:44 <adamw> #info for Beta we have: 16:13:46 <adamw> #info 9 Proposed Blockers 16:13:46 <adamw> #info 4 Accepted Blockers 16:13:52 <adamw> #info 7 Proposed Freeze Exceptions 16:13:55 <adamw> #info for Final we have: 16:14:03 <adamw> #info 3 Proposed Blockers 16:14:03 <adamw> #info 7 Accepted Blockers 16:14:10 <kparal> loads of fun 16:14:15 <adamw> sure, 'fun' 16:14:18 <adamw> who wants to secretarialize? 16:14:24 <kparal> I will 16:17:46 * kparal pokes adamw 16:17:59 <adamw> sorry 16:18:01 <adamw> multitasking 16:18:07 <adamw> #info kparal to secretarialize 16:18:20 <adamw> alright, starting in with the proposed blockers! 16:18:32 <adamw> #topic (1489144) UEFI installs crash during bootloader installation: "TypeError: must be str, not method" 16:18:32 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1489144 16:18:33 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, anaconda, VERIFIED 16:19:13 <kparal> +1 16:19:19 <pwhalen> +1 16:19:25 <kalev> +1 16:19:30 <jkurik> +1 16:21:20 <Amita> crash .. 16:21:22 <Amita> +! 16:21:24 <Amita> +1 16:21:58 <adamw> yup 16:22:24 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1489144 - AcceptedBlocker (Beta) - clearly violates several "must be able to complete an install" criteria, in the case of a UEFI install 16:22:40 <jkurik> ack 16:22:49 <kalev> ack 16:23:38 <pwhalen> ack 16:24:29 <kparal> ack 16:24:30 <adamw> #agreed 1489144 - AcceptedBlocker (Beta) - clearly violates several "must be able to complete an install" criteria, in the case of a UEFI install 16:24:40 <adamw> #topic (1477916) Workstation boot.iso is 1.8 GB, seems to be ostree iso 16:24:40 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1477916 16:24:40 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, distribution, NEW 16:24:43 <adamw> sigh, this one again 16:24:53 <jkurik> According to http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/development/27/Workstation/x86_64/os/images/ it is back to 504M, so it was probably just some hiccup 16:25:07 <adamw> well, no, it's not some hiccup. 16:25:14 <adamw> we clearly know what's going on and why. 16:25:25 <adamw> so either they merged the fix for it, or the workstation ostree installer image didn't build that day. 16:25:27 * jkurik does not know it :-( 16:25:49 <adamw> https://pagure.io/pungi-fedora/pull-request/347 was merged 3 days ago 16:25:59 <kalev> ahh, good 16:26:11 <kparal> ostree image is not in iso/ 16:26:43 <jkurik> yeah, the pull-request/347 looks like a fix 16:27:07 <adamw> well, also, the workstation ostree installer image has never been built for f27 16:27:09 <adamw> don't know why that is 16:27:28 <kparal> therefore we can't be sure the fix is working or not 16:27:41 <adamw> so, i'm gonna propose we either un-nominate or reject this on the basis it's not actually happening to Beta atm 16:27:58 * kparal shrugs 16:28:04 <jkurik> adamw: the https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/WorkstationOstree is still "PageIncomplete" 16:28:09 <adamw> but i'll ask releng to be aware that we probably shouldn't enable the workstation ostree installer image for beta unless we're sure this is fixed 16:28:22 <kparal> technically it's not a blocker "yet". just don't go screaming when it happens for an RC :) 16:28:35 <adamw> we could change it to FinalBlocker 16:29:06 <jkurik> adamw: it did not went through Change process yet 16:29:16 <adamw> jkurik: we already shipped it in f26 16:29:21 <adamw> so it appears it didn't need to 16:29:45 <jkurik> adamw: yes, but just a "pilot", not really made it public 16:31:06 * adamw dances on the head of a pin 16:31:14 <kparal> jkurik: but including this bug 16:31:33 <adamw> well, bottom line is, we can't reasonably say beta is blocked on something that's never happened to an f27 compose yet. 16:31:50 <kparal> let's un-nominate 16:31:54 <adamw> ok 16:31:55 <jkurik> right 16:31:59 <adamw> with a note to renominate if it actually happens 16:32:12 <kparal> maybe move to F28 Beta? 16:32:38 <kparal> either way is fine 16:32:54 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1477916 - drop nomination - the Workstation ostree installer image has never been built in an F27 compose; until it is, this bug cannot happen to one. So we're dropping the nomination for now, but will immediately re-nominate it if the bug does start affecting F27 composes 16:33:06 <kparal> ack 16:33:21 <kalev> ack 16:34:03 <pwhalen> ack 16:34:10 <adamw> #agreed 1477916 - drop nomination - the Workstation ostree installer image has never been built in an F27 compose; until it is, this bug cannot happen to one. So we're dropping the nomination for now, but will immediately re-nominate it if the bug does start affecting F27 composes 16:34:19 <adamw> #topic (1489164) Fedora 27 Beta backgrounds must be different from Fedora 26 16:34:19 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1489164 16:34:19 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, distribution, NEW 16:34:30 <adamw> this is pretty unarguably a blocker, we just need to get people to jump through the necessary hoops :/ 16:34:39 <adamw> i'm so tired of this not being done a month ahead of time, every time. 16:34:46 <Amita> hmm 16:35:07 <kparal> +1 16:35:08 <pwhalen> +1 16:35:13 <Amita> +1 16:35:19 <kalev> +1 16:35:31 <kalev> I'll also go an update gnome-software distro upgrade background images as well, before I forget about them 16:36:11 <jkurik> we have the backgrounds on review https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1489160 16:36:13 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1489164 - AcceptedBlocker (Beta) - clearly violates Alpha criterion "The default desktop background must be different from that of the last two stable releases." 