12:00:39 <spevack> #startmeeting FAD FOSDEM 2011 12:00:39 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Feb 4 12:00:39 2011 UTC. The chair is spevack. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:00:39 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 12:01:44 <spevack> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_FOSDEM_2011 12:03:03 <liknus> hey all 12:03:13 <spevack> #chair liknus 12:03:13 <zodbot> Current chairs: liknus spevack 12:03:26 <spevack> #topic FAD FOSDEM 2011 12:04:07 <liknus> #meetingname fad_fosdem_2011 12:04:07 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fad_fosdem_2011' 12:04:30 <biertie> o hi 12:04:35 <liknus> #note 11 people are present 12:04:37 * jsmith lurks 12:05:54 <biertie> can't we use something like etherpad? 12:14:56 <spevack> Ok, our first topic today will be the status of FUDCon EMEA 2011 12:15:01 <spevack> Jared has the floor: 12:15:31 <spevack> * Discussed at FAD EMEA in Rheinfelden that a bidding process needed to be opened. At that time, it was thought that the EMEA Ambassadors leadership in EMEA would make a decision. 12:15:47 <spevack> * Nothing has happened there. So do we need to open for more general bidding? 12:15:52 <spevack> Gerold: 12:16:17 <spevack> * No Ambassador has stepped up yet to say "I want to have a FUDCon in $LOCATION", the way it happened in Berlin and in Zurich. 12:16:21 <spevack> Jared: 12:16:33 <spevack> * Perhaps we need to make an open call for bids. 12:16:35 <spevack> Gerold: 12:17:26 <spevack> * Let's think about who is active in Europe. Most of them are the folks who have showed up here at FOSDEM, with the exception of our French Ambassadors, who are also activey. 12:17:43 <spevack> * Germans, Greeks, French, and several others. But those are the really active countries. 12:18:10 <spevack> * No country leadership, and no larger European leadership, now that Fedora EMEA e.V. is gone. 12:20:08 <spevack> * There is a larger issue, which is how to fix and re-grow Fedora Ambassadors in Europe, as well as in LATAM. 12:20:14 <spevack> Pierros: 12:20:23 <spevack> * This has been discussed in recent FAMSCO meetings. 12:20:28 <spevack> Max: 12:20:48 <spevack> * (I was going to ask if FAMSCO thinks there are certain issues) 12:20:56 <spevack> Pierros mentioned several things that FAMSCO had mentioned. 12:21:08 <spevack> liknus: can you type the 3 things that you said? 12:21:54 <liknus> 1. Resolve quick budget allocation 12:22:16 <liknus> 2. Assign (or emerged) regional leadership 12:22:50 <liknus> 3. Resolve item shipping (and production) 12:23:17 <spevack> Gerold also notes that the mission of Ambassadors has changed, or that the original mission has been successful. Linux is a known quantity now. 12:23:49 <spevack> Jeroen: 12:24:08 <spevack> * North American Ambassadors are getting ready to start going to events that aren't primarily Fedora focused. 12:25:32 <spevack> * Going to other audiences that share some of the same values as Fedora community -- like SXSW 12:26:57 <spevack> Max: What do people want to do in their countries? What is inspiring? 12:27:48 <jsmith> Just as an FYI -- the SXSW thing is an experiment, and it will be interesting to see if it's judged to be a worthwhile event 12:28:43 <liknus> Christos : 12:28:58 <liknus> If we use Fedora for Universities , who will support them? 12:29:10 <liknus> Jeroen: 12:29:22 <liknus> There is a business for that 12:30:00 <spevack> University would be the entry point for more Fedora users in Tunisia 12:31:43 <liknus> Bert : there are workarounds so communities can support univercities 12:31:49 <liknus> universities* 12:32:32 <spevack> trained people are needed to give courses, technical sessions at local universities 12:32:33 <liknus> Jeroen: the goal is to turn them to foss (not specifically support fedora) 12:32:49 <liknus> Then they can built the ecosystem themselves 12:34:05 <liknus> ... everyone is ordering food now .... 