12:59:53 <nb> #startmeeting docs fad day 2 12:59:53 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Mar 22 12:59:53 2014 UTC. The chair is nb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:59:53 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 12:59:57 <jsmith> jjmcd: Your audio is awful this morning 13:00:03 <jsmith> jjmcd: It sounds very clipped 13:00:07 <jsmith> and echoing 13:00:11 <mribeirodantas> jjmcd: you're the one with a headset? 13:00:13 <jsmith> Sounds like terrible packet loss 13:00:25 <jsmith> mribeirodantas: That's zoglesby with the headset 13:00:30 <mribeirodantas> Oh, ok. 13:00:59 <mribeirodantas> I have no idea where I put my headset, plus my connection has been not that good lately. So I will try not to talk much there. 13:01:23 <nb> #chair mribeirodantas jsmith Sparks 13:01:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: Sparks jsmith mribeirodantas nb 13:01:27 <nb> #chair zoglesby 13:01:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: Sparks jsmith mribeirodantas nb zoglesby 13:01:30 <mribeirodantas> Thank you, nb. 13:01:41 <nb> #chair jhradilek jjmcd 13:01:41 <zodbot> Current chairs: Sparks jhradilek jjmcd jsmith mribeirodantas nb zoglesby 13:01:51 <nb> feel free to chair others if needed 13:01:53 <nb> #chair jreznik 13:01:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: Sparks jhradilek jjmcd jreznik jsmith mribeirodantas nb zoglesby 13:02:19 * nb just threw chairs at people 13:02:51 * mribeirodantas dodges with his python-fu 13:02:59 <jjmcd> Badly broken audio 13:03:21 <Sparks> jjmcd: :( 13:03:47 <jjmcd> It was fine when it was just me an Jaromir 13:04:08 <Sparks> jjmcd: I'm going to be doing a NTS training session for those here so expect some incoming messages. 13:04:15 <jhradilek> It's not us, we are on mute most of the time. 13:04:19 <mribeirodantas> I know it's too early for this, but is there any sort of report of what happened yesterday? 13:04:27 <mribeirodantas> Just to make sure I'm up to date with what was discussed.. 13:04:28 <jjmcd> Videos even 13:04:32 <jhradilek> I don't want you to hear me clicking. :) 13:07:47 <mribeirodantas> Just to make sure I understood the goals of the FAD. We're not really going to write new documentation, right? It's basically discussions regarding documentation. Is that right? 13:08:29 <randomuser> mribeirodantas, we have been discussing, but we also wrote some yesterday 13:08:32 <jsmith> mribeirodantas: We're first going to have discussions *about* documentation, but we'll write some new docs as well 13:08:44 <jsmith> mribeirodantas: For example, I started a new chapter for the Security Guide last night 13:08:45 <jhradilek> Hopefully. 13:08:53 <mribeirodantas> Oh, I see. 13:09:05 <mribeirodantas> I've been a bit lazy for not getting involved in documentation, but I'd love to help. 13:09:13 <zoglesby> How do I fix Can't open publican: No such file or directory at /usr/bin/publican line 432. 13:09:22 * Sparks added most of the style guide to the documentation guide last night 13:09:33 <mribeirodantas> My main goal in here today is to watch you guys close enough so that I know how it works and I can not only contribute, but teach new contributors to do so too. 13:10:26 <jsmith> zoglesby: Look at the names (and capitalization) of your entities files 13:10:33 <mribeirodantas> I will be off for 30 min. Gotta do something in here ,sorry. 