16:09:54 <jlaska> #startmeeting F-14-Final Blocker Review Meeting - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/showdependencytree.cgi?id=F14Blocker&hide_resolved=1
16:09:54 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Oct 18 16:09:54 2010 UTC.  The chair is jlaska. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
16:09:54 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
16:10:18 <gholms|work> Maybe I should mention it now since it affects the minutes:
16:10:23 <jlaska> Okay everyone, thanks to clumens for the reminder, we have another blocker review scheduled for today to wrap things up prior to the RC
16:10:48 <gholms|work> Could you put bug summaries in the minutes somewhere?  It would make the meeting summary email a lot more useful.
16:11:00 <jlaska> we do that now
16:11:20 <gholms|work> You didn't last time.  Hence my request.  If you will then thanks.
16:11:20 <adamw> yo
16:11:22 <nirik> the topics just have the bug, not the title.
16:11:35 <jlaska> right ... we post #info and #action and #agreed where possible
16:11:53 <nirik> http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/f-14-blocker-review/f-14-blocker-review.2010-10-01-16.00.html
16:12:01 <jlaska> I'd like to not re-hash content that lives in the bug, but if there are specifics that you want to add to a bug, feel free to use #info
16:12:01 <gholms|work> Right, but that doesn't include the bug title.  Just bug numbers in the title isn't that helpful.
16:12:03 <nirik> if you could add the bug title to the #topics.
16:12:08 <nirik> that would be nice.
16:12:12 <gholms|work> ^ that
16:12:26 <jlaska> alright, I'll do that
16:12:30 <gholms|work> Thanks
16:12:49 <jlaska> waiting for more folks to join ... say hi to the logs ...
16:13:00 <saccia> hi! :-)
16:13:37 <jlaska> saccia: welcome
16:13:43 <jlaska> I see nirik, gholms|work ...
16:13:53 <jlaska> clumens: notting: Oxf13: adamw
16:13:56 <jlaska> anyone else?
16:14:05 <clumens> it'sa me
16:14:07 * red_alert 
16:14:25 <jlaska> hi red_alert
16:14:40 <red_alert> hi :)
16:15:38 <jlaska> alright, let's get started
16:15:44 <jlaska> see #topic for the URL I'll be working from
16:16:20 <jlaska> #topic https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=583906 - Backtrace in clearpart_gui when only uninitialized disks are found
16:16:22 <buggbot> Bug 583906: medium, low, ---, hdegoede, ASSIGNED, Backtrace in clearpart_gui when only uninitialized disks are found
16:17:07 <jlaska> looks like bcl and Hans replied in this issue since last meeting
16:17:18 <jlaska> we have a proposed patch (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/attachment.cgi?id=453762&action=diff)
16:17:33 <jlaska> clumens: bcl: has this been reviewed and accepted for the next installer build?
16:17:42 * clumens checks
16:18:33 * jlaska notes that based on feedback from the reporter, this is specific to BIOS RAID + Live install
16:18:33 <red_alert> the proposed patch does solve some issue, but not the actually reported issue
16:18:45 <clumens> jlaska: committed but not built
16:19:01 <adamw> so the reported bug is still present
16:19:03 <jlaska> clumens: bcl: what do you guys think about the latest feedback in the bug?
16:19:36 <jlaska> adamw: seems so, but this time it's specific to live installer I believe
16:19:47 <clumens> jlaska: from talking on friday, i think we all agreed that the traceback was certainly worth fixing, but it's unsure whether we can deal with the other problem.
16:19:55 <clumens> also i haven't had time to look at the latest
16:20:41 <jlaska> so I guess our first question ... does this meeting blocker criteria?
16:21:07 <jlaska> we don't currently distinguish partitioning issues between the live and media installs,
16:21:11 <jlaska> so I think this is covered by ...
16:21:13 <jlaska> "#  The installer must be able to create and install to any workable partition layout using any file system offered in a default installer configuration, LVM, software, hardware or BIOS RAID, or combination of the above "
16:21:46 <jlaska> I believe an exception would work if there was a reasonable workaround for this issue
16:22:05 <adamw> telling someone who's just downloaded one disc to go download another does kinda suck
16:22:11 <jlaska> clumens: bcl: who has the ball on this, are you guys continuing to work the issue with the reporter?  Is there more feedback that you need?