16:36:20 <adamw> jkurik: yes, this bug depends on that one. 16:36:30 <jkurik> ack 16:36:31 <kalev> ack 16:36:32 <adamw> but then there are also changes required to other packages and possibly comps/kickstarts. 16:36:35 <kparal> ack 16:36:41 <pwhalen> ack 16:36:48 <adamw> #agreed 1489164 - AcceptedBlocker (Beta) - clearly violates Alpha criterion "The default desktop background must be different from that of the last two stable releases." 16:37:16 <adamw> #topic (1456293) [abrt] gnome-shell: js::GCMethods<JSObject*>::needsPostBarrier(): gnome-shell killed by signal 11 16:37:17 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1456293 16:37:17 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, gnome-shell, NEW 16:38:40 <kparal> no clear reproducer here 16:38:51 <kparal> FAF numbers are low 16:38:55 <kalev> I'd repurpose that as a final blocker, and freezeexcept this for Beta. We shipped with the very same crash in F26 gold and it passed final testing there. 16:39:20 <kparal> kalev: do you know when it happens? 16:39:47 <kalev> kparal: with certain extensions enabled, if I've understood this right. I've never been able to reproduce this myself 16:40:07 <kalev> gnome-shell extensions I mean 16:40:12 <kparal> if it passed for f26, and it's related to certain extensions, I guess it's not even final blocker material 16:40:29 <adamw> well, we can burn that bridge when we come to it 16:40:32 <adamw> but definitely -1 for beta 16:40:46 <kparal> we get to that bridge later today, hm? 16:41:07 <kalev> I'm -1 for beta as well 16:41:39 <pwhalen> -1 16:41:59 <kparal> -1 beta, +1 fe 16:42:16 <kalev> I'd like to have a FE for this as well. I've got a mozjs52 + gjs update in the works that should fix this crash 16:42:28 <adamw> kparal: i'm a bit nervy about FE because if we accept it as FE, what we're going to get submitted is the entire GNOME megaupdate, i think 16:42:38 <kalev> not entirely sure I'll be ready with this in time, as mozjs is a bit tricky, but if I do, I'd like to have a FE for this 16:42:39 <kparal> hm 16:42:40 <adamw> or can you give us a more targeted fix, kalev? 16:42:43 <kalev> I'll put this separately, yes 16:42:46 <adamw> okay 16:43:03 <adamw> well, if we're actually releasing this week (*hollow laugh*), you don't have much time. but uh...yeah. 16:43:04 <pwhalen> ok, +1 fe as well 16:43:10 * kalev nods. 16:43:18 <adamw> +1 fe if we get a targeted fix in reasonable time for whatever schedule we wind up on. 16:43:38 <jkurik> -1 beta blocker, +1 fe 16:43:40 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1456293 - RejectedBlocker (Beta) AcceptedFreezeException (Beta) - this is bad if you hit it, but the FAF numbers and upstream bug analysis indicate not many people do actually hit it; thus the breadth of impact isn't significant enough for this to block the Beta. We'll accept a fix if it's targeted and arrives in good time for testing 16:43:56 <kalev> ack 16:43:57 <jkurik> ack 16:44:06 <kparal> ack 16:44:10 <adamw> #agreed 1456293 - RejectedBlocker (Beta) AcceptedFreezeException (Beta) - this is bad if you hit it, but the FAF numbers and upstream bug analysis indicate not many people do actually hit it; thus the breadth of impact isn't significant enough for this to block the Beta. We'll accept a fix if it's targeted and arrives in good time for testing 16:44:23 <adamw> #topic (1490072) Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. #0 0x00007f16279aa68f in _cogl_boxed_value_set_x () from /usr/lib64/mutter/libmutter-cogl-1.so 16:44:23 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1490072 16:44:23 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, gnome-shell, NEW 16:45:03 <adamw> welp, i know nothing about this. 16:45:12 <adamw> oh wait 16:45:21 <kalev> this is the first time I've heard of it as well 16:45:22 <adamw> i think i have this exact crash, actually. but somehow my report wound up somewhere else? 16:45:32 <adamw> but yeah, my GNOME session consistently crashes when I launch VMs in virt-manager. 16:45:40 <adamw> which is exceedingly frustrating, and means I just skip out on testing things. 16:46:04 <adamw> (although it's my own idiotic fault for running f27 on my desktop...) 16:46:10 * kparal chickened out and uses X11 for this reason 16:46:40 <kalev> adamw: can you file an upstream bug please if you can reproduce it? 16:46:54 <adamw> probably. 16:47:03 <adamw> i just hate reproducing it, because it blows up everything else i'm doing at the time. :P 16:47:13 <adamw> maybe i'll see if i can reproduce it on another box. 16:47:44 <adamw> so, this is maybe a bit closer to being a blocker for me, since it's triggered by something that's kinda in the beta criteria (virtualization) 16:47:59 <adamw> still, we're a bit short on data 16:48:12 <adamw> anyone else running f27 and can quickly try launching a VM in virt-manager? on a box they don't care too muc habout? :P 16:48:28 * kparal can't right now 16:48:47 <kalev> and if it's reproducible, try with newer mutter from updates-testing, just in case it's already fixed? 