13:10:50 <jsmith> zoglesby: For example, if your entities file is "Test.ent", make sure it's not being referred to as "test.ent" in all your .xml files 13:10:58 <jsmith> zoglesby: Or, point me at a guide and I'll fix for you 13:11:21 <zoglesby> jsmith: I get that even if I do publican --help 13:12:03 <jjmcd> jhradilek, the video is way up to my left which is why I am sitting back off to the side 13:12:48 <jhradilek> jjmcd: Ah. :) 13:13:07 <jsmith> jjmcd: Your audio is really awful 13:13:33 <randomuser> Sparks has some handheld radios if you can reach us 13:14:52 <jsmith> #info jsmith tried to text/call Rudi, but didn't get a response 13:16:18 <jjmcd> I'm getting about every third syllable 13:17:09 <jjmcd> that sounds good 13:18:26 <nb> jsmith, ssh root@docs01.dev.cloud.fedoraproject.org 13:18:50 <randomuser> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_mentors 13:23:11 <randomuser> jjmcd, `git clone ssh://git.fedorahosted.org/git/docs/documentation-guide.git` 13:23:26 <randomuser> not that, sorry 13:23:52 <randomuser> jjmcd, ssh://git.fedorahosted.org/git/docs/fedora-cookbook.gitssh://git.fedorahosted.org/git/docs/fedora-cookbook.git 13:27:38 <randomuser> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Join_the_Docs_Project 13:29:08 <randomuser> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Introduce_yourself_to_the_Docs_Project 13:33:06 <randomuser> #link home for "easyfix" todo: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_admin_tasks_for_new_contributors 13:33:51 <randomuser> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/MembershipService/Verification?rd=Ambassadors/CountryList#Israel_.282.29 13:34:00 <jsmith> cccccccbjtclufcjfhuvrvnediebhvncrjthvuhujdtd 13:34:02 <jsmith> ccccccddchcjgvcvjvhfkkjkuhgveeutljtbdcrihcth 13:34:08 * jsmith bumps his yubikey again 13:34:15 <Sparks> sekrets! 13:34:34 <zoglesby> jsmith: please use that key on your laptop for multifactor 13:34:43 <jsmith> Sparks: One-time secrets :-) 13:35:55 <jjmcd> #info Need to attend writers conferences and speak at them 13:39:44 <jjmcd> #idea Be more visible at other parts of project 13:47:01 <jjmcd> #idea Need to have introductory material before a big push to onboard new writers 13:48:19 <jjmcd> #idea need to augment written material with videos, other easily accessible materials 13:50:35 <randomuser> #idea add blurb about yelp to docs guide 13:51:11 <Capesteve> j hradilek uses yelp to previews docs 13:52:20 <randomuser> #idea document info on getting started with editors 13:53:02 <nb> #info swag has arrived at the RDU office 13:53:29 <jhradilek> #idea promote jhradilek's makefile 13:55:07 * mribeirodantas is back 13:55:50 <randomuser> 1. test book: a) build in pubican b) view in yelp 13:56:16 <randomuser> 2. new book workflow a) publican create b)validation, xmllint 13:56:16 <jhradilek> randomuser: You don't have to build it in publican to view it in yelp. 13:56:34 <randomuser> 3) environment, editors, etc 13:56:45 <jhradilek> randomuser: It validates the document for you and refreshes it in real life as soon as you save. 13:56:51 <randomuser> jhradilek, sharing jsmith's whiteboard in case you can't read it 13:56:58 <jhradilek> Ah. :) 13:56:59 <randomuser> 4. using revision control 13:57:28 <jhradilek> Can we use gobby instead of the whiteboard? 