16:00:51 <poelcat> #startmeeting Fedora 14 Beta Blocker Review
16:00:51 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Sep  3 16:00:51 2010 UTC.  The chair is poelcat. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
16:00:51 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
16:00:59 <poelcat> #chair jlaska adamw
16:00:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw jlaska poelcat
16:01:16 <poelcat> who is hear for the F14 Beta Block Party?
16:01:21 <poelcat> s/hear/here
16:01:31 * jlaska 
16:01:41 <jlaska> </captain_obvious>
16:02:17 * skvidal just came by to make sure there was nothing he had to fix asap
16:02:28 <adamw> skvidal: nope, just things you have to fix yesterday
16:02:39 <poelcat> lol
16:02:48 <poelcat> jlaska: did you announce in f-devel?
16:02:50 <skvidal> excellent
16:02:57 <jlaska> poelcat: I did
16:03:01 <poelcat> thanks
16:03:04 <poelcat> okay let's roll
16:03:16 <poelcat> #info attendees: jlaska adamw skvidal poelcat
16:03:39 <poelcat> #topic https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=621825
16:03:41 <buggbot> Bug 621825: medium, low, ---, tbzatek, NEW, [abrt] gnome-keyring-2.31.4-2.fc14: g_str_hash: Process /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
16:03:49 <poelcat> looks like it might already be fixed?
16:04:29 <adamw> that's on f14blocker, not f14beta?
16:04:37 * nirik is busy otherwise, but lurking if needed.
16:04:50 * maxamillion will mostly be lurking but wanted to try to partake in this meeting as much as possible while still attempting to get $dayjob done
16:05:03 <poelcat> adamw: looks like i pulled up the wrong list :-/
16:05:06 <adamw> heh
16:05:41 <jlaska> poelcat: wishful thinking?
16:05:49 <poelcat> #topic https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=565323
16:05:50 <buggbot> Bug 565323: medium, low, ---, dwalsh, ASSIGNED, SELinux is preventing /usr/bin/python "write" access      on sysctl.conf.
16:06:23 <adamw> so, what's the justification for this one as a beta blocker?
16:06:25 <poelcat> i thought all AVCs were a blocker?
16:06:42 * poelcat could be wrong too :)
16:07:01 <jlaska> we have it for the final ... "In most cases, there must be no SELinux 'AVC: denied' messages or abrt crash notifications on initial boot and subsequent login"
16:07:12 <poelcat> okay, my bad
16:07:33 <adamw> jlaska: indeed, note that only covers boot and login, though, not trying to add a network printer :)
16:07:49 <jlaska> adamw: right ... I gather that's the 'most cases' bit right?
16:08:03 <adamw> i expect it'll get fixed pretty fast, selinux issues usually do, but i don't think it's a blocker under current criteria
16:08:18 <poelcat> adamw: so move to final blocker or target?
16:08:20 <adamw> jlaska: the 'in most cases' is to let us wriggle out of the case where you have some bizarre bit of hardware that causes an avc most people won't see
16:08:27 <jlaska> adamw: agreed
16:08:30 <jlaska> +1 to F14Blocker
16:08:34 <adamw> poelcat: if it shows up just by booting and logging in, it's f14blocker
16:08:43 <adamw> if you have to do something else to trigger it, it's just target, i think
16:09:33 <poelcat> who wants to break the tie? jlaska vs. adamw
16:09:45 <poelcat> i guess i can
16:09:48 * adamw gets out light saber
16:10:14 <jlaska> I thought we were in agreement, F14Blocker, no?
16:10:22 <jlaska> or is adamw saying this is not a common use case?
16:10:46 <poelcat> i vote "blocker" I think adding a network printer is a common case
16:10:48 <adamw> jlaska: well, just what i said above - if you have to do something besides just boot and log in to cause the avc, it's not a blocker under the criterion
16:11:02 <jlaska> did we stipulate only boot and login somewhere
16:11:14 <jlaska> I thought we also included starting apps in the menu's etc...
16:11:27 <adamw> the main criterion was written right up there
16:11:40 <adamw> you cited it
16:11:42 <adamw> "In most cases, there must be no SELinux 'AVC: denied' messages or abrt crash notifications on initial boot and subsequent login"
16:11:59 <jlaska> heh, my own words to haunt me ... noooo oo   o
16:12:13 <adamw> it's basically a polish criterion, the point of it is that ugly 'stuff is broken!' notifications shouldn't pop up just by booting the system
16:12:20 <jlaska> so as written I agree that this doesn't meet the criteria
16:12:20 <poelcat> what about ammending that to say "... and common tasks using default package set" ?