16:48:48 <kparal> punt and #action everyone to test 16:49:22 <adamw> sounds good 16:49:27 * kalev nods. 16:50:26 <adamw> hum, i just found a gnome-shell crash in abrt and filed it, but it wasn't this: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1486136 16:50:33 <adamw> good news everyone, everything is awful 16:50:37 <adamw> agree with punt and test 16:51:19 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1490072 - punt (delay decision) - we don't have quite enough information on how common this crash is to make a decision yet; we'd like to ask folks to test launching VMs in virt-manager on F27 and see if this affects many people 16:51:32 <jkurik> ack 16:51:40 <kalev> ack 16:52:08 <kparal> ack 16:55:17 <adamw> #agreed 1490072 - punt (delay decision) - we don't have quite enough information on how common this crash is to make a decision yet; we'd like to ask folks to test launching VMs in virt-manager on F27 and see if this affects many people 16:55:45 <adamw> #topic (1490287) dnf system-upgrade fails due to grub2/grub2-tools 16:55:45 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1490287 16:55:46 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, grub2, NEW 16:56:04 <jkurik> +1 to block 16:56:12 <adamw> ehhh 16:56:14 <kparal> lbrabec wanted to upgrade to F27 today 16:56:18 <adamw> --allowerasing is actually fine 16:56:21 <adamw> removing the grub2 package is correct 16:56:26 <kparal> what? 16:56:26 <adamw> that's what *should* happen 16:56:35 <adamw> the bug is actually https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1487867 16:57:06 * adamw dupes it 16:57:29 <kparal> I don't understand it 16:57:36 <kparal> if grub2 gets removed, what stays? 16:57:45 <adamw> grub2-pc 16:57:48 <adamw> (on i686 and x86_64_ 16:57:53 <adamw> grub2-ppc64 on ppc64 16:57:57 <adamw> grub2-ppc64le on ppc64le 16:58:07 <adamw> well, they don't "stay", they're new packages 16:58:14 <jkurik> ah, that is tricky 16:58:28 * kparal quickly checks 16:58:31 <adamw> they're supposed to obsolete 'grub2', but because pjones typoed the Obsoletes: line, they don't. 16:58:59 <adamw> https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=967139 fixes this 16:59:11 <kalev> if we already have a build, can we pull this in for beta? 16:59:37 <adamw> there needs to be an update 16:59:38 <kparal> yeah, change it to FE 16:59:40 <adamw> i'm checking if there is one yet 16:59:48 <kalev> doesn't seem to be an update yet 16:59:56 <adamw> so we should make one. 17:00:03 <adamw> i'll poke pjones, but if he's not around, i'll just do it. 17:00:43 * kparal still checking grub-pc existence 17:02:29 <jkurik> kparal: http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/development/27/Workstation/x86_64/os/Packages/g/grub2-pc-2.02-14.fc27.x86_64.rpm 17:02:52 <kparal> adamw: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/ZV9PIOpBdFv54KbpiI9sdg/raw 17:02:56 <kparal> I don't see it there 17:03:03 <kparal> grub2 goes away, grub2-pc doesn't go in 17:03:19 <adamw> oooh, yeah 17:03:24 <adamw> so --allowerasing isn't doing the right thing 17:03:33 <kparal> so, seems like blocker after all 17:03:34 <adamw> right, because it doesn't know grub2-pc should go it 17:03:36 <adamw> in* 17:03:44 <adamw> well...not necessarily. cos grub2 not existing doesn't make the system fail to boot. :P 17:03:55 <adamw> the only thing the package contains is the config files. 17:04:08 <kparal> I don't like where this is going 17:04:22 <adamw> i'm just saying, we still don't know exactly what the consequences are here 17:04:25 <kparal> what happens after next kernel update? 17:04:27 <adamw> might be best just to fix it, though 17:04:29 <adamw> who knows! 17:04:35 <adamw> it depends if the config files actually go away, i think 17:04:49 <kalev> yes, let's get a fix in, just to be on the safe side here 17:04:52 <adamw> but all the actual tools are in, well, grub2-tools 17:04:55 <kparal> well, in this case I'd say blocker until proven innocent 17:04:59 <adamw> grub2-install and so on 17:05:11 <adamw> and they'll write the same config file regardless of whether it's packaged 17:05:23 <adamw> in fact...i suspect the case where this *would* break is if you update grub2 but *don't* update the kernel 17:05:43 <adamw> because removing the grub2 package might take away the config files, and if there's no kernel update, they don't get regenerated 17:05:59 <kparal> the users would never get a future grub2 update, because the package would not be there 17:06:05 <kparal> which might be a problem as well 17:06:07 <adamw> true 17:06:36 <adamw> okay, i'm willing to give this a +1 on that basis 17:06:38 <adamw> other votes? 17:06:40 <kparal> +1 17:06:43 <kalev> +1 17:08:02 <adamw> oh 17:08:08 <adamw> we actually have a nice clear-cut criterion to use here 17:08:12 <adamw> which i'd forgotten about... 