17:03:52 <mizmo> #startmeeting design-team 17:03:52 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Oct 10 17:03:52 2017 UTC. The chair is mizmo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:03:52 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:03:52 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'design-team' 17:03:52 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.start -- duffy started meeting "design-team" in #fedora-design 17:04:03 <mizmo> #topic roll call 17:04:04 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.topic.update -- The topic of duffy's "design-team" meeting changed to "roll call" in #fedora-design 17:04:11 <Suprith_> Hello all :) 17:04:13 <Nikita1312> hello all 17:04:18 <mizmo> hi suprith! 17:04:22 <mizmo> hi nikita1312! 17:04:28 <mizmo> hey new folks :) want to introduce yourselves? 17:04:28 <Nikita1312> Hi :) 17:05:02 <mizmo> excited to see new faces :) 17:05:06 <Nikita1312> mizmo, ryanlerch, mleonova Hi all 17:05:18 <mleonova> hey! 17:05:27 <Nikita1312> I am Nikita. Currently working as UI Designer in India 17:05:27 <sam08> hey all! 17:06:02 <mleonova> welcome, Nikita1312 =) 17:06:08 <Nikita1312> Excited to work with you guys! :) 17:06:12 <mizmo> oh cool! i love seeing UI designers around fedora! how did you learn about our team / this meeting? 17:06:17 <Nikita1312> Thank you :) 17:07:08 <Nikita1312> I recently got to know about FAS. 17:07:49 <mizmo> ah did you attend a Fedora event? 17:08:03 <Nikita1312> mizmo, mleonova sam08 No not yet 17:08:36 <mizmo> ah ok 17:08:50 <mizmo> all right let's get on with the meeting :) 17:09:02 <Nikita1312> sure mizmo 17:09:04 <mizmo> i wanted to talk about the f27 wallpaper first, today it's the first day for packagin, we have until the 17t to get it packaged 17:09:08 <mizmo> #topic f27 wallpaper 17:09:09 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.topic.update -- The topic of duffy's "design-team" meeting changed to "f27 wallpaper" in #fedora-design 17:09:16 <mizmo> so the ticket for the wallpaper is here: 17:09:18 <mizmo> https://pagure.io/design/issue/542 17:09:19 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://pagure.io/design/issue/542" 17:09:33 <fm-design> pagure.issue.comment.added -- duffy commented on ticket design#542: "F27 Wallpaper" https://pagure.io/design/issue/542#comment-471753 17:09:52 <mizmo> mary made another draft and ive been fiddling with the jellyfish design 17:09:59 <mizmo> any feedback / comments greatly appreciated :) 17:10:06 * mleonova is looking 17:10:18 <mizmo> it needs to be packaged by the 17th. im hoping to have something ready to go no later than tomorrow and ill send to luya for packaging 17:10:38 <mleonova> https://pagure.io/design/issue/raw/files/9a9c9bcb98c8b6bece9e6e583733b9dd1fe8388f0d4816b3b9c59b090c67f06f-test.png - this one looks almost real! wow 17:10:39 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- mleonova linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://pagure.io/design/issue/raw/files/9a9c9bcb98c8b6bece9e6e583733b9dd1fe8388f0d4816b3b9c59b090c67f06f-test.png - this one looks almost real! wow" https://pagure.io/design/issue/raw/files 17:10:40 <fm-design> /9a9c9bcb98c8b6bece9e6e583733b9dd1fe8388f0d4816b3b9c59b090c67f06f-test.png 17:11:24 <kirkB> Woot,excited to attend meetings in the new time! 17:11:27 <mizmo> does it look too real though? 17:11:32 <mizmo> we were going for a more abstract look but i just kind of played 17:11:35 <mizmo> hey kirkB! 17:11:38 <mizmo> good to see ya 17:12:16 <mleonova> I dunno, I love it 17:12:28 <mizmo> yay :)!! 17:12:34 <kirkB> Love it too, really nice 17:12:55 <mizmo> like i said in the ticket - i think the jelly's body is too opaque, i like kyle and mary's technique of texturizing because it's more transparent, so ill give it a whirl 17:13:05 <mleonova> maybe less purple, but that's just me ;P 17:13:30 <kirkB> The light colour on the left is a bit too bright maybe? 