13:09:03 <riecatnor> #startmeeting Fedora Design Meeting 13:09:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jan 14 13:09:03 2016 UTC. The chair is riecatnor. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:09:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:09:03 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_design_meeting' 13:09:12 <ryanlerch> woot! 13:09:19 <ryanlerch> :P 13:09:43 <riecatnor> so new tickets first I think 13:09:47 <shivams334> cool! 13:10:14 <mleonova> yes! 13:10:24 <riecatnor> I am not seeing any new tickets? Help me out guys :) 13:12:34 <mleonova> I only see triaged ones 13:12:47 <riecatnor> moving on then :) 13:12:48 <riecatnor> #topic status open tickets 13:13:22 <shivams334> Web design Print design UX design / usability research Release artwork Digital artwork Design & tools education 13:13:49 <riecatnor> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/199 13:13:49 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- riecatnor linked to more information in the "Fedora Design Meeting" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/199" 13:14:10 <riecatnor> last update on this was 2 months ago from anuradhaw 13:15:08 <shivams334> logo for ask fedora? 13:16:00 <riecatnor> it looks like a ui and interface refresh for askfedora 13:16:02 <riecatnor> and also a logo 13:16:26 <shivams334> I'll be happy to make a logo 13:16:39 <ryanlerch> i think this one has been going on for a while... 13:16:44 <riecatnor> Yeah, it seems it 13:17:03 <riecatnor> jurankdankkal made a mockup for a logo already 13:17:33 <riecatnor> I can comment pinging both to see where they are at 13:18:29 <shivams334> okay 13:18:55 <riecatnor> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/210 13:18:55 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- riecatnor linked to more information in the "Fedora Design Meeting" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/210" 13:19:11 <riecatnor> ryanlerch: any updates on this one? 13:19:44 <ryanlerch> ah, forgot all about this one :( 13:20:04 <ryanlerch> yeah, i'll try to get this one done in the next week 13:20:15 <riecatnor> ryanlerch: Ok, great :) 13:20:49 <riecatnor> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/279 13:20:49 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- riecatnor linked to more information in the "Fedora Design Meeting" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/279" 13:21:26 <riecatnor> I remember a few people working on this at Flock.. looks like ryanlerch may have some files? 13:22:18 <ryanlerch> yeah, i'll grab this one, and work on it 13:22:38 <riecatnor> Thanks! 13:23:08 <ryanlerch> i have been working with pingou on pagure, so i'll ping him about this when the pagure ui refresh is done. 13:23:23 <riecatnor> Sounds like a plan 13:23:25 <riecatnor> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/350 13:23:25 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- riecatnor linked to more information in the "Fedora Design Meeting" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/350" 13:24:13 <riecatnor> This looks complete to me 13:24:35 <ryanlerch> yeah, the wiki page seems to have the goods in it! 13:24:35 <shivams334> Whats their for me? 13:25:03 <riecatnor> OK, I will close the ticket 13:25:34 <shivams334> k 13:26:23 <riecatnor> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/366 13:26:23 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- riecatnor linked to more information in the "Fedora Design Meeting" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/366" 13:27:43 <riecatnor> tatica updated the wiki with the logo variants 13:28:17 <riecatnor> besides putting up the pictures of the logos, is their other info that needs to be included? 13:28:46 <riecatnor> ryanlerch^ 13:28:47 <tatica> moin 13:28:55 <riecatnor> hi tatica! 13:30:43 <riecatnor> this seems complete, though I have not updated the guidelines before and I am not clear on everything that needs to be included 13:31:40 <riecatnor> Thoughts, anyone? 13:32:10 <shivams334> yeah! 13:34:01 <riecatnor> Since we do have *something* up on the wiki, I think we are doing ok.. Though I am not sure that this is complete so I will leave it open for now and comment asking if any other info needs to be included 13:34:49 <shivams334> what is going on here ? 13:35:02 <shivams334> anybody please explain? 13:35:04 <riecatnor> where, shivams334? 13:35:43 <shivams334> riecatnor: on tickets! 13:35:56 <shivams334> this is my first meeting 13:36:01 <riecatnor> Sure, we are looking at open tickets right now 13:36:06 <riecatnor> no problem :) we are happy to have you 13:36:28 <riecatnor> We found there were no new tickets 13:36:39 <riecatnor> I am not going through a list of open tickets, seeing where we are at with each one 13:36:45 <riecatnor> I am now going through* 13:37:28 <shivams334> we should take a specific ticket at a time 13:37:34 <riecatnor> We are doing that :) 13:37:58 <riecatnor> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/367 13:37:58 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- riecatnor linked to more information in the "Fedora Design Meeting" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/367" 13:38:07 <riecatnor> Here is the next ticket that needs to be addressed 13:38:48 <riecatnor> 5 weeks ago jurank_dankkal added this .png https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/attachment/ticket/367/fst.2.png 13:38:54 <shivams334> the attachements are quit good 13:39:26 <riecatnor> I like the fourth one the best 13:39:46 <mleonova> how are 3 and 5 different?) 