16:12:34 <adamw> you could argue it for "All applications listed under the Applications menu must withstand a basic functionality test and not crash after a few minutes of normal use"
16:12:41 <adamw> that one's a bit fuzzy
16:13:12 <jlaska> adamw: we have some criteria in the final for those types of things
16:13:12 <poelcat> proposed #agreed https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=565323 move to f14target because it does not meet explicit blocker criteria
16:13:14 <buggbot> Bug 565323: medium, low, ---, dwalsh, ASSIGNED, SELinux is preventing /usr/bin/python "write" access      on sysctl.conf.
16:13:22 <poelcat> ack/nak ?
16:13:32 <adamw> poelcat: i'd want to be more explicit about 'common tasks', that's a very vague concept, but i can see where you're going
16:13:42 <adamw> i'd ack that for now
16:13:52 <poelcat> jlaska: ?
16:14:03 <poelcat> anyone else
16:14:27 <adamw> probably the easiest way to add it would be to add a 'no avc' stipulation to that criterion i just mentioned - "All applications listed under the Applications menu must withstand a basic functionality test and not crash after a few minutes of normal use"
16:14:37 <jlaska> poelcat: agreed
16:14:49 <jlaska> we have "#  All applications listed under the Applications menu must start successfully "
16:14:59 <adamw> but again it gets a bit hairy; in what circumstances? i'm not sure we'd want to guarantee you can never trigger an avc from any default installed gui app, that's pretty broad
16:15:00 <jlaska> perhaps adding '... and result in no AVC messages"
16:15:10 <jlaska> adamw: definitely
16:15:13 <adamw> jlaska: just *running* the tools in question don't cause the denial, AIUI
16:15:19 <adamw> so we'd have to define exactly what you can do with 'em
16:15:20 <jlaska> adamw: it shouldn't :)
16:15:24 <adamw> erf, i think we're out of scope :)
16:15:26 <jlaska> yup
16:15:28 <poelcat> we need to move on
16:15:39 <jlaska> MC ... take us to the next bz!
16:15:39 <adamw> so feel free to propose something more thought out as a criterion extension
16:15:43 <adamw> but for now it doesn't qualify
16:15:52 <poelcat> #agreed https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=565323 move to f14target because it does not meet explicit blocker criteria
16:15:53 <buggbot> Bug 565323: medium, low, ---, dwalsh, ASSIGNED, SELinux is preventing /usr/bin/python "write" access      on sysctl.conf.
16:16:04 * adamw will bug secretary
16:16:10 <poelcat> #topic https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=618504
16:16:11 <buggbot> Bug 618504: medium, low, ---, enrico.scholz, NEW, Cannot submit abrt bugs
16:17:01 <poelcat> no info since last time
16:17:23 <adamw> yeah
16:17:24 <jlaska> discussed last week, pending test results to determine if this affects all abrt
16:17:28 <poelcat> what is an appropriate nagging method?
16:17:30 <jlaska> I think that's where we left it
16:17:36 <adamw> did we assign someone to test this? was it me? :P
16:17:48 * adamw has submitted several bugs via abrt over the last week...
16:17:55 <adamw> it seems to be working for me anyway
16:18:21 <jlaska> adamw: it was an open-ended test request iirc
16:18:32 <poelcat> i used it to reopen the selinxu bug we just discussed
16:18:38 <poelcat> so i WORKSFORME
16:18:52 <poelcat> close as such if working for > 1 person ?
16:19:04 * jlaska about to login to f14 desktop
16:19:16 <poelcat> bug can always be reopened
16:19:32 <adamw> i think we should leave it open as discussion seems to indicate there's really a bug here
16:19:46 <adamw> but we need more info on what the circumstances required to trigger the bug are, and it doesn't feel like a blocker to me at present\
16:19:49 <jsmith> I don't mind leaving it open -- I'm just not sure it's a blocker
16:19:58 <poelcat> adamw: okay, next action(s)?