17:09:06 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1490287 - AcceptedBlocker (Beta) - even if you can upgrade with --allowerasing, grub2-pc will not be installed after upgrade, violating the "The upgraded system must include all packages that would be present on the system after a default installation from install media" clause of the upgrade criterion 17:09:18 <adamw> i bet we break that all the time, but tum-ti-tum, let's not think too hard 17:09:29 <jkurik> ack 17:09:31 <kparal> ack 17:09:31 <kalev> ack 17:09:44 <adamw> #agreed 1490287 - AcceptedBlocker (Beta) - even if you can upgrade with --allowerasing, grub2-pc will not be installed after upgrade, violating the "The upgraded system must include all packages that would be present on the system after a default installation from install media" clause of the upgrade criterion 17:09:54 <adamw> #topic (1475570) Rescue mode fails while trying to access LVM volumes from existing install 17:09:55 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1475570 17:09:55 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, lvm2, NEW 17:10:15 <adamw> sorry, i only noticed this week that this is a beta criterion :/ 17:10:19 <adamw> we've had the bug filed for a while 17:10:27 <adamw> i kinda thought it was final 17:10:42 <adamw> mkolman: here's your anaconda bug :P 17:11:13 * adamw brb, call of nature 17:11:17 <mkolman> adamw: it's assigned to LVM ;-) 17:11:21 <kparal> anaconda-ish 17:11:56 <kparal> +1 17:13:57 <pwhalen> +1 17:14:06 <kalev> +1 17:14:38 <jkurik> +1 17:15:30 <kalev> I have to step away for 15 minutes, back in a bit 17:17:11 <adamw> anaconda-adjacent 17:17:36 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1475570 - AcceptedBlocker (Beta) - seems a clear violation of "The rescue mode of the installer must start successfully and be able to detect and mount any installation performed according to the applicable criteria, and provide a shell with access to utilities capable of performing typical recovery operations" 17:18:10 <kparal> ack 17:18:46 <jkurik> ack 17:19:10 <pwhalen> ack 17:20:07 <adamw> #agreed 1475570 - AcceptedBlocker (Beta) - seems a clear violation of "The rescue mode of the installer must start successfully and be able to detect and mount any installation performed according to the applicable criteria, and provide a shell with access to utilities capable of performing typical recovery operations" 17:21:24 <adamw> #topic (1489862) There is FW Raid set, but there is no /dev/md* device 17:21:25 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1489862 17:21:25 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, selinux-policy, MODIFIED 17:22:24 <adamw> i suspect this will be live only 17:22:40 <kparal> I'll have to retest that, pschindl is on vacation 17:22:43 <adamw> kparal: do you happen to know if they re-tested this? 17:22:51 <adamw> he was passing on info from someone called 'vojtech' apparently? 17:22:57 <adamw> oh, vtrefny 17:23:09 <kparal> vtrefny from blivet 17:23:19 <kparal> formerly from anaconda 17:23:30 <kparal> I'll talk to him 17:24:08 <kparal> either punt or we need to believe selinux was the problem here 17:24:38 <adamw> i can't test firmware RAID atm unfortunately because mdraid doesn't support the motherboard in my new test box 17:25:25 <adamw> if selinux *is* the issue, i'd probably be -1 beta (on the basis you can use a non-live image or boot with enforcing=0), +1 final 17:25:25 <kparal> yeah, we have one non-functional amd raid as well. we should probably inquire about its support, once we have some free time (ha ha) 17:25:33 <adamw> ahah ha. ha. 17:25:49 <adamw> i don't think anyone's super active writing new fw raid support for mdadm, but imbw. 17:26:27 <kparal> our amd motherboard is about 4 years old 17:26:28 <jkurik> Lukas Vrabec provided a fix https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-5aefc0255f , I would be +1 FE at least 17:26:50 <kparal> jkurik: good idea 17:26:54 <kparal> +1 fe to selinux issue 17:26:58 <adamw> yeah, +1 FE indeed 17:27:00 <pwhalen> +1 fe 17:27:07 <adamw> karma that update, folks 17:27:08 <adamw> :P 17:27:55 <adamw> so do we want to vote or punt on blocker status? 17:28:01 <adamw> let's vote about whether to vote! 17:28:07 <kparal> punt 17:29:17 <jkurik> punt 17:30:04 <adamw> alrighty 17:30:52 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1489862 - AcceptedFreezeException (Beta), punt (delay decision) on blocker status - it's not 100% clear yet if the SELinux denials are the only problem here, so we will delay the blocker vote until we have confirmation on that. however, we think it at least makes sense to grant the SELinux fixes a freeze exception immediately 17:31:41 <kparal> ack 17:31:44 <jkurik> ack 17:32:26 <pwhalen> ack 17:33:03 <adamw> #agreed 1489862 - AcceptedFreezeException (Beta), punt (delay decision) on blocker status - it's not 100% clear yet if the SELinux denials are the only problem here, so we will delay the blocker vote until we have confirmation on that. however, we think it at least makes sense to grant the SELinux fixes a freeze exception immediately 17:34:23 <adamw> #topic (1488707) [abrt] tracker: g_str_hash(): tracker-extract killed by signal 11 17:34:24 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1488707 17:34:24 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, tracker, NEW 17:35:15 <kparal> FAF link not working 17:35:20 * kalev is back now 17:36:13 <adamw> is this happening every second to anyone else? 17:36:22 <adamw> it's not happening every second to me. but then...i think maybe i have tracker turned off. 17:36:22 * kparal is not yet running F27 17:36:36 <kparal> and I also turn tracker off :) 17:36:54 <kalev> I haven't seen that either, but I have abrt turned off :) 17:37:07 <kparal> see, two good solutions to this problem 17:37:49 <adamw> heh 17:38:23 <kalev> as much as I can tell, tracker is mostly broken on F27 for another reason, but not crashing here 17:38:35 <kalev> not really working, but not crashing at least :) 17:38:52 <adamw> and afaics no-one else has reported this... 17:39:49 <pwhalen> which is weird, surely else out there isnt disabling it 17:40:07 <adamw> well, it suggests this might be another system-dependent bug 17:40:19 <adamw> which isn't terribly weird, i mean, tracker basically *is* a giant database full of weird stuff from your system. 