16:22:19 <jlaska> adamw: certainly not ideal, no
16:22:38 <jlaska> I'll test the live installer on my BIOS RAID setup after this
16:22:39 <bcl> re-syncing brain...
16:22:54 <jlaska> #action jlaska - retest BIOS RAID installs using Live image
16:23:43 <bcl> jlaska: test, its on f14-branch, the specific issue the last reporter had is likely a different issue (his RAID isn't showing up as a device)
16:24:14 <bcl> But the problem with no installable disks is fixed, it now display's the dialog if all disks are hidden.
16:24:21 <jlaska> bcl: so the traceback is resolved, and we should move the remaining problem into a new bug?
16:24:22 <adamw> bcl: just in case - 'last reporter' is red_alert
16:24:36 <jlaska> and red_alert is here if feedback is needed
16:25:02 <red_alert> bcl and I had some good IRC communication last Friday over this already :)
16:25:25 <bcl> right. He's added lsmod output, which I looked at, and didn't see anything obvious. He reported that DVD works, so its limit to livecd
16:25:56 <jlaska> I'll test live install on my BIOS RAID setup (and I can ask for more feedback from others with BIOS RAID)
16:25:59 <adamw> we did have problems with live image activating raid arrays and stuff before
16:25:59 <bcl> yes, I think the RAID not showing as a device is a separate bug.
16:26:15 <adamw> hans probably remembers more of the details, he'd be a good guy to check with on this one
16:26:25 <bcl> yep
16:26:41 <jlaska> while unfortunate, but if it turns out this is specific to a single setup/device, I think we need to consider moving it off the list
16:26:51 <adamw> yeah, let's wait till we have more testing though
16:26:53 <jlaska> but we'll need test feedback from other setups to confirm
16:26:56 <jlaska> yup
16:27:01 <jlaska> alright, so ... let's summarize
16:27:17 <jlaska> red_alert: do you want to file a new bug for your BIOS RAID device not showing up in live installer?
16:27:39 <jlaska> bcl: clumens: anything else you guys can do on this issue?
16:28:09 <red_alert> jlaska: can do if it helps
16:28:19 <jlaska> red_alert: yes please, I believe that was consensus so far
16:28:46 <bcl> given the current data, I don't think so. It needs to be narrowed down to see if it is a general issue or specific HW
16:28:53 <jlaska> proposed #agreed 583906 - original traceback has been resolved with patch, remaining missing BIOS RAID drive(s) will be tracked in a new bug
16:29:13 <clumens> i posted my one suggestion in the bug
16:29:21 <jlaska> proposed #action anyone with BIOS RAID, please help test BIOS RAID installs from Live image (583906)
16:29:25 <jlaska> ack/nak/patch?
16:29:35 <adamw> ack
16:29:55 <red_alert> oh, the bios raid is showing up in the specialized storage tab, btw...but clicking next gives no disks found - just to be precise here :)
16:29:58 <jlaska> red_alert: another test request from clumens for you in the bug
16:30:06 <jlaska> red_alert: aah, that's expected
16:30:36 <jlaska> red_alert: so even if you select BIOS raid under 'specialized storage', it's showing 'no disks found'?
16:30:51 <red_alert> I'll perform clumens latest suggestion just after the meeting
16:30:54 <jlaska> thanks
16:30:57 <jlaska> any other ack/nak?
16:31:32 <jlaska> alright, going with it
16:31:34 <jlaska> #agreed 583906 - original traceback has been resolved with patch, remaining missing BIOS RAID drive(s) will be tracked in a new bug
16:31:49 <clumens> i don't necessarily think that'll work.  but it's worth a shot.
16:31:52 <jlaska> #action fedora-qa - with BIOS RAID, please help test BIOS RAID installs from Live image (583906)
16:31:52 <red_alert> jlaska: right, I go to the specialized storage, see and enable the raid bios and going further I'm shown some message about sd{a,b,c,d} and traceback or with the patch "no disks found"
16:32:02 <jlaska> red_alert: okay, thanks
16:32:18 <jlaska> before moving on ...
16:32:22 <jlaska> do we want to include ON_QA bugs?
