18:03:45 <mizmo> #startmeeting 18:03:45 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Aug 27 18:03:45 2013 UTC. The chair is mizmo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:03:45 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:03:52 <mizmo> #chair gnokii 18:03:52 <zodbot> Current chairs: gnokii mizmo 18:04:17 <mizmo> okay so we're meeting basically to talk about what to do for the Fedora 20 wallpaper 18:04:33 <mizmo> now, ideally, we'd know what the F20 codename is... well, some weeks ago. We were supposed to know today but it got delayed 18:04:41 <mizmo> So I think we won't know until Friday, is that right gnokii? 18:05:24 <gnokii> yes, jreznik wanted to be reminded for that meeting but I dont see him right now 18:05:40 <mizmo> didn't he say he was not going to be around, i dont remember 18:06:11 <gnokii> <jreznik> saw your meeting reminder 18:06:11 <gnokii> <gnokii> means u will be there? 18:06:11 <gnokii> <jreznik> thanks for taking care 18:06:11 <gnokii> <jreznik> I'll try from phone 18:06:11 <gnokii> <jreznik> ping me in FB if not pls 18:06:18 <mizmo> ah okay 18:06:22 <gnokii> but he is not online at fb 18:06:25 <mizmo> ohhh ok 18:06:30 <mizmo> well it wouldn't hurt to msg him anyway 18:07:02 <croberts> do you want me to send him an email? 18:07:16 <mizmo> croberts, that would be helpful, thanks! 18:07:42 <mizmo> so for the meeting - let me list out a rough agenda, and let me know if i'm missing anything. before we get started 18:07:55 <mizmo> #info We need to figure out what to do for the Fedora 20 Alpha wallpaper. 18:08:10 <mizmo> #info We should look through the list of potential F20 codenames and brainstorm some visual ideas for the F20 wallpaper. 18:08:14 <mizmo> is there anything else? 18:08:41 <gnokii> no 18:08:53 <mizmo> okay 18:08:58 <tatica> ! 18:09:03 <mizmo> go ahead tatica lol 18:09:04 <mizmo> #chair tatica 18:09:04 <zodbot> Current chairs: gnokii mizmo tatica 18:09:16 <tatica> probably the best would be to do some base background and just keep it simple/abstract 18:09:26 <mizmo> for F20 alpha? 18:09:31 <tatica> there is no way we can do something based in the 7 or #random proposed names we have 18:09:32 <mizmo> or the whole release? 18:09:33 <tatica> yeap 18:09:35 <mizmo> okay 18:09:38 <mizmo> well let's talk about that first 18:09:45 <mizmo> #topic Fedora 20 alpha wallpaper 18:09:47 <tatica> and once we have a number, we can work oer it 18:09:52 <tatica> *over 18:10:07 <mizmo> #info tatica has proposed just making something basic, simple/abstract for the alpha, and once we have the codename we'll investigate something different 18:10:27 <mizmo> something blue i guess? 18:10:37 <mizmo> or should we try something multicolor? (for the F20 alpha wallpaper) 18:10:41 <tatica> we have been already having abstract wallpapers for a while 18:10:43 <ryanlerch> churchyard's 3d printed one? 18:10:45 <gnokii> we can do maybe a trick as 20 is a round number we could try to do something what represents all the 20 we had so far or some of them 18:10:53 <tatica> I would say multicolor, blue +50% of it 18:10:58 <tatica> gnokii, +1 18:11:12 <croberts> +1 gnokii 18:11:35 <mizmo> #info gnokii proposes doing a wallpaper that represents the 20 releases we've had so far 18:11:49 <mizmo> let's take a look at what we had so far, i don't know if the wiki page is up to date but we'll see - 18:11:50 * mizmo sec 18:12:28 <tatica> what about some waves that represent the 20 in an abstract way? 18:12:30 <mizmo> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Wallpapers so this is missing F19 18:12:47 <ryanlerch> mizmo, is this just for the alpha one? or actual f20 ideas? 