14:30:21 <bt0> #startmeeting Fedora CommOps (2018-08-20) 14:30:21 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Aug 20 14:30:21 2018 UTC. 14:30:21 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 14:30:21 <zodbot> The chair is bt0. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:30:21 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:30:21 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_commops_(2018-08-20)' 14:30:35 <bt0> #meetingname commops 14:30:35 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'commops' 14:30:53 <bt0> #nick commops 14:31:16 <bt0> #topic Agenda 14:31:33 <bt0> #link https://infinote.fedoraproject.org/cgit/infinote/tree/meeting-templates/fedora-commops-meeting-next 14:31:33 <bt0> #info (1) Roll call / Q&A 14:31:33 <bt0> #info (2) Announcements 14:31:33 <bt0> #info (3) Action items from last meeting 14:31:33 <bt0> #info (4) Tickets 14:31:34 <bt0> #info (5) Open floor 14:31:49 <bt0> #topic Roll call / Q&A 14:31:54 <JohnMH> #info John M. Harris, Jr.; UTC-5; ComOps (member), Games (member), 3D Printing (member) 14:31:56 <bt0> #info Name; Timezone; Sub-projects/Interest Areas 14:32:04 <JohnMH> haha 14:32:05 <JohnMH> sorry about that 14:32:07 <bt0> #action commops New members, make sure you introduce yourself on the CommOps mailing list [ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CommOps/Join ] 14:32:12 <bt0> it's fine 14:32:22 <bt0> If this is your first time at a CommOps meeting, feel free to introduce yourself to everyone and say hello! If anyone has any questions before we get started with the rest of the agenda, now is also a good time to ask. 14:33:00 <bt0> #info Alberto Rodriguez S; UTC-5;CommOps (Metrics, Community engagement), DotNet (Testing), Infrastructure(Apprentice), Marketing (Member), Ambassadors (Member), ,Cats (lover) 14:34:01 <bt0> let's wait a few minutes for more quorum :) 14:34:02 <bcotton> #info Ben Cotton; UTC-5; FPgM, CommOps (Community blog), packager 14:34:11 <bcotton> #undow 14:34:14 <bcotton> #undo 14:34:34 <bt0> hi bcotton 14:34:42 <bcotton> guess i can't undo if i'm not a chair. anyway, I'm UTC-4, not -5. At least until November :-) 14:34:58 <bt0> #chair bcotton 14:34:58 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcotton bt0 14:35:39 <dhanesh95> #info Dhanesh B. Sabane, URC+5:30, CommOps, Packaging, Python, Cats (lover) 14:38:31 <bt0> #chair dhanesh95 14:38:31 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcotton bt0 dhanesh95 14:40:11 <bt0> ok, next topic 14:40:16 <bt0> #topic Announcements 14:40:34 <bt0> #info === Call for Fedora Women’s Day 2018 proposals === 14:40:34 <bt0> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-womens-day-2018-proposals/ 14:42:20 <bt0> #info === Kernel 4.18 Test Day 2018-08-21 === 14:42:20 <bt0> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/kernel_test_day_4-18/ 14:42:34 <bt0> this is tomorrow 14:43:28 <bt0> ant the test iso is available now 14:43:33 <bt0> #link https://fedorapeople.org/~jforbes/kerneltest-4.18.iso 14:43:51 <bt0> #info === FPgM report: 2018-33 === 14:43:51 <bt0> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fpgm-report-2018-33/ 14:44:14 <bt0> bcotton++ is doing a great work as FPgM :) 14:44:20 * bcotton blushes 14:44:33 <dhanesh95> bcotton++ 14:44:57 <bt0> #info === Call for Outreachy mentors for Winter 2018 === 14:44:57 <bt0> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/outreachy-mentors-winter-2018/ 14:45:33 <bt0> we need more outreachy mentors (and projects) 14:46:36 <bt0> someone has other announcement?? 14:48:48 <bt0> i have another 14:49:09 <bt0> #info Fedora Classroom: Writing Fedora documentation 101 now in YouTube 14:49:18 <bt0> #link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkH2ugg49Ag&t=55s 14:50:42 <bt0> ok, next topic 14:52:38 <bt0> #topic Action items from last meeting 14:53:00 <bt0> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-commops/2018-08-13/commops.2018-08-13-14.40.html 14:53:27 <bt0> #info How This Works: We look at past #action items from the last meeting for quick follow-up. If a task is completed, we move on to the next one. If it isn't, we get an update and re-action if needed. If no status, we'll try to get a quick update and move forward. 14:53:47 <bt0> #info === [In Progress] jwf will finish the article "CommBlog article: Appreciation Week announcement" === 14:53:47 <bt0> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/issue/110 14:54:15 <JohnMH> Looking forward to that ☺ 14:54:40 <bt0> #action jwf will finish the article "CommBlog article: Appreciation Week announcement" 14:55:13 <bt0> #info === [COMPLETED] "bt0 will update the ticket #110 with the ideas of the meeting and request comments in the ML" === 14:55:33 <bt0> #info === [In Progress] "dhanesh95 Put down questions which need answers for progressing FM and CB metrics - #108" === 14:56:04 <dhanesh95> bt0: I have an update on that 14:56:11 <bt0> awesome 14:57:10 <dhanesh95> bt0: I had a look at it over the weekend and there aren't many questions to be asked. 