16:00:58 <jsmith> #startmeeting Fedora Board IRC Meeting 16:00:58 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Apr 26 16:00:58 2011 UTC. The chair is jsmith. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:58 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:01:04 <jsmith> #meetingname Fedora Board 16:01:04 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_board' 16:01:41 <jsmith> #chair jsmith rdieter kital spot jreznik_n900 jds2001 smooge_pto 16:01:41 <zodbot> Current chairs: jds2001 jreznik_n900 jsmith kital rdieter smooge_pto spot 16:01:52 <jsmith> #topic Roll Call (for board members) 16:01:54 <rdieter> yo 16:01:56 * jsmith is here 16:02:23 <kital> Joerg Simon 16:02:39 <zodbot> Announcement from my owner (jsmith): Fedora Board Public IRC Meeting in #fedora-board-meeting... all Fedora enthusiasts welcome! 16:02:55 <jsmith> Hmmmmn... not quite at a quorum yet 16:03:06 <jsmith> I know Toshio is on vacation 16:03:15 <jsmith> and Stephen Smoogen is out sick today 16:03:25 <kital> we need 5 votes ? 16:04:00 <rdieter> believe so 16:04:03 <jsmith> Dave Nalley said he'd be a few minutes late 16:04:32 * jreznik_n900 is here too 16:04:40 <jsmith> #info jsmith, rdieter, spot, kital, jreznik present 16:05:11 <jsmith> #info Toshio on vacation, Smooge is out sick 16:05:25 <jsmith> #topic Updates 16:05:35 * jds2001 here 16:05:43 <jsmith> #info jds2001 also here :-) 16:06:15 <jsmith> Just a quick reminder to check the schedule, and help out with the bugs on the blocker list if you have some free time 16:06:35 <jsmith> The QA team has been leading weekly blocker meetings, and they've been pretty long meetings 16:06:54 <jsmith> There are quite a number of bugs on the blocker lists, so please dive in and help get that list cleaned up 16:07:47 <bckurera_> c 16:08:12 <jsmith> Also please remember that there are some significant changes to our translation and localization efforts this release, so if you're a package maintainer, please make sure you understand how to pull translated strings from Transifex.net 16:08:18 <jsmith> (see the wiki for more details) 16:08:36 <jsmith> Anybody have any other updates of importance before we move on to Board business? 16:09:44 <jsmith> #topic New spins/images approval proposal 16:10:04 <jsmith> Ok, first item on the agenda is the new spins/images approval proposal that has been discussed for the past few weeks 16:10:32 <jsmith> We've received some limited feedback on the advisory-board list, and most of it centered on details of the proposal 16:10:50 <jsmith> I have heard anybody who is against the proposal as it stands 16:11:07 <jsmith> Any further discussion warranted before we take a vote? 16:11:07 <rdieter> ... have not... I assume. :) 16:11:18 <jsmith> s/have/have not/ 16:11:21 <kital> I have heard anybody who is against? 16:11:26 <kital> ah ok 16:11:27 * jsmith can't type today 16:11:38 <rdieter> vote++ 16:11:39 <jsmith> I *have not* heard anybody who is against it outright. 16:11:51 <jsmith> OK, let's vote :-) 16:11:53 <jsmith> +1 from me 16:11:55 <rdieter> +1 16:12:01 <spot> +1 16:12:14 <kital> jsmith: can you please post the link again? 16:12:24 <jsmith> kital: I was just trying to dig it up :-) 16:13:12 <jds2001> +1 16:13:22 <jsmith> #info proposal is at http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/advisory-board/2011-April/010634.html 16:13:23 <kital> we do not confuse this link with spins? http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/advisory-board/2011-April/010634.html 16:13:28 <kital> ? 16:13:54 <kital> ah i was confused because there is written SIGĀ“s not SPINS 16:13:57 <kital> sorry 16:14:14 <jsmith> kital: It's more direct involvement from the SIGs with regards to the way Spins/Images are approved 16:14:16 <jds2001> well, there are multiple sigs who give input into the spin 16:14:28 <kital> understood 16:14:30 <jsmith> There are also two further clarifications worth mentioning 16:14:32 <kital> +1 from me 16:14:59 <gholms|work> ? 16:14:59 <jsmith> 1) This proposal supercedes the "Media Handout Requirements" page on the wiki, which will be done away with if this proposal is agreed upon 16:15:24 <jsmith> 2) This proposal *only* applies to spins/images of software media. This does not apply to non-software goods, chicken sandwiches, etc. 16:15:31 <jsmith> => gholms|work 16:15:39 * rdieter wants a fedora sandwich, nom nom 16:15:47 <gholms|work> Looking for clarification here: 16:16:35 <gholms|work> If an ISV that is outside of Fedora wants to distribute a Fedora image that would satisfy the current trademark rules, would the process be the same as those for a SIG? 16:16:56 <jds2001> if they want Fedora branding, yes. 16:16:57 <gholms|work> e.g. Ask the board for a list of SIGs, get approval from the SIGs, the go back to the board? 