18:13:06 <mizmo> ryanlerch, i guess the history of fedora over 20 releases would make a good actual F20 wallpaper too 18:13:16 <ryanlerch> because the deadline on the alpha is pretty tight, right? 18:13:26 <mizmo> i think - it has to be ready this friday? is that right gnokii? 18:13:36 <mizmo> i think i saw the email for alpha change freeze this morning 18:13:37 <gnokii> nope moment 18:14:31 <gnokii> http://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-20/f-20-design-tasks.html 18:14:35 <mizmo> tatica, i like that idea too... maybe 20 elements of some sort (lines, or circles, or something) intersecting in an interesting way 18:14:42 <mizmo> #link http://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-20/f-20-design-tasks.html Schedule 18:14:59 <mizmo> hahaha we are 5 days too late? 18:15:02 <gnokii> mizmo: I had jreznik here for editing our schedule 18:15:02 <mizmo> or did everything slip? 18:15:17 <gnokii> everything slipped already 18:15:28 <mizmo> oh okay, if it's a 1 week slip we have two days basically 18:15:45 <mizmo> well let me log out the ideas so far, keep throwing out ideas for F20 alpha folks 18:15:52 <ryanlerch> one of the ideas on the thread was to just use one of the f19 supplementals as the alpha 18:15:56 <mizmo> #idea (tatica) use waves to represent 20 in an abstract way 18:16:03 <ryanlerch> my vote is for the 3d printed one... 18:16:04 <mizmo> #idea (gnokii) do something to represent the 20 releases so far 18:16:07 <tatica> so, I think this meeting should just keep going for the next 2 days and get something done 18:16:17 <mizmo> #idea (ryanlerch) use the 3D printed supplemental wallpaper from last release (or another supplemental wallpaper) 18:16:33 <mizmo> #idea (mizmo, riffing off tatica's idea) 20 elements (lines, circles, or something) intersecting in an interesting way 18:16:46 <mizmo> has anybody seen a nice abstract wallpaper lately that we could use as inspiration if we go that route? 18:16:50 <tatica> ryanlerch, even if I like that picture a lot, I think it's too crowded for a wallpaper 18:17:03 <mizmo> i think ryanlerch's idea of using a supplemental from last release is a good backup plan if we run out of time 18:17:12 * tatica only has the collected monsters from ryanlerch hackfest... :D 18:17:18 <tatica> mizmo, indeed 18:17:22 <gnokii> http://normal-ist-lahm.de/sammelles/alltag/faecher_fan002.jpg 18:17:26 <mizmo> anybody got inkscape open yet? :) 18:17:56 <mizmo> #link http://normal-ist-lahm.de/sammelles/alltag/faecher_fan002.jpg (inspiration / gnokii) 18:18:03 <mizmo> gnokii, that fan has 17 it looks like, we could make a fan with 20 leafs 18:18:04 <mizmo> hehe 18:18:15 <mizmo> er leaves 18:18:15 <gnokii> that was the idea 18:18:25 <mizmo> #idea (gnokii) illustrate a fan with 20 leaves 18:18:44 <mizmo> okay i've got inkscape open 18:18:53 <mizmo> i'm going to try to mock something up quickly with the fan leaf idea 18:19:00 <mizmo> anybody else going to grab an idea and try to mock something up? 18:19:16 <mizmo> let's take like, 10 minutes to mock up something? if you're not mocking up feel free to continue to brainstorm in here 18:19:17 <mizmo> sound good? 18:19:48 <tatica> sure 18:19:59 <gnokii> any other ideas? 18:20:16 <ryanlerch> tatica, my siggestion was to just use it for the alpha / and or beta... 18:20:26 <ryanlerch> def not for the release. 