17:13:35 <mizmo> i could do a layer on top to make it a bit bluer 17:13:50 <sam08> I agree with mleonova :P 17:14:02 <mizmo> kirkB: you think? 17:14:08 <mleonova> oh so not just me! sounds good, mizmo 17:14:16 <Nikita1312> what exactly was the requirement. sorry to interrupt. just a doubt :) 17:14:21 <mizmo> in the lower left KkirkB? ? 17:14:28 <kirkB> Not sure underwater what would produce that kind of brightness - the white/yellow colour 17:14:55 <mizmo> ah i dig it, i agree, ill poke at it :) 17:14:59 <mizmo> overall tho we like the look? 17:15:04 <kirkB> Totally 17:15:11 <mleonova> love! 17:15:20 <mizmo> yay :) ok so ill just keep iterating in that direction and i think we'll be good 17:15:21 <sam08> yep! 17:15:32 <mizmo> i think this has been a good one like the f26 one, a lot of hands collaborating on it 17:15:55 <mizmo> im going to do open floor next, then maybe we'll do tickets 17:15:58 <mizmo> #topic open floor 17:15:58 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.topic.update -- The topic of duffy's "design-team" meeting changed to "open floor" in #fedora-design 17:16:13 <mizmo> does anybody havea anything they'd like to bring up, maybe about what you're working on, or want to work on, etc 17:17:13 <mleonova> glad we finally found a time that works! 17:17:26 <mizmo> yes same here ;) 17:17:30 <mizmo> well my schedule changed so im around mon-tues-wed now 17:17:38 <mizmo> so the thu wasn't working 17:17:45 <mizmo> and a lot of weeks it was just you and me mleonova - this time works ok for you? 17:17:56 <mizmo> seems like we have a lot more folks able to make it 17:18:09 <mleonova> mizmo, yeah, I make it work =) 17:18:34 <mizmo> oh one thing that ive been working on as of late - i gave a keynote about ux and open source at ohio linux fest last weekend 17:18:48 <mleonova> oh how did that go? 17:19:00 <mleonova> keynote is pretty big! congrats! 17:19:23 <mizmo> thanks my first big keynote :) i think it went ok, i had to sprint thru some of the slides because i fell behind a bit 17:19:33 <mizmo> it looks like the videos have been psoted now, let me post the link in case anybody is interested 17:19:49 <mleonova> yeah! please 17:20:05 <kirkB> def 17:20:25 <mizmo> oh mine isnt posted yet, one of the other keynotes is 17:20:28 <mizmo> they must not be finished 17:20:40 <mleonova> ;P 17:21:26 <mizmo> well ill keep you guys posted lol 17:21:29 <mizmo> the other thing i thought would be of interest 17:21:40 <mizmo> there is an open source designers group, i found out recently they have a discourse and monthly meetings (first tuesday of the month, at this time, so it may clash with our meeting certain weeks) 17:21:52 <mizmo> i went to the last meeting, they were planning an even in berlin i think 17:21:53 <mleonova> mizmo, which one? 17:21:57 <mizmo> event 17:22:01 <mizmo> lemme grab linkage 17:22:04 <mleonova> #opensourcedesign? 17:22:18 <mizmo> so this is the discourse - https://discourse.opensourcedesign.net/ 17:22:32 <mizmo> mleonova: yeh i think that's the irc channel, same group 17:22:55 <mleonova> oh cool, I know someone from there 17:23:01 <mizmo> and the main site is just opensourcedesign.net 17:23:01 <mleonova> didn't go to any meetings tho 17:23:26 <mizmo> it was me, andreas nilsson, jan b, and i think one other person at the meeting? it wasn't huge 17:23:29 <mizmo> anyway it might be good for us to get involved there 17:23:40 <mizmo> all right 17:23:42 <mleonova> when is it? 17:24:02 <mleonova> (the meeting) 17:24:02 <mizmo> its the first tues of every month in this time slot, so i think next one is nov 7 17:24:16 <mizmo> there is a nextcloud calendar link for it in the thread on meetings in discourse that's how i was able to join 17:24:23 <mleonova> ok 17:24:48 <Suprith_> Glad to know about another meeting around design 17:25:42 <mizmo> anything else for open floor? 