12:35:23 <spevack> Pierros: 12:35:48 <spevack> * Very active over the past few years in Greece. 9-10 events over the past few years. Pretty much every important event in Greece, as well as Fedora Coffees, FADs, etc. 12:36:42 * jsmith welcomes Pablo to the event 12:37:02 <spevack> * Regular meetings on IRC for the Greek community. 12:37:10 <spevack> * Targetting a FUDCon in Greece for next year. 12:37:51 <spevack> liknus: "next year's FUDCon EMEA (2012) will be in Greece!" 12:39:42 <spevack> FOSSCon in Greece last year had 550 people. 12:40:00 <spevack> Christos and Pierros think that we should try to get 50% attendance at something like FOSSCOn to attend a Greek FUDCon. 12:42:42 <spevack> Jeroen suggests holding FUDCon in Brno once again. 12:43:08 <spevack> Pierros notes that the French group is investigating. 12:44:14 <spevack> Max notes two things: 12:44:23 <spevack> (1) We should open the FUDcon EMEA 2011 bidding process TODAY 12:44:41 <spevack> (2) We have an ambassador here (Pablo) who can talk about what the french are doing and thinking 12:45:50 <spevack> Gerold and Jared bring up the merged-with-another-event or standalone FUDCon debate 12:46:15 <spevack> It depends very much on the culture of the area -- whether it is a difficulty to go away MANY times, versus for a LONGER time. 12:52:35 <jsmith> There are several things that happen in FUDCon NA that don't happen in other FUDCons, simply due to where people are located 12:52:52 <jsmith> Tempe was a very technical FUDCon, due to the people who were there 13:04:31 <jsmith> Jan: Help get superstars in EMEA more integrated into Fedora 13:11:12 <jsmith> Correction: Jan said to get more groupies into Fedora 13:18:52 <spevack> Jeroen mentions that there is a huge difference between the 13:18:52 <spevack> just-happened North American FUDCon and some of our non-NA FUDCons. The 13:18:52 <spevack> issue is people. Many of the technical leads of Fedora happen to be in 13:18:52 <spevack> North America, and thus the nature of the talks and presentations and 13:18:54 <spevack> collaborations at a NA FUDCon are able to exist, that can't happen at a 13:18:57 <spevack> FUDCon where those people aren't present. 13:18:59 <spevack> Focus for FUDCon LATAM would be sysadmin. 13:19:02 <spevack> Jan and Red Hat User groups across EMEA. 13:19:04 <spevack> Jan makes the point that the goto people in EMEA aren't associated with 13:19:07 <spevack> Fedora, and that Red Hat consultants who know lots of customers aren't 13:19:09 <spevack> necessarily plugged into Fedora. 13:19:23 <spevack> food has arrived -- everyone is eating now 13:38:46 <jsmith> Meeting is back in session 13:38:58 <jsmith> Pablo is talking about possibility of having FUDCon EMEA in France 13:39:21 <jsmith> The French community is having a meeting to discuss the possibility 13:39:44 <jsmith> Pablo: Everything there is very expensive 13:50:06 <biertie> 15 march :: last day for fudcon 13:50:29 <jsmith> last day for FUDCon EMEA 2011 bids 13:50:38 <biertie> wel yes, sorry 13:56:32 <biertie> idea: not only register.. also -> why do you want to come here? 13:56:42 <biertie> for fudcon 's 13:57:04 <biertie> also, created tracks ? 14:03:58 * rbergeron peeks in 14:05:23 <jsmith> Pierros talked about mentorship program, and changes to the mentorship program 14:05:29 <jsmith> Those will go through FAmSCo 14:06:32 <jsmith> Jan mentioned decentralized services, and the unhosted project, and web IDs 14:07:27 <jsmith> Jan also mentioned Transnational Republic IDs being made 14:12:01 <jsmith> Discussion regarding decentralized computing 14:25:36 <rbergeron> are these ideas about Things Fedora Could Do? 14:26:15 <biertie> actually yes 14:27:18 <biertie> fedora can lead again 14:28:03 <biertie> well, again 14:28:28 <biertie> can lead these things too 14:29:40 <rbergeron> do these differ from the "next great fedora engineering project" discussions at fudcon na (maybe someone there can put some framework around that)? 