16:32:33 * jlaska votes for no ... since I'll send those to test@ in a different email
16:32:59 <adamw> nope, just note we should test and push them asap
16:33:23 <jlaska> okay, so next NEW || ASSIGNED || MODIFIED bug is ...
16:33:41 <red_alert> does a ON_QA have negative feedback, though?
16:33:42 <jlaska> #topic https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=584328 - AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'
16:33:43 <buggbot> Bug 584328: medium, low, ---, dlehman, MODIFIED, AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'
16:33:56 <adamw> want to guess again? :)
16:34:02 <jlaska> red_alert: if so, it should be moved to ASSIGNED
16:34:05 <jlaska> adamw: ?
16:34:22 <adamw> Fixed In Version: python-pyblock-0.51-1.fc14
16:34:31 <adamw> oh i see, you're including MODIFIED
16:34:36 <jlaska> yes
16:34:44 <jlaska> until they're in bodhi, I'm including them
16:34:47 <adamw> so we need the new pyblock to be submitted
16:34:51 <jlaska> yeah
16:35:27 <jlaska> who owns that?  clumens: bcl: do you know if pjones is planning to do that?
16:36:16 <jlaska> #info Waiting on new pyblock to be submitted
16:36:36 <jlaska> it's assigned to dlehman, who is out today, so I think we'll need someone else to cover this
16:36:53 <clumens> jlaska: pjones usually does pyblock builds
16:37:09 <jlaska> okay
16:37:33 <jlaska> proposed #action pjones - will submit updated pyblock build for 584328
16:37:44 <jlaska> ack/nak/patch?
16:37:58 <clumens> http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=200680
16:38:19 <adamw> we need a bodhi submission too
16:38:46 <jlaska> clumens: do you mind coordinate with pjones after this?
16:38:52 <clumens> briefly
16:39:02 <jlaska> hah, okay thanks!
16:39:15 <jlaska> #action pjones - will submit updated pyblock build for 584328
16:39:25 <jlaska> next related bug ...
16:39:44 <jlaska> #topic https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=641474 - devicemapper UUID field cannot be assigned after map creation
16:39:45 <buggbot> Bug 641474: medium, high, ---, agk, MODIFIED, libdm does not present method to assign UUID after map creation
16:39:55 <jlaska> "kernel- has been pushed to the Fedora 14 stable repository.  If
16:39:59 <jlaska> problems still persist, please make note of it in this bug report."
16:40:09 <jlaska> sure enough ... https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/kernel-
16:40:13 <jlaska> so I'll move this to ON_QA
16:40:23 <jlaska> and we'll need testing once RC1 is out
16:40:25 <adamw> yup
16:40:33 <jlaska> well, bodhi should move this to ON_QA
16:40:37 <jlaska> since the bug is linked
16:40:43 <jlaska> either way
16:41:19 <jlaska> proposed #agreed 641474 - Fix included in https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/kernel-, move to ON_QA and request testing
16:41:59 <adamw> if the bug was properly linked it'd be closed by now, since the update is pushed stable
16:42:04 <adamw> so obviously it isn't
16:42:13 <jlaska> maybe it was added late, dunno
16:42:25 <jlaska> anyway, moved to ON_QA
16:42:29 <jlaska> ack/nak/patch?
16:42:55 <adamw> ack
16:43:13 <jlaska> any other non-qa votes?
16:43:48 <jlaska> okay, moving on
16:43:52 <jlaska> #agreed 641474 - Fix included in https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/kernel-, move to ON_QA and request testing
16:44:11 <jlaska> oh I see, I got my bugs crossed
16:44:23 <jlaska> the kernel update was linked to the next issue
16:44:45 <adamw> you suck
16:44:59 <jlaska> I'll note that in your next review :)
16:45:11 <adamw> so, let's see, it's libdm for 641474, right?
16:45:17 <jlaska> yeah ... one sec, lemme play topic bingo
16:45:33 <jlaska> #topic https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=641474 - libdm does not present method to assign UUID after map creation
16:45:34 <buggbot> Bug 641474: medium, high, ---, agk, MODIFIED, libdm does not present method to assign UUID after map creation
16:45:45 <adamw> you never actually changed the topic :)
16:45:57 <jlaska> you sure ? :)
16:46:07 <jlaska> the bz stayed the same, the description now matches the bug
16:46:42 <jlaska> the previous #topic was *actually* for 641476
16:46:48 <adamw> oh, ok
16:46:56 <jlaska> apologies for confusion
16:47:10 <jlaska> okay ... so I have no idea where this issue is?
