20:14:01 <jsmith> #startmeeting Robotics in Fedora with Icaro
20:14:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Aug 13 20:14:01 2015 UTC.  The chair is jsmith. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
20:14:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
20:14:11 <jsmith> #info Presented by Neville Cross from Nicaragua
20:14:11 <jsmith> #topic About Neville
20:14:11 <jsmith> #topic Icaro is more than just a board
20:14:49 <jsmith> Icaro wasn't just designed to be used as a robotics board -- it was built specifically built for educational purposes
20:14:49 <jsmith> Two parts -- hardware and software
20:14:49 <jsmith> On the hardware side, the board is inexpensive and does not use surface-mount components, so that school students can build and repair them
20:15:03 <jsmith> Because it was originally written for Spanish-language students, everything has been translated into Spanish
20:15:03 <jsmith> 100% Fedora
20:15:03 <jsmith> #topic Robots are just an excuse
20:15:15 <jsmith> Teachers can use robotics as a more physical, hands-on experience for students to learn mathematics and physics
20:15:15 <jsmith> Robots are cool -- What topic would you choose for an essay, robots or geography?
20:15:15 <jsmith> It helps schools to use projects to integrate meaningful learning.
20:15:15 <jsmith> #topic microcontroller board
20:15:17 <jsmith> #topic Software
20:15:29 <jsmith> Block programming interface
20:15:29 <jsmith> Provides an option to write in C directly
20:15:29 <jsmith> Boot loader allow to switch to slave mode
20:15:29 <jsmith> Option to be integrated with Python pseudo code framework "Pilas" (batteries)
20:15:31 <jsmith> Python library to interpret scripts
20:15:31 <jsmith> Ruby development library in progress
20:15:48 <jsmith> #topic Demo of Icaro
20:15:48 <jsmith> #topic Infrastructure
20:15:48 <jsmith> Mailing list
20:15:48 <jsmith> Github repo
20:15:51 <jsmith> Stable version packaged in Fedora (of course)
20:15:51 <jsmith> Some web pages (but we can use more help with documentation)
20:15:53 <jsmith> #documentation
20:16:19 <jsmith> #topic documentation
20:16:19 <jsmith> Many sucessful robots -- but no "how-to" documents on how to build one
20:16:19 <jsmith> There is no pedagogical structure for teaching
20:16:19 <jsmith> Pilot projects have been done in schools where there is a background in electronics
20:16:21 <jsmith> #topic The future
20:16:21 <jsmith> Hacking at FUDCon Córdoba
20:16:24 <jsmith> Nicaragua 2016
20:16:24 <jsmith> No formal approach to robotics
20:16:27 <jsmith> Coarse projects are not structured to leave experience for next year projects
20:16:27 <jsmith> Goverment has  sense of not being at the same level with neighboring countries and are looking for projects.
20:16:30 <jsmith> #topic Questions?
20:16:32 <jsmith> #endmeeting