17:25:47 <Nikita1312> yeah same here:) 17:26:25 <Nikita1312> I think adobe also has some open source group 17:26:36 <Nikita1312> but dont have much idea about it 17:26:54 <sam08> mizmo, i read somewhere we're not going to do media artowork anymore, right? 17:27:25 <mizmo> sam08: yeh not unless the ambassadors ask for it, but i think the budget has been allocated elsewhere so there may be no need 17:27:42 <mizmo> Nikita1312: hehe adobe and open source.... i guess they did release open sans but... 17:28:03 <sam08> mizmo, okay, good to know, thanks 17:28:21 <Nikita1312> haha. Even I was shocked but they do have something like this 17:28:36 <Nikita1312> will find more infor about it for sure :) 17:28:57 <nb> topic still said F25 :) 17:29:01 <mleonova> nb, lol 17:29:04 <mizmo> all right let's do tix! 17:29:05 <mizmo> #topic tickets 17:29:06 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.topic.update -- The topic of duffy's "design-team" meeting changed to "tickets" in #fedora-design 17:29:09 <mizmo> nb: oh thank you!! my client doesn't let me /topic o_O 17:29:15 <mizmo> i had been meaning to fix it 17:29:30 <mizmo> ok our ticket queue may be in rough shape as we've not done triage in a few weeks 17:29:33 <mizmo> deep breath lol 17:29:52 <mleonova> lets do this! 17:29:59 <mizmo> mshakshober has been working some tickets tho so i know we're not in total deep water 17:30:03 <mizmo> https://pagure.io/design/issue/549 17:30:03 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://pagure.io/design/issue/549" 17:30:09 <mizmo> f27 release party posters 17:30:49 <mizmo> so it looks like we're waiting for sumantrom to give us a bit more context - can't get started on this yet anyway since the artwork isnt done yet 17:31:37 <mizmo> https://pagure.io/design/issue/547 17:31:37 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://pagure.io/design/issue/547" 17:31:42 <mizmo> Fedora Splash Screen features "Built-in Docker Support" and needs to change 17:31:56 <mizmo> hm i could have sworn i closed this one. it's not a design issue, it's a fedora media writer / wwwfpo issue 17:32:01 * mizmo closes it now 17:34:29 <mizmo> ok next ticket! 17:34:31 <mizmo> https://pagure.io/design/issue/546 17:34:32 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://pagure.io/design/issue/546" 17:34:35 <mizmo> Fedora Red Team logo request 17:35:44 <mizmo> what do you folks think about this one 17:36:05 <mizmo> i think the final one is the standard we do, maybe a bit too much space between 'red' and 'team' 17:36:37 <mleonova> mizmo, agreed 17:38:08 <mizmo> aiight noted in ticket 17:38:09 <mizmo> https://pagure.io/design/issue/545 17:38:09 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://pagure.io/design/issue/545" 17:38:12 <mizmo> new logo for fedora modular server 17:38:14 <mizmo> ah yes 17:38:54 <mizmo> so svitek did some great initial work here 17:39:10 <mleonova> mizmo, I'm looking at it after some time 17:39:27 <mleonova> so the latest mockup - maybe we could lose the 3rd piece? 