16:47:25 <jlaska> we left it on Friday with pjones working on the batch of updates
16:47:38 <bcl> Its one of the bugs related to the previous one.
16:47:43 <jlaska> right on
16:47:55 <jlaska> are we waiting on a bodhi update for this?
16:49:03 <adamw> i just commented in the bug that we need the patch to be included in a koji build and submitted to bodhi asap
16:49:07 <bcl> according to adamw's comment yes :)
16:49:08 <adamw> that seems to be what we're waiting for here
16:49:12 <jlaska> alright, thanks
16:49:36 <jlaska> #agreed 641474 - waiting for patch to be included in koji build and bodhi update ASAP
16:49:42 <jlaska> who has the ball on that ... pjones or agk?
16:49:48 <adamw> looks like there may be a build in koji already from agk
16:50:01 <adamw> http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=200666
16:50:06 <adamw> but it hasn't been submitted to bodhi
16:50:11 <jlaska> * Fri Oct 15 2010 Alasdair Kergon <agk@redhat.com> - 2.02.73-3 - Add --setuuid to dmsetup rename. - Add dm_task_set_newuuid to set uuid of mapped device post-creation.
16:50:21 <jlaska> okay
16:50:39 <jlaska> alrighty, anything else to add here?
16:51:19 <jlaska> #topic https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=641476 - devicemapper UUID field cannot be assigned after map creation
16:51:20 <buggbot> Bug 641476: medium, high, ---, agk, ON_QA, devicemapper UUID field cannot be assigned after map creation
16:51:39 <jlaska> #info pilot error -- please see previous discussion on bug matching same description
16:51:40 <notting> (i have to drop off at 1PM, fwiw)
16:52:07 <jlaska> notting: okay
16:52:25 <jlaska> #topic https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=643220 - Blocker bug for final version of release notes
16:52:27 <buggbot> Bug 643220: medium, low, ---, stickster, NEW, Blocker bug for final version of release notes
16:52:47 <jlaska> notting: I'm not sure if this is a _Tracking_ bug, but it may account for that additional update you mentioned
16:52:59 <jlaska> #link https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/fedora-release-notes-14.0.3-1.fc14
16:53:01 <adamw> it's not a tracking bug
16:53:07 <jlaska> okay
16:53:12 <adamw> it's just what it says: we need the final release notes build in for the rcs
16:53:28 <jlaska> is the bodhi update linked earlier intended as the *final* build?
16:53:35 <jlaska> do we need to link these together
16:53:52 <adamw> yeah, i was wondering that - not sure
16:54:10 <adamw> jjmcd is online but away
16:54:10 * jlaska posted to bz
16:54:30 <jlaska> okay, so it's probably it, but we still need to connect the dots
16:54:46 <jlaska> so ... blockery-ness?
16:55:06 <jlaska> This sounds like a common step during the release process, and not so much an unexpected issue?
16:55:58 <adamw> yes, but it is a blocker, because we have to have the correct release notes in the release :)
16:56:03 * jlaska sees a "Coordinate release notes" task on the rel-eng SOP (http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Engineering_Release_Tickets)
16:56:20 <jlaska> adamw: right, I wasn't suggesting downgrading it ... just running it through the blocker wood chipper
16:56:31 <adamw> yeah, we don't really have it in the process unfortunately
16:56:54 <adamw> we could probably throw a criterion in there
16:57:04 <jlaska> toss it on the retrospective wishlist
16:57:18 <jlaska> proposed #agreed 643220 - accepted to F14Blocker.  Bodhi update available, need to confirm this is the expected release-notes update
16:57:18 <adamw> #action adamw to propose final release criterion for release note inclusion
16:57:23 <jlaska> ack/nak/patch
16:57:34 <adamw> ack
16:57:48 <jlaska> anyone else ...