18:20:28 <tatica> ryanlerch, ahh 18:20:56 <gnokii> ryanlerch: makes no sense, jreznik explained me yesterday why there is that rule for alpha wallpaper 18:20:58 <mizmo> maybe this is stupid but 18:21:08 <mizmo> #idea a rainbow with 20 rings to it 18:21:34 * tatica saw "rainbow" and "rings" and though about Sonic :$ 18:21:34 <ryanlerch> gnokii, please clarify. what makes no sense? 18:21:46 <gnokii> to use something different 18:22:10 <banas> msg Emichan Done with lunch? :) 18:22:29 <Emichan> banas, sorry, i'm in a meeting -i'll ping you when i'm done 18:22:39 <mizmo> tatica, lol. i dont know if 'rings' is the right word. maybe 'bands' ? 18:22:46 <tatica> hahaha 18:22:55 <mizmo> here's another weird one 18:23:10 <mizmo> #idea a texture with spot lights on it, maybe 20 different light beams? something like http://www.google.com/imgres?biw=1366&bih=577&tbs=imgo:1&tbm=isch&tbnid=qpSOXrc2b4L9fM:&imgrefurl=http://www.123rf.com/photo_14198574_red-brick-wall-background-with-beams-of-light.html&docid=lV5NnyBLIt7bVM&imgurl=http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/roystudio/roystudio1206/roystudio120600063/14198574-red-brick-wall-b 18:23:10 <mizmo> ackground-with-beams-of-light.jpg&w=1200&h=801&ei=Su4cUqrtKMK5sASigYHYDQ&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:87,s:0,i:348&iact=rc&page=6&tbnh=183&tbnw=275&start=85&ndsp=18&tx=199&ty=43 but no brick, some other texture 18:23:23 <mizmo> grrr 18:23:33 <mizmo> http://ur1.ca/f91mk 18:23:34 <mizmo> there 18:23:38 * mizmo kicks google 18:23:42 <mizmo> okay 18:23:47 <mizmo> back to inkscape! i'm playing with the fan idea 18:23:51 <finalzone> is that a wallpaper for F20 Alpha? 18:23:54 * mizmo is a big fan of it. hahaha 18:23:59 <mizmo> finalzone, no just an inspiration idea 18:24:07 <mizmo> finalzone, we're basically brainstorming ideas and doing quick mockups in inkscape 18:24:15 <mizmo> would you like a dump of all the ideas? 18:24:43 <finalzone> I do. Any topic for the idea? 18:24:55 <mizmo> lemme pop em into an etherpad, one sec 18:24:55 <tatica> what about some patternish with the 20 or 20 lines (brown, but what about blueish with other mixs of colors) http://0.static.wix.com/media/806925_16246b819741c42aa7fdc80061e75397.jpg_1024 18:25:36 * finalzone looks like a wallpaper seen in Starbucks 18:26:22 <mizmo> http://piratepad.net/f20-wallpaper <= idea so far (still working on it) 18:27:44 <tatica> what about abstract patterns? 20 waves of color? http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTqMHHGIzFcpZvWA1TzjuuCwDihDejT-aPrZ3nr94farbAiVm7P 18:27:48 <ryanlerch> i was messing around with this idea yesterday as a quick placeholder idea -- http://ryanlerch.org/bluewood.jpg 18:27:51 <tatica> and no... not 50 shades of fedora :D 18:28:08 <tatica> that looks cute 18:28:20 <ryanlerch> not the design, the wallpaper im using 18:28:21 <ryanlerch> lol 18:28:30 <mizmo> #idea i was messing around with this idea yesterday as a quick placeholder idea -- http://ryanlerch.org/bluewood.jpg 18:28:53 <mizmo> ryanlerch, that actually reminds me of a tileable wallpaper that came with gnome 1.x :-/ 18:28:54 <tatica> the wallpaper, I know 18:28:54 <gnokii> damn flickr 18:29:03 <mizmo> #idea what about abstract patterns? 20 waves of color? http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTqMHHGIzFcpZvWA1TzjuuCwDihDejT-aPrZ3nr94farbAiVm7P 18:29:17 * mizmo back to inkscape. if there are more ideas, can you paste to the pirate pad for me too? 18:29:24 <mizmo> #chair ryanlerch 18:29:24 <zodbot> Current chairs: gnokii mizmo ryanlerch tatica 18:29:27 <mizmo> #chair finalzone 18:29:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: finalzone gnokii mizmo ryanlerch tatica 18:29:56 <tatica> hmmm, what about a blue infrared picture? 