14:57:39 <dhanesh95> I just need feedback on the already proposed approach to tackle the ticket 14:58:35 <dhanesh95> So I'd create an action for the whole team to have a look and give their feedback on the suggested approach 14:58:44 <bt0> ok, let me jump to the next topic 14:58:55 <dhanesh95> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/issue/108 14:59:53 <bt0> and ohh, i see it 15:00:51 <bt0> maybe we need send a mail 15:01:14 <bt0> about this 15:01:27 <dhanesh95> Sounds good 15:01:49 <bt0> action me or action you?? 15:03:59 <bt0> #action bt0 will send a email to the commops ml about the advances in the ticket 108 15:04:24 <dhanesh95> #undo 15:04:24 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by bt0 at 15:03:59 : bt0 will send a email to the commops ml about the advances in the ticket 108 15:04:32 <bt0> :P 15:04:40 <dhanesh95> #action dhanesh95 will send a email to the commops ml about the advances in the ticket 108 15:04:41 <dhanesh95> :P 15:04:49 <bt0> ok 15:04:55 <dhanesh95> Sorry for stealing that from you bt0 :P 15:05:08 <bt0> it's fine 15:05:10 <bt0> :) 15:05:16 <bt0> ok, next topic 15:05:26 <bt0> #topic Tickets 15:05:35 <bt0> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/issues?status=Open&tags=next+meeting 15:05:58 <bt0> #topic Ticket #110: "Fedora Appreciation Week 2017" 15:05:58 <bt0> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/issue/110 15:07:03 <bt0> umm, don't see updates 15:08:59 <bt0> #action bt0 will send a email to the commops ml about the advances in the ticket 110 15:10:05 <bt0> also I will look for the members who attended the FLOCK 15:11:26 <bt0> maybe i can get some advances and for a while, we need harvest more contributor stories 15:13:44 <bt0> someone wants to say something about the ticket 110?? 15:15:20 <bt0> ok, next topic :) 15:15:24 <bt0> #topic Open floor 15:15:47 <bt0> Ok, a little friendly talk... anyone? 15:16:37 * bt0 is staring to bcotton 15:16:53 <bcotton> what? you think i'm friendly? ;-) 15:17:01 <bt0> sure 15:17:15 <bcotton> i've got nothin' 15:17:34 <phisto> :D 15:17:47 <bt0> hi phisto, new here? 15:18:39 <phisto> I have attended a few meetings 15:19:09 <phisto> Not new 15:20:00 <bt0> sorry, i have bad memory :( 15:20:16 <phisto> :D 15:20:38 <bt0> but we are here if you want some help 15:21:02 <phisto> Ok. Thanks. 15:21:14 <dhanesh95> .fasinfo phisto 15:21:15 <zodbot> dhanesh95: User: phisto, Name: Papa Charlie, email: phist0@hotmail.com, Creation: 2013-03-22, IRC Nick: None, Timezone: UTC, Locale: en, GPG key ID: 1BE8D959, Status: active 15:21:19 <zodbot> dhanesh95: Approved Groups: cla_fpca cla_done 15:22:13 <dhanesh95> bt0: Are we taking up any new tickets? 15:22:37 <bt0> yes 15:23:35 <dhanesh95> bt0: Which ones? 15:24:34 <bt0> maybe we can work the 173 15:25:04 * dhanesh95 looks up #173 15:25:22 <bt0> or all the onboarding series 15:26:35 <dhanesh95> bt0: Did we not decide to let the teams take care of their own onboarding and we'll only provide guidelines 15:27:11 <dhanesh95> About #173, this can be a very good first task for new contributors, if we have any 15:27:40 <bt0> sure, but still we don't have a complete set of guidelines 15:27:56 <bt0> #173 is an easyfix for sure 15:30:14 <dhanesh95> I think we should tag it as easyfix 15:30:17 <dhanesh95> bt0: Can you do that? 15:30:41 <dhanesh95> Also, let's kick start the guidelines for onboarding. Maybe create an Etherpad where we can collaborate. 15:30:45 <dhanesh95> Sounds good? 15:31:34 <bt0> sounds amazing 15:32:22 <dhanesh95> bt0: Will you take it up? 15:32:27 <dhanesh95> Or shall I do it? 15:32:40 <bt0> i will take it 15:32:47 <dhanesh95> Cool 15:33:21 <bt0> please action me, i'm looking if i can change the tags of 173 15:34:39 <dhanesh95> #action bt0 Create an Etherpad to collaborate on the onboarding series tickets 15:36:43 <bt0> i don't find the easyfix tag maybe it's now "good first issue" 15:36:47 <bt0> but it's done 15:37:48 <dhanesh95> bt0++ 15:38:26 <dhanesh95> We need to get an update on #88 too. 15:38:37 <dhanesh95> Probably @bee2502 can help with #88. 15:40:07 <bt0> it seems to be almost ready 15:40:32 <dhanesh95> bt0: Yes. And it'll be good to have for the upcoming release 15:40:55 <dhanesh95> And that is all the time I have today. Need to run. Thanks for chairing bt0 ! 15:41:03 * dhanesh95 bows out 15:42:01 <bt0> ok, we have homework 15:42:50 <bt0> #action bt0 will update the ticket #88 asking for status 15:44:16 <bt0> thanks for attend 15:44:27 <bt0> i will close this meeting 15:44:31 <bt0> in 15:44:41 <bt0> 3 15:44:43 <bt0> 2 15:44:44 <bt0> 1 15:45:37 <bt0> does somebody wants to say anything more? 15:45:58 <phisto> No thanks 15:46:22 <bt0> ok 15:46:30 <bt0> #endmeeting