16:59:00 <adamw> just emailed a proposed criterion to the list
16:59:12 <jlaska> #agreed 643220 - accepted to F14Blocker.  Bodhi update available, need to confirm with jjmcd whether bodhi update is the expected release-notes update
16:59:15 <jlaska> adamw: thx
16:59:43 <jlaska> #topic https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=643580 - Fedora 14 TC1 DVD Graphical Install Fails
16:59:44 <buggbot> Bug 643580: medium, low, ---, xgl-maint, NEW, Fedora 14 TC1 DVD Graphical Install Fails
17:00:19 <jlaska> adamw: has some thoughts already posted to this issue
17:00:32 <jlaska> "ajax votes for this bug to be nice-to-have - take the 609245 fix in the hopes
17:00:35 <jlaska> that it solves this issue, if it doesn't, document the use of vesa as a
17:00:38 <jlaska> workaround.
17:00:41 <jlaska> "
17:00:45 <adamw> i'd certainly vote for either blocker or nth status for this
17:00:58 <adamw> note that the proposed fix is in RHEL 6 already so RH has pretty high confidence in it
17:01:29 <jlaska> it's a fix for graphics in xen pv guests?
17:01:30 <adamw> the other 'new' proposed blocker turned out to be a dupe of this, btw, so we have at least four reporters who've hit it
17:01:35 <adamw> no, nothing to do with virt.
17:01:42 <clumens> fix should be built in anaconda-14.20
17:01:44 <adamw> (in our experience anyway)
17:02:08 <jlaska> adamw: oh I see
17:02:09 <jlaska> The fix for #609245 tells the server never to regenerate.
17:02:10 <clumens> which is the current build
17:02:32 <jlaska> so that's not specific to virt, but the original issue was against xen pv guests ... I see
17:02:51 <jlaska> clumens: which bz are you talking about?
17:03:04 <clumens> 609245
17:03:21 <adamw> the reporter who's posted anaconda logs shows 14.19 in there, not 14.20
17:03:24 <jlaska> clumens: oh sorry, yes, that's against anaconda
17:03:27 <adamw> what does TC1 actually have in it? 14.19 or 14.20?
17:03:40 <jlaska> 14.19
17:03:50 <adamw> ok
17:03:59 <adamw> are we already planning to take 14.20 for rc1?
17:04:04 <jlaska> yeah
17:04:15 <jlaska> many of the ON_QA fixes are in 14.20
17:04:22 <adamw> ok
17:04:26 <adamw> so we should get this fix 'for free'
17:04:40 <jlaska> so how do you want to track this ...
17:04:50 <jlaska> move to NTH, and post for retest on 14.20-1 ?
17:05:01 <adamw> as a process issue, though, why is this fix in 14.20? is it the fix for some other bug that was marked as blocker or nth?
17:05:02 <jlaska> or move it to MODIFIED pending retest on 14.20-1 ?
17:05:15 <adamw> or is anaconda team just pulling RHEL 6 fixes into the F14 anaconda builds?
17:05:29 <adamw> NTH isn't a bug status, so those two are not mutually exclusive
17:05:53 <jlaska> adamw: feel free to recommend an action
17:05:55 <adamw> so, both
17:06:04 <adamw> accept it as NTH, mark it as ON_QA
17:06:07 <jlaska> okay ...
17:06:10 <adamw> er, wait, MODIFIED
17:06:15 <adamw> well, whichever
17:06:52 <jlaska> proposed #agreed 643580 - accepted as 'nice-to-have' and move to MODIFIED.  Team expects this to be resolved by a related fix in anaconda-14.20-1.  Retest against F-14-RC1.
17:07:36 <jlaska> clumens: bcl: I think we'll need anaconda-14.21-1 today to take in #583906?
17:07:41 <clumens> yes
17:07:43 <jlaska> #agreed 643580 - accepted as 'nice-to-have' and move to MODIFIED.  Team expects this to be resolved by a related fix in anaconda-14.20-1.  Retest against F-14-RC1.
17:07:54 <jlaska> clumens: thanks, just clarifying
17:08:49 <jlaska> okay, last NEW || ASSIGNED || MODIFIED F14Blocker issue ...