16:17:08 <jsmith> gholms|work: Yes -- it would still need approval from the various SIGs (spins, design, QA, etc.) 16:17:41 <spot> gholms|work: although, to be fair, we plan to document the "list of SIGs", so you won't have to ask the board for that. 16:18:10 <gholms|work> But said list of SIGs may not be relevant to every image people want to distribute. 16:18:24 <gholms|work> The example I always use: EC2 images 16:18:34 <spot> gholms|work: yep, and if so, the irrelevant SIG will say "nothing needed from us" 16:18:40 <gholms|work> Okee dokee. 16:18:50 <gholms|work> As long as it's clear that both Fedora SIGs and external entities need to follow the same rules that's all I ask. Thanks. 16:19:01 <gholms|work> s/rules/procedures/ 16:19:10 <jsmith> gholms|work: Yes, that's the intent here 16:19:30 <jsmith> Other questions, comments, or concerns? 16:19:43 <spot> gholms|work: worth noting that Red Hat could slap the Fedora mark on things without following this process, although, as the person at Red Hat who would be involved in that, I commit to never doing that. 16:19:49 <jds2001> anyone who wishes to distribute with the Fedora trademarks needs to do this. 16:20:11 <gholms|work> spot: Of course 16:20:16 <jds2001> of course, if they want to do a remix, no approval is required. 16:20:26 <kital> jds2001: is this not covered by http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Distribution/LocalVendors ? 16:20:35 <kital> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Distribution/OnlineVendors ? 16:21:07 <jds2001> kital: we may be talking past each other - they dont make new things, they just redistribute our images. 16:21:21 <jsmith> kital: Local vendors are making copies of approved spins/images, whereas this proposal is for the initial trademark approval for the spins/images in the first place 16:21:22 <jds2001> this is about making hte image to begin with. 16:22:23 <kital> jds2001: yep clear - is that not what "ISV that is outside of Fedora wants to distribute a Fedora image that would satisfy the current trademark rules" meant ? 16:22:32 <gholms|work> ! 16:23:12 <jsmith> => gholms|work 16:23:57 <gholms|work> kital: I refer to someone outside of Fedora who wants to make his or her own image out of all Fedora packages, while those pages refer to people who just preload stock Fedora onto things. 16:24:43 <kital> yeah i can imagine to avoid something like this in the future ;) http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_gQ4q3hjYrFQ/SYRp5dZz0pI/AAAAAAAAAa8/mH_zBAaGbeU/s1600-h/osmb1.jpg 16:24:47 <kital> understood 16:25:17 <jds2001> ouch 16:26:01 <jsmith> Any other questions, comments, or concerns? 16:26:48 <jsmith> jreznik_n900: Did you want to vote? (or did I miss your vote in there?) 16:27:35 <jreznik_n900> jsmith, sorry, Im from n900 16:27:42 <jreznik_n900> +1 16:27:58 <jsmith> No problems... just wanted to make sure you had a chance to vote 16:28:12 * jsmith will wait a few more seconds for comments 16:29:27 <jsmith> #agreed The spins/images proposal is unanimously agreed to 16:29:47 <jsmith> #topic Discussion of Community Working Group proposed text 16:30:11 <jsmith> #info Information and links to drafts are at http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/advisory-board/2011-April/010642.html 16:30:40 <jsmith> Robyn Bergeron from the CWG emailed the advisory-board list with links to the updated text, and asked for input from the Board 16:31:00 <jsmith> We discussed this very briefly in last week's Board meeting, and asked all Board members to read the text and be ready to discuss 16:31:09 <rdieter> looks pretty swell to me 16:31:09 <jsmith> There's also been some feedback on the advisory-board mailing list 16:31:20 * jds2001 has no issue with the CoC draft, and that didnt seem to be contentious. 16:31:30 <jds2001> but the enforcement did. 16:31:37 <rdieter> though some contention was found in the text: The final decision takes place with the Fedora Board, or the long term delegate of their choosing. 