19:04:56 <mizmo> #startmeeting 19:04:56 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jun 1 19:04:56 2010 UTC. The chair is mizmo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:04:56 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:05:00 <mizmo> yay! okay 19:05:02 <maxamillion> wild 19:05:04 <msourada> cool 19:05:06 <wonderer> Ok, here we go... 19:05:09 <mizmo> so we have 60 minutes and 6 topics 19:05:15 <mizmo> #topic agenda 19:05:28 <mizmo> so let's give each topic 10 minutes 19:05:31 <mizmo> here's the topics: 19:05:36 <mizmo> #1: F14 artwork schedule 19:05:48 <mizmo> #2: LGM 19:05:53 <mizmo> #3: F14 artwork concepts 19:06:04 <mizmo> #4: design team ticket queue - especially EMEA shirt design 19:06:14 <mizmo> #5: design collaboration tools 19:06:20 <mizmo> #6: new www.fpo website 19:06:35 <mizmo> so some of these topics i thought were worth brining up (5 & 6) but if we dont get to them it's cool 19:06:37 <maxamillion> #info Topic item #1 - F14 artwork schedule 19:06:45 <mizmo> #topic F14 artwork schedule 19:06:51 <maxamillion> #info Topic item #2 - LGM 19:07:00 <mizmo> so poelcat drew up a schedule for us for F14 based on the F13 schedule: 19:07:00 <mizmo> http://poelstra.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-14/f-14-design-tasks.html 19:07:09 <mizmo> has anyone had a chance to look at it? 19:07:10 <maxamillion> #info Topic item #3 - F14 artwork concepts 19:07:20 <maxamillion> (sorry, just doing this so the bot will pick them up) 19:07:22 <msourada> and we have key milestones without dates here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F14_Artwork#Key_Milestones 19:07:26 <mizmo> does anyone have concerns about how the schedule went for f13 that we should use to tweak f14's? 19:07:27 * tw2113 passes out clean koolaid and cookies 19:07:36 <maxamillion> #info Topic item #4 - design team ticket queue - especially EMEA shirt design 19:07:43 <mizmo> (thanks maxamillion) 19:07:54 <wonderer> timeline looks good for me so far. 19:07:56 <maxamillion> #info Topic item #5 - design collaboration tools 19:07:59 <tatica> me too 19:08:04 <msourada> I went quickly through poelcat's one and matched some of the dates 19:08:15 <mizmo> i was really really happy with how f13 went this time 19:08:19 <maxamillion> #info Topic item #6 - new www.fpo website 19:08:25 <msourada> yeah, it went rather good 19:08:36 <mizmo> more folks than ever pitched in i think 19:08:41 <msourada> yup 19:08:42 <mizmo> so we need to keep it up :) 19:08:43 <tw2113> lots of collaboration one single products instead of everyone doing their own thing 19:08:47 <mizmo> getting artwork in the alpha was a huge win 19:08:51 <fabsh> looked good to me, but i just started ;) 19:08:55 <msourada> yeah, totally 19:09:23 <mizmo> does anyone want to volunteer to copy the dates from poelcat's schedule (http://poelstra.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-14/f-14-design-tasks.html) to the team wiki milestones page? (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F14_Artwork#Key_Milestones) 19:09:26 <nicubunu> so we want again artwork in alpha and final wallpaper in beta 19:09:29 <maxamillion> tw2113: +1 19:09:42 <mizmo> nicubunu, i think so, then we have a lot more time to get to all the collateral 19:09:52 <finalzone> the schedule looks good enough. of course design can be tweaked should delay occur. 19:09:57 <mizmo> would be even better to get the anaconda and firstboot artwork in the beta too 19:10:04 <msourada> mizmo, I done some of the in them privately, I'll start posting the dates now and we can check them, right? 19:10:22 <finalzone> also is the .ics available for Thunderbird? 19:10:23 <mizmo> msourada, sounds good! 19:10:24 <tatica> I can copy/paste the schedule 19:10:38 <msourada> Ok, starting with wallpapers timeline: 19:10:41 <mizmo> finalzone, i think poelcat can make that happen ill ask him 19:10:46 <msourada> Concepts submission deadline — 2010-07-06 19:10:55 <mizmo> #action mizmo to talk to poelcat to figure out what the ICS url is for the F14 artwork schedule 19:11:09 <finalzone> ok mizmo 19:11:11 <fabsh> is that yyyy-mm-dd? 19:11:18 <msourada> yup 19:11:27 <finalzone> international standard 19:11:28 <fabsh> ok, just making sure. thanks! 