16:20:01 <jlaska> 3rd strike will be next week then
16:20:11 <jsmith> NEEDMOREINFO
16:20:12 <poelcat> jlaska: great idea
16:20:21 <adamw> i'd say leave it open to next week, re-evaluate based on any added info, if we don't get any, drop to target
16:20:33 <jlaska> +1
16:20:40 <poelcat> proposed #action https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=618504 no feedback from reporter, wait one more week and drop at next meeting if no feedback
16:20:41 <buggbot> Bug 618504: medium, low, ---, enrico.scholz, NEW, Cannot submit abrt bugs
16:20:46 <poelcat> ack/nak
16:20:57 <jsmith> ACK
16:20:58 <adamw> ack
16:21:08 <poelcat> #action https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=618504 no feedback from reporter, wait one more week and drop at next meeting if no feedback
16:21:09 <buggbot> Bug 618504: medium, low, ---, enrico.scholz, NEW, Cannot submit abrt bugs
16:21:19 <poelcat> #topic https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=621027
16:21:20 <buggbot> Bug 621027: medium, low, ---, tcallawa, NEW, Graphical screen in anaconda shows F-13
16:21:43 <adamw> that darned cranes...:)
16:22:19 <adamw> cmaska: i believe the artwork criteria are on your todo?
16:22:28 <poelcat> adamw: you're updating comments/actions as we go, correct?
16:22:31 <adamw> yes
16:22:32 <jlaska> it is ... I've had no feedback yet from the design-team
16:22:37 <poelcat> adamw: thank you!
16:22:48 <jlaska> so I'll make something up, repost for final review next week
16:22:50 <adamw> mairin is all over my blog comments at the moment so she's got no excuse ;)
16:23:17 <adamw> we could try and snag her, she's in -devel
16:23:18 <jlaska> I missed the design team meeting this week, but I wanted ot raise it for thoughts there
16:23:41 <jsmith> I've heard her talk about having that stuff on her plate, but I think she's for having a generic set of images for alpha/beta
16:23:58 * jlaska reached out to mizmo
16:24:11 <adamw> i thought we were generally going for generic images for alpha but proposed final ones for beta so we get some feedback
16:24:24 <adamw> just in case $WORLD hates our design
16:24:30 <adamw> hey mo
16:24:30 <jlaska> mizmo_: hi there, thanks for joining :)
16:24:34 <mizmo_> hiii :)
16:24:41 <jlaska> so ... we're talking about /topic bug
16:24:54 <jlaska> which has hilighted that we don't have good release criteria around fedora artwork
16:25:24 <jlaska> one proposal was to have generic release artwork available in Alpha, and the Final artwork available in Beta
16:25:58 <mizmo> so what we've discussed on the design team
16:26:02 <mizmo> bc of other issues
16:26:20 <mizmo> is that starting with f14 we're going to do more generic firstboot / syslinux / anaconda splashes
16:26:34 <mizmo> so they won't be tied to that releases theme, only the wallpaper will change drastically from release-to-release
16:26:53 <mizmo> (we might update the generic artwork once every 2 or 3 releases)
16:26:54 <mizmo> so
16:27:18 <mizmo> we'll have some generic 'Fedora alpha' 'Fedora beta' 'Fedora development' artwork that could be reused over and over
16:27:35 <mizmo> and plan to have the version number 'Fedora 14' artwork in during beta
16:27:47 <mizmo> if for some reason that isn't ready then the generic 'fedora beta' artwork could be used
16:27:50 <mizmo> how does that sound?
16:28:13 <jsmith> WORKSFORME
16:28:41 <adamw> fine by me...bottom line, what would be the minimum acceptable at beta stage, the proposed final wallpaper should be in and other graphics should have either no version number or correct version number?
16:28:47 <jlaska> sounds like we'll have criteria around having milestone specific artwork (alpha, beta, final) ... and then the release-specific artwork  in place by Final
16:29:05 <jlaska> ^^-->> note I list Final, not Beta.  You mentioned having it in Beta would be ideal, but not required
16:29:55 <mizmo> adamw, yep
16:30:06 <adamw> ok
16:30:14 <jlaska> so based on this working definition ... I believe that makes #topic bug a valid Beta blocker
16:30:14 <mizmo> jlaska, exactly. try to have it in by beta but not a huge issue if it doesn't make it
16:30:20 <jlaska> mizmo: okay, thanks
16:30:24 <adamw> so under that proposal, the bug in question would indeed be a beta blocker, because we have artwork with a wrong version number
16:30:28 <adamw> jlaska: snap :)
16:30:36 <jlaska> adamw: take it away my good man
16:31:23 * jsmith still thinks it would be ideal to have a script that adds the proper version number to a generic set of images
16:31:24 <poelcat> adamw: can you #action the next steps?