16:31:53 <jsmith> My own personal concerns echo those expressed on the mailing list -- enforcement should probably not be delegated, at least for serious offenses 16:32:13 <jsmith> I have no issues whatsoever with the Code of Conduct draft 16:32:15 * spot sees no reason why enforcement should be delegated at this time 16:32:27 <rdieter> let's just stike the delegate piece then 16:32:46 <rdieter> in practice, an recommendation will likely be made, and the board will act on it 16:33:03 <jds2001> recommendation by whom? 16:33:16 <jds2001> is the CWG dissolved or not? How is it made up? 16:33:19 <rdieter> cwg or mail list admins, or those involved 16:33:48 <rdieter> these documents don't really delve into cwg continuing or not 16:33:55 <jsmith> jds2001: I think that's probably a topic for another Board meeting 16:34:34 <rdieter> jsmith: +1 16:34:36 * jreznik_n900 still does not understand the need for cwg, CoC makes sense 16:35:27 <jsmith> jreznik_n900: Initially we created the CWG to help define the CoC and explore ideas for conflict resolution 16:35:42 <jsmith> jreznik_n900: We agreed to re-visit the topic of the long-term of the CWG at a later date 16:36:07 <EvilBob> ! 16:36:19 <jsmith> => EvilBob 16:36:26 <EvilBob> Just from the COmmunity POV, this is rarely going to be needed anyhow 16:36:32 <jsmith> EvilBob: Very good point. 16:36:34 <rdieter> true 16:36:37 <EvilBob> a couple times a year if that? 16:36:48 <jds2001> EvilBob: hopefully not that often 16:36:52 <jreznik_n900> too many 16:36:54 <EvilBob> The board should IMO beable to handle things as needed. 16:37:05 <kital> jsmith: +1 enforcement should probably not be delegated 16:37:06 <EvilBob> EOF 16:37:09 <jsmith> We're lucky in that we don't have a lot of mediation needed, which in my mind lessens the need for a full-time CWG 16:37:13 <EvilBob> ! 16:37:20 <jsmith> => EvilBob 16:37:43 <jsmith> The Board and FPL should easily be able to handle things at their current rate 16:38:02 <EvilBob> Plus the board is at least partially elected, the CWG is not at this point so it will be more welcome from the community. We have a say a little bit 16:38:12 <red_alert> ? 16:38:18 <EvilBob> EOF 16:38:27 <jsmith> => red_alert 16:39:15 <red_alert> so should only "the final decision" take place with the board or should the complete last section be changed s/CWG/Board/ ? 16:39:16 <rdieter> otoh, I'm not sure a vote/popularity-contest is necessarily the best way to choose members of something like a cwg 16:39:50 <red_alert> (EOF) 16:40:59 <rdieter> EvilBob: though if there are concerns moving forward, we could consider some sort of confidence vote or ratification process, but I hope we can agree we're going a bit far in doing so 16:42:06 <EvilBob> If there is to be true transparency and community involvement then there should be exactly that 16:42:09 <rdieter> red_alert: I'd say just stick with: The final decision takes place with the Fedora Board (and strike the stuff after that) 16:42:20 <kital> i think if things are going so bad that a person got excluded from the whole project it should be fpl+board decission 16:42:35 <jreznik_n900> kital, +1 16:42:38 <jsmith> kital: +1 16:42:43 <jds2001> kital: +1 16:43:28 <jreznik_n900> it is very sensitive and I prefer smaller group to do the decision in one place 16:43:39 <rdieter> EvilBob: so taking enforcement out of the picture, were there other concerns about the cwg member... validity or transparency or ... ? 16:44:32 <kital> rdieter: i am fine with appointments as long as there is a good balance between engineering, ambassadors, design, infrastructure ... and good soft skills in problem solving :) 16:45:08 <rdieter> people skills are probably the most important here. :) 16:45:29 <kital> oh yes! 16:45:48 <Haowei> +1, esp for ambassadors 16:45:58 <EvilBob> rdieter: In Fedora there is a lot of talk about "community" I am sure others would agree that the community should have direct involvement. After all there is enough bad blood at times between contributors and the project or Red Hat no need to add to that. 16:48:46 <rdieter> EvilBob: what I'm getting at, is there or would there be distrust of cwg? If so, why? what could we do about it? 16:48:47 <EvilBob> any time there is an "appointment" people, including myself, get a little more bent 16:49:22 <rdieter> on the one hand, the board is trusted? or not? (if not, we have bigger problems) 16:50:00 <rdieter> If so, why not trust their judgement to do the right thing, and make appointments for the greater good? 16:50:15 <EvilBob> The board is at least partially elected as I mentioned so there is trust I believe 16:50:55 <kital> Haowei: in Ambassadors we have already https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassador_dispute_resolution 16:51:28 <rdieter> I mean, we went very much out of my way to recruit 'community' for cwg membership nominations 16:52:09 <EvilBob> I disagree with the "popularity contest" analogy, I have never voted for people on the board just based on popularity, hell I have even voted for people I don't like... because they are good for Fedora. 