17:09:14 <jlaska> #topic https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=643951
17:09:16 <buggbot> Bug 643951: high, high, ---, schwab, NEW, CVE-2010-3847 glibc: ld.so insecure handling of $ORIGIN in LD_AUDIT for setuid/setgid programs [fedora-all]
17:09:37 <jlaska> I've added this to the f14 QA retrospective wishlist already
17:09:54 <jlaska> summary, I think high risk security issues can be included in the criteria
17:10:17 <jlaska> Oxf13 can confirm, but I believe we've historically included issues of this type
17:11:03 <jlaska> any objections/concerns/ideas?
17:11:08 <adamw> no, i'm fine with it
17:11:13 <jlaska> okay
17:11:13 <adamw> blocker or nth?
17:11:26 <jlaska> I gather that would depend on the severity
17:11:37 <jlaska> I think we'd probably want to follow-up eventually with the security team
17:12:56 <jlaska> I vote for requesting more info in the bz
17:13:21 <adamw> well, the more info is likely in the CVE
17:13:23 <jlaska> b/c I have no idea if a fix is expected today, 2 weeks etc...
17:13:55 <adamw> and https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=643306
17:13:55 <buggbot> Bug 643306: high, high, ---, security-response-team, NEW, CVE-2010-3847 glibc: ld.so insecure handling of $ORIGIN in LD_AUDIT for setuid/setgid programs
17:14:33 <adamw> that bug has the discussion and proposed patch
17:14:36 <adamw> it's a privesc bug, apparently
17:14:39 <jlaska> yeah, just catching up on that now
17:14:40 * adamw stifles a yawn
17:15:19 <jlaska> I'm not the security expert here
17:15:28 <jlaska> I can follow-up w/ schwab afterwards for an ETA
17:15:49 <jlaska> I agree on NTH or Blocker ... but can't explain one over the other
17:16:07 <adamw> yeah, we should ask security team i guess
17:16:11 <jlaska> so ... for now, without an ETA, howabout NTH
17:16:22 <jlaska> and we'll reach out in the bug for feedback and escalate if needed
17:16:31 <adamw> my inexpert reading is that privesc issues are a dime a dozen and basically you should just assume any user account has root privileges =)
17:16:50 <ajax> i don't think we have any setxid programs using $ORIGIN...
17:17:10 <adamw> jlaska: sounds reasonable
17:17:11 <jlaska> proposed #agreed 643951 - Unclear impact and ETA on fix, accepted as 'nice-to-have' pending additional feedback from maintainer
17:17:47 <jlaska> ajax: good to know
17:18:11 <jlaska> #agreed 643951 - Unclear impact and ETA on fix, accepted as 'nice-to-have' pending additional feedback from maintainer
17:18:34 <jlaska> adamw: want me to post the request for feedback in that bz?
17:19:00 <adamw> already did it
17:19:04 * jlaska reloads
17:19:33 <ajax> $ORIGIN's a pretty obscure linker feature.  i could conjure up a scan for it if we really wanted, but i'd be very surprised if it found anything
17:19:35 <jlaska> perfect, thanks
17:20:11 <jlaska> ajax: if the heat goes up on this one, that could be useful.  BUt I suspect we're fine for now
17:20:16 <jlaska> okay, that's it for my list
17:20:30 <clumens> jlaska: pjones has been bugged.
17:20:33 <jlaska> open discussion time ... or adamw, do you want to walk NTH?
17:20:42 <jlaska> clumens: thanks for the follow-up
17:21:03 <adamw> just let me see if there's any NTH requiring review
17:21:39 <jlaska> okay
17:21:41 <jlaska> #chair adamw
17:21:41 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw jlaska
17:22:40 <adamw> nope, no proposed NTH we haven't reviewed yet
17:22:59 <jlaska> cool, thanks for checking
17:23:06 <jlaska> #topic Open discussion - <your bug here>
17:23:24 <jlaska> anything not previously discussed that we need to review?
17:24:28 <gholms|work> [A tumbleweed drifts past]
17:25:09 <jlaska> heh
17:25:16 <jlaska> gholms|work: it's the wild west of bugs here :)
17:25:27 <gholms|work> ;)
17:25:30 <jlaska> alright, well let's close this puppy out so we can get back to testing
17:25:36 <jlaska> ... 30 seconds until #endmeeting
17:26:09 <jlaska> as always, thanks for your participation!
17:26:12 <jlaska> I'll send minutes to the list
17:26:14 <jlaska> #endmeeting