19:11:30 <mizmo> tatica, it looks like msourada is working on it 19:11:36 <fabsh> you never know... ;) 19:11:42 <tatica> jeje, I can see :D 19:11:49 <mizmo> #action msourada to copy F14 artwork schedule dates from peolcat's schedule to the f14 artwork wiki page 19:12:00 * liknus sorry for being late 19:12:09 <msourada> hi liknus 19:12:14 <liknus> hi all! 19:12:16 <mizmo> liknus, it's all good! we were just talking about the f14 artwork schedule and how things went in f13 19:12:23 * finalzone is greeting liknus 19:12:27 <liknus> nice nice :) 19:12:33 <mizmo> okay does anyone have any other schedule-related points to bring up? 19:12:43 <msourada> Southern_Gentlem, the "concept submission deadline" matches end of "conceptual design phase" 19:13:19 <mizmo> okay let's move on to the next topic then :) 19:13:20 <msourada> I'd like to discuss a bit the alpha wallpapers deadline. 19:13:22 <mizmo> oh okay 19:13:24 <mizmo> sure 19:13:32 <msourada> mizmo, not just only that :D 19:14:00 <mizmo> looks like the final date for the alpha wallpaper is 3 Aug 2010 19:14:14 <msourada> ok, so to the deadline: I suggest we push it a little bit back. It's set on the same date as packaging now, but that takes a while (making the package, doing the review, ...) 19:14:46 <msourada> I think about 3 or 4 days should be enough 19:14:51 <msourada> anyone against that? 19:14:57 <tw2113> +1 19:15:01 <nicubunu> +1 19:15:03 <mizmo> msourada, so if we make the wallpaper due July 31 so you have a few days to do packaging? 19:15:05 <finalzone> +1 19:15:10 <wonderer> msourada: +3...4 or -3...4 19:15:16 <mizmo> maybe july 30 would be better 19:15:16 <msourada> mizmo, yep 19:15:21 <mizmo> july 30 is a friday 19:15:24 <msourada> cool 19:15:34 <mizmo> cool sounds like a reasonable change to me 19:15:37 <wonderer> Ok, july 30 sound good. 19:15:42 <msourada> so seems noone is against, /me jots it down 19:15:51 <wonderer> +1 19:15:53 <mizmo> #agreed move deadline for wallpaper to July 30 to give msourade more time for packaging 19:16:03 <msourada> next is the Gathering feedback for Alpha wallpapers 19:16:06 <mizmo> (sorry about the typo) 19:16:26 <mizmo> we have the blog about alpha on Aug 3 19:16:27 <msourada> it obviously starts at the same date as the packaging of the wallpapers, the question is the end. 19:16:37 <mizmo> then beta is due, Sep 7 19:16:51 <mizmo> (i think again we should move sep 7 back a few days so you have time to package) 19:17:12 <mizmo> should we add another task specifically for feedback gathering? 19:17:36 <mizmo> if the blog post goes out aug 3, and the wallpaper is due say sep 3, then we should gather feedback until maybe no later than mid-august 19:17:50 <mizmo> 2 weeks to give feedback should be plenty of time, and that gives us at least 2 weeks to tweak the beta design in response 19:18:11 <msourada> yeah, sounds reasonable, maybe coincide it with the Prepare wallpaper for Beta start? (2010-08-17) 19:18:19 <mizmo> sounds great 19:18:26 <tw2113> i've been doing lots of social media networking lately and follow a lot of designers on twitter/identica, perhaps I could gather up some professional-ish feedback from them as well 19:18:31 <tw2113> not just linux followers 19:18:39 <mizmo> #agreed add new gather feedback task to the f14 artwork schedule: start 3 aug 2010, end 17 aug 2010 19:18:44 <msourada> tw2113, sounds great 19:18:46 <mizmo> tw2113, that would be amazing 19:18:51 <mizmo> yeh we should do more than just the blog tbh 19:18:55 <fabsh> tw2113: care to share that list somewhere? 19:19:06 <msourada> ok, next are the supplementary wallpapers 19:19:08 <fabsh> i'd like to follow them as well 19:19:12 <mizmo> blog, fedora forum, fedora-users list, identi.ca... maybe deviant art? 19:19:16 <msourada> basically we don't have any dates for that set 19:19:21 <tw2113> look at my following/follower list on those accounts 19:19:24 <mizmo> oh wait msourada 19:19:25 <tw2113> mostly twitter admittedly 19:19:26 <msourada> ok 19:19:33 <mizmo> we'll push the date for the beta wallpaper to give you packaging time too right? 