14:00:35 <kushal> #startmeeting Fedora Atomic Go/No go meeting 14:00:35 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jan 7 14:00:35 2016 UTC. The chair is kushal. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:35 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:35 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_atomic_go/no_go_meeting' 14:00:44 <kushal> maxamillion, mmcgrath jzb dustymabe hello :) 14:01:01 <kushal> Anyone else here for the meeting? 14:01:19 <maxamillion> morning 14:02:02 <kushal> maxamillion, Do we have a tracker bug? 14:02:10 <mmcgrath> kushal: sorry, double attending 14:02:18 <maxamillion> kushal: I do not 14:02:18 <mmcgrath> kushal: not a tracking bug, a query that I check. 14:02:23 <mmcgrath> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=POST&bug_status=MODIFIED&bug_status=ON_DEV&bug_status=ON_QA&bug_status=VERIFIED&bug_status=RELEASE_PENDING&classification=Fedora&component=ostree&component=atomic&component=docker&component=kubernetes&component=rpm-ostree&list_id=4170174&order=changeddate%20DESC%2Cbug_status%2Cpriority%2Cassigned_to%2Cbug_id&product=Fedora&query_based_on=&query 14:02:27 <kushal> mmcgrath, no problem, this is the first meeting anyway 14:02:29 <maxamillion> o.o; 14:02:31 <kushal> mmcgrath, Checking :) 14:02:32 <mmcgrath> kushal: FWIW, the original plan was things ship unless there's a reason not to. 14:02:44 <mmcgrath> I'm not quite sure why the sudden need for this meeting but I thought I'd mention that. 14:02:54 <kushal> mmcgrath, jzb also wanted this meeting. 14:03:04 <kushal> mmcgrath, Just to make sure that we know that we will ship :) 14:03:22 <mmcgrath> kushal: wouldn't it be more efficient to assume we'll ship and hold a meeting if we won't? 14:03:59 <kushal> mmcgrath, I guess the original idea was to make sure that we have some discussion (if any), we can always end it fast. 14:04:09 <mmcgrath> ehh 14:04:15 <mmcgrath> the original idea was to automate a 2 week release. 14:04:19 <mmcgrath> this is the opposite of that. 14:04:21 <kushal> mmcgrath, btw, what to look in that bugzilla query. 14:04:54 <mmcgrath> blocker bugs, there was one potential bug I've been looking at that might have been a blocker but I don't think it is now. 14:04:56 <kushal> mmcgrath, So we can think that we are automatically always in go status, but if any no-go thing comes out. We are not yet fully automated. 14:05:07 <kushal> mmcgrath, Okay. 14:05:29 <mmcgrath> kushal: FWIW, I don't think I hold the keys to the castle on what blocks or not. It would be good for others to review as well if I'm not around. 14:05:40 <kushal> mmcgrath, Yup. 14:05:46 <mmcgrath> one of the problems I've seen is that most of the bugs reported are against the previous release that's already out. 14:05:48 <kushal> I guess jzb is busy. 14:06:01 <kushal> mmcgrath, For a 2 week release that will keep happening 14:06:03 <mmcgrath> I'm mostly looking for things that will cause data corruption, unbootable systems, or unusable systems. 14:06:16 <kushal> Was there any F23 build today? 14:06:24 <kushal> Can not find in autocloud. 14:06:28 <kushal> Strange. 14:06:30 <mmcgrath> maxamillion: ^^ 14:06:43 <maxamillion> let me look 14:06:45 * kushal goes to check koji 14:07:09 <kushal> http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/tasks?start=0&state=all&view=flat&method=createImage&order=-id 14:07:12 <kushal> No I think. 14:07:31 <maxamillion> nope ... weird 14:07:44 <mmcgrath> maxamillion: it's not that weird :-P /s 14:07:49 <kushal> :) 14:08:13 <kushal> Anyway, I guess we are then go for next release unless something super bad comes up. 14:08:23 <maxamillion> mmcgrath: I suppose 14:09:10 <kushal> Can we just get okay/yes on the channel? :) 14:10:07 <mmcgrath> kushal: I think the 'official' way is here - https://pagure.io/mark-atomic-bad 14:10:55 <kushal> mmcgrath, Okay. 14:11:03 <kushal> https://pagure.io/mark-atomic-bad 14:11:12 <kushal> We can close the meeting for today then. 14:11:16 <kushal> Okay? 14:11:29 <mmcgrath> kushal: having said that, we haven't done this many times :-D I have no idea how it'll work long term. 14:11:53 <kushal> understood, tooling will become better. 14:12:12 <kushal> Closing the meeting. 14:12:25 <maxamillion> wait, so we're GO or NO-GO? 14:12:39 <kushal> maxamillion, GO 14:12:55 <kushal> No one/ nothing against it. 14:13:10 <maxamillion> +1 thanks 14:13:15 <kushal> Ending 14:13:18 <kushal> #endmeeting