19:42:32 <randomuser> #startmeeting Fedora Docs Office Hours
19:42:32 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Oct 22 19:42:32 2015 UTC.  The chair is randomuser. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
19:42:32 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
19:42:44 <randomuser> #info we are going through the bug fix process
19:42:57 <randomuser> oops :)
19:43:09 <randomuser> #link http://tinyurl.com/lbrq84
19:43:25 <randomuser> d0nn1e, yeah, let's pick an easy looking one to start
19:43:33 <d0nn1e> ok
19:45:23 <d0nn1e> hmm...I don't speak Czech, so no help there
19:45:46 <randomuser> heh
19:46:22 <randomuser> how about https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1266636 ?
19:46:37 <d0nn1e> opening
19:47:04 <d0nn1e> ah looks easy enough!
19:47:42 <randomuser> ok, good.  Do you have the repo cloned yet?
19:48:09 <d0nn1e> eh, negative
19:48:16 <d0nn1e> I can do that though
19:48:27 <randomuser> they are all at https://git.fedorahosted.org
19:48:43 <d0nn1e> lets see, git clone .. git clone ..
19:49:23 <randomuser> you'll want to `git clone https://` because you'll get rejected via ssh
19:49:34 <d0nn1e> gotcha
19:49:40 <randomuser> the URIs are at the bottom of the project's cgit page
19:51:09 <d0nn1e> I hate to admit this, but I'm currently using my mac, but Ive unixified it as much as possible with brew, etc. Still working on building my fedora dev box. I do have a slapped together fedora-virt, should I do this in the dirt?
19:51:28 <d0nn1e> virt?
19:51:37 <randomuser> it's not required, as long as you have git and an editor it should be fine
19:51:53 <d0nn1e> yep, vim is my fav
19:52:22 <d0nn1e> ok working on cloning now
19:52:35 <randomuser> you won't be able to test builds, and maybe not even to validate the xml, so we'll just be very careful with editing for now
19:52:49 <d0nn1e> sounds good
19:56:47 <d0nn1e> ok found https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_work_using_git  btw
19:57:08 <d0nn1e> not sure which repo i should clone
19:57:28 <d0nn1e> there's a ton of them in https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/
19:57:33 <randomuser> it's a release notes bug, so search for the release notes repo
19:57:40 <d0nn1e> aha
19:58:09 <d0nn1e> docs/release-notes.git then?
19:58:15 <randomuser> yes
19:58:22 <d0nn1e> cool, thanks for that hint
20:00:25 <d0nn1e> done!
20:00:42 <d0nn1e> cd ing into it now
20:00:45 <randomuser> ok, now cd into the repo directory
20:01:04 <randomuser> type `git status` - that shows you the branch you are on, and the state
20:01:29 <randomuser> `git log` shows some things about recent changes
20:01:36 <d0nn1e> | ~/GIT/release-notes @ Donalds-MacBook-Pro (donnie)
20:01:36 <d0nn1e> | => git status
20:01:36 <d0nn1e> On branch master
20:01:37 <d0nn1e> Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
20:01:37 <d0nn1e> nothing to commit, working directory clean
20:02:14 <randomuser> it will say 'up-to-date` but that can be misleading; use `git pull` habitually to make sure that it's true
20:02:40 <d0nn1e> done
20:02:46 <d0nn1e> will keep that in mind
20:02:48 <randomuser> for this exercise, we want to create a branch
20:03:09 <d0nn1e> neat!
20:03:23 <randomuser> branching allows you to work on things without worrying about keeping in sync with everything else
20:04:12 <d0nn1e> ahhh, I've heard the term used a lot from the github folk, wasn't sure what exactly it meant
20:05:16 <randomuser> I think of there being different types of branches; a feature branch is created to work on a specific feature, and stops getting used when the feature is complete; a release branch is more persistent and used to store project state for a given release (f23, f22, etc for us)
20:05:49 <randomuser> `git branch -r` will show remote branches; `git branch` will show local branches
20:06:06 <Capesteve> git branch -a will show all
20:06:24 <d0nn1e> ah
20:06:39 <Capesteve> and you might need to git pull to see new branches
20:06:54 <randomuser> for work on your bug, we want a local feature branch
20:06:58 <d0nn1e> trying it out now Capesteve
20:08:12 <d0nn1e> yep randomuser , I'm guessing that remote branches would be more formal and used when several of us would be working on something big together without risking everything else?