17:40:38 <adamw> it's not that unusual for it to crap its pants on certain specific conditions that don't happen everywhere. 17:40:55 <kalev> I think the report was for tracker 1.99.0. we now have 1.99.1 in F27 stable. might be fixed for everybody else because of that 17:42:46 <adamw> welp, anyway, i'm feeling pretty -1 on a bug no-one else has reported hitting yet, so far as we can tell. 17:43:08 <kalev> I'm -1 as well 17:43:37 <pwhalen> agreed.. -1 17:43:48 * kparal nods 17:43:49 <jkurik> I do not understand well how the tracker works, so I am +0 here 17:45:20 <kalev> can we have a brief discussion about another tracker issue when we're done with this? I'm interested how people feel if this is something we need to fix for Beta or not 17:46:20 <adamw> we usually do it in open floor 17:46:25 <kalev> ok 17:46:51 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1488707 - RejectedBlocker (Beta) - for now, there is no indication this affects anyone besides Mikhail. We'd need information indicating this bug will hit a somewhat wider range of folks to accept it as a blocker 17:47:09 <kparal> ack 17:47:10 <adamw> aside: I've just submitted an update for grub2 - https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/grub2-2.02-16.fc27 . if folks could karma it that'd be great 17:47:27 <kalev> ack 17:47:45 <pwhalen> ack 17:48:01 <adamw> #agreed 1488707 - RejectedBlocker (Beta) - for now, there is no indication this affects anyone besides Mikhail. We'd need information indicating this bug will hit a somewhat wider range of folks to accept it as a blocker 17:48:31 <kparal> it's also proposed for FE 17:48:35 <kparal> adamw: ^^ 17:50:00 <adamw> grmph 17:50:21 <kparal> that sounds german 17:50:36 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1488707 - punt (delay decision) on FreezeException status - we don't have enough information on the cause, prevalence or fix for this yet to make an FE determination 17:50:45 <kparal> ack 17:50:47 <kalev> ack 17:50:57 <jkurik> ack 17:51:55 <adamw> #agreed 1488707 - punt (delay decision) on FreezeException status - we don't have enough information on the cause, prevalence or fix for this yet to make an FE determination 17:52:35 <adamw> #info moving onto proposed Beta freeze exceptions 17:52:39 <adamw> #topic (1489124) Downgrade to version 6 for Fedora 27 17:52:39 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1489124 17:52:39 <adamw> #info Proposed Freeze Exceptions, ImageMagick, ON_QA 17:52:49 <adamw> this one's basically a FESCo request, so should be pretty no-brainer-ish 17:53:02 <kparal> +1 17:53:07 <kalev> +1 17:53:26 <pwhalen> +1 17:53:28 <jkurik> +1 17:55:48 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1489124 - AcceptedFreezeException (Beta) - this is required to fulfil a FESCo decision 17:55:58 <kparal> ack 17:55:59 <kalev> ack 17:56:00 <adamw> patch: 17:56:06 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1489124 - AcceptedFreezeException (Beta) - this is required to fulfil a FESCo decision (https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/1766) 17:56:12 <adamw> why not be helpful... 17:56:17 <jkurik> ack 17:56:24 <kparal> ack 17:56:27 <kalev> ack 17:58:36 <pwhalen> ack 17:59:39 <adamw> #agreed 1489124 - AcceptedFreezeException (Beta) - this is required to fulfil a FESCo decision (https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/1766) 17:59:53 <adamw> #topic (1489285) abrt-action-find-bodhi-update failed when reporting a bug on xfce 17:59:53 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1489285 17:59:53 <adamw> #info Proposed Freeze Exceptions, abrt, MODIFIED 18:00:29 <adamw> i think this actually affects things outside of xfce 18:00:41 <adamw> but anyhow, looks +1 FE material to me 18:00:55 <kalev> probably something that would be nice to pull in to make sure people can actually report things that aren't workign in beta 18:01:00 <kalev> +1 FE from me too 18:01:17 <pwhalen> +1 FE 18:01:46 <kparal> +1 18:03:15 * kparal pokes adamw 18:03:22 <adamw> sorry, just writing the message 18:03:51 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1489285 - AcceptedFreezeException (Beta) - this is clearly desirable functionality and affects live images (so cannot be fully fixed with an update) 18:04:19 <kalev> ack 18:04:46 <kparal> ack 18:06:08 <jkurik> ack 18:06:11 <adamw> #agreed 1489285 - AcceptedFreezeException (Beta) - this is clearly desirable functionality and affects live images (so cannot be fully fixed with an update) 18:06:37 <adamw> #topic (1456293) [abrt] gnome-shell: js::GCMethods<JSObject*>::needsPostBarrier(): gnome-shell killed by signal 11 18:06:37 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1456293 18:06:37 <adamw> #info Proposed Freeze Exceptions, gnome-shell, NEW 18:06:44 <adamw> this is the same one we considered as a blocker earlier... 