16:52:36 <rdieter> EvilBob: we can't have votes for everything though 16:52:37 <EvilBob> Maybe I am odd in that way 16:52:43 <rdieter> community votes 16:53:06 <EvilBob> rdieter: then again some could say the Project does not need the community at all 16:53:20 <EvilBob> rdieter: "Take back your Distro" 16:53:23 <Haowei> kital: that is for ambassador distribution or mentors of ambassadors? 16:53:33 <rdieter> not sure what that has to do with the issue at hand, not directly anyway 16:53:57 <inode0> ? 16:53:58 <rdieter> perhaps there is no direct solution 16:53:58 <EvilBob> I could repeat what I already said 16:54:09 <EvilBob> If there is to be true transparency and community involvement then there should be exactly that 16:54:46 <jsmith> => inode0 16:54:49 <rdieter> I would assert that transparency and community involvement is achieved already (to a large extent here) 16:54:53 <inode0> Would like clarity about the question red_alert asked, should the CWG be mentioned in the final section of the enforcement draft? 16:55:07 <kital> Haowei: pm 16:55:26 <EvilBob> I don't really have anything more to add, I said my bit, my opinion on it. 16:55:31 <jsmith> inode0: Personally, I'm fine with that proposal 16:55:39 <jsmith> What do other Board members think? 16:55:45 * jds2001 is fine with it 16:55:52 <rdieter> fine +1 16:56:15 <inode0> fine with what exactly? the last section as proposed? 16:56:28 <jds2001> inode0: removing the CWG reference. 16:56:30 <jsmith> inode0: Fine with replacing CWG with Board, sorry if I wasn't clear 16:56:36 <inode0> oh, ok 16:56:44 <spot> =1 16:56:46 <spot> err +1 16:57:00 <kital> +q 16:57:02 <jreznik_n900> ok 16:57:04 <kital> ah +1 16:57:05 <inode0> EOF 16:57:11 <jreznik_n900> +1 16:57:34 <jsmith> Any other questions or concerns regarding the text of the two documents (Code of Conduct and Enforcement)? 16:58:35 * kital is not a english speaker but is enforcement not a violent term? 16:59:07 <EvilBob> kital: IMO not really 16:59:13 <jsmith> kital: Not really... enforcement means "making sure the rules are followed"... it doesn't have a violent connotation that I'm aware of 16:59:13 <kital> ok then 17:00:04 * Haowei seems learn some English words information from Fedora Board meeting? 17:00:44 <EvilBob> Haowei: it's hard, English has so many words that mean multiple things 17:00:51 <jsmith> OK, if there are no other questions or concerns on the draft text, I propose that we send our feedback back to the CWG, have them change the text, give one more week for additional feedback, and then vote on the text in our next meeting. 17:01:10 <jds2001> jsmith: +1 17:01:57 <kital> +1 17:02:10 <Haowei> EvilBob, if we could do that day by day, why not? ^v^ 17:02:24 <spot> +1 17:02:28 <rdieter> +1 , though I think another week is probably not needed, but meh. 17:02:31 <jreznik_n900> ok, +1 17:03:25 <jsmith> rdieter: I just want to make sure people have time to comment after changes to the text. 17:03:38 <jsmith> rdieter: Nothing more frustrating than seeing a change and a vote without time to comment on said changes. 17:04:06 <jsmith> #agreed Board to send its recommendations to CWG, and vote on updated text at next meeting 17:04:29 <jsmith> #topic Next meeting 17:05:02 <jsmith> Ordinarily, our next meeting would be next Tuesday at 16:00 UTC 17:05:18 <jsmith> That's during the Red Hat Summit, and I know several Board members will be there 17:05:24 * jds2001 will be traveling to the summit at that time. 17:05:29 <jsmith> (myself included) 17:05:38 <jsmith> Do we want to still try to have a meeting next week, or postpone? 17:06:24 <rdieter> postpone I'd say 17:07:25 <jsmith> Ok, I see a proposal on the table to postpone the next Board meeting until May 10th. 17:07:38 <jsmith> ACK/NACK/patch? 17:08:22 <kital> ok for me 17:08:27 <jreznik_n900> ack 17:08:50 <jsmith> OK, looks like we're agreed then 17:08:59 <kital> ;) 17:09:01 <jsmith> #agreed Next Board meeting (phone meeting) on May 10 17:09:08 <jsmith> #topic Any other business? 17:10:10 <kital> can we make the day having more hours ;) - my time management is horrible these days 17:10:57 <rdieter> +1 17:11:18 <jsmith> I'll leave the meeting open for another minute or two, and then if there are no further questions or comments, I move that we adjourn. 17:11:18 * Haowei wait for kital more than 3 days before catch him here today 17:11:45 * kital takes the blame for that 17:12:39 <jsmith> Thanks everyone for joining us for the meeting today 17:12:50 <kital> thanks jsmith for chairing 17:12:53 <jsmith> As always, feel free to bring up questions, concerns, comments, and complaints to the advisory-board list 17:13:03 <jsmith> #endmeeting