20:08:27 <randomuser> yes, exactly
20:09:23 <randomuser> creating a new one is as simple as `git branch $BRANCH_NAME` - where BRANCH_NAME is something with evident meaning
20:09:50 <d0nn1e> maybe the repo name but appended with the bug number?
20:09:53 <randomuser> like "rhbz12334" or "fixing_kitten_gif_scraper"
20:11:30 <d0nn1e> quick question, should I execute that command from within my cloned repo directory
20:11:33 <d0nn1e> | => ls
20:11:33 <d0nn1e> README       build        deferred.xml en-US        notes        publican.cfg zanata.xml
20:11:36 <d0nn1e> or
20:11:55 <d0nn1e> should I cd .. up a directory?
20:12:12 <randomuser> you can do it from anywhere within the repo
20:12:32 <d0nn1e> understood
20:12:37 <d0nn1e> here goes
20:12:38 <randomuser> that's the root of the repo, so `cd ..` would take you out of it
20:12:43 <d0nn1e> ahhh
20:13:07 <randomuser> `ls -al` should show a .git folder, which is where the real files are - but you can read on internals on your own time :)
20:13:21 <d0nn1e> yep
20:14:42 <randomuser> at this point you should have a local branch just created, a master branch, and some awareness that remote branches exist out there somewhere
20:14:52 <d0nn1e> yep
20:15:08 <randomuser> but you'll still be 'on branch master' - you must check out the branch you want to work on
20:15:29 <randomuser> the command for that is, unsurprisingly, `git checkout $BRANCH_NAME`
20:16:19 <d0nn1e> | ~/GIT/release-notes @ Donalds-MacBook-Pro (donnie)
20:16:19 <d0nn1e> | => git checkout rhbz12334
20:16:19 <d0nn1e> Switched to branch 'rhbz12334'
20:16:38 <randomuser> at this point I'll usually do something like `git grep "some string"` - because bug reports usually talk about section numbers and other things that you don't see in the code
20:16:44 <randomuser> that'll tell me what file to edit
20:17:30 <randomuser> also, it's automatically recursive and automatically excludes `.git`, which would produce a lot of results we don't care about
20:19:14 <randomuser> oh, and before we get too far, set `git config user.name "Donald Buchan"` and `git config user.email "your@email.tld" ` or however you want it to be
20:19:36 <randomuser> I'll leave you to that, and editing the file, and have to go afk for 10 min or so, ok?
20:19:47 <d0nn1e> sounds good
20:19:55 <randomuser> cool, brb
20:34:02 * randomuser is back
20:41:03 <d0nn1e> randomuser, i found  the problem
20:42:27 <d0nn1e> ok, I have corrected the link and saved the file
20:42:50 <d0nn1e> now I'm guessing I need to commit this change somehow
20:46:56 <randomuser> d0nn1e, yep, that's next
20:47:15 <randomuser> `git status` at this point should show you something different: unstaged changes
20:48:07 <d0nn1e> | ~/GIT/release-notes/en-US @ Donalds-MacBook-Pro (donnie)
20:48:07 <d0nn1e> | => git status
20:48:07 <d0nn1e> On branch rhbz12334
20:48:07 <d0nn1e> Changes not staged for commit:
20:48:07 <d0nn1e> (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
20:48:08 <d0nn1e> (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
20:48:10 <d0nn1e> modified:   Security.xml
20:48:12 <d0nn1e> no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
20:49:20 <randomuser> that's it
20:49:57 <randomuser> so do a `git add Security.xml` and check the status again
20:51:14 <d0nn1e> | ~/GIT/release-notes/en-US @ Donalds-MacBook-Pro (donnie)
20:51:14 <d0nn1e> | => git status
20:51:14 <d0nn1e> On branch rhbz12334
20:51:14 <d0nn1e> Changes to be committed:
20:51:14 <d0nn1e> (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
20:51:15 <d0nn1e> modified:   Security.xml
20:51:19 <d0nn1e> yep it has changed
20:53:20 <randomuser> you can add multiple files to a commit this way
20:53:51 <randomuser> although, it's adding the *changes* to the files, not the files themselves, so don't be surprised if you make further changes and see the same file with both staged and unstaged changes
20:55:10 <d0nn1e> ahhh
20:56:12 <randomuser> now that you've added files to the commit, you can commit it (do make sure your user.foo things are set)
20:56:16 <randomuser> with `git commit`
20:56:28 <d0nn1e> yep they are
20:57:38 <d0nn1e> ok now it wants me to enter in my comment. Should I just say "Corrected broken link"?