19:19:35 <fabsh> tw2113: ok, will do thanks 19:20:05 <mizmo> right now it's sep-07, that's a tuesday, we'll move it back to the friday before, sep-03? 19:20:14 <msourada> I need more time only for the initial packaging, updating takes about day or so, but it's harder when there's freeze (we need to gather positive karma) :D 19:20:24 <mizmo> oh okay 19:20:34 <mizmo> so does sep 07 work then msourada? 19:20:40 <msourada> yup 19:20:44 <mizmo> okay cool no change then 19:20:54 <mizmo> let me note the social networking expansion 19:21:14 <mizmo> #agreed need to gather feedback for alpha wallpaper not just via blog - twitter/identi.ca, forums, users list, etc. 19:21:25 <mizmo> okay next scehdule concern, we need a supplementary wallpaper task added 19:21:27 <fabsh> i can help with that if needed 19:21:31 <mizmo> we definitely dont want to miss those 19:21:37 <maxamillion> does the artwork package get tagged as critpath-gnome? 19:21:39 <mizmo> fabsh that would be awesome :) 19:21:52 <mizmo> maxamillion, im not sure :( the thing is the package is a new package / new name every release.... 19:22:06 <nicubunu> the supplementary wallpapers item is NOT dependent on anything 19:22:16 <maxamillion> mizmo: right, but as I understand it critpath is a moving target up until the freeze 19:22:16 <mizmo> yeh 19:22:31 <msourada> maxamillion, yup. It's in because of deps from gnome-desktop 19:22:40 <mizmo> i guess it would be good to get the supplementary wallpapers in time for beta just in case 19:22:51 <nicubunu> +1 19:22:55 <mizmo> there's a few tasks associated with the supplementals - 19:23:00 <mizmo> #1 gather potential wallpapers 19:23:10 <mizmo> #2 whittle potentials down to a select few (maybe 6-8?) 19:23:17 <maxamillion> msourada: ok, then there might need to be some coordination planning with the proventesters group for quick push through on the package since it will need the critpath "blessing" 19:23:20 <mizmo> #3 verify wallpaper licenses with authors / contact authors to thank them 19:23:23 <mizmo> #4 get 'em packaged 19:23:28 <stickster> maxamillion: I think content-only packages may be treated differently -- for example, fedora-release-notes might be in that category too 19:23:35 <maxamillion> stickster: ahhh ok 19:23:36 <msourada> maxamillion, ah yes 19:23:49 <stickster> maxamillion: msourada: Definitely deserves some clarification though 19:23:51 <maxamillion> stickster: hadn't thought about the code vs. content bit 19:23:56 <maxamillion> I * 19:23:56 * stickster eof, sorry mizmo 19:24:09 * maxamillion apparently also is uncapable of typing 19:24:21 <mizmo> does some one want to take up the task of figuring out the critpath issue? 19:24:26 <msourada> ok, so for #4 we want probably the same date as beta package - i.e. 2010-09-07 19:24:30 <maxamillion> mizmo: I will 19:24:34 <mizmo> cool thanks maxamillion 19:24:38 <maxamillion> anytime :) 19:24:39 <stickster> maxamillion++ 19:24:41 <msourada> mizmo ^^ (my message) 19:24:54 <mizmo> #action figure out critpath blessing for artwork packages in f14 19:24:58 <mizmo> msourada, that seems reasonable 19:25:12 <mizmo> i think for contact with the artists we need to allow at least a week if not more, they can be hard to get in touch with 19:25:23 <msourada> now the question are the other three. How much time we want to leave for #2 and #3? 19:25:23 <mizmo> im not sure how we will do the selection for the wallpapers 19:25:33 <mizmo> i dont know if we really want to do a vote.... 19:25:56 <nicubunu> the person coordinating the supplementals can work in parallel with the process for default graphics 19:26:01 <nicubunu> mizmo: set a coordinator and it's his/her call 19:26:02 <mizmo> i can tell you how we did it for RHEL if it helps - 19:26:09 <msourada> Southern_Gentlem, for #3 leave about, say 10 days? 19:26:17 <mizmo> we had four people involved in the process create flickr galleries of their favorites 19:26:17 <msourada> sorry, that was for mizmo 19:26:20 <mizmo> then we met and talked about them 19:26:30 <fabsh> nicubunu: maybe also have some input on the mailing list? 19:26:39 <mizmo> and there was one coordinator who picked the final set, he ended up using a few from each person's gallery 19:26:44 <mizmo> are we okay with using flickr for this process? 