#fedora-flock-ectr101: KVM and Virtio Introduction
Meeting started by jreznik at 15:44:16 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- KVM internals (jreznik, 15:47:41)
- Virtion introduction (jreznik, 15:49:41)
- high level virtio architecture (jreznik, 15:51:48)
- object hiearchy of the virtio front end (jreznik, 15:52:27)
- code example ;-) (jreznik, 16:01:02)
- QEMU & Virtio Interaction (jreznik, 16:02:27)
- Q/A (jreznik, 16:09:32)
Meeting ended at 16:11:58 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- (none)
People present (lines said)
- jreznik (23)
- rdieter (4)
- zodbot (2)
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