21:04:00 <d0nn1e> randomuser, ok I went for it
21:04:03 <d0nn1e> | ~/GIT/release-notes/en-US @ Donalds-MacBook-Pro (donnie)
21:04:03 <d0nn1e> | => git commit
21:04:04 <d0nn1e> [rhbz12334 e79402e] Corrected broken link. WAS	"https://github.com/nmav/fedora-crypto-policies/blob/master/crypto-policies.8.txt" NOW	"https://github.com/nmav/fedora-crypto-policies/blob/master/update-crypto-policies.8.txt"
21:04:04 <d0nn1e> 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
21:04:27 <d0nn1e> decided to be more specific in my commit message
21:05:17 <randomuser> nice
21:07:20 <d0nn1e> so I've only committed to the branch, not to the actual doc source?
21:08:35 <randomuser> correct
21:08:43 <d0nn1e> gotcha
21:08:51 <randomuser> now if you have commit access to a remote repo, you could do a `git push`
21:09:03 <randomuser> since you do not yet, we'll create a patch
21:09:10 <randomuser> like `git format-patch master`
21:09:57 <randomuser> that will create a file that represents your commit
21:10:18 <randomuser> or files for commits, if there is more than one commit making it different from master
21:10:32 <d0nn1e> ok, running the command
21:11:00 <d0nn1e> | ~/GIT/release-notes/en-US @ Donalds-MacBook-Pro (donnie)
21:11:00 <d0nn1e> | => git format-patch master
21:11:01 <d0nn1e> 0001-Corrected-broken-link.patch
21:11:13 <d0nn1e> ok, now what can I do with the patch?
21:11:21 <randomuser> attach it to the bug :)
21:13:00 <d0nn1e> ok, looks like ill have to get bugzilla access. Got to head home for now though.
21:15:16 <d0nn1e> feel free to type here, my bouncer will catch you. ill be back on here once I get home.
21:26:25 <d0nn1e> randomuser, at home now
21:26:49 * d0nn1e lives within walking distance of job
21:27:01 * d0nn1e drives because its quicker
22:20:38 <randomuser> d0nn1e, the only thing I can think of to watch out for with bugzilla is the email; there are good reasons, I'm told, to make that address the same one FAS knows about.
22:33:24 <jfearn> it would make group membership and permissions automatable
23:12:00 <d0nn1e> randomuser, yeah I set my git email to the same one in my FAS account, but perhaps it is looking for an @fedoraproject.org domain? I don't have that alias yet. The wiki says I need to be a member of at least one more group in order to get that alias
23:54:48 <d0nn1e> randomuser, when you get the chance, can you make me a member of the docs group/mailing list?
23:57:32 <d0nn1e> if a gig key is required, i might still have my private key stored around here somewhere that matches up with the public key I posted to the MIT server a while back. Digging through my old system to see if it is there
23:57:41 <randomuser> d0nn1e, I can make you a member of the docs group; I think you are already on the mailing list
23:58:11 <randomuser> what is your FAS ID?
