18:03:52 <randomuser> #startmeeting Fedora Docs Office Hours 18:03:52 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Aug 7 18:03:52 2014 UTC. The chair is randomuser. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:03:52 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:04:05 <randomuser> #meetingname Fedora Docs Office Hours 18:04:05 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs_office_hours' 18:04:50 <randomuser> hello everyone 18:05:01 <randomuser> Sparks, zoglesby_ - are you around today? 18:10:07 <randomuser> hi mpduty 18:10:19 <mpduty> hi randomuser 18:10:26 <mpduty> you are not in flock? 18:11:31 <randomuser> no, i have a $DAYJOB conflict 18:12:06 <mpduty> I see 18:13:53 <mpduty> randomuser, can we have a fad on 'Fedora for schools' syllabus? I mean, would it be proper? 18:17:38 <randomuser> mpduty, we could maybe do a fad, or a virtual fad at least 18:17:50 <randomuser> it's a good idea, but not very well developed 18:18:11 <mpduty> yes 18:19:04 <mpduty> would it be better to have a series of IRC meetings over the issue first? 18:19:29 <Sparks_too> Hi! 18:19:59 <mpduty> Hi, Sparks_too 18:21:46 <randomuser> mpduty, it wouldn't have to be a meeting, but some sort of planning, setting of goals, etc should happen 18:22:42 <randomuser> it's not a bad idea to run meetbot for an involved discussion, though 18:23:24 <randomuser> I guess the first question would be about scope - what do we want students to learn from the course? 18:24:01 <randomuser> do we start with @minimal and build up, or should we focus on a wider audience and start with a DE and just teach normal usage? 18:24:51 <mpduty> We would perhaps like students to get acquainted with Fedora, become comfortable in using it 18:26:15 <randomuser> I think everyday tasks would be best, like installing software with a gui, word processing, browsers, setting up printers, playing media, etc 18:26:33 <mpduty> And for the advanced section we may deal with other things, say inspire them to learn and contribute 18:26:33 <randomuser> (although, remember we can't point at rpmfusion and such) 18:27:38 <randomuser> mpduty, nah, we can get the "fedora is made by people like you!" pitch right in the introduction :P 18:28:53 <mpduty> yes that would be very attractive 18:29:12 <mpduty> and interesting 18:31:56 <randomuser> hey, check this out Sparks_too https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/259 18:32:07 <randomuser> we have more badgery coming! 18:32:50 <Sparks_too> nice 18:33:26 <randomuser> she said subsequent badges will have increasingly taller hats :) 18:33:40 <Sparks_too> heh 18:36:43 * zoglesby_ is here 18:37:08 <randomuser> hey zoglesby 18:37:33 <zoglesby> I have been super busy at work as of late 18:44:00 <randomuser> are you going to be able to keep up with server@, zoglesby? sgallagh apparently doesn't remember hearing from you :P 18:46:10 <zoglesby> randomuser: I am reading the list, and will do the release notes, but I am not sure if I will be able to get a guide out in time. 18:46:43 <zoglesby> randomuser: I want to, but want and will are not the same 18:47:11 <zoglesby> randomuser: also no one ever remembers talking to me 18:47:53 <randomuser> ha! 18:49:08 <randomuser> there's probably some cockpit docs we can point at, that should bridge the gap 18:51:50 <zoglesby> I hope so 18:57:31 <randomuser> okay, time for me to move back to the office. 19:07:44 <randomuser> aand, back 19:07:58 * randomuser has been watching flock on youtube all day 19:10:36 <Sparks_too> randomuser: It's on YouTube? 19:13:08 <randomuser> Sparks_too, live, even! and before you start, yes they did talk about self-hosting, and it wasn't practical 19:14:25 <Sparks_too> bah 19:14:37 <randomuser> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQIXiF6fxPCtHw_XwHFq6nA 19:14:46 <Sparks_too> I'm just amazed that they figured out how to do it. 19:15:13 <randomuser> heh 19:26:37 <Sparks_too> I suspect there is a lot of bandwidth being taken up at that conference 19:28:27 <randomuser> perhaps slightly more than your average barn-raising conference 22:52:28 <randomuser> #endmeeting