19:26:56 <mizmo> it's closed source :( and they can be jerks about accounts 19:27:04 <nicubunu> fabsh,: surelu, to it transparently, maybe have a 3 people group making the call 19:27:07 <mizmo> but it's really easy to create galleries of cc-licensed images there 19:27:19 <fabsh> nicubunu: +1 19:27:22 <mizmo> is anyone here today willing to be the coordinator for the supplemental wallpapers? 19:27:26 <nicubunu> i'm not happy with flickr 19:27:45 <mizmo> okay let's not use flickr then 19:27:47 <nicubunu> too bad we don't have tha gallery instance running any more 19:27:49 <finalzone> is there an open source alternative for flickr? 19:27:59 <nicubunu> but we can use the wiki 19:28:05 <mizmo> well gallery would be hard to use too... i mean really we could send around emails or wiki pages with the URLs to graphics we like 19:28:07 <nicubunu> there won't be many images 19:28:16 <daniel_berryhill> what about picassa? 19:28:23 <mizmo> but it's hard to review - you have to look through the images one-by-one by clicking on the links, or the submitter has to upload every single image manually 19:28:36 <mizmo> can mediawiki galleries display remote images? 19:28:40 <fabsh> picasa is just as closed, right? 19:28:40 * mizmo didn't think they could 19:28:49 <mizmo> does picasa run on linux? 19:28:55 <nicubunu> daniel_berryhill: picasa is the same thing as flickr, same downsides 19:29:14 <nicubunu> picasa = picasaweb 19:29:20 <mizmo> ah okay 19:29:31 <mizmo> oh let me do this real quick 19:29:33 <msourada> i'd go the wiki way 19:29:34 <mizmo> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F14_Artwork#Key_Milestones 19:29:41 <mizmo> #link http://poelstra.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-14/f-14-design-tasks.html 19:29:48 * mizmo learning the wonders of zodbot :) 19:29:53 <mizmo> okay cool 19:29:53 <wonderer> I would wish we can have all in the wiki. That would be ONE place for all... 19:29:56 <mizmo> let's do the wiki then 19:30:10 <mizmo> it would be really nice if the wiki could display remote images... maybe there is a way to make it happen 19:30:22 <mizmo> so.... do we have any volunteers to coordinate the supplemental wallpapers? :) 19:30:31 <mizmo> how many do we think we need? 6-8 I'm thinking? 19:30:41 <msourada> yeah, that sounds reasonable 19:30:52 <nicubunu> i don't think i am fit for selecting, as i may send image proposals 19:30:56 <mizmo> #agreed 6-8 wallpapers for the supplemental wallpaper set 19:31:08 <kambu> (total newbie asks): why not distribute wallpapers in aplha and pick the default from there? 19:31:31 <mizmo> #agreed supplemental wallpaper packaging due date should be 2010-09-07 19:31:32 <tw2113> this is not for the default kambu 19:31:33 <msourada> I'm not very confident about selecting either. Maybe we could go through the set on a IRC meeting? 19:31:40 <kambu> ah ok 19:31:43 <nicubunu> kambu: because we don't have a way to measure wallpaper usage 19:31:52 <mizmo> yeh we can go through together on irc msourada 19:32:01 <finalzone> has anyone tried jalbum as flickr alternative? 19:32:05 <kambu> I meant a collecting feedback on the wiki 19:32:15 <mizmo> nicubunu, i think we'll all probably submit some :) so i dont think anyone will be impartial. i think that's okay 19:32:20 <fabsh> mizmo: i can coordinate if you find no one else 19:32:36 <fabsh> are we talking mainly photos here? 19:32:40 <maxamillion> mizmo: you mean we're going to get this packaged? https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/File:F13-concept-rocketlines.png ... or this planning for F14 supplemental? 19:32:43 <mizmo> kambu, is jalbum open source? 