18:57:46 <zoglesby> #startmeeting Docs Office Hours 18:57:46 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu May 19 18:57:46 2016 UTC. The chair is zoglesby. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:57:46 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:57:46 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'docs_office_hours' 18:58:12 <zoglesby> #topic Office Hours, ask, hack, just don't run near the pool. 18:58:22 <zoglesby> #chair randomuser 18:58:22 <zodbot> Current chairs: randomuser zoglesby 18:58:40 <randomuser> bah 18:58:49 <randomuser> i have a meeting :( 18:59:15 <zoglesby> okay, but this way if I don't end the meeting you can :P 19:46:02 <randomuser> meeting concluded! 19:46:27 <randomuser> not this one 19:49:15 <zoglesby> lol 20:10:20 <Capesteve> good night 20:33:53 <nb> when do office hours get over? 20:33:57 <nb> .misc help addchair 20:33:57 <zodbot> nb: (addchair <channel> <network> <nick>) -- Add a nick as a chair to the meeting. 20:34:12 <nb> oh, they were just a hour ago, so maybe it's not over yet 20:34:18 * nb thought someone forgot to end meeting 20:34:26 <zoglesby> Its over then we end it 20:34:57 <nb> :) 20:35:02 <zoglesby> At least one hour, but I am trying to keep in open longer for people to ask questions as we are making lots of changes. 20:35:10 <nb> zoglesby, ah, good idea 20:35:18 * nb needs to try to do that review 20:35:22 <nb> zoglesby, or have you had a chance to look at it? 20:35:56 <zoglesby> I started to, push a change upstream to fix FSF address, but I would hope that will not hold up the package! 20:36:16 <zoglesby> that is as far as I got, needed to keep other things up. 20:37:20 <nb> zoglesby, FSF address is not a blocker 20:37:42 <zoglesby> already got added upstream anyway. Just not in an actual release 21:24:53 <randomuser> what review, nb? 21:25:15 <randomuser> are you talking about the one I opened, or a different one? 21:26:44 <nb> randomuser, yeah, i was trying to get zoglesby to review it :) 21:26:50 <randomuser> heh 21:26:51 * nb will try to, but it's been busier at work lately 21:30:16 <zoglesby> Its just been so long since I did anything package related 21:30:50 <randomuser> it's cool, i can find somebody 21:35:27 <zoglesby> Ending the meeting 21:35:33 <zoglesby> #endmeeting