12:00:40 <flock-c215> #startmeeting Wayland Input Status 12:00:40 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug 6 12:00:40 2014 UTC. The chair is flock-c215. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:00:40 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 12:01:23 <flock-c215> Wayland is not display server. It is a protocol. 12:03:15 <flock-c215> one implementation of input method per compositor is not good idea 12:06:33 <flock-c215> in gnome, when you check "disable touchpad while typing" option, ugly daemon is started 12:11:05 <flock-c215> apple touchpads are very special in own way 12:13:18 <bochecha> sound in the videos of this room is really bad :( 12:15:15 <flock-c215> I can try to configure it 12:15:32 <flock-c215> it is sound better now? 12:17:22 <bochecha> not really, there's a very high pitch constant noise 12:17:37 <bochecha> note that I'm talking about the videos on youtube, including the live streaming 12:18:05 <bochecha> sound's gone now :P 12:18:08 <flock-c215> we are trying to tune it 12:18:13 <bochecha> ah, thanks :) 12:18:25 <bochecha> it's great now! 12:18:48 <bochecha> no more highpitch noise 12:22:15 <flock-c215> if you break quake people will be unhappy 12:24:24 <flock-c215> Dont forget on wayland miniconf at Linux Plumbers in Dusseldorf Octover 15-17 2014 12:31:40 <flock-c215> #endmeeting