14:31:02 <jbair> #startmeeting Fedora CI SIG 14:31:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jun 17 14:31:02 2020 UTC. 14:31:02 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 14:31:02 <zodbot> The chair is jbair. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:31:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:31:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_ci_sig' 14:31:15 <jbair> .hello jimbair 14:31:15 <bgoncalv> pingou: abompard regarding the message that our jenkins didn't trigger ^^ I've provided some info, but I don't know who can help debug this 14:31:15 <zodbot> jbair: jimbair 'Jim Bair' <jbair@redhat.com> 14:31:25 <bgoncalv> oops :) 14:31:26 <msrb> .hello 14:31:26 <zodbot> msrb: (hello <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hellomynameis $1". 14:31:27 <siddharthvipul> .hello siddharthvipul1 14:31:29 <zodbot> siddharthvipul: siddharthvipul1 'Vipul Siddharth' <siddharthvipul1@gmail.com> 14:31:32 <msrb> .hello msrb 14:31:33 <zodbot> msrb: msrb 'Michal Srb' <msrb@redhat.com> 14:31:37 <bgoncalv> .hello2 14:31:38 <zodbot> bgoncalv: bgoncalv 'Bruno Goncalves' <bgoncalv@redhat.com> 14:32:06 <jbair> it's okay - agenda is empty so it may be short :) 14:32:23 <jbair> https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/fedora-ci 14:33:26 <tflink> .hello2 14:33:26 <zodbot> tflink: tflink 'Tim Flink' <tflink@redhat.com> 14:33:38 <msrb> yeah, it looks like this is going to be quick :) 14:33:53 <jbair> #topic infra 14:34:14 <jbair> siddharthvipul: any updates on the new cluster and/or the fedora-ci infra migration (if you know about it)? 14:34:31 <siddharthvipul> jbair: I am actually waiting for your ACO username :) 14:34:49 <jbair> noted :) I'll make a note to setup that user and give it to yo :) 14:34:51 <jbair> you8 14:35:19 <siddharthvipul> we will create a playground for you once it's ready..do let me know if you want more admins there :) 14:35:38 <jbair> oh I'm sure we'll want msrb / bgoncalv / tflink and others in there :) 14:35:59 <siddharthvipul> jbair: great.. so aco username and email used there is what I would need 14:36:16 <jbair> Thanks! 14:36:29 <msrb> yep, cluster admin privileges ideally 14:36:40 <msrb> (just kidding :P) 14:36:46 <jbair> lol I was about to reply to that 14:36:50 <siddharthvipul> msrb: hehe, you got me 14:37:13 <jbair> In the past, I've run into funny issues with communishift where things didn't work in our project due to odd cluster setup so 14:37:20 <jbair> mostly we can just use feedback when we find issues like that 14:37:42 <siddharthvipul> jbair: msrb if you have some crds that you need applied (that needs cluster privilages), you can ping me anytime :) 14:38:23 <msrb> siddharthvipul, thanks! I don't have any :) 14:38:40 <jbair> okay, nothing added to our agenda so I'll move to 14:38:43 <jbair> #topic open discussion 14:38:51 <jbair> anything we need to talk about that isn't on etherpad? 14:38:55 <jbair> we've got 20 minutes :) 14:39:07 <jbair> done! 14:39:09 <siddharthvipul> jbair: do we have a doc for *newcomers* to help with CI? 14:39:16 <tflink> just to make sure I'm understanding - are we looking to start moving stuff over to the new ci.centos.org openshift? 14:39:18 <bgoncalv> it looks like our Fedora CI pipeline might be missing FedMsg messages 14:39:24 <jbair> tflink: correct 14:39:26 <siddharthvipul> well,actually I will just check docs.fp.o link in topic 14:39:36 <jbair> siddharthvipul: the fedora CI docs are where I would start 14:39:42 <tflink> do we have any timeline for getting things migrated? 14:39:46 <jbair> bgoncalv: that's a topic =( I saw the issue this morning 14:39:49 <jbair> can you link to it? 14:39:59 <bgoncalv> https://pagure.io/fedora-ci/general/issue/118 14:41:15 <jbair> So I assume we either try to fix this, or go back to trying to move to FedoraMessaging, as I see that discussion coming up again when trying to fix the old thing they want to decomm :) 14:42:19 <bgoncalv> msrb: any opinion here? :) 14:43:00 <bgoncalv> I personally don't like the way we have to use the queue for FedoraMessaging 14:43:19 <jbair> bgoncalv: well, my concern is that fedmsg will at some point go away; I don't know if a date has been set yet. 14:43:23 <msrb> we will have to move to FedoraMessaging sooner or later 14:43:35 <msrb> and I think astepano already requested those queues for us 14:44:00 <astepano> yes, it is all set 14:44:10 <astepano> we have 16 queues 14:44:40 <bgoncalv> okay 14:44:49 <jbair> astepano thanks for doing that! It sounds a bit annoying 14:45:48 <astepano> jbair: :-D I will write email with info 14:46:24 <jbair> astepano: thank you :) 14:46:52 <tflink> jbair: is there any timeline we're shooting for WRT migration to the new cluster? 14:47:14 <jbair> tflink: not that I know of - I need to get siddharthvipul my credentials and then start testing 14:47:59 <jbair> tflink: do pass siddharthvipul your ACO creds as well to get admin access - I think we can all use the fedora-ci project together and test 14:48:02 <jbair> instead of just waiting on me 14:48:06 <jbair> same for bgoncalv and msrb 14:48:07 <astepano> jbair: + we have our own cluster 14:48:29 <jbair> astepano: the cluster we're getting isn't shared? Or is there another cluster? 14:48:33 <bgoncalv> how do we create ACO cred? 14:48:45 <astepano> jbair: our own 14:48:47 <tflink> siddharthvipul: do you want me to file a ticket on bugs.centos.org, email you or some other method? 14:48:53 <astepano> not shared 14:49:18 <jbair> bgoncalv: https://wiki.centos.org/SIGGuide#HowTos.2FCentosPackager.Step_1:_Signing_up_for_an_account_.28ACO.29 14:49:28 <siddharthvipul> tflink: just send me your aco email address and I will add you as the namesapce admin.. you can share it here (in dm if you prefer) or you can send it to my FAS/redhat email id 14:49:53 <siddharthvipul> bgoncalv: https://accounts.centos.org/ 14:49:58 <bgoncalv> thanks 14:50:39 <jbair> one thing I wanted to highlight was msrb's document here https://github.com/fedora-ci/docs/blob/master/docs/how_to_create_pipeline.md 14:50:57 <jbair> it outlines how to create a generic pipeline for fedora-ci; thanks msrb for writing that up! 14:51:28 <bookwar> jbair: i think it is worth mentioning that we consider adding more genetic tests to fedora ci, and i know some people had ideas about verification scripts before 14:52:02 <bookwar> so we actually can transform any such scripts into generic test easily 14:53:44 <jbair> what kind of verification scripts? 14:53:55 <jbair> was it against builds or something? 14:55:48 <msrb> yep, against artifacts (koji builds only now) 14:56:25 <msrb> if you can run your verification script in a container, you should be able to add it as a new generic test to Fedora easily 14:57:54 <jbair> got it 14:58:22 <jbair> we've got 2 minutes left :) anything else we want to cover? 15:00:00 <jbair> #endmeeting