14:30:12 <rbergeron> ie: are these things we would consider part of our infra or is this more along the lines of grander scale than just infrastructure? 14:30:59 <biertie> 1. yes 14:31:42 <biertie> 2. strategy and vision 14:32:18 <biertie> answers from kanarip 14:32:21 <biertie> not from me ;) 14:45:15 <rbergeron> is this related to the FUDCon EMEA discussion somehow, or unrelated? 14:45:34 * rbergeron just wasn't sure if this was a discussion around "why people should come to fudcon" or otherwise 14:49:19 <biertie> no, not really 14:49:26 <biertie> it's for fedora as a whole 14:49:35 <biertie> technical expertise 14:50:14 <biertie> but other target 14:50:14 <biertie> like 14:50:18 <biertie> not pure OS 14:50:37 <biertie> maybe router os, with all funky stuff included like identi.ca and diaspora and whatever 14:50:41 <biertie> or something else 14:50:54 <biertie> debian has the 'freedom' box 14:51:04 <biertie> but we think fedora can do it better 14:51:07 <biertie> and make it happen faster 14:53:44 <biertie> rbergeron: ^ 14:55:31 <biertie> better solutions to make fedora emea contributors happy 14:55:35 <biertie> how? 14:55:41 <biertie> discussion is needed 14:55:52 <biertie> because we are here, we believe 14:56:00 <biertie> and it is very important for open source in total 14:56:07 <biertie> ==> was mentioned by Jan 14:56:16 <biertie> Gerold: what are we doing? what is fedora doing? 14:56:24 <biertie> fedora is doing nothing, fedora is a project 14:56:42 <biertie> we are doing: we are individuals spending free time 14:56:52 <biertie> Jan: fedora is an idea, not a pure project 14:57:37 <biertie> what can ' I ' do to make people sit here happy next year? 14:58:04 <biertie> Max = spend 15 hours per week on Fedora 14:58:28 <biertie> Jan = but they don't know me.. (he was wrong ;) ) 14:58:36 <rbergeron> sorry, i was making breakfast :) 14:58:57 <biertie> jan: people are smarter than I am 14:59:50 <biertie> Jan: give me your 158procent which list and I'l try to make it happen 15:00:24 <biertie> and 15:00:27 <biertie> no problem rbergeron 15:00:31 <biertie> enjoy 15:02:16 <biertie> Jan gives out business cards 15:02:26 <biertie> Jan: you don't need to do anything with it 15:02:30 <biertie> but 15:02:35 <biertie> if you want something 15:02:39 <biertie> tell me, I'll try to help 15:02:56 <biertie> I want next year 50 procent people here who are happy about red hat's relation with fedora 15:04:02 <biertie> o hi liknus 15:05:19 <biertie> jan: I can make red hat people talk to fedora people more 15:05:31 <biertie> Jeroen: we need a 'go to' guy in emea for community stuff 15:12:05 <rbergeron> I don't want to derail you guys from what your current conversation is, or from your goals / what you want to accomplish at the FAD - but I just want to say this: 15:12:17 <biertie> max: red hat needs to fight in europe that fedora is important! 15:12:28 <rbergeron> you guys captured some interesting ideas up above about "things we could do" 15:12:35 <biertie> bert: maybe that 'go to' guy can help with that? 15:13:13 <biertie> rbergeron: thank you ;) 15:13:25 <biertie> but everything is possible 15:13:49 <rbergeron> and I'd encourage those of you coming up with those ideas to actually capture some of the "what would it take" - rally folks around an idea - AND GO DO IT. 15:15:14 <biertie> hehe, yes yes yes!!! 15:16:21 <rbergeron> if that means a FAD is needed for coming up with a concrete plan for a project - those resources are there. don't let good ideas evaporate. get it down while you guys are at fosdem, talk about it, think about which idea strikes a