#fedora-classroom: Introduction to the command line

Meeting started by nirik at 01:00:13 UTC. (full logs)
01:02:37 Topic: What is the command line?
01:05:07 Topic: How do I get to a command line?
01:07:39 LINKnirikhttp://www.gnu.org/software/bash/
01:08:27 LINKEvilBobhttp://www.google.com/linux?q=bash
01:09:46 Topic: builtin commands
01:12:57 Topic: basic commands and usage
01:13:11 LINKEvilBobhttp://linux.die.net/man/1/bash
01:22:52 Topic: job control
01:35:34 Topic: history
01:42:01 Topic: configuration files
02:00:47 Topic: completions and keybindings
02:06:45 Topic: environment
02:12:50 Topic: resources
02:16:10 Topic: Q&A
Meeting ended at 02:25:20 UTC. (full logs)

Action Items

Action Items, by person
    1. (none)

People Present (lines said):
  1. nirik (169)
  2. jon_y (22)
  3. EvilBob (20)
  4. Padhu (14)
  5. wb0tra_f8 (10)
  6. satellit_ (8)
  7. jrt05 (2)
  8. scramer (2)
  9. LinuxCode (2)
  10. Dp67 (2)
  11. ahmed-araby (2)
  12. sseiersen (1)
  13. tw2113 (1)
  14. Khaytsus (1)

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