16:31:28 <adamw> propose: #agreed tentatively accept #621027 as a beta blocker under mizmo's outlined proposal, write up a criterion for approval on list
16:31:43 <poelcat> ack
16:31:55 <adamw> jsmith: i think the idea is to do that, but with completely unversioned images as a worst-case fallback if that goes wrong somehow...
16:31:55 <jlaska> I can take the criteria draft based on mizmo's feedback
16:31:59 <adamw> ok cool
16:32:07 <mizmo> jsmith, ++ we can mark the # in inkscape and write python script to change it but 'alpha' 'beta' 'develoment' would have to be done by hand since they are longer than a #
16:32:23 <adamw> #agreed tentatively accept #621027 as a beta blocker under mizmo's outlined plan
16:32:34 <adamw> #action jlaska to draft release criteria based on mizmo's outline
16:32:34 <jlaska> #action jlaska - propose wiki artwork criteria additions based on mizmo feedback
16:32:37 <adamw> heh
16:32:37 <jlaska> #undo
16:32:37 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x1891f8d0>
16:32:41 <adamw> got it in stereo!
16:32:51 <jlaska> success!  I'm no longer needed here :)
16:33:02 <jlaska> adamw: assign them to cranes, I'll be at the beach
16:33:33 <poelcat> #topic https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=623524
16:33:34 <buggbot> Bug 623524: medium, low, ---, anaconda-maint-list, NEW, Err during filesystem check after upgrading bootloader
16:33:36 * jsmith kicks sand on jlaska's beach towel
16:33:43 <poelcat> thanks mizmo
16:34:56 <jlaska> jsmith: hey man, blocking my sun!
16:35:19 <adamw> we accepted this as a blocker last week, looks like it still needs info though, so i pinged hurry
16:35:35 <jsmith> jlaska: Are you calling me fat?
16:35:41 <jlaska> adamw: need me to follow-up with mingtao on this?
16:35:41 <poelcat> oh my
16:35:59 <jsmith> poelcat: Sorry --- just had to give jlaska a bad time
16:35:59 <jlaska> jsmith: oh no you didn't
16:36:32 <adamw> coming up - is jsmith jlaska's baby daddy? find out after these messsages
16:36:42 <poelcat> LOL
16:37:04 <jlaska> adamw: that's it ... you get the 'final thought' for todays meeting again
16:37:06 * jsmith changes the channel
16:37:08 <adamw> =)
16:37:18 <jlaska> okay ... continuing on ...
16:37:29 <poelcat> proposed #action https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=623524 jlaska to ping for more info
16:37:30 <buggbot> Bug 623524: medium, low, ---, anaconda-maint-list, NEW, Err during filesystem check after upgrading bootloader
16:37:32 <poelcat> ack/nak
16:37:32 <adamw> jlaska: well i just posted the ping, so maybe give it a day
16:37:37 <adamw> but yeah, that's good
16:37:38 <jlaska> adamw: okay
16:37:50 <jlaska> they're both fast responders ... so we should have info soon
16:38:00 <poelcat> #action https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=623524 conintuing to wait for more info
16:38:01 <buggbot> Bug 623524: medium, low, ---, anaconda-maint-list, NEW, Err during filesystem check after upgrading bootloader
16:38:12 <poelcat> #topic https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=624971
16:38:13 <buggbot> Bug 624971: medium, low, ---, anaconda-maint-list, NEW, Kernel argument with "UUID=" is not honored
16:38:29 <jlaska> "The installer must be able to successfully complete an upgrade installation from a clean, fully updated default installation of the previous stable Fedora release, either via preupgrade or by booting to the installer manually "
16:38:36 <jlaska> this was a blocker for the preupgrade test day :(
16:38:49 <jlaska> there is a new anaconda in the works, and pending testing that is supposed to resolve this issue
16:39:01 <jlaska> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/anaconda-14.17-1.fc14
16:39:06 <adamw> +1 blocker
16:39:52 <adamw> guess we don't need much else here
16:39:54 <jlaska> no objections here
16:40:36 <poelcat> proposed #action https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=624971 accepted blocker hopefully resolved by new package
16:40:37 <buggbot> Bug 624971: medium, low, ---, anaconda-maint-list, NEW, Kernel argument with "UUID=" is not honored
16:40:39 <poelcat> ack/nak
16:40:40 <adamw> ack
16:40:52 <jlaska> ack ack
16:40:55 <poelcat> #action https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=624971 accepted blocker hopefully resolved by new package
16:40:56 <buggbot> Bug 624971: medium, low, ---, anaconda-maint-list, NEW, Kernel argument with "UUID=" is not honored
16:41:08 <poelcat> #topic https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=627401
16:41:09 <buggbot> Bug 627401: medium, low, ---, clumens, ASSIGNED, please create systemd default.target symlink pointing to /lib/systemd/system/runlevelX.target instead of /etc/systemd/system/runlevelX.target
16:41:25 <jlaska> iirc, that's listed as fixed in the same anaconda bodhi update
16:41:43 <adamw> see the comments, it looks like the fix was incorrect
16:41:55 <jlaska> indeed, doh!