13:58:36 <jjmcd> jsmith is old school 14:01:13 <nb> jsmith, http://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/repos/el6-docs/latest/ 14:01:33 <jsmith> jhradilek: Good idea -- I'll fire up gobby 14:03:42 <jhradilek> Capesteve: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Gobby 14:03:51 <nb> #link http://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/repos/el6-docs/latest/ 14:03:53 <nb> #info that link is where koji hosts the latest version of everything in el6-docs 14:06:18 <jjmcd> We got a nice fresh coating of snow last night. Grass was starting to show through to that fixed that 14:07:48 <randomuser> zoglesby, https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Join_the_Docs_Project#Yes updated 14:08:22 <jsmith> mribeirodantas: I'm not sure if you've used Gobby before, but it's a collaborative writing environment 14:08:37 <jsmith> mribeirodantas: More details at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Gobby 14:08:38 <mribeirodantas> I think I have. 14:08:39 <zoglesby> randomuser: you have two steps that include introduction... 14:08:47 <zoglesby> randomuser: Join list and introduce yourself 14:08:57 <zoglesby> randomuser: Introduce yourself and we will help you get started. 14:10:01 <mribeirodantas> jsmith: are you guys there already? 14:10:53 * jjmcd was filling coffee cup 14:12:16 <mribeirodantas> Within a month and a half I will be joining lots of fedora contributors in FISL (event). Maybe I can drag some people into documentation 14:12:33 <mribeirodantas> There are some new people who aren't even aware of it, I think. 14:14:11 <jsmith> mribeirodantas: Yes, we're in Gobby already 14:14:35 <mribeirodantas> Connecting. 14:15:33 <mribeirodantas> I'm there. 14:16:40 <Sparks> #info {{Moved_to_guide}} can be used on the wiki to mark pages that have been moved to a guide. 14:24:05 <mribeirodantas> croberts: hey :-) 14:32:57 <jhradilek> Sparks, randomuser: Are you guys muted on purpose? 14:33:25 <randomuser> jhradilek, sparks has a muting compulsion, i think 14:33:43 <randomuser> I was just asking about publishing online in other places, ie amazon 14:33:46 <mribeirodantas> I can't hear a thing anymore. 14:33:51 <jhradilek> :) We are muted as well, but that's because we are now really off topic. Also, jeischmann is here. 14:35:26 <mribeirodantas> :-) 14:37:27 <randomuser> lnovich should see about an ambassador kit from jeischmann 14:41:50 <jhradilek> He already gave her stickers, buttons, and DVDs. :) 14:43:15 <nb> randomuser, do you need any tshirts? 14:43:52 <randomuser> nb, you've been spending too much time on irc 14:44:58 <nb> PIZZA!!! 14:45:38 <nb> .fasinfo mribeirodantas 14:45:39 <zodbot> nb: User: mribeirodantas, Name: Marcel Ribeiro Dantas, email: ribeirodantasdm@gmail.com, Creation: 2013-04-28, IRC Nick: mribeirodantas, Timezone: America/Fortaleza, Locale: pt_BR, GPG key ID: , Status: active 14:45:42 <zodbot> nb: Unapproved Groups: marketing l10n-commits l10n-editor 14:45:45 <zodbot> nb: Approved Groups: docs-writers fedorabugs docs videos cvsl10n freemedia ambassadors cla_done cla_fpca 14:45:46 <nb> mribeirodantas, ^^^ 14:46:41 <mribeirodantas> Thank you, nb :-) 14:47:02 <nb> no problem 14:50:14 <jsmith> Sparks: http://docbook.org/tdg/en/html/variablelist.html 14:50:25 <jsmith> Sparks: http://docbook.org/tdg/en/html/varlistentry.html 14:52:11 <Sparks> jsmith: Thanks 14:55:54 <jjmcd> hmm, my bluejeans has been "Reconnecting" for a while now 14:56:44 <jsmith> jjmcd: Sounds to us like you're having networking issues 14:57:00 <jjmcd> Sure seems that way 14:57:30 <zoglesby> I had to run out, what is going on right now? 14:58:22 <randomuser> zoglesby, mild hacking on documentation guide here 14:58:31 <randomuser> lunch? in brno 14:59:10 <pbokoc> sort of, yeah 14:59:31 <pbokoc> we're stuffing