18:29:56 <croberts> +1 wallpaper that does remind me of gnome 1.x 18:30:19 <ryanlerch> mizmo, could we riffoff / build on stuff from subtle patterns maybe 18:30:30 <mizmo> ryanlerch, #idea it :) 18:30:32 <gnokii> mizmo: thought on something similar with swirly bands 18:30:34 <finalzone> so 20 abstract pattern, eh? 18:31:13 <ryanlerch> #idea use one of the patterns from http://subtlepatterns.com/ as a base for a design 18:32:02 <ryanlerch> mizmo, yeah i gave up on bluewood after i tinted it blue... it def needs some more work 18:32:39 <gnokii> tatica: can u do me a favor again? 18:32:59 <tatica> sure 18:33:25 * tatica trying to follow while haz some lunch 18:38:53 * mizmo still monkey-ing around in inkscape, hwo is everybody elose doing? 18:39:34 * tatica eating :$ 18:40:45 * croberts eating as well :) 18:42:30 * gnokii fixes thumbnail failures in the wiki 18:45:55 <tatica> could we have some mockups by the end of the day? 18:48:58 <finalzone> I may be unavailable later today, I have an appointment for business project 18:49:22 <tatica> ok, let's try to come up with something 18:49:23 <tatica> food done 18:50:41 * finalzone just got design-devel mailing list created, waiting for fas account set up 18:51:35 <ryanlerch> finalzone, \0/ 18:52:17 <mizmo> finalzone++ 18:53:09 <finalzone> fas account created. gpick and gimp-paint-studio are cced in that pseudo 18:54:44 <croberts> ++ 18:58:12 <ryanlerch> finalzone, i see you submitted a supplemental wallpaper too!!!! \o/ 18:59:14 <finalzone> ryanlerch: =) 18:59:46 <gnokii> mizmo: we need only 19 for the fan 19:00:13 <ryanlerch> good to see so many more new submitters to the default wallpaper this time! :) 19:01:45 <mizmo> giallu, oh right 19:02:04 <mizmo> ryanlerch, wait you mean supplemental right? 19:02:05 * mizmo confused 19:02:12 * mock votes for mock up 19:03:33 <ryanlerch> mizmo, yes sorry! supplemental :) 19:03:38 <ryanlerch> too many coffeeeeees 19:04:03 <ryanlerch> woah that new lighthouse photo is fantastic! 19:04:05 <gnokii> mizmo: is there a pinterest bord? 19:04:15 <mizmo> gnokii, not yet 19:04:28 <mizmo> the only links we have for it are the brick wall and the fan 19:05:17 <gnokii> yeah ryanlerch thats quality ;) 19:06:25 <ryanlerch> it was also submitted for Ubuntu default wallpaper 19:06:27 <ryanlerch> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/08/ubuntu-wallpaper-13-10-picks 19:06:36 <gnokii> http://img.susepaste.org/528241ec 19:06:44 <gnokii> ryanlerch: I know 19:07:18 <tatica> wow, that's an insane pic! 19:07:27 <tatica> but didn't won 19:08:04 <gnokii> that's because ubuntu divide in categories and choose from them 19:09:30 <gnokii> mizmo: we could add to the fan idea some elements of this http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTqMHHGIzFcpZvWA1TzjuuCwDihDejT-aPrZ3nr94farbAiVm7P 19:09:46 <mizmo> gnokii, hehe i actually had something like that going on already 19:09:53 <gnokii> cool 19:09:55 <mizmo> sec and i'll give you a quick screencap altho it's totally not ready yet 19:10:34 <gnokii> btw puiterwijk asked me why I am using always susepaste as I said becaus fpast cant do pics he said he will integrate it :D 19:11:57 <mizmo> http://imgur.com/6U65R63 19:12:03 <mizmo> this is horrible but you get the idea 19:12:06 <finalzone> everyone, you can now subscribe to design-devel mailing list. It is mainly used to track packages 19:12:07 <mizmo> gnokii, omg that would be awesome! 