19:32:51 <mizmo> maxamillion, it's for f14 supplemental 19:32:59 <kambu> not sure. lemme check 19:33:08 <nicubunu> fabsh: we can also have illustrations, like in f12 19:33:12 <maxamillion> mizmo: ah, ok ... I just couldn't resist posting the link :D 19:33:17 <fabsh> nicubunu: ok 19:33:19 <mizmo> hehe 19:33:41 <mizmo> http://alternativeto.net/desktop/flickr/ 19:33:45 <wonderer> I think we have to have a tool where we all can collaborate with. jalbum & Co is more or less a singleuser tool I think. 19:33:54 <msourada> mizmo, so how does it sounds to make the decision on our usual meeting, that will take place at 2010-08-27? (more than week before packaging) Is that enough time to make sure the licensing is OK? 19:34:04 <finalzone> mizmo, that is the page I was looking 19:34:07 <wonderer> wiki is for now in my eyes for collective use a good start. not ideal, but workable. 19:34:31 <mizmo> msourada, if we package them sep-7 then i think 8-27 should be enough time 19:34:50 <msourada> ok, if noone is against we can decide on that date 19:34:51 <nicubunu> +1, wiki for f14, for f15+ we can think at something better 19:34:53 <mizmo> #agreed we will use the wiki to organize submissions for the f14 supplemental wallpapers 19:35:11 <mizmo> fabsh, mainly photos i think, yeh 19:35:15 <wonderer> +1, wiki for f14, for f15+ we can think at something better 19:35:21 <fabsh> mizmo: cool 19:35:32 <mizmo> fabsh, right now gnome comes with its own set of alternative wallpapers, they're kind of nature-y flowers / water / forest kinds of things 19:35:40 <kambu> mizmo: Jalbum is not completely open source 19:35:43 <mizmo> fabsh, it's a good opportunity for us to show off our own style instead of just copy upstream 19:35:43 <kambu> http://jalbum.net/developer/license 19:35:53 <fabsh> mizmo: i get you 19:35:58 <tw2113> i think it'd be nice to get some variety instead of always including the usual gnome provided ones 19:36:03 <mizmo> kambu, it is partially open source though i think that is cool 19:36:06 <nicubunu> like targeting the categories we talked about in f12 19:36:11 <mizmo> #info jalbum is partially opensource (jalbum.net) 19:36:20 <msourada> mizmo, we're dragging a bit behind time... can we agree on the 8-27 and move to next milestone? 19:36:26 <mizmo> yep let's move on msourada 19:36:35 <tw2113> +1 19:36:40 <kambu> +1 19:36:42 <mizmo> #agreed 8-27 due date for deciding the supplemental wallpapers (at the design team meeting in IRC) 19:36:45 <nicubunu> +1 19:36:50 <finalzone> +1 19:36:52 <wonderer> aehm oes jalbum use flash...?! 19:36:55 <mizmo> fabsh, should i pencil you in as coordinator? 19:37:03 <fabsh> mizmo: sure :) 19:37:14 <msourada> ok, so do we want to leave some time before the meeting closed for submissions, so that people can get familiar with it? 19:37:15 <mizmo> #agreed fabsh will coordinate the f14 supplemental wallpapers effort 19:37:28 <msourada> with *them 19:37:43 <mizmo> msourada, go over how to submit the wallpapers before the end of this meeting? 19:38:31 <mizmo> #agreed 8-26 due date for all wallpaper submissions (to be decided on at 8-27 meeting) 19:38:32 <msourada> ok 19:38:35 <mizmo> er that's supplemtnal wallpaper submissions 19:38:38 <finalzone> wonderer, I think jalbum uses jquery or somehing 19:38:39 <msourada> yep 19:39:14 <mizmo> we should try to contact the authors by maybe aug 30 19:39:18 <mizmo> then we have a week to hear back from then 19:39:25 <wonderer> hmm. 38min. and not come over agenda #2 :-) nice :-D 19:39:30 <mizmo> so i think we have a date for all the supplemental tasks now 19:39:39 <mizmo> #agreed contact wallpaper authors by aug 30 19:39:44 <mizmo> lol well this is a big item :) 19:39:51 <mizmo> msourada, did you have any other schedule concerns? 19:40:00 <fabsh> mizmo: leave at least a week, i did this for oggcamp promo material, it takes time 19:40:01 <nicubunu> wonderer: agenda #1 is a hard one 19:40:06 <wonderer> :) 19:40:07 <msourada> mizmo, ok, so lets see the rest of the milesones. In wiki we have I've set separate items for GRUB/Syslinux, Firstboot/Anaconda, KDM/KSplash. In poelcat's schedule there are just beta and final splashes... 