balance of "not impossible" and "good for fedora" and "good for the world" or whatever you see fit. 15:16:53 <rbergeron> We need more dreaming and doing in fedora, and this is the kind of stuff i like to see. :D 15:28:35 <biertie> I think that we dream already enough ;) 15:28:43 <biertie> but not going enough :> 15:30:45 <biertie> rbergeron: ^ 15:30:55 * rbergeron nods 15:32:34 <jsmith> #topic Conflict of interest between Fedora Ambassadors and ambassadorship between other distros 15:33:47 <kanarip> rbergeron, hey there ;-) 15:33:57 <rbergeron> heya kanarip :) 15:37:05 <liknus> rbergeron, heya 15:37:29 <liknus> rbergeron, REMINDER : we need the schedule :) (sorry for all that nudging) 15:38:13 <rbergeron> liknus: it's fixed. im going to have john push it out today :) 15:38:43 <rbergeron> and get that stuff intobmy fedorapeople so im not depending on him :) 15:40:22 <liknus> rbergeron, thank you *very* much :) 15:41:32 <rbergeron> dont thank me. it's my job, and now that fudcon is over i can do it with a little more love :) 15:42:04 * rbergeron is taking folks to school, back soon 15:43:08 <mchua> Pierros had a great post on the cross-distro Ambassadorship conflict some weeks back. Trying to pull it up. 15:43:21 <mchua> liknus: ...or you can probably restate it way faster than I can find the link. ;) 15:43:39 <liknus> mchua, I just did on the room :) 15:43:49 <mchua> #link http://pierros.papadeas.gr/?p=197 15:43:51 <mchua> There we go. 15:44:06 <liknus> and the general consensus is that we should leave people free to select what they want 15:44:10 <liknus> thanks mchua 15:44:26 <liknus> and on top of that try to push them by assigning fedora tasks :) 15:44:53 <mchua> Well, okay, the [[Ambassadors]] page says "Fedora Ambassadors are experienced contributors to the Fedora Project who are responsible for representing, promoting, and expanding the Fedora Project and its ideals to the larger F/LOSS community and the public at large." 15:45:26 <mchua> I don't see anything exclusive about this statement saying that Ambassadors must promote Fedora to the exclusion of other distros. 15:45:38 <liknus> thats what we just said here 15:45:47 <liknus> so I guess we all agree on that :) 15:45:58 <liknus> I will write a post to make sure everyone understands 15:45:59 <mchua> I think that a cross-distro Ambassador should be held to the same standard as one who's only Fedora - and that it takes a nontrivial amount of time to be a good, active Fedora Ambassador. 15:46:21 <liknus> exactly mchua 15:46:45 <mchua> i.e. "I also do this for $otherdistro" is not an excuse for being a less-active Fedora Ambassador. If folks want to double-major, it is their decision to handle both full workloads. 15:47:24 <mchua> So my personal opinion is that concrete, high standards of commitment and involvment (including having Ambassadors also be involved in some other aspect of Fedora) might help clarify things. 15:47:51 <mchua> If folks know that being an Ambassador is typically, say, a 4-hour commitment each week, they might be less apt to sign up for everything in the world willy-nilly. (I'm making numbers up.) 15:47:55 <mchua> Aaaaaand I'll be quiet now. :) 15:47:59 <liknus> mchua, thats what we meant by "assigning them stuff" so as to keep them in Fedora-roll 15:48:02 <liknus> mchua, :) 15:49:40 <kanarip> rbergeron, any more questions on the topic biertie relayed some of the information for? 15:50:10 <kanarip> as in "Transnational Society" stuff etc? 16:00:56 <jsmith> And with that, the meeting is adjourned 16:00:59 <jsmith> #endmeeting 16:01:02 * jsmith isn't a chair 16:03:05 <rbergeron> kanarip: yes, i'm curious as to exactly what transnational society is exactly ;) 16:03:34 <jsmith> rbergeron: Apparently they're handing out "decentralized" ID cards -- that's all we know 16:05:49 <spevack> #endmeeting