13:39:51 <shivams334> yeah 13:39:53 <jurank_dankkal> I'm here 13:39:59 <riecatnor> hi jurank_dankkal! 13:40:05 <shivams334> they are actually same 13:40:23 <jurank_dankkal> hi riecatnor 13:40:28 <jurank_dankkal> sorry had not attended the meeting before this, quite busy with daily job :) 13:40:41 <riecatnor> they do look the same, but I am favoring the others more because the Fedora logo is centered 13:40:42 <jurank_dankkal> which one 3 n 5? 13:40:48 <mleonova> I like #4 bc Fedora logo is centered. also #1 bc the words Security team are big 13:40:58 <mleonova> jurank_dankkal, if you count left to right 13:41:07 <riecatnor> mleonova: I agree 13:41:13 <shivams334> #4 is good 13:41:22 <riecatnor> Though #1 is missing a line? 13:41:24 <jurank_dankkal> ah I see, didn't realise it I duplicate that. 13:41:48 <jurank_dankkal> oh ya missing line on #1 13:42:18 <shivams334> #4 is good, its simpel and compact 13:42:31 <shivams334> *simple 13:43:28 <mleonova> jurank_dankkal, riecatnor do you think we could try doing 'security', Fedora logo, 'team', so the words will be bigger? 13:44:10 <jurank_dankkal> mleonova, but its not enough space if we put inside the lock I think 13:44:37 <mleonova> if we make Fedora logo a bit smaller? 13:44:44 <riecatnor> you could make the lock logo taller as well 13:45:10 <riecatnor> I do like how the spacing on the sides look 13:46:54 <shivams334> make the lock logo taller, the fedora logo a bit smaller and the text bigger 13:47:05 <shivams334> then it'll be clear 13:47:44 <riecatnor> jurank_dankkal: are you able to make a few variants for us? 13:50:39 <riecatnor> ok, well we have given feedback, and I will comment on the ticket. we need to move on though 13:50:44 <riecatnor> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/374 13:50:45 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- riecatnor linked to more information in the "Fedora Design Meeting" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/374" 13:50:55 <jurank_dankkal> like this http://imgur.com/gsrsxln 13:51:10 <riecatnor> no, I think mleonova meant above and below the logo 13:51:35 <mleonova> riecatnor, jurank_dankkal yes, above and below 13:52:45 <riecatnor> it looks like we put ticket 374 on hold to wait for fedora hubs to further develop 13:52:53 <jurank_dankkal> wait a sec 13:53:03 <jurank_dankkal> like this http://imgur.com/obbnD86 13:53:32 <riecatnor> yes, but now the logo is too small, perhaps try to make the whole logo taller 13:53:47 <riecatnor> jurank_dankkal: please work on this and add your variants to the ticket. I need to keep this meeting moving 13:54:40 <riecatnor> threebean: are you around? what is that status of fedora hubs in regards to https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/374 13:54:49 <jurank_dankkal> okay sure, just want to get the idea.. 13:54:53 <jurank_dankkal> please move on :) 13:55:22 <riecatnor> no problem jurank_dankkal, its almost been an hour and we are only halfway through :P 13:56:27 <jurank_dankkal> sure 13:56:50 <riecatnor> I am going to comment on 374 asking the status of Fedora Hubs 13:57:06 <riecatnor> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/402 13:57:06 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- riecatnor linked to more information in the "Fedora Design Meeting" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/402" 13:57:13 <riecatnor> it looks like ryanlerch owns this one 13:59:30 <riecatnor> any progress or thoughts, ryanlerch? 13:59:37 <ryanlerch> just updated it -- added to my list for next week 13:59:41 <riecatnor> thanks :) 13:59:54 <riecatnor> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/403 13:59:54 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- riecatnor linked to more information in the "Fedora Design Meeting" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/403" 14:00:21 <riecatnor> ok, this is my ticket.. last we were waiting on feedback from reporter 14:02:00 <riecatnor> these are the ones laxathom likes 14:02:00 <riecatnor> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/attachment/ticket/403/group_mockup.png 14:02:01 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- riecatnor linked to more information in the "Fedora Design Meeting" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/attachment/ticket/403/group_mockup.png" 14:02:06 <riecatnor> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/attachment/ticket/403/packagers_mockup.png 14:02:06 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- riecatnor linked to more information in the "Fedora Design Meeting" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/attachment/ticket/403/packagers_mockup.png" 14:02:10 <riecatnor> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/attachment/ticket/403/users_mockup_2.png 14:02:10 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- riecatnor linked to more information in the "Fedora Design Meeting" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/attachment/ticket/403/users_mockup_2.png" 14:03:12 <riecatnor> any thoughts? 