16:42:16 <jlaska> sounds like the requirments changed on this
16:42:29 <adamw> didn't change, it just wasn't entirely clear from the bug description
16:42:42 <adamw> they thought that both the location of the symlink and its target needed to be changed to lib
16:42:50 <adamw> in fact the symlink still needs to be in etc but its target moved to lib
16:43:15 <adamw> it's a clear blocker, anyway - without a fix you get a system that won't boot right
16:43:37 <jlaska> what's boot right? ... does it never present a graphical login?
16:44:03 <adamw> in the past if default.target wasn't there it'd just utterly fail to boot
16:44:19 <adamw> lennart may have made it more fault-tolerant now so maybe it goes to single user mode or something, i'm not entirely sure
16:44:39 <jlaska> thanks for the info
16:44:53 <adamw> but i'm pretty sure it would not get to graphical login or probably even a 'normal' console boot
16:44:54 <jlaska> either way, I agree ... not much folks will get out of the beta if this isn't correct
16:45:12 <jlaska> "When booting a system installed without a graphical environment, or when using a correct configuration setting to cause an installed system to boot in non-graphical mode, the system should provide a working login prompt without any user intervention (aside from the firstboot utility) when boot is complete, and all virtual consoles intended to provide a working login prompt should do so "
16:45:48 <adamw> and "In most cases, the installed system must boot to a functional graphical environment without user intervention"
16:45:52 <jlaska> we have Alpha criteria for the graphical login prompt
16:46:00 <adamw> yeah
16:46:04 <poelcat> proposed #agreed https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=627401 definite blocker, added as accepted blocker
16:46:05 <buggbot> Bug 627401: medium, low, ---, clumens, ON_QA, please create systemd default.target symlink pointing to /lib/systemd/system/runlevelX.target instead of /etc/systemd/system/runlevelX.target
16:46:07 <adamw> ack
16:46:08 <poelcat> ack/nak
16:46:21 <jlaska> ack
16:46:57 <jsmith> ACK
16:47:07 <poelcat> #agreed https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=627401 definite blocker, added as accepted blocker
16:47:08 <buggbot> Bug 627401: medium, low, ---, clumens, ON_QA, please create systemd default.target symlink pointing to /lib/systemd/system/runlevelX.target instead of /etc/systemd/system/runlevelX.target
16:47:16 <poelcat> #topic https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=628239
16:47:17 <buggbot> Bug 628239: medium, low, ---, anaconda-maint-list, NEW, Fedora 14 Alpha "reduced graphics" creates vesa-using xorg.conf but doesn't blacklist nouveau
16:47:41 * poelcat needs to run 5 min before top of the hour... carry on w/o me
16:48:01 <jsmith> poelcat: Will do :-)
16:48:18 <adamw> think we're near the end...
16:48:40 <adamw> this one's a bit confusing, i thought installing in basic graphics mode *did* write nomodeset to the kernel config, but that doesn't match up with the tester's experience
16:48:47 <adamw> we should probably test this one independently
16:48:57 <jsmith> Sounds like it to me as well
16:49:11 <jlaska> as for scope, this would impact any graphics uses who need to rely on the fallback vesa mode?
