#fedora-docs: DocsFAD2016

Meeting started by decause at 14:06:07 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. stickster - I work at Fedora full-time to manage the engineering team. My stake here is to help make a great plan to enable to the most people to collaborate, including people not in this room (decause, 14:07:38)

  1. Agenda (decause, 14:09:52)
  2. introductions (decause, 14:10:07)
    1. Fedora Docs FAD BlueJeans instance is now live! (decause, 14:33:08)

  3. upstream/downstream relationships (randomuser, 15:02:33)
    1. Join the Fedora Docs FAD conf call at: http://redhat.bluejeans.com/pfrields (decause, 15:03:17)
    2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_Focus (randomuser, 15:06:40)
    3. https://twitter.com/GoatUserStories (Evolution, 16:10:38)
    4. http://www.ostera.io/tldr.jsx/#/?_k=vnsul2 (decause, 19:45:57)
    5. http://etherpad.osuosl.org/fedoradocsfad2016 (decause, 19:47:36)
    6. https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/docs-fad-2016 (nb, 20:51:41)

Meeting ended at 04:00:01 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. decause (113)
  2. jibecfed (23)
  3. nb (17)
  4. zodbot (14)
  5. kushal (10)
  6. Evolution (10)
  7. randomuser (10)
  8. pbokoc (7)
  9. fedmsg-docs (2)
  10. zoglesby_ (1)
  11. quaid (1)
  12. jflory7 (1)
  13. linuxmodder (1)
  14. ryanlerch (0)
  15. stickster (0)
  16. Amita (0)
  17. jsmith (0)
  18. bexelbie (0)

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