19:40:35 <mizmo> fabsh, yeh i did for some wallpapers for rhel :) we'll have aug 30 - sep 7, hopefully enough 19:40:44 <msourada> mizmo, would it be better to change the milestones and go with poelcat's? 19:40:56 <fabsh> mizmo: ok. will give my best :) 19:41:04 <mizmo> msourada, maybe have one milestone, splashes completed, and list the individual splashes after the milestone name in parentheses? 19:41:31 <mizmo> fabsh, we could push the decision back a week from aug 27 to give you another week to get confirmation from the artists if you'd be more comfortable with that? 19:41:47 <wonderer> hy poelcat. just in time ;-) 19:42:11 <poelcat> i felt something change in the force so I came 19:42:12 <fabsh> mizmo: might be worth it if we can afford that 19:42:16 <msourada> mizmo, sounds reasonable. Do we want to have beta and final, or just go directly to for final? I don't think we made many changes to the splashes in the past 19:42:29 <mizmo> msourada, i think for the splashes we need to get them into beta - 19:42:49 <mizmo> msourada, there was a last-minute issue that came up with the anaconda ones for f13... so i had maybe 2 hours to fix it :) 19:42:51 <tw2113> poelcat that would be me, i had pizza recently 19:42:52 <mizmo> it sucked 19:43:03 <poelcat> tw2113: TMI 19:43:05 <poelcat> ;-) 19:43:07 <mizmo> if they'd been in beta it would have been a lot more easily fixed 19:43:17 <msourada> mizmo, ok. So I'll use both the beta deadline and final deadline from poelcat's schedule. Sounds good with anyone? 19:43:22 <mizmo> +1 19:43:27 <fabsh> +1 19:43:40 <tw2113> +1.1 19:43:42 <finalzone> +1 19:43:48 <mizmo> agreed: splash milestones collapsed into one splash item as per poelcat's schedule, using beta deadline 19:43:50 <mizmo> grr 19:43:53 <mizmo> #agreed: splash milestones collapsed into one splash item as per poelcat's schedule, using beta deadline 19:44:14 <poelcat> IOW I don't need to change anything, just leave as is? 19:44:30 <mizmo> poelcat, we have a few changes we went over before you joined :) 19:44:39 <poelcat> okay, i can read logs after 19:44:43 <mizmo> poelcat, cool :) 19:44:48 <msourada> mizmo, I don't have any more milestone items I want to discuss 19:44:52 <mizmo> okay cool 19:44:58 <mizmo> any last comments on the f14 schedule? 19:45:21 <nicubunu> yup, have them early, even if they won't change 19:45:52 <mizmo> nicubunu, msourada: do you guys want to take the rest of the meeting to talk about lgm? 19:46:00 <mizmo> (we have abut 15 min left) 19:46:04 <nicubunu> no, only 5 minutes 19:46:15 <tw2113> here's the link to their presentation anyway http://blip.tv/file/3697979 19:46:24 <tw2113> go watch it, cause i said to :) 19:46:24 <mizmo> nicubunu, okay 5 minutes then :) 19:46:27 <nicubunu> all the links are at http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/design-team/2010-June/002551.html 19:46:29 <msourada> hehe... nicubunu, do you think you can fit inside the 5 mins? :D 19:46:31 <mizmo> #topic Fedora design team at LGM 19:46:56 <nicubunu> it was the largest LGM ever with the strongest Fedora presence ever 19:46:56 <mizmo> overall how do you guys think your presentation was received? 19:47:04 <mizmo> i saw the video on blip, it was great 19:47:06 <nicubunu> very well 19:47:14 <msourada> yep, I think so too 19:47:23 <nicubunu> people coming after and saying "you are doing it right" 19:47:28 <mizmo> yay :) 19:47:32 <nicubunu> non-fedora people 19:47:41 <finalzone> ^_^ 19:47:43 <msourada> It's probably a good idea for the design team to attend on a regular basis on LGM 19:47:46 <tw2113> we are leaders 19:47:56 <nicubunu> and people coning the next day and sayiong they talked over beers about how we are doing it right 19:48:24 <mizmo> do you knwo where lgm will be next year? 19:48:26 <nicubunu> and people inspired by me saying "the process is more important than the result" 19:48:28 * mizmo hopes montreal again 19:48:32 <msourada> and lots of people have been asking us how we manage to do the artwork in collaborative way 19:48:44 <nicubunu> is not known yet, it may be in Asia 19:48:57 <mizmo> ooh maybe japan ^^ 19:49:00 <nicubunu> Canada is a candidate too 19:49:03 <finalzone> tokyo? 