#fedora-bugzappers: Fedora 12 Alpha Blocker bug review
Meeting started by jlaska at 15:13:25 UTC. The full
logs are available.
Meeting log
- gaining critical mass (jlaska-15:13:34)
- https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=516941
- AGREED: 516941 - no new updates, still awaiting retest request
from jkeating against kernel-2.6.31-
- IDEA: QUESTION - Should bug verification happen from the
NEEDSRETESTING keyword ... or against any MODIFIED bugs on a blocker
list (jlaska-15:27:38)
- https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=517171
- AGREED: 517171 - Awaiting new anaconda-12.15 to land in rawhide to
confirm fix (jlaska-15:29:48)
- https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=517475
- ACTION: jlaska to request additional feedback on the impact to
Fedora users in 517475 (jlaska-15:36:42)
- <insert your alpha blocker here> (jlaska-15:39:38)
Meeting ended at 15:46:33 UTC.
Action Items
- jlaska to request additional feedback on the impact to Fedora users in
Action Items, by person
- jlaska
- jlaska to request additional feedback on the impact to Fedora users
in 517475
People Present (lines said)
- jlaska (79)
- poelcat (11)
- rjune_wrk (6)
- bugbot (3)
- stickster (1)
- mclasen (1)
- jeff_hann (1)
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