19:13:59 <finalzone> mizmo, maybe sublimity in that idea works 19:14:55 <mizmo> i want to see if i can bend the fan leaves around the curve 19:16:16 <twohot> gnokii: ping 19:16:32 <gnokii> twohot: pong 19:16:43 <twohot> meeting? 19:16:47 <gnokii> yes 19:16:52 <twohot> now? 19:17:01 <tatica> brb, laundry 19:17:04 <gnokii> mizmo: how would be a pattern like this http://eischmann.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/fedora-booth.jpg 19:17:19 <gnokii> twohot: yes since 1hr 15 minutes 19:17:48 <mizmo> gnokii, i like that too 19:17:51 <twohot> where? Just seeing my mails 19:17:57 <mizmo> gnokii, is there an easy way to do that in inkscape or did you do that by hand? 19:17:58 <gnokii> here 19:18:09 <gnokii> mizmo: I did by hand 19:18:16 <mizmo> wow, impressive :) 19:18:28 <gnokii> but there is an way to do it fast 19:18:41 <finalzone> using tiling clone? 19:18:43 <gnokii> just use spray tool 19:19:10 <gnokii> rest has to be filled by hand 19:20:02 * twohot wants to know the current topic/stage of the meeting 19:20:46 <mizmo> well crap inkscape crashed :( 19:21:01 * mizmo will save this time o_O 19:21:01 <gnokii> twohot: we fetched ideas and work of them, as we have no code name yet we decided to go for a thing with 2 pieces who represent 20 releases 19:21:44 <twohot> 2 pieces 19:21:53 <finalzone> mizmo, you can set a recovery mode in inkscape and make sure to autosave every three minutes. Those functions are time saver 19:22:02 <mizmo> ohhh i need to do that 19:22:05 <mizmo> thanks finalzone 19:22:14 <gnokii> 3 minutes? when u want to work 19:22:28 <gnokii> 10 minutes is definitely enough 19:22:53 <mizmo> finalzone, do you know which menu it's in ? 19:23:19 <finalzone> mizmo, it should be in preference 19:23:31 <gnokii> mizmo: its in input/output 19:23:45 <finalzone> that is right 19:24:20 <finalzone> gnokii, I had a bad experience with inkscape crashing in the first five minutes =( 19:24:33 <finalzone> so 3 minutes is a precaution 19:24:51 <mizmo> hmm i looked there... 19:24:53 * mizmo looks again 19:25:34 <mizmo> oh there it is, i had it turned on! 19:25:47 <finalzone> ack, inkscape failed to run here... 19:25:54 <mizmo> haha i got my stuff back! wee :) 19:26:13 <finalzone> yay! 19:27:06 <finalzone> ryanlerch, your inkscape package needs a fix 19:27:12 <gnokii> finalzone: to repeat the work of 5 minutes is better as stopping each 3 minutes working, as Inkscape needs to save 19:29:22 <finalzone> gnokii: fine, I change the autosave for every five minutes then 19:29:23 <twohot> what svg file are we looking at? 19:29:58 <gnokii> twohot: at none 19:30:09 <tatica> back 19:30:22 <gnokii> twohot: http://piratepad.net/f20-wallpaper 19:42:27 <mizmo> 6 crashes later im feeling very demotivated :( 19:42:46 <finalzone> which inkscape version do you run 19:43:30 <gnokii> mizmo: yes unstable version of inkscape sucks 19:46:29 <tatica> brb 19:50:43 <finalzone> design-sw bugzilla account set up, cced to knotter packaging review 19:53:17 <gnokii> Jenneh: inkscaper we had the idea not to wait for codename and do an design representing 20 releases, so maybe u have an idea to work on 19:53:49 <Jenneh> is there any place I can read the log of the meeting? 19:54:37 <inkscaper> Hi all :) 19:55:18 <gnokii> Jenneh: not yet, when mizmo stops the meeting, meetbot makes a log 19:55:25 <mizmo> want me to stop it now? 19:55:46 <gnokii> inkscaper: did ryanlerch ask u for ur postal address? 19:55:51 <finalzone> brb 19:56:00 <tatica> mizmo, no need 19:56:18 <tatica> we are not writing that much, so log shouldn't be that long and would be good to keep looged all the links we shout 19:56:27 <Jenneh> sounds good 19:56:37 <tatica> sup Jenneh !! 