14:34:30 <jimbair> #startmeeting Fedora CI SIG 14:34:30 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 6 14:34:30 2020 UTC. 14:34:30 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 14:34:30 <zodbot> The chair is jimbair. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:34:30 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:34:30 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_ci_sig' 14:34:43 <jimbair> .hello2 14:34:44 <zodbot> jimbair: jimbair 'Jim Bair' <jbair@redhat.com> 14:34:47 <msrb> .hello2 14:34:48 <zodbot> msrb: msrb 'Michal Srb' <msrb@redhat.com> 14:35:41 <jimbair> I wonder if it's just us today :D 14:35:45 <msrb> :) 14:35:53 <msrb> looks like it 14:35:56 * jimbair sips coffee while giving people a few minutes 14:36:52 <msrb> I keep losing link to that Fedora CI etherpad 14:36:54 <jimbair> I guess we'll wait 2 more minutes and if so, we'll go over our one topic 14:36:55 <jimbair> Yeah, one sec 14:37:15 <jimbair> https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/fedora-ci 14:37:17 <jimbair> #link https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/fedora-ci 14:37:31 <msrb> thanks ;) 14:37:34 <jimbair> Assuming that's how that works =x 14:37:57 <msrb> no idea :D 14:38:03 <msrb> will see 14:38:09 <jimbair> #topic communishift migration 14:38:32 <jimbair> As I understand it, the migration is still happening. I heard bookwar make mention that it should be up this week pending no further surprises? 14:38:44 <jimbair> But as of now, not up yet. 14:39:18 <jimbair> I assume that's what you've heard as well msrb? 14:39:25 <msrb> yep :) 14:39:39 <jimbair> Cool, onto the next topic 14:39:40 <msrb> fingers crossed for having the cluster up and running this week 14:39:48 <jimbair> #topic installability pipeline 14:39:53 <jimbair> Seems it's almost working? 14:40:00 <msrb> :D 14:40:09 <msrb> so the first version is here: https://github.com/fedora-ci/installability-pipeline 14:40:21 <jimbair> #link https://github.com/fedora-ci/installability-pipeline 14:40:27 <msrb> it's basically rpmdeplint, but with installability bits 14:40:40 <msrb> what needs to be done: 14:41:18 <msrb> we need to opensource Andrei's mini-tps tool 14:41:26 <msrb> so we can build it in Fedora's COPR 14:41:31 <msrb> and use it in the pipeline 14:42:09 <jimbair> Okay - is that in progress or it just needs started by someone? 14:42:32 <msrb> not yet, but I will discuss it with Andrei tomorrow 14:43:33 <jimbair> Sounds good 14:43:37 <msrb> I expect that there will be bugs once testing farm is up and running 14:43:45 <msrb> but we will fix them as we go 14:43:49 <jimbair> Agreed 14:44:10 <jimbair> I still need to see if we can get an updated Jenkins image when the cluster is up, or try to build my own template =x Hoping for the former 14:44:26 <jimbair> Anything else on this item? Sounds like we're good :) 14:44:33 <msrb> I think we are good :) 14:44:37 <jimbair> alright 14:44:44 <jimbair> #topic fedora-ci general issues 14:44:54 <jimbair> This is mostly an FYI that I have been trying to groom our backlog of issues in pagure 14:45:28 <msrb> jimbair, thanks for going through all the issues ;) 14:45:28 <jimbair> Trying to ensure issues are still relevant, add any new context that may be missing (some bugs are 2 years+ old), and also try to update the titles/list any actions/etc. Basically, trying to get pointed in the asks so we can complete them. :) 14:45:45 <jimbair> msrb, you're welcome :) It seemed like a thing that needed done, so I just....did it. 14:45:55 <msrb> jimbair++ 14:45:55 <zodbot> msrb: Karma for jimbair changed to 1 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:46:13 <jimbair> I have one PR I plan to work on today, to update virt-customize a bit to make it more user friendly while not making it developer-unhelpful 14:46:25 <jimbair> Issue #43 in pagure if memory serves 14:47:04 <jimbair> But my ask for anyone reading is to take a look if I ping you in an issue, and in general sift through general issues so we can get the number down to a reasonable place :) Ideally they would be bugs, and new feature requests are tagged as RFE or something 14:47:30 <jimbair> #topic open discussion 14:47:40 <jimbair> That's it for etherpad; anything else we need to bring up, even if it's just you and me? :D 14:47:52 <msrb> why is nobody joining this cool meeting? 14:48:09 <jimbair> Dunno - I'd be real sad if I was alone hahaha 14:48:24 <msrb> people are losing interest when things are working 14:48:25 <jimbair> I could ping the SIG members but that feels a bit much 14:48:32 <msrb> we should deploy some chaos monkey 14:48:40 * tflink joined late but is here 14:48:40 <jimbair> I prefer chaos guerilla 14:48:45 <msrb> :D 14:48:49 <jimbair> Knock down entire zones baby 14:49:03 <jimbair> Missed opportunity for the name of the lab migration 14:49:10 <jimbair> tflink - hello :) Anything from your side? 14:49:26 <jimbair> We still have ~10 minutes 14:49:50 <jimbair> I know taskotron went EOL last Friday, which caused some confusion when I was trying to update/close out tickets. I saw some late night replies last night 14:52:12 <tflink> nothing more than that, really 14:52:43 <jimbair> tflink, well for what it's worth, it sounds like we're mostly okay, but I'm going to try and clarify what needs done (if anything) to make sure we didn't lose anything in the transision 14:52:54 <jimbair> I know dcantrell is working on tests in rpminspect this week to close the gap 14:54:58 <jimbair> Last call before closing it out! =) 14:56:02 <jimbair> #endmeeting