18:06:48 <adamw> did we make a call on FE at the time>? 18:07:03 * jkurik needs to leave 18:07:05 <adamw> oh, we did. 18:07:08 <kalev> yep, we did 18:07:08 <jkurik> thanks for the review 18:07:12 <adamw> #info we already made this accepted FE earlier 18:07:15 <adamw> thanks jkurik! 18:07:35 <adamw> same for 1490072 18:07:44 <adamw> #topic (1489184) ipa-dnskeysyncd fails in a loop in Fedora 27 ("pyasn1.error.PyAsn1Error: Uninitialized ASN.1 value ("__str__" attribute looked up)") 18:07:44 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1489184 18:07:44 <adamw> #info Proposed Freeze Exceptions, python-ldap, NEW 18:09:40 <kparal> +1 18:11:10 <adamw> yeah, this doesn't actually prevent freeipa passing the validation tests but it's obviously bad to have it happening constantly on the server (and probably does brea ksome features) 18:11:11 <adamw> so +1 18:11:16 <pwhalen> +1 18:11:29 <kalev> +1 18:12:11 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1489184 - AcceptedFreezeException - this is a significant bug in a component shipped on the server DVD; it doesn't violate release criteria but it'd be good to have it fixed 18:12:51 <kparal> ack 18:12:52 <kalev> ack 18:13:36 <adamw> pwhalen: ack? 18:13:41 <pwhalen> ack 18:13:47 <pwhalen> sorry 18:14:41 <adamw> #agreed 1489184 - AcceptedFreezeException - this is a significant bug in a component shipped on the server DVD; it doesn't violate release criteria but it'd be good to have it fixed 18:14:41 <adamw> npnp 18:14:51 <adamw> #topic (1489604) AArch64 installations fail to boot using shimaa64.efi - 'Error reported: Unsupported' 18:14:51 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1489604 18:14:51 <adamw> #info Proposed Freeze Exceptions, shim-signed, NEW 18:15:20 <adamw> this is really the same as the x86_64 bug, i think 18:15:26 <kparal> +1 18:15:31 <adamw> oh wait 18:15:32 <kalev> +1 18:15:34 <adamw> no it's not... 18:15:41 <adamw> so yeah, +1 18:15:56 <nb> +1 18:16:10 <pwhalen> +1 18:16:30 <pwhalen> adamw, has anyone booted from the x86 version? 18:16:38 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1489604 - AcceptedFreezeException (Beta) - this breaks UEFI installs on aarch64, a non-release-blocking arch; obviously can't be fixed with an update, so clearly worth an FE 18:16:44 <nb> ack 18:16:44 <adamw> pwhalen: yeah. it works fine. 18:16:45 <kparal> ack 18:16:55 <adamw> pwhalen: i ran some tests of a custom 27 image with anaconda 27.20.1-3. 18:16:56 <pwhalen> ack 18:17:06 <adamw> #agreed 1489604 - AcceptedFreezeException (Beta) - this breaks UEFI installs on aarch64, a non-release-blocking arch; obviously can't be fixed with an update, so clearly worth an FE 18:17:10 <pwhalen> adamw, ok, thanks.. 18:18:59 <adamw> we already did 1488707 18:19:04 <adamw> so, let's go on to proposed final blockers 18:19:10 <adamw> #info moving onto proposed final blockers 18:19:39 <adamw> #topic (1490351) New version of gjs is available: 1.49.92 18:19:40 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1490351 18:19:40 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, gjs, NEW 18:20:16 <kparal> I didn't know Frantisek started working for us today :) 18:20:17 <kalev> it's largely the same as the gnome-shell crash we discussed earlier, and FE'd for Beta 18:21:13 <adamw> i dunno if this is the right bug to make the blocker, but the basic issue seems reasonable 18:21:28 <adamw> it'd seem more sensible to make one of the actual crasher bugs be the blocker 18:21:37 <kparal> the linked bug was rejected as a blocker 18:21:57 <kparal> and so it probably doesn't make sense to make this one a blocker 18:22:06 <kparal> FE, sure 18:25:24 <adamw> well, there seem to be more than one dependent bug 18:25:26 <adamw> er, linked 18:25:53 <adamw> and we only rejected 1456293 as a *beta* blocker, not final. 18:26:36 <adamw> i propose we ask folks to nominate specific functionality bugs as blockers, and we'll take it from there 18:27:00 <kparal> agreed 18:27:36 * kalev concurs. 18:28:36 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1490351 - RejectedBlocker (Final) - this bug is simply about the availability of a new version, that is not a reasonable candidate for blocker status. We will ask reporters to nominate actual functional bugs that are fixed by the new version as blockers, and we'll evaluate those on their merits 18:28:55 <kparal> ack 18:28:58 <kalev> ack 18:29:50 <pwhalen> ack 18:32:53 <adamw> #agreed 1490351 - RejectedBlocker (Final) - this bug is simply about the availability of a new version, that is not a reasonable candidate for blocker status. We will ask reporters to nominate actual functional bugs that are fixed by the new version as blockers, and we'll evaluate those on their merits 18:33:00 <adamw> #topic (1146232) no VM networking; 'default' network in the VM conflicts with 'default' network on the host 18:33:01 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1146232 18:33:01 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, libvirt, ASSIGNED 18:33:03 <adamw> oh christ, this one again 