our faces all the time, so it's hard to distinguish between lunchtime and not-lunchtime 14:59:54 <Sparks> pbokoc: +1 15:00:16 <Sparks> It appears the patio at the Tower is closed for the season. :( 15:00:19 <zoglesby> style.xml needs fix, but I don't want to change it if someone is working on it 15:00:27 <jhradilek> Anyway, we are ready to unmute. :) 15:00:43 <Sparks> zoglesby: Yeah, we're working on it. 15:00:56 <Sparks> zoglesby: Jared is working on marking up another section of text. 15:01:05 <zoglesby> Sparks: okay 15:02:24 <jjmcd> jsmith, I'm thinking it isn't network, for whatever reason the bluejeans thing is hammering my cpu. I did an iso d/l to get a read onspeed and I'm getting >30Mb/s 15:03:55 * randomuser creates https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Cookbook_Wishlist 15:04:02 <randomuser> for some easyfix tickets 15:05:55 <pbokoc> git clone ssh://git.fedorahosted.org/git/docs/documentation-guide.git 15:10:06 <randomuser> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/infrastructure/2014-March/014142.html 15:16:02 <randomuser> #action lnovich to coordinate office hours for her surrounding time zones 15:16:37 <randomuser> #action randomuser to coordinate office hours for his surrounding time zones 15:17:23 <mribeirodantas> Sorry guys, my internet connection is pretty unstable. I keep being reconnected to BlueJeans, so I will stop trying. 15:17:28 <mribeirodantas> But I'm still here with you :-) 15:18:11 <jjmcd> mribeirodantas, I was up and down too, but it seems to have stabilized 15:25:11 <jjmcd> They're going to torch near some gas lines next door, so if I suddenly disappear, the explosion was big 15:25:16 <randomuser> #info we should encourage participation in Fedora {magazine,planet} 15:25:26 <randomuser> jjmcd, you have all the fun! 15:25:36 <mribeirodantas> jjmcd: wow 15:25:36 <mribeirodantas> ahah 15:25:45 <jjmcd> Yeah, first a fire at the nuke, now this 15:25:55 <jjmcd> interesting week 15:27:31 <randomuser> http://fedoraproject.org/easyfix/ - trac only ? 15:28:01 <randomuser> #action nb to see if easyfix app sources trac only 15:40:48 <nb> #info do a Fedora classrom session: you will get a badge! 15:41:38 <randomuser> #info cheating for badges is lame 15:41:54 <nb> randomuser, i forgot, the badge requires >1 person to get it 15:42:00 <nb> jsmith, try the docs01.dev now 15:42:41 <jsmith> nb: http://paste.fedoraproject.org/87649/95502935 15:43:29 <jsmith> nb: I mean, http://paste.fedoraproject.org/87651/39550299/ 15:47:18 <jjmcd> zakly 15:47:40 <Sparks> jjmcd: 888 240 2560 15:47:49 <jjmcd> If we are going to put suff on youtube then we will want some quality content, not all that easy to produce 16:08:29 <randomuser> #info zoglesby to track server WG 16:08:45 <randomuser> #info jsmith to track cloud wg 16:08:58 <randomuser> #info randomuser to track workstation wg 16:09:44 <pkovar> i am going to track env-stack (i already am, actually) 16:10:02 <randomuser> ah, o fcourse 16:10:05 <jsmith> :-) 16:10:12 <randomuser> #info pkovar to track env-and-stacks 16:10:17 <pkovar> ty -) 16:10:37 <nb> #chair pkovar 16:10:37 <zodbot> Current chairs: Sparks jhradilek jjmcd jreznik jsmith mribeirodantas nb pkovar zoglesby 16:19:49 <jhradilek> rkratky: Do you wanna join our FAD, by the way? 16:20:58 <nb> jjmcd, welcome back 16:21:00 <rkratky> jhradilek, i've been following the channel silently. not sure there's much i can do from here 16:21:10 <nb> rkratky, would you like to either call or video call in? 16:21:52 * randomuser notes the schedule is flesible by design :) 16:21:54 <rkratky> nb, not sure about the video call, but i can definitely voice call 16:21:55 <jhradilek> rkratky: We use videoconferencing equipment. 