19:49:03 * wonderer hopes to attend next time, too ... make the anime croud bigger ;-) 19:49:04 <msourada> yup, some people are very hyped about Vietnam (me among them :D) 19:49:18 <finalzone> lets hope it will be Vancouver 19:49:20 <mizmo> sweet 19:49:34 <mizmo> i think its good for our team's process to get recognition 19:49:38 <fabsh> this is making me jealous :) 19:49:53 <tw2113> it can be hard to beat to our own drum when it's so easy to do the same as everyone else 19:49:53 <mizmo> actually maybe the next topic should be about some of the collaboration tools i wanted to talk about 19:50:09 <msourada> I believe liknus set up some wiki page for the formal proposals of the next LGM (he was really productive there) 19:50:12 <tw2113> but we stick to our morals with the topic of freedom 19:50:13 <mizmo> there's some floss projects we might be able to test out to get some better/easier collaboration going 19:50:18 <wonderer> maybe we also could present next time more of our work itself. 19:50:21 * nicubunu personally for getting to talk with andyfitz and garrett 19:50:40 <mizmo> nicubunu, had you ever met them before in person? 19:50:51 <nicubunu> mizmo: it was the first time 19:51:02 <mizmo> oh wow lol 19:51:30 * msourada discovered andyfitz going to be working in prague, so I'll have probably more chances to meeting him. Hi said I'm his only friend there :D 19:51:43 <mizmo> oh that's awesome!!!! 19:51:45 <msourada> s/hi/he 19:51:51 * nicubunu sad to learn andyfitz is going to novell too 19:51:56 <tw2113> mizmo you're listed as our rock star in their presentation 19:52:02 <mizmo> he's going to novell? 19:52:04 * mizmo did not know that 19:52:21 <msourada> mizmo, yup, that's why he's going to be in prague, they have their office there 19:52:27 <mizmo> cool 19:52:29 <tw2113> andyfitz drank the koolaid? :( 19:52:31 <fabsh> wow... interesting move at this time 19:52:50 <mizmo> aiight! 19:53:12 <mizmo> thanks msourada and nicubunu you guys did an awesome job at LGM and blogging about it too 19:53:24 <mizmo> what is pierros' nick? 19:53:24 <nicubunu> pierros was awesome too 19:53:25 <tw2113> my word they blogged about it 19:53:29 * msourada blushes :D 19:53:31 <tw2113> mostly nicubunu but they all helped 19:53:32 <mizmo> is he here? 19:53:48 <nicubunu> don't think so 19:53:54 <msourada> tw2113, nicu totally likes to blog his pictures :D 19:54:08 <mizmo> ah okay 19:54:09 * tw2113 nods 19:54:13 <mizmo> well let's try to squeeze one more topic in 19:54:25 <mizmo> #topic design collaboration tools 19:54:30 <mizmo> i want to show you something i set up last week - 19:54:40 <mizmo> http://linuxgrrl.com/drupal/ 19:54:45 <mizmo> http://linuxgrrl.com/drupal/forum/1 19:54:53 * sijis loves drupal 19:54:54 <mizmo> it scrapes our mailing list and presents it in blog and forum format 19:55:11 <mizmo> i think using an app like this might make it easier for us to communicate and get more designers to participate 19:55:11 <fabsh> that's pretty cool! :) 19:55:11 <maxamillion> mizmo: is that what lmacken put together? 19:55:24 <wonderer> my question here is do we have some concepts what "this" tool should do and what not? 19:55:32 <mizmo> i think mailing lists are really hard to do productive design discussions on (if any of you are subscribed to fedora-users this past week you'll know what im talking about :( ) 19:55:38 <fabsh> this is also good for linking to mailing list posts in a nice way 19:55:39 <mizmo> maxamillion, noppers it's a drupal plugin thing i set up really quick 19:55:48 <maxamillion> mizmo: interesting .... :) 19:55:52 <mizmo> wonderer, yeh, kylebaker did a blog post about some ideas for it last week 19:56:00 <mizmo> oh let me link those 19:56:04 <mizmo> #link http://linuxgrrl.com/drupal/ 19:56:06 <mizmo> #link http://linuxgrrl.com/drupal/forum/1 19:56:14 <msourada> mizmo, I think the header is too big 19:56:16 <tw2113> this is more for easier reading right? not really posting? 19:56:20 <mizmo> #link http://blogs.fedoraproject.org/wp/kybaker/2010/05/21/creative-open-sorcery/ 19:56:28 <wonderer> we should collect them in the wiki ... 