18:33:19 * adamw breaks the glass on the 1146232 Emergency Whisky cabinet 18:34:23 <adamw> what did we do with it last time? 18:34:28 <kparal> I knew you would be very happy :) 18:34:42 <kparal> we always removed libvirt dep from gnome-boxes and then added it back as an update 18:34:45 <mkolman> 99 bottles of whiskey on the wall... 18:34:45 <kalev> I remember cherry-picking an old adamw fix 18:34:47 <kparal> like 5 releases in a row 18:35:06 <kparal> well libvirt networking dep, to be exact 18:35:12 <kparal> so that it defaults to userspace networking 18:35:35 <adamw> yeah 18:36:15 <kparal> Cole claimed to finally fix it in F26 update 18:36:35 <kparal> it might not apply for existing F26 systems, I don't know 18:36:45 <kparal> that's why I installed from F26 from Live and not netinst 18:36:58 <kparal> either way, doesn't work 18:37:05 <adamw> well 18:37:16 <adamw> it makes sense that the installed f26 system takes the network 18:37:28 <adamw> because the check cole added is basically saying 'don't take that network if we're running live' 18:37:31 <adamw> which the installed system...isn't 18:37:42 <adamw> what i'm surprised by, is that the f27 live image should have the same fix and so shouldn't try to claim it... 18:38:01 <kparal> yes, that's why I'd expect 18:38:08 <adamw> unless the fix was only ever applied to f26 branch 18:38:11 * adamw looks 18:38:33 <kparal> doesn't really matter at this moment, I think 18:38:36 <kparal> +1 as always 18:38:56 <adamw> yeah...i think the branches diverged 18:39:16 <adamw> and the systemd unit tweak was never applied to f27+ 18:39:38 <adamw> still, as per #c78, the 'fix' only moves the problem out a bit...we think... 18:41:57 <adamw> this specific bug was never actually accepted as a blocker, it seems 18:42:01 <adamw> there must be another one 18:43:08 <adamw> kparal: can you remember what grounds we accepted this as a blocker on before? 18:43:11 <adamw> i don't see a criterion cited. 18:43:33 <kparal> virtualization needs to work? 18:43:42 <kparal> updates must work? 18:44:28 <kparal> we accepted https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1164492 18:45:23 <adamw> oh, and wait, we *did* accept this bug at one point, i just read the comment too quickly. 18:45:37 <kparal> we jumped before the two bugs 18:45:41 <kparal> *between 18:45:49 <adamw> i think for good reason 18:46:05 <adamw> 1146232 is kinda the underlying problem that we want (but still have not figured out) a permanent solution for 18:46:20 <adamw> we don't want to set that to ON_QA and then CLOSED because we just do the 'twiddle the dep' workaround for f27 18:46:38 <kparal> but now it has a "proper" fix 18:46:41 <adamw> it doesn't, though 18:46:43 <kparal> and has been closed already 18:46:50 <adamw> i agree with cole re #c78 18:46:55 <adamw> (now i think about it a bit more) 18:47:40 <kparal> ah, I missed that comment 18:47:45 <kparal> that would still be the same problem 18:48:54 <adamw> god, i hate dealing with this 18:49:05 <kparal> we don't need to come up with a solution 18:49:14 <adamw> i just hate dealing with the bureaucracy :P 18:49:18 <adamw> but do you agree on having a new bug again? 18:49:36 <kparal> I don't care 18:49:39 <adamw> hah 18:49:47 <adamw> you've been at the emergency whisky, i see 18:50:14 <kparal> it's not important which bug it accepted as long as it is fixed somehow 18:50:36 <kparal> it makes sense to use 1164492 again 18:50:41 <kparal> rather than 1146232 18:51:00 <kparal> because the current solution is clearly not good enough according to c78 18:51:01 <adamw> okay, let's do that 18:52:42 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1146232 - RejectedBlocker (Final) - we do actually think the problem here constitutes a blocker, but as with previous releases, we will make #1164492 the blocker as we may fix it with a short-term workaround rather than a real fix (again) 18:52:56 <adamw> (i have re-opened and proposed 1164492) 18:53:14 <adamw> or, we can do it all in one: 18:53:45 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1146232 - RejectedBlocker (Final), #1164492 - AcceptedBlocker (Final) - we think the problem here constitutes a blocker, but as with previous releases, we will make #1164492 the blocker as we may fix it with a short-term workaround rather than a real fix (again) 18:54:00 <kparal> kalev: any chance on, I don't know, dropping boxes? :) 18:54:16 <kparal> ack 18:55:29 <kparal> 5 minutes remaining 18:55:53 <pwhalen> ack 18:56:05 <adamw> i think we have one bug after this 18:56:09 <adamw> those acks are for the second proposal, right? 18:56:23 <kparal> but we seem to be lacking living souls 18:56:27 <kalev> kparal: not sure, I think several people on the workstation WG would like it to be on the default install 18:56:34 <kalev> ack 18:56:51 <kparal> I was just joking. I know boxes is well loved in workstation WG 18:57:27 <adamw> #agreed 1146232 - RejectedBlocker (Final), #1164492 - AcceptedBlocker (Final) - we think the problem here constitutes a blocker, but as with previous releases, we will make #1164492 the blocker as we may fix it with a short-term workaround rather than a real fix (again) 18:57:35 <adamw> #topic (1485021) rawhide .treeinfo is missing [images-xen] section. 