16:22:00 <randomuser> wee... flexible 16:22:14 <jjmcd> <---- typed quit instead of part in the other channel 16:22:19 <jhradilek> Sparks: Could you please provide rkratky with info on how to join the BJ session? 16:22:25 <Sparks> yeah 16:22:45 <jhradilek> jjmcd: That happens to me with /query. :) 16:22:56 <Sparks> rkratky: Where are you? 16:23:13 <rkratky> Sparks, Prague 16:23:29 <jhradilek> Sparks: He's on my team, just not in Brno ATM. 16:24:31 <Sparks> rkratky: +420 22 888 2256 -> Conference ID: 643148579 -> Conference ID: 643148579 16:24:57 <Sparks> jhradilek: Yeah, there are lots of phone numbers available. Didn't want to give him the US number if there was a better number. 16:25:09 <Sparks> rkratky: Participant Passcode: 4847 16:26:53 <randomuser> #info discussing https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_QA_Procedure 16:26:54 <nb> #meetingname docs fad day 2 16:26:54 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'docs_fad_day_2' 16:26:58 <nb> #topic Docs QA Procedure 16:28:53 <rkratky> Sparks, thanks. unfortunately, i need to be afk for a while. i'll be back 16:29:14 <Sparks> rkratky: That's cool. We'll be here. 16:29:19 <pkovar> we got disconnected.. and are reconnecting 16:29:25 * pbokoc so smart 16:29:37 <pkovar> he did it :-) 16:29:52 <pbokoc> turns out it matters which remote you press OK on 16:31:15 <Sparks> pbokoc: +1 16:32:53 <zoglesby> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_QA_Procedure 16:46:39 <jhradilek> https://access.redhat.com/site/documentation 16:46:51 <jhradilek> http://jfearn.fedorapeople.org/en-US/Publican/4.0/html-single/Users_Guide/index.html 16:47:32 <jhradilek> http://jfearn.fedorapeople.org/en-US/Publican/4.0/index.html 16:48:07 <randomuser> jhradilek, there are httpd redirects for docs.fedoraproject.org that need to be manually maintained 16:48:58 <jhradilek> randomuser: Yeah, but I would like to avoid manual maintenance as much as possible. 16:49:21 <jhradilek> randomuser: It would be great if we could keep an up-to-date table with the latest docs. 16:49:36 <randomuser> one sec, i'll show you waht it looks like 16:49:54 <Sparks> jhradilek: Publican feature request? 16:50:16 <Sparks> jhradilek: Convince jfern that it's a good idea 16:50:28 <randomuser> http://ur1.ca/gwgf4 16:50:28 <jhradilek> I'll talk to him. :) 16:55:15 <rkratky> hello everybody, just joined via voice call 16:55:22 <jsmith> Sparks: I just fixed up your "Word usage" section of the Documentation Guide -- please check it out 16:55:26 <jsmith> rkratky: :-) 16:55:37 <jhradilek> rkratky: Welcome! 16:55:59 <Sparks> jsmith: TU 16:56:28 <Sparks> jsmith: Just made a few changes did you? -> 1 file changed, 2451 insertions(+), 678 deletions(-) 16:56:41 <jsmith> Sparks: That's the way I roll :-) 16:56:52 <pbokoc> heeheehee 16:56:57 <jsmith> Sparks: It's the most docs work you've gotten out of me all year -- don't complain :-) 17:00:05 <jhradilek> rkratky: We'll be back at 7 p.m. CEST. 17:00:51 <rkratky> jhradilek, yep, i heard. thank you and bon apetit 17:42:59 <Sparks> Oh... now that was some good barbeque 17:43:36 <jsmith> Sparks: Amen, brother! 