17:39:40 <mizmo> mleonova: i was thinking exactly the same thing 17:39:40 <mleonova> it looks a bit bulky 17:39:46 <mizmo> its too many pieces 17:39:54 <mleonova> yeah 17:40:24 <mleonova> btw svitek may be coming back as a long-term intern 17:40:31 <mleonova> fingers crossed) 17:40:47 <mizmo> mleonova: ooh that would be great, he is very talented 17:40:56 <mleonova> mizmo, yes!! 17:42:09 <mizmo> ok updated ticket 17:42:25 <mizmo> f27 wallpaper is nexxt ticket but we already discussed so skipping 17:42:29 <mizmo> https://pagure.io/design/issue/541 17:42:30 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://pagure.io/design/issue/541" 17:42:36 <mizmo> New Fedora Loves Python Brochure 17:43:09 <mizmo> so we got the ok from PSF which is exciting 17:43:23 <mizmo> looks like ryanlerch took the ticket 17:44:56 <mizmo> ok next ticket 17:45:07 <mizmo> https://pagure.io/design/issue/540 17:45:08 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://pagure.io/design/issue/540" 17:45:12 <mizmo> new subproject logo and words for src.fedoraproject.org 17:45:47 <Nikita1312> hey guys please guide me how to take tickets and which ticket to work on to avoid redundancy? 17:46:35 <mizmo> Nikita1312: well we're going thru them now 17:46:37 <mizmo> actually this one might be a good one for you 17:46:40 <Nikita1312> do you guys assign project to each person or its individuals choice? 17:46:59 <mizmo> do you have the font Montserrat installed? it's open source so if not you should be able to find it as a free download 17:47:08 <mizmo> Nikita1312: people basically pick up a ticket they see that they like on their own 17:47:09 <Nikita1312> yes, 17:47:13 <mizmo> but i can assign to you if youd like 17:47:16 <mizmo> so take a look at this one - 17:47:21 <mizmo> https://pagure.io/design/issue/540 17:47:21 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://pagure.io/design/issue/540" 17:47:32 <Nikita1312> sure. give me a min 17:47:51 <mizmo> so normally with this logo template, (and i can post a template SVG to the ticket) we use montserrat in all caps 17:47:53 <mizmo> here are some examples - 17:48:08 <mizmo> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/ (logo in upper left) 17:48:09 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/ (logo in upper left)" https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/ 17:48:18 <mizmo> https://pagure.io/ (logo in upper left) 17:48:19 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://pagure.io/ (logo in upper left)" https://pagure.io/ 17:48:26 <mizmo> so what this ticket needs is two components - 17:48:44 <mizmo> #1 a gray palette logo mark that matches the hyperkitty and pagure ones 17:48:49 <mizmo> #2 all caps montserrat text 17:49:28 <mizmo> i dont know if dist-git is the right text? we'll have to ask around. but the temporary logo has mixed caps which is definitely not following the standard we've set with pagure and hyperkitty 17:49:46 <mizmo> so i think the first step here would be to sketch out some ideas for what the icon / logo mark would be 17:50:26 <mizmo> does this sound doable Nikita1312 ? 17:51:25 <Nikita1312> yes its doable 17:51:35 <mizmo> cool ill assign to you then! what is your fasid? 17:51:59 <Nikita1312> same as Nikita1312 17:52:43 <mizmo> Nikita1312: ok can you do me a favor? can you log in at pagure.io with your fas id and password? you haven't logged in before i think because the system isn't showing you 17:52:52 <Nikita1312> btw whats the deadline for this ticket? 17:53:09 <Nikita1312> mizmo, sure 17:53:43 <mizmo> Nikita1312: generally we tickets we like to see some progress in 2 weeks, so you could show your work at the next meeting. if a ticket has no progress in 4 weeks we try to reopen it so someone else can take a try 17:55:28 <Nikita1312> ok cool 17:55:54 <Nikita1312> sure, I will look into it :) 17:56:21 <mizmo> Nikita1312: were you able to log in to pagure.io yet? I still can't assign to you 17:57:07 <Nikita1312> yes I have logged in 17:57:20 <Nikita1312> you may find me now 17:57:32 <Nikita1312> nikita1312 17:59:18 <mizmo> Nikita1312: cool it's all yours :) congrats on your first ticket assignment :) 17:59:24 <mizmo> ok we're at the top of the hour now, so i think we should close 17:59:29 <mizmo> thanks every body for coming!! 17:59:32 <Nikita1312> :) Thanks 17:59:33 <mizmo> #endmeeting