18:57:35 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1485021 18:57:35 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, pungi, NEW 18:58:42 <adamw> -1, i386 isn't release blocking. 18:59:04 <adamw> (and i wouldn't really count this as violating the criterion even if it was x86_64, virt-install is a convenience thing, not *required* functionality...) 18:59:52 <kalev> -1 blocker, but maybe +1 FE? 19:00:11 <kparal> -1 19:01:33 <pwhalen> -1 19:03:22 <adamw> just -1 for now, i think, there's nothing clearly needing/deserving an FE here i don't think... 19:03:38 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1485021 - RejectedBlocker (Final) - this is specific to i686, which is no longer a release-blocking arch. 19:04:22 <kparal> ack 19:04:41 <pwhalen> ack 19:04:42 <kalev> ack 19:04:46 <adamw> #agreed 1485021 - RejectedBlocker (Final) - this is specific to i686, which is no longer a release-blocking arch. 19:05:17 <adamw> #info accepted blockers don't really need looking at, I'm tracking those 19:05:21 <adamw> #topic Open floor 19:05:29 <adamw> so we're a bit over time, but kalev had something for open floor and we said we'd look at it 19:05:31 <adamw> what was that, kalev? 19:06:37 <kparal> I was worried we'd scare him away, and he has an encore 19:06:43 <kalev> right, let me find the bug 19:06:53 <kalev> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1484086 19:07:18 <kalev> this is filed against F26, but we didn't get this fixed in F27 19:07:30 <kalev> and searching in gtk file dialogs is currently broken due to that 19:07:47 <kalev> opinions if it's worth fixing for F27 Beta? 19:08:22 <kparal> +1 FE for sure 19:08:31 <kparal> probably not blocker 19:08:53 <kparal> searching is used for history or as a full filesystem search? 19:09:26 <kalev> full filesystem search 19:09:54 <adamw> i mean, it's kinda a gues 19:09:55 <adamw> s 19:10:15 <kalev> ok, I'll get a fix lined up tomorrow and ping people on IRC for FE votes then 19:10:24 <kparal> not Beta blocker, imo. could be Final 19:10:27 <adamw> i have no idea how often people use that feature. i apparently don't ever, cos i'd never seen this bug till i intentionally tried it just now 19:10:39 <adamw> definitely feels more fe than blocker to me 19:10:47 * kalev nods. 19:10:50 <adamw> but it's always hard to make such calls without data 19:11:14 <kparal> the fix is new tracker, new gtk, or downgrade sqlite? 19:11:18 <adamw> oh for pete's sake 19:11:18 <kalev> new tracker 19:11:28 <adamw> as well as incorrectly claiming it was cancelled, did i also not actually send the announcement for this meeting? 19:11:30 * adamw fails at life 19:11:54 <kparal> adamw: it was all part of that one email :) 19:12:03 <kparal> if that's at least some consolation 19:12:04 <adamw> kparal: nah, i wrote an announcement for this meeting 19:12:13 <adamw> ...which i've just noticed has been sitting here in its composer window all weekend 19:12:14 <adamw> *sigh* 19:12:27 <kalev> anyway, that's all from me, just wanted to bring this up 19:12:30 <kparal> we can vote on FE right now if you prefer 19:12:34 <kalev> sure 19:12:45 <adamw> will the new tracker build include any other change? 19:12:47 <adamw> or just fix this? 19:13:59 <kparal> tracker updates can't make it worse 19:14:04 <kparal> it's an axiom 19:14:05 <kalev> so the reason why we haven't gotten the fix in F27 uet was because in upstream tracker got split into two projects, tracker+tracker-miners, and the fix is in the split release 19:14:21 <kalev> which we haven't gotten in Fedora yet because of the new package process overhead 19:14:51 <kalev> I was thinking of fixing it by just including the new tracker+tracker-miners upstream releases 19:15:01 <adamw> kparal: sure they could. it could eat *both* my cats. 19:15:28 <kparal> adamw: you deserve new ones, no? 19:15:29 <adamw> we generally ask for FE / blocker fixes to be *minimal* 19:15:31 <adamw> haha 19:15:58 <adamw> so...i think i'd probably prefer to vote on this when we have more certainty on what's being proposed to fix it 19:16:02 <adamw> kparal, wdyt? 19:16:20 <kalev> sure, makes sense 19:17:01 <kparal> ok 19:17:31 <adamw> #info kalev's 1484086 looks like a good FE candidate, but we'll delay voting on it till there's a clear fix proposal 19:17:35 <adamw> anything else for open floor? 19:18:04 <kparal> nope 19:18:06 <adamw> oh, one note, i'll be away next week 19:18:11 <adamw> so someone else will need to run the meeting 19:18:23 <adamw> i'll send out a mail about this at some point, and make sure all my stuff is covered 19:18:55 <kparal> good that you mention that. will you be away for one week? I heard something about 3 weeks 19:19:30 <adamw> yep, three weeks. i'll be checking in, though. 19:19:45 <kparal> pschindl will be the adamw impostor, I think 19:19:58 <adamw> for several things, yup 19:20:25 <kparal> 3 weeks, with nobody to reject my blocker proposals 19:20:32 <kparal> not sure how that's going to turn out 19:20:56 <adamw> haha 19:21:00 <adamw> i'll write a bot 19:21:42 <adamw> if blocker.proposed_by('kparal'): irc.write('.fire kparal nope'); blocker.reject(); isolation_device.activate() 19:22:08 <kparal> that could work 19:22:10 <adamw> =) 19:22:18 <adamw> thanks for coming, everyone 19:22:20 * adamw sets fuse 19:24:30 <adamw> see you all at the release party next week! (ahahaha. haha. ha.) 19:24:35 <adamw> #endmeeting