19:57:05 <gnokii> Jenneh: but we have a pad 19:57:15 <gnokii> http://piratepad.net/f20-wallpaper 19:58:03 <inkscaper> gnokii: my postal address? 19:58:35 <gnokii> yes, web pages guys decided to give u an fedora 19 shirt 19:58:50 <Jenneh> tatica: Hi, just got out of class :D 19:58:57 <Jenneh> gnokii: Thanks!! 20:09:14 <ryanlerch> gnokii, why do i need inkscaper's address? 20:09:51 <gnokii> because, u have to give it giallu 20:11:05 <mizmo> thi sis what i have :-/ http://imgur.com/78Ll944 20:12:48 <gnokii> looks like a lawn 20:14:03 <tatica> mizmo, maybe if the leaves go from top to bottom and add some really soft different color to the gradient 20:14:09 <mizmo> yeh its crappy :-p 20:14:19 <tatica> not crappy at all 20:14:26 <mizmo> this is why i donyt like doig wallpapers - 2 hours on this :( 20:15:01 <tatica> well, I think we could either keep with the log or close the meeting and gather all the mockups on the piratepad and have another meeting tomorrow 20:18:18 <Jenneh> mizmo: I think it could use just a bit more contrast, since its a background it shouldn't be too harsh because that could become distracting, but right now I think its too subtle 20:20:03 <ryanlerch> gnokii, why do i have to give inkscaper's postal address to giallu? 20:20:11 * ryanlerch is confused 20:20:35 <robyduck> ryanlerch: you should have a mail from mailga about it 20:20:55 <gnokii> ryanlerch: +1 for robyduck 20:21:29 <robyduck> everyone who helped to ship F19, from every team, is going to receive a shirt 20:21:59 <robyduck> there is also a wiki page about this, looking for the link 20:22:15 <ryanlerch> okay, i cant seem to find the email... 20:22:26 <gnokii> and web pages guys thought u and inkscaper deserve one so he asked me and I sent him to u saying its not an decision I do alone 20:22:33 <robyduck> ryanlerch: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F19_release_tshirt 20:22:47 <robyduck> gnokii: +1 thx 20:22:59 <gnokii> and out came I did not work enough for f19 and mizmo deserves also none 20:23:13 <robyduck> ryanlerch: you can also send it to me, I will pass it to mailga 20:23:38 <robyduck> yes, gnokii is too lazy :p 20:23:52 * robyduck is joking 20:25:14 <gnokii> next time I do such a shirt I will add my nick to it 20:25:51 <robyduck> gnokii: Yes, I want it! 20:26:03 <gnokii> robyduck: what? 20:26:29 <robyduck> the next shirt with your nick 20:27:22 <gnokii> robyduck: I add it only to prove that I did work 20:27:23 <robyduck> gnokii: aren't you really in that list? 20:27:35 <gnokii> robyduck: read the comment 20:27:42 * robyduck looks 20:28:25 <robyduck> :) 20:29:10 <gnokii> robyduck: do u go to FAD? 20:29:13 <robyduck> well but there should be some remaining, I think there were nearly 200 20:29:34 <robyduck> gnokii: yes, if my children don't get ill I will 20:29:41 <gnokii> by car? 20:29:44 <robyduck> and you? 20:29:53 <gnokii> I would there is just a problem 20:29:54 <robyduck> yesp, drom Milan it isn't so far away 20:30:28 <gnokii> I could fly to Basel from DRS for 35€ or go by train what takes me 10hrs for 79€ 20:31:00 <gnokii> so flying would be my choice, but flight arrives 6th 22.10 20:31:09 <gnokii> no trains from Basel 20:31:16 <robyduck> you can also take the bus as jiri did... 20:31:23 <robyduck> humm 20:31:39 <robyduck> and we'll arrive the 6th right? 20:31:40 <gnokii> robyduck: then I had to go to PRG first 20:31:57 <mizmo> who came up with the list? 20:32:13 <robyduck> gnokii: wanna look if you have a flight to Milan (Bergamo)? 