17:43:47 <jsmith> Sparks: I have a serious case of the fat and happys 17:44:29 <randomuser> i like to term it 'meat lethargy' 17:45:18 <nb> it was SOOOO GOOD 17:45:22 <nb> .moar barbeque everyone 17:45:22 <zodbot> here everyone, have some more barbeque 17:45:30 * nb can't have more, if i have more, i explode 17:45:47 <nb> #info The RDU people at the FAD are very full of very yummy barbeque 17:46:08 <nb> #link http://www.dickeys.com 17:50:13 <jhradilek> aaqqqq 17:50:18 <jhradilek> + 17:51:12 <nb> #topic new docs publishing system 17:51:19 <nb> #info people will build docs in koji 17:51:27 <nb> #info then koji will do magic and put it onthe server 17:51:33 <nb> #info magic stuff happens 17:51:38 <nb> #info docs appear on the web 17:52:00 <nb> aj, wonder if you are around? I think you were one of the people that potentially knew about the backend? 17:52:57 <nb> koji list-pkgs --tag=el6-docs --noinherit 17:53:01 <nb> #info koji list-pkgs --tag=el6-docs --noinherit 17:55:28 <pandaconstantin> yep another one !!! 17:56:34 <pbokoc> jjmcd, I don't think it's working :)) 17:56:49 <pbokoc> you sound like a transmission from outer space 17:57:06 <jjmcd> what - oh, i haven't been saying anything but maybe echoing 17:57:11 <nb> #info koji list-tagged el6-docs 17:57:48 <jjmcd> my mike is picking up the speaker 18:00:28 <Capesteve> randomuser: what are you chaps talking about? 18:00:39 <randomuser> we're discussing the publishing backend 18:00:44 <Capesteve> randomuser: koji build stuff? 18:00:46 <randomuser> testing some fedmsg action 18:01:08 <randomuser> /join #fedora-fedmsg to see it live 18:01:13 <Capesteve> ok 18:03:08 <nb> <fedmsg-bot> buildsys.build.state.change -- sparks's Fedora-Security_Guide-19-web-en-US-19.1-1.el6 started building http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=497285 18:03:12 <nb> #info <fedmsg-bot> buildsys.build.state.change -- sparks's Fedora-Security_Guide-19-web-en-US-19.1-1.el6 started building http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=497285 18:14:23 <nb> .whoowns transifex-client 18:14:23 <zodbot> nb: lbazan 18:20:29 <lnovich> whoever tagged the Virtualization Deployment and Administration Guide as unused - that's not correct - it was in draft - should stay in draft (it is current for F18) 18:21:06 <lnovich> I will get it out of draft (hopefully) tomorrow if I can get a few good hrs of work on it before we start 18:21:23 <lnovich> randomuser ^^ 18:21:50 <randomuser> lnovich, tagged where? 18:22:52 <lnovich> randomuser - on the docs fedora site, open Fedora Draft Documentation > there is an Unused heading 18:23:32 <randomuser> i think that's a publishing quirk; there's some value in your publican.cfg that is marked as "unused" 18:23:40 <randomuser> probably "web_version_label" 18:23:48 <randomuser> compare and edit :) 18:24:29 <lnovich> ok 18:26:58 <lnovich> what should the web version label be? 18:29:50 <jhradilek> lnovich: Strange, according to the wiki, UNUSED is the correct value: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Publishing_draft_documentation_using_Publican?rd=Publishing_draft_documentation 18:31:41 <pkovar> jsmith: what Tx project did you say you want to admin? 18:32:00 <jsmith> pkovar: Either all of them, or at a minimum, the Fedora Jargon Buster 18:32:18 <jsmith> pkovar: I don't know if there's an easy way to make me an admin over all of the Fedora projects in Transifex 18:33:29 <pkovar> you are an admin here, https://fedora.transifex.com/ 18:33:52 <lnovich> jhradilek - I am wondering if I am seeing the snippets in gedit properly as it seems to tell me I need to define them before I use them - does this sound right? 