16:01:15 <jcajka> #startmeeting Go SIG meeting
16:01:15 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Aug 20 16:01:15 2019 UTC.
16:01:15 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
16:01:15 <zodbot> The chair is jcajka. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
16:01:15 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
16:01:15 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'go_sig_meeting'
16:02:07 <jcajka> #topic Roll call
16:09:13 <QuLogic> .hello qulogic
16:09:14 <zodbot> QuLogic: qulogic 'Elliott Sales de Andrade' <quantum.analyst@gmail.com>
16:11:43 <jcajka> #chair QuLogic
16:11:43 <zodbot> Current chairs: QuLogic jcajka
16:14:02 <jcajka> seems there not many folks around and there are no open issues
16:14:14 <jcajka> let's move to open floor
16:14:20 <jcajka> #topic Open floor
16:14:58 <QuLogic> Not much to discuss I guess?
16:16:06 <QuLogic> I was mostly hoping to see eclipseo
16:16:09 <eclipseo> .hello2
16:16:10 <zodbot> eclipseo: eclipseo 'Robert-André Mauchin' <zebob.m@gmail.com>
16:16:18 <jcajka> not really just from my side to note that there has been security an point releases of golang, I'm working on them as my time allows(I'm atm on PTO mostly offline)
16:16:25 <jcajka> #chair eclipseo
16:16:25 <zodbot> Current chairs: QuLogic eclipseo jcajka
16:16:32 <jcajka> welcome :)
16:17:02 <eclipseo> Not much, only tons of emails in the mailing list regarding new updates detected by Anitya
16:17:05 <eclipseo> hi
16:17:16 <QuLogic> Oh, on that note, eclipseo, see any new go 1.13 issues?
16:17:51 <QuLogic> Yea, I see that
16:18:30 <QuLogic> also, I wanted to know if you were working on some of the hugo deps
16:18:35 <eclipseo> QuLogic: no new issue no
16:18:55 <eclipseo> QuLogic: I haven't looked at Hugo no
16:19:13 <QuLogic> yea, but you seem to be packaging stuff it needs already :P
16:20:02 <eclipseo> QuLogic: like what?
16:20:29 <eclipseo> I'm packaging update for FTBFS and some update
16:20:55 <QuLogic> hmm, actually alecthomas/chroma deps at least
16:22:05 <QuLogic> so alecthomas/kong-hcl, gorilla/csrf, GeertJohan/go.rice
16:23:19 <eclipseo> yes I'm trying to update golang-github-alecthomas-chroma
16:23:29 <QuLogic> for hugo, they added gocloud.dev and aws stuff
16:23:30 <eclipseo> csrf is updated
16:23:35 <eclipseo> go.rice is too
16:23:47 <eclipseo> kong-hcl needs a review
16:24:05 <jcajka> eclipseo: awesome thanks, happy to not hear about any new issues :)
16:24:45 <QuLogic> actually for gocloud.dev, I can't run go2rpm on it; can you take a look?
16:25:15 <QuLogic> Yea, stuck on reviews for now until mock works again
16:26:18 <eclipseo> I'll have a look
16:26:31 <eclipseo> Mock isn's working?
16:26:44 <eclipseo> I had no problem recently with it
16:26:52 <eclipseo> I updated my chroot to F32
16:27:21 <QuLogic> I pulled the update with F32 configs, but the gpg keys are still wrong
16:28:07 <eclipseo> I d/l the keys manually
16:30:53 <jcajka> hm... shoudn't be the keys in some(stuck in updates testing) package already?
16:31:03 <eclipseo> yes they are now
16:31:32 <eclipseo> QuLogic: seems gocloud as some PITA dependencies mongodb and stuff
16:32:14 <QuLogic> yea, wasn't looking forward to it from the name...
16:32:33 <jcajka> unfortunately doesn't sound too optimistic to me
16:35:22 <jcajka> but it seems that you are looking in to that
16:35:43 <jcajka> thanks for that
16:36:43 <eclipseo> QuLogic: are you able to do some package update occasionally? There's plenty to work on https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&classification=Fedora&email1=go-sig%40lists.fedoraproject.org&emailassigned_to1=1&emailcc1=1&emailtype1=substring&list_id=10428707&product=Fedora&query_format=advanced
16:37:15 <QuLogic> I'm working on a backlog of stuff
16:37:22 <QuLogic> I did do a few golang updates
16:37:27 <eclipseo> Ok thanks
16:38:17 <QuLogic> But doing some other FTBFS first
16:38:36 * jcajka has origin on the backlog
16:39:24 <eclipseo> I haven't looked at origin yet, binary packages always have a tons of deps
16:39:53 <eclipseo> ping nim Are you planning to make the macros available on EPEL8?
16:40:23 <eclipseo> I'd love to get a stable Go environment on EPEL8
16:41:36 <eclipseo> Oh there's github.com/hashicorp/vault in the gocloud.dev deps
16:41:57 <eclipseo> I've been putting it away due to the huge amount of dependencies it requeres
16:47:10 <jcajka> cool, it seems there is nothing more left that need to go on record
16:47:31 <jcajka> I will end the meeting if there are no new topics, objections
16:48:52 <QuLogic> no objection
16:49:23 <jcajka> :)
16:49:31 <jcajka> ~1min remaining
16:50:14 <jcajka> #endmeeting