20:32:36 <gnokii> robyduck: nope not from DRS 20:32:39 <robyduck> is the airport from Basel far away? 20:33:09 <gnokii> robyduck: I dont know 20:33:29 <robyduck> we should be able to pick you up I guess 20:33:40 <robyduck> or perhaps fabian? 20:35:02 <robyduck> hah it's in France 20:36:55 <gnokii> what is in france? 20:38:05 <robyduck> the airport 20:38:07 <gnokii> the airport is in switzerland 20:38:10 <robyduck> but it's not so far away 20:38:54 <gnokii> yes, thats why he is called euroairport as he is also airport for Mulhouse and Freiburg 20:39:21 <robyduck> yes, it's on the other side of the Rhein, so it's on french territory 20:42:03 <robyduck> gnokii: it's 30 minutes 20:44:54 <gnokii> so I shall consider flying, and book it soon 20:45:08 <robyduck> yes 20:45:12 <robyduck> :) 20:46:11 <gnokii> cwickert asked me on saturday we I did fly to CGN, I said is cheaper, he said a u have no bahncard 50, I said even if I had is cheaper 20:46:37 <robyduck> haha 20:48:06 <gnokii> same with Basel flight on 6th 35.74€ and on 8th 34.24€ incl. taxes s why should I go by train for 2x79€ 20:48:36 <robyduck> mizmo: I don't know who came up with the list, gnokii perhaps? 20:48:49 <gnokii> mizmo: what list? 20:48:57 <robyduck> yes, sure, it's better to fly 20:49:16 <robyduck> even if it would be 2 hours 20:49:44 <gnokii> flight is only 1.05 minutes 20:49:50 <robyduck> only the thought to be on a train for 10 hours makes me crazy 20:50:11 <mizmo> gnokii, https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F19_release_tshirt 20:50:23 <gnokii> mizmo: u mean the design part? 20:50:28 <mizmo> yeh 20:51:21 <gnokii> mizmo: thats mailga, the first names are submitters supplemental wallapers, the last two names came from web pages guys, and he mixed it under my name 20:51:43 * finalzone is back 20:51:54 <mizmo> gnokii, okay. i think it's weird it says you weren't involved 20:52:04 <mizmo> weird / unfair 20:52:31 <gnokii> I am ok getting no shirt but the comment is indeed weird 20:53:04 <mizmo> yeh 20:54:21 <gnokii> so however we need inkscaper s postal address 20:55:48 <robyduck> gnokii: but you did the design on the shirt right? 20:56:02 <gnokii> robyduck: yes 20:56:39 <robyduck> it's correct that we added ryan and inkscaper as they were the guys who did all the F19 banners (as far as we can read it on the wiki) 20:57:01 <gnokii> robyduck: not all 20:57:27 <robyduck> so gnokii you *should* get one too, adding your address to the mail is sure ok 20:58:28 <gnokii> robyduck: I am not Konrad Adenauer 20:58:45 <robyduck> I don't know if and how much Jiri has now, but looking on that list we are quiet under 200 contributors 20:58:55 <robyduck> :D 20:59:08 <gnokii> robyduck: enough and we have a lot of girlie shirts left 20:59:38 <robyduck> yes, Jiri sent a girly shirt to giallu...hahahahaha 20:59:40 <ryanlerch> mizmo, your eps vector export trick isnt working for me :( 20:59:58 <ryanlerch> basically you just need a non-transparent object underneath it right> 20:59:59 <ryanlerch> ? 21:00:08 <gnokii> https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-_98QOoR53zg/UhpY2-Ib94I/AAAAAAAAA-M/q7Vpx1FdRN4/w693-h520-no/25082013895.jpg 21:00:10 <mizmo> ryanlerch, yeh but it has to cover the entire canvas 21:00:15 <mizmo> ryanlerch, also you cant have any alpha gradients 21:04:42 <robyduck> oh, ryanlerch gnokii inkscaper: mailga will need also your shirt size ;) 21:04:55 <gnokii> XL 21:05:09 <gnokii> or better XXL 21:05:10 <mizmo> did i ever end the meeting? 21:05:11 <mizmo> #endmeeting