18:33:52 <pkovar> that should allow you, in theory, to admin all the projects that are part of the fedora hub at tx 18:35:23 <pkovar> jsmith: i can't find the Fedora Jargon Buster on transifex... 18:36:17 <pkovar> jsmith: you should be an admin at all these projects here: https://fedora.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/access/outsource/ 18:36:25 <lnovich> can someone send again the name/ location of the documentation guide so I can pull it? 18:37:13 <randomuser> ssh://git.fedorahosted.org/git/docs/documentation-guide.git 18:39:01 <randomuser> croberts, ssh://git.fedorahosted.org/git/docs/fedora-cookbook.git 18:40:51 <lnovich> any reason why git would complain and say Not a git repository? 18:41:20 <randomuser> croberts_, ssh://git.fedorahosted.org/git/docs/fedora-cookbook.git 18:41:21 <nb> croberts_, hello 18:41:23 <nb> #chair croberts croberts_ 18:41:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: Sparks croberts croberts_ jhradilek jjmcd jreznik jsmith mribeirodantas nb pkovar zoglesby 18:41:29 <nb> #chair pandaconstantin 18:41:29 <zodbot> Current chairs: Sparks croberts croberts_ jhradilek jjmcd jreznik jsmith mribeirodantas nb pandaconstantin pkovar zoglesby 18:41:35 <nb> .chair croberts_ 18:41:35 <zodbot> croberts_ is seated in a chair with a nice view of a placid lake, unsuspecting that another chair is about to be slammed into them. 18:41:41 * nb likes that command 18:41:52 <pkovar> lnovich: https://help.gnome.org/users/gnome-boxes/stable/ 18:42:22 <mribeirodantas> :-D 18:52:00 <lnovich> please send a link! 18:53:17 <zoglesby> nb: pick me! 18:53:28 <jsmith> lnovich: www.fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/ 18:53:52 <nb> zoglesby, you are wanting account 18:54:08 <nb> sign up 18:54:17 <zoglesby> jsmith: nb: already signed in 18:54:36 <jsmith> zoglesby: With your FAS ID? 18:54:44 <zoglesby> jsmith: zoglesby 18:54:57 <nb> yes, please use username.id.fedoraproject.org 18:55:04 <nb> and do the openid login 18:55:09 <zoglesby> nb: already did 18:55:14 <jsmith> zoglesby: No, "what's your FAS id", I'm asking if you logged in with your FAS id 18:55:16 <nb> ok 18:55:27 * jsmith can't type today, and fires his typist 18:55:48 <jsmith> zoglesby: s/No,/Not/g 18:56:26 <zoglesby> jsmith: yes I did 18:57:20 <lnovich> I got a 404 18:57:59 <randomuser> croberts broke the wordpress instance 18:58:04 <randomuser> maliciously 18:58:35 <jsmith> Take off the "www." from the beginning 18:58:37 <jsmith> Sorry :-( 18:59:02 <jsmith> And don't use SSL at the moment, as it breaks CSS 18:59:57 <lnovich> ok so once we get the page to load use my FAS or some other ID? 19:00:17 <jsmith> Yes, use the OpenID login at the bottom and use lnovick.id.fedoraproject.org 19:00:22 * jsmith still can't type 19:00:32 <jsmith> s/lnovick/lnovich/ 19:07:41 <lnovich> ok jhradilek, where do I get those snippets you mentioned? 19:10:19 <jhradilek> lnovich: If you use gedit, you have them already installed. 19:10:36 <jhradilek> lnovich: Just make sure you install the gedit-plugins package and then enable them. 19:12:00 <jhradilek> lnovich: https://github.com/jhradilek/gedit-snippets 19:28:12 <randomuser> lnovich, when we decide on a time for 'office hours' we should remember to also put it in https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar 19:30:46 <lnovich> will do 19:31:23 <randomuser> events maybe? 