23:58:41 <randomuser> the git email is just for the log, and bugzilla is a separate account
00:39:26 <d0nn1e> randomuser, my FAS ID is donnie
00:42:00 <d0nn1e> randomuser, ok, I'll request a new bugzilla account. Also tried my old credentials from when I was with the company. Looks to have been closed out some time ago.
00:51:42 <randomuser> @fasinfo donnie
00:51:49 <randomuser> .fasinfo donnie
00:51:50 <zodbot> randomuser: User: donnie, Name: Donald Hardin, email: dch84121@gmail.com, Creation: 2015-04-25, IRC Nick: d0nn1e, Timezone: UTC, Locale: en, GPG key ID: None, Status: active
00:51:53 <zodbot> randomuser: Approved Groups: cla_done cla_fpca
00:52:53 <randomuser> .fasinfo donnie
00:52:57 <zodbot> randomuser: User: donnie, Name: Donald Hardin, email: dch84121@gmail.com, Creation: 2015-04-25, IRC Nick: d0nn1e, Timezone: UTC, Locale: en, GPG key ID: None, Status: active
00:53:00 <zodbot> randomuser: Approved Groups: fedorabugs docs cla_done cla_fpca
00:53:35 <randomuser> d0nn1e, you can sign up for the mailing list at https://lists.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/docs
01:01:42 <d0nn1e> randomuser, are you there? all of a sudden, I am getting banned from IRC channels!!!
01:02:23 <randomuser> d0nn1e, I don't think we did anything here to cause that ...
01:03:02 <d0nn1e> [20:52]  * Cannot join #fedora-ops (You are banned). [20:53]  * Cannot join #fedora-ops (You are banned).
01:03:03 <d0nn1e> [20:54]  * Cannot join #fedora-ops (You are banned).
01:03:03 <d0nn1e> [20:54]  * Cannot join #fedora-ops (You are banned).
01:03:03 <d0nn1e> [20:55]  * Cannot join #fedora-ops (You are banned).
01:03:03 <d0nn1e> [20:55]  * Cannot join #fedora-ops (You are banned).
01:03:04 <d0nn1e> [20:55]  * Cannot join #fedora (You are banned).
01:03:06 <d0nn1e> [20:56]  * Cannot join #fedora (You are banned).
01:03:10 <d0nn1e> [20:56]  * Cannot join #fedora-ops (You are banned).
01:03:12 <d0nn1e> [20:56]  * Cannot join #fedora (You are banned).
01:03:14 <d0nn1e> [20:56]  * Cannot join #fedora-ops (You are banned).
01:03:16 <d0nn1e> [20:57]  * Cannot join #fedora (You are banned).
01:03:18 <d0nn1e> [20:57]  * Cannot join #fedora-ops (You are banned).
01:03:20 <d0nn1e> [21:01]  * Cannot join #fedora-meeting (You are banned).[20:52]  * Cannot join #fedora-ops (You are banned).
01:04:52 <randomuser> I'll ask in -ops for you
01:05:44 <randomuser> d0nn1e, fwiw, you probably don't need to hang out in #fedora-ops unless you are an op or need one
01:06:15 <d0nn1e> no worries on that one, but Im sure I need to have access to #fedora-meeting for our meetings
01:17:45 <d0nn1e> randomuser, its being straightened out. They thought I was a bot. Ill stay out of #fedora-ops from now on.
01:18:55 <randomuser> k
02:03:57 <d0nn1e> randomuser, thanks for all of your help today! I'll try to finish up with the bug once I gain access to bugzilla, hopefully tomorrow.
02:04:03 <d0nn1e> randomuser++
02:04:38 <randomuser> sure, glad to help!
02:06:43 <d0nn1e> randomuser, get that karma this time?
02:08:10 <randomuser> nope
02:08:14 * randomuser shrugs
02:08:30 <d0nn1e> ugh, another problem to fix another day
10:31:11 <linuxmodder> randomuser++
13:41:01 <randomuser> #endmeeting