16:49:34 <jlaska> s/uses/users/
16:49:46 <adamw> yes, as described it would affect any radeon, intel or nvidia user who had to use basic graphics, the installed system would likely not be able to get to X
16:50:21 <adamw> we added an alpha criterion - "The graphical boot menu for all installation images should include an entry which causes both installation and the installed system to use a generic, highly compatible video driver (such as 'vesa'). This mechanism should work correctly, launching the installer and attempting to use the generic driver" - after the breakage of this in alpha
16:50:41 <jlaska> I thought this sounded familiar
16:50:43 <adamw> i note that i forgot to have that criterion state that the installed system must also be correctly configured with the vesa driver =)
16:50:59 <jsmith> adamw: Luckily, they aren't chiseled in stone :-p
16:51:12 <adamw> you mean i've been doing all this chiselling for *nothing*?!
16:51:25 <jlaska> adamw: oh umm, yeah sorry 'bout that
16:51:41 <poelcat> proposed #action https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=628239 accepted blocker
16:51:42 <buggbot> Bug 628239: medium, low, ---, anaconda-maint-list, NEW, Fedora 14 Alpha "reduced graphics" creates vesa-using xorg.conf but doesn't blacklist nouveau
16:51:43 <adamw> i think it's a logical extension of that criterion, so i'd propose we update the criterion, and if this bug is actually as described, it'd be a blocker
16:51:55 <jsmith> ACK
16:52:00 <jlaska> agreed on both points
16:52:05 <adamw> well, i'd like to confirm the bug before accepting it
16:52:13 <jlaska> so pending test results
16:52:15 <jlaska> ?
16:52:17 <adamw> but we can accept it tentatively while testing, sure
16:52:31 <poelcat> MODIFIED proposed #action https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=628239 propose update to criteria and then re-evaluate bug in light of critiera at next meeting
16:52:32 <buggbot> Bug 628239: medium, low, ---, anaconda-maint-list, NEW, Fedora 14 Alpha "reduced graphics" creates vesa-using xorg.conf but doesn't blacklist nouveau
16:52:38 <poelcat> ack/nak
16:52:41 <jsmith> ACK
16:52:59 <jlaska> ack away
16:53:09 <adamw> ack
16:53:09 <poelcat> #action https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=628239 propose update to criteria and then re-evaluate bug in light of critiera at next meeting
16:53:10 <buggbot> Bug 628239: medium, low, ---, anaconda-maint-list, NEW, Fedora 14 Alpha "reduced graphics" creates vesa-using xorg.conf but doesn't blacklist nouveau
16:53:22 <poelcat> #topic https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=629719
16:53:23 <buggbot> Bug 629719: medium, medium, ---, anaconda-maint-list, NEW, FormatCreateError: ('invalid device specification', '/dev/md127p3')
16:53:27 <poelcat> last one... go team!
16:53:52 <jlaska> so this appears to be BIOS RAID
16:54:08 <jlaska> which we have beta criteria for ...
16:54:11 <jlaska> "The installer must be able to create and install to software, hardware or BIOS RAID-0, RAID-1 or RAID-5 partitions for anything except /boot "
16:54:24 <adamw> #action adamw to update alpha criterion covering  vesa driver to cover installed system as well as installer
16:54:25 <jlaska> we'll need to circle back on the bz to check what type of BIOS RAID configuration is present
16:54:39 <adamw> yeah, but it seems like at least two people have hit this
16:54:50 <jsmith> Looks likie a blocker to me
16:54:55 <jlaska> "2 RAID1 disks" ... so that's a sane configuration
16:55:08 <adamw> yep, Ben specifies a covered configuration
16:55:15 <adamw> given that i'd say we should accept it for now
16:55:21 <poelcat> proposed #action https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=629719 accept as blocker
16:55:22 <buggbot> Bug 629719: medium, medium, ---, anaconda-maint-list, NEW, FormatCreateError: ('invalid device specification', '/dev/md127p3')
16:55:48 <jsmith> ack/nack
16:55:53 <adamw> he *did* stick his /boot on RAID which we say we don't support, but actually, that shouldn't break installation at that point, so i'd say it's irrelevant in this case
16:55:59 <adamw> ack
16:56:00 <jsmith> ACK
16:56:09 <poelcat> #action https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=629719 accept as blocker
16:56:10 <buggbot> Bug 629719: medium, medium, ---, anaconda-maint-list, NEW, FormatCreateError: ('invalid device specification', '/dev/md127p3')
16:56:16 <poelcat> #topic open discussion
16:56:21 <poelcat> great job... gotta run
16:56:25 <poelcat> i'll send recap later
16:56:26 <jsmith> Thanks again for all your hard works folks!
16:56:31 <jsmith> We couldn't do this without you!