14:04:47 <mleonova> looks good! 14:05:04 <riecatnor> mleonova: I am not sure it makes sense to have some with a background and some without 14:05:30 <mleonova> I don't really see a problem 14:05:56 <riecatnor> ok, I will work on a more “final” set and post them together for approval 14:06:05 <riecatnor> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/405 14:06:05 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- riecatnor linked to more information in the "Fedora Design Meeting" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/405" 14:08:24 <mleonova> oh, nice! 14:09:46 <riecatnor> jurank_dankkal: I like the lighter background 14:10:14 <mleonova> "Improved mindshare among 14:10:14 <mleonova> potential contributors." - one extra space between among and contributors 14:10:41 <jurank_dankkal> okay mleonova noted :) 14:10:46 <jurank_dankkal> thank you 14:10:51 <mleonova> =) 14:11:09 <riecatnor> jurank_dankkal: I think you should try playing around with sizing on the text for activities 14:11:25 <riecatnor> try making it bigger 14:12:00 <riecatnor> also, for the impact the text should be different on one of them 14:12:05 <mleonova> yay, playing with text! :D 14:12:19 <riecatnor> to “Ensure next generation of Fedora contributors.” 14:12:40 <riecatnor> the rest of the poster has only text, so for me the illustrations of the people are standing out 14:12:41 <jurank_dankkal> yeah sure, I'm still not satisfied with that, that why I provide the svg, and now I get the feedback :) 14:13:15 <riecatnor> perhaps try making them more abstract 14:13:38 <riecatnor> also, I think you can enlarge the Fedora logo :) 14:14:37 <jurank_dankkal> sure 14:14:41 <mleonova> pls take a look at the spacing between blue plaques - looks like the spaces are all a bit different 14:14:54 <jurank_dankkal> for the font can I use other than fedora default font? 14:15:00 <sam08> hey! i keep missing the right time, i'm so late, sorry... 14:15:18 <riecatnor> hi sam08! 14:15:22 <jurank_dankkal> hi sam08 14:15:30 <mleonova> hi sam08 14:15:35 <sam08> hi :) 14:16:29 <riecatnor> jurank_dankkal: please try removing grey outline from Outcomes section on right. or adding an outline to impact, right now it looks like it is not lining up 14:17:03 <riecatnor> any other thoguhts on 405? 14:17:08 <riecatnor> thoughts* 14:17:37 <jurank_dankkal> oh I didn't realise the grey outline, because for that part I'm still using mo's artwork, I'll improve that 14:19:03 <riecatnor> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/406 14:19:04 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- riecatnor linked to more information in the "Fedora Design Meeting" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/406" 14:19:23 <riecatnor> looks like this is complete, mleonova? 14:19:32 <mleonova> riecatnor, yep. 14:20:10 <riecatnor> woohoo! 14:20:26 <mleonova> sesivany, do you want to close this one? 14:20:35 <riecatnor> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/414 14:20:36 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- riecatnor linked to more information in the "Fedora Design Meeting" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/414" 14:20:42 <riecatnor> I just closed it 14:20:48 <mleonova> riecatnor, oh cool 14:21:24 <sesivany> mleonova: don't kind closing 406. 14:21:58 <mleonova> sesivany, huh? 14:23:43 <riecatnor> OK, for 414 it seems as though they are making progress but need to change a few things to fit the guidelines 14:24:53 <riecatnor> They are asking for someone to review the designs against the guidelines 14:25:55 <riecatnor> Anyone interested in doing that? 14:27:29 <jurank_dankkal> I'll do it riecatnor 14:27:31 <jurank_dankkal> :) 14:27:35 <riecatnor> ok thanks jurank_dankkal :) 14:27:42 <riecatnor> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/415 14:27:42 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- riecatnor linked to more information in the "Fedora Design Meeting" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/415" 14:28:16 <jurank_dankkal> yeah riecatnor 14:29:18 <mleonova> riecatnor, I think we agreed on that on with jflory7 14:29:26 <riecatnor> I am seeing that :) 14:29:27 <mleonova> see also #416 14:29:30 <mleonova> =) 14:29:35 <riecatnor> ok, let me open that up too 14:30:43 <mleonova> I'm happy to hear comments, suggestions.. 14:31:08 <riecatnor> I like the community operations logo 14:31:16 <riecatnor> that looks good, and it seems like you guys went back and forth a lot on it 14:31:49 <riecatnor> my thoughts on the banner are… the bubbles outside of the logo seem random. maybe try putting them all to one side or another 14:31:49 <mleonova> riecatnor, just a little ;) 14:32:25 <riecatnor> and the reflection is very effective, but I think a little distracting. perhaps try playing around with the opacity 14:32:36 <mleonova> okay, let's try that! My thoughts were: since they are trying to unite said bubbles, it's implied they are somewhat unorganized 14:32:49 <mleonova> sure 14:35:28 <riecatnor> ah I see… maybe just try it out and this will still look better :) 14:35:39 <riecatnor> ok, we are through all the open tickets 14:35:54 <riecatnor> does any one have things they would like to talk about? 14:39:06 <mleonova> riecatnor, I want to talk to you about some badges but not necessarily during the meeting 14:39:13 <riecatnor> sure, mleonova :) 14:39:24 <riecatnor> ok.. if that is all, thanks for attending folks! 14:39:26 <riecatnor> #endmeeting