19:31:25 * randomuser shrugs 19:33:04 <jhradilek> Capesteve: https://www.ohloh.net/p/8544/contributors/summary 19:38:01 <Capesteve> Good night 20:00:38 <lnovich> we are signing off! 20:00:45 <lnovich> so long 20:00:47 <lnovich> farewell 20:00:56 <jhradilek> We are getting tired, but I'll be on IRC later from home. 20:00:57 <lnovich> good bye! 20:48:01 <jsmith> Sparks: xmllint --xinclude --postvalid --noout path/to/file.xml 20:58:41 <nb> .fasinfo immanetize 20:58:42 <zodbot> nb: User: immanetize, Name: Pete Travis, email: me@petetravis.com, Creation: 2011-10-17, IRC Nick: randomuser, Timezone: US/Mountain, Locale: en, GPG key ID: 2D31EC9E, Status: active 20:58:45 <zodbot> nb: Approved Groups: fi-apprentice sysadmin-hosted sysadmin-docs sysadmin-web sysadmin +docs-publishers +docs-writers +docs packager cla_fpca cla_done fedorabugs 21:04:52 <nb> jsmith, 21:17:54 <nb> jsmith, 21:17:57 <nb> that's the floating ip 21:19:49 <nb> jsmith, added, should take effect within 30 min 21:21:38 <nb> dns update done, let me run the update_dns playbook 22:29:26 <zoglesby> making progress? 22:29:35 <randomuser> hard progress! 22:30:11 <randomuser> .members sysadmin-docs 22:30:12 <zodbot> randomuser: Members of sysadmin-docs: immanetize jhradile @nb +rlandmann sparks zoglesby 22:40:17 <jsmith> zoglesby: Of course! 22:40:39 <jsmith> zoglesby: I'm just to the point that the docs server is (almost) installing all new packages whenever the repo gets rebuilt, and un-installing packages on un-tagging 22:47:36 <randomuser> zoglesby, should we badger sparks about turning the video equipment on? 22:52:48 <zoglesby> randomuser: not yet maybe a bit kater 22:53:28 <Sparks> zoglesby: Okay kater then 22:56:37 <zoglesby> Sparks: k 22:56:59 <zoglesby> what time do you guys plan to work until? 22:57:52 <zoglesby> also i am typing on my phone so i dont care about the typos 22:58:11 <randomuser> we were here until ~1230 last night 22:58:22 * randomuser shrugs 22:58:35 <zoglesby> randomuser: okay 22:58:57 <zoglesby> i will be back long before 1230 23:11:45 * jjmcd will be on Michigan Digital Traffic net in one window and IRC in another from 0000Z to around 0100Z 23:29:03 <Sparks> heh 23:29:11 <Sparks> jjmcd: That shouldn't be confusing at all! 23:29:27 <jjmcd> nope 00:00:33 <jjmcd> What I should be doing is running IRC on the Pi. When I move IRC to the TV I keep wanting to type on the Pi keyboard anyway. 00:53:41 * zoglesby is back 00:57:49 <randomuser> we're still fighting this publican thing, zoglesby 01:12:27 <zoglesby> randomuser: I am working on the ARM guide, but if you need me I can help 01:13:17 <randomuser> zoglesby, we're breaking for pizza. http://docs01.dev.cloud.fedoraproject.org/fedora/en-US/index.html shows our progress so far :/ 01:13:34 <randomuser> the brand installs some common content into /var/www/docs/fedora 01:13:53 <randomuser> the packages themselves go into /var/www/docs for their top level 01:14:23 <randomuser> there's *lots* of 404s when you visit either 01:15:16 <randomuser> oh, and we needed a splash page ie docsite-publican before anything would work 01:15:30 <randomuser> and it *still* looks like the default brand 01:15:32 <zoglesby> randomuser: what about my pizza? 01:15:38 <randomuser> :/ 01:15:46 <randomuser> telepizza? 01:16:12 <randomuser> turn on the video equipment, throw slices? 01:16:21 <zoglesby> lol 01:16:59 * randomuser bbl 01:17:34 <jjmcd_> This might work better 01:18:18 <jjmcd_> keyboard not as good, but it will be easier to stay connected this way 01:47:48 * jjmcd is heading upstairs. g'nite all 01:48:00 <zoglesby> jjmcd_: night 02:54:51 <nb> #endmeeting