19:56:29 <msourada> mizmo, but otherwise looks like a good idea 19:56:30 <fabsh> this helps when discussing topics from the mailing list in other forums 19:56:37 <mizmo> msourada, it's easily tweaked, i just stole the style from an old mockup, it's thrown together really quickly 19:56:40 <tw2113> oops, i see "add new comment" 19:56:45 <mizmo> if you have ideas for a better header let's use it 19:56:49 <mizmo> tw2113, it's read-only right now 19:57:00 <mizmo> if it seems like something we think could work, i can turn on the ability to post as well 19:57:02 <mizmo> but the problem is 19:57:06 <mizmo> it's running on my personal server 19:57:12 <nicubunu> do we have time for another agenda item/ 19:57:12 <nicubunu> ? 19:57:14 <mizmo> so you would have to sign up for an account on my drupal 19:57:23 <msourada> mizmo, I don't have one, I just noticed it is occupying too space on my screen :D 19:57:27 <mizmo> nicubunu, we can squeeze another one in, what's up 19:58:16 <msourada> mizmo, we should probably squeeze in the emea t-shirts... 19:58:22 <mizmo> yeh 19:58:22 <mizmo> okay 19:58:26 <mizmo> #topic emea tshirts 19:58:31 <mizmo> let me see if i can find the ticket number 19:58:42 <mizmo> i had thought tatica put together a design for them a couple of weeks ago, tbh 19:58:46 <nicubunu> do we have any design for that? 19:58:53 <msourada> 126 19:58:56 <msourada> mizmo ^^ 19:59:01 <msourada> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/126 19:59:04 <mizmo> it's emea fudon in zurich 19:59:05 <tw2113> i need to get going 19:59:07 <mizmo> fudcon 19:59:09 <mizmo> later tw2113 19:59:10 <tw2113> GREAT turnout everyone 19:59:15 <mizmo> #link https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/126 19:59:28 <mizmo> tatica, do you have the url for your shirt design? 19:59:32 <tatica> yes 19:59:42 <nicubunu> it will set the graphic style for 2010 19:59:57 <tatica> http://tatica.fedorapeople.org/Themes/F14/ 20:00:11 <nicubunu> why tatica's design isn't in the ticket? 20:00:19 <mizmo> ah here we go 20:00:21 <mizmo> #link http://tatica.fedorapeople.org/Themes/F14/floral-mosaic-tshirt.png 20:00:28 <tatica> http://tatica.fedorapeople.org/Themes/F14/floral-mosaic-tshirt.png 20:00:31 <mizmo> tatica, did they pick a design from that mockup? 20:00:35 <tatica> http://tatica.fedorapeople.org/Themes/F14/floral-mosaic-tshirt-1.png 20:00:47 <mizmo> #link http://tatica.fedorapeople.org/Themes/F14/floral-mosaic-tshirt-1.png 20:01:00 <mizmo> tatica, did you talk to Marcus Moeller about this design? 20:01:03 <tatica> I still need to add the fudcon logo in the back 20:01:05 <nicubunu> if i remember, they liked a couple 20:01:21 <tatica> but I don't have the sources, and wasn't online the weekend 20:01:28 <mizmo> #action tatica to add a fudcon logo to the back of the floral mosaic shirt 20:01:55 <tatica> oka 20:01:56 <mizmo> tatica, i'll update the ticket to include a link to http://tatica.fedorapeople.org/Themes/F14/floral-mosaic-tshirt-1.png ? 20:01:57 <fabsh> tatica: really nice design, btw :) 20:02:05 <tatica> sure 20:02:39 <mizmo> tatica, cool when do you think you can finalize the design for them? 20:02:44 <mizmo> or do you need someone to help out? 20:02:56 <tatica> I just need the svg fudcon logo 20:02:57 * wonderer allways loves the black ones... 20:03:04 <mizmo> ohhh let me email that to you right now tatica 20:03:08 <tatica> oka, thx :D 20:03:09 <mizmo> #action mizmo email fudcon source to tatica 20:03:16 <mizmo> cool 20:03:19 <nicubunu> tatica: take it from the svg of the full t-shirt in the wiki 20:03:20 * msourada loves the black ones the best as well :D 20:03:21 * tatica looks how mizmo love the #action 20:03:24 <mizmo> lol 20:03:32 <mizmo> i think it will make the logs easier to read in the end 20:03:37 <fabsh> black shirts rule 20:03:37 <mizmo> (hopefully) 20:03:38 <mizmo> okay 20:03:42 <tatica> lol 20:03:44 <mizmo> #agreed black shirts rule 20:03:51 <mizmo> okay any final bizness? 20:03:53 <wonderer> :) 20:03:55 <mizmo> 4... 20:03:58 <mizmo> 3... 20:04:01 <mizmo> 2... 20:04:03 <mizmo> 1... 20:04:04 <nicubunu> black/white/blue: is a money problem and organizers decide 20:04:16 <mizmo> liftoff 20:04:21 <mizmo> thanks for coming everybody :) 20:04:26 <mizmo> #endmeeting