16:56:34 <jlaska> question - is systemd settling down?
16:56:46 <jsmith> Seems to be, in my limited view
16:56:46 <jlaska> poelcat: thank you!
16:56:55 * jsmith hasn't run into any more problems with it
16:57:14 <jsmith> But I haven't done anything really crazy with it yet, either
16:57:15 <adamw> i'm not aware of any major bugs, though the backward compatibility stuff isn't all done yet
16:57:23 <adamw> thanks poelcat
16:57:42 <jlaska> Adamw's got a busy tuesday lined up to put it through the paces
16:57:59 <adamw> alternatively, i'll call in sick and go golfing
16:58:15 <adamw> possibly with cranes maska
16:58:31 <jlaska> that guy has a horrible slice
16:58:38 <jlaska> (and doesn't own clubs)
16:58:48 <jsmith> And never tips his caddy
16:58:56 <adamw> hehe
16:58:58 <jlaska> geez, the nerve
16:59:15 <adamw> oh, hey, while we're at it, i got an actual open discussion topic\
16:59:18 <adamw> lemme find the bug
16:59:19 <jlaska> alright ... well, same here ... I've not seen horrible results during normal use
16:59:32 <jsmith> adamw: Find away!
17:00:17 <adamw> damn, can't...the bug i'm thinking of is the bug for adding a boot menu entry for basic graphics driver to live images
17:00:32 <adamw> we basically agreed that they should have it just like the anaconda images do
17:00:43 <adamw> and i actually wrote the new alpha criterion to cover all images, including live
17:01:07 <adamw> so if we can semi-retroactively apply that new alpha criterion to f14 beta, live images not having a 'basic video driver' option should be a blocker
17:01:50 <adamw> aha, found it - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=608992
17:01:51 <buggbot> Bug 608992: medium, low, ---, dhuff, NEW, Add "Boot system with basic video driver" option at the initial screen
17:01:59 <jlaska> ah, I recall this
17:02:46 <jlaska> I think dhuff is only co-maintaining this package now?
17:03:11 * jlaska checks pkgdb
17:03:27 <jlaska> hmm, he's still listed as the owner
17:03:39 <jlaska> but a lot of others have commit access -- https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/acls/name/livecd-tools
17:03:59 <jlaska> we may just want to reach out to him so he understands the request/criteria etc...
17:04:01 <adamw> yeah, we could add some CCs
17:04:07 <jlaska> so this isn't lost in bz email spam land
17:04:12 <jsmith> Sounds like a good idea
17:04:17 <jlaska> I can ping him
17:04:25 <jsmith> Thanks jlaska
17:04:26 <adamw> what do you guys think of making this a beta blocker? am i being too creative with the retroactive criteria application? :)
17:04:38 <jsmith> adamw: No, I think it's important
17:04:51 <adamw> (we decided this should be an alpha blocker, but since the alpha was already done, i added it to the f15 alpha criteria, it's not technically in the f14 criteria)
17:05:10 <jsmith> Let's see if we can't get it done for the Beta
17:05:17 <adamw> ok...jlaska?
17:05:18 <jlaska> well, let's see what kind of work will be required
17:05:30 <adamw> it's not that bad, we've already looked at it
17:05:32 <jlaska> if there is significant resource contention/pushback ... we'll revisit
17:05:49 <adamw> it's really just adding a bootloader menu option, that's slightly 'weird' because it's not grub, but it's not actually complex or dangerous
17:06:10 <jlaska> so we should be in good shape then
17:06:14 <jlaska> I'll ping huff after the meeting
17:06:30 <adamw> we already have multiple bootloader menu options for the live image, all this needs is adding another one, which isn't a stretch.
17:06:32 <adamw> cool
17:06:44 <adamw> so, shall i make it a blocker? we can drop it later if we change our minds i guess.\
17:07:02 <jlaska> that'd be my suggestion, yeah
17:07:27 <jsmith> WORKSFORME
17:07:27 <adamw> ok
17:07:59 * jlaska pinged
17:08:06 <jlaska> alright ... #endmeeting time?
17:08:24 <jlaska> 60 seconds ...
17:08:31 * jlaska lights fuse
17:08:48 <adamw> ok, done
17:08:51 <adamw> endmeeting is good for me
17:09:07 <jlaska> thanks all, and thanks to poelcat for speeding us through the agenda :)
17:09:24 <jlaska> #endmeeting