17:00:32 <jcajka> #startmeeting Go SIG meeting 17:00:32 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Aug 17 17:00:32 2020 UTC. 17:00:32 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 17:00:32 <zodbot> The chair is jcajka. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:32 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:32 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'go_sig_meeting' 17:00:39 <jcajka> #topic Roll Call 17:01:05 <jcajka> #chair alexsaezm 17:01:05 <zodbot> Current chairs: alexsaezm jcajka 17:02:08 <Eighth_Doctor> .hello ngompa 17:02:09 <zodbot> Eighth_Doctor: ngompa 'Neal Gompa' <ngompa13@gmail.com> 17:02:50 <jcajka> #chair Eighth_Doctor 17:02:50 <zodbot> Current chairs: Eighth_Doctor alexsaezm jcajka 17:02:58 <jcajka> .hello jcajka 17:02:59 <zodbot> jcajka: jcajka 'None' <jcajka@redhat.com> 17:03:00 <eclipseo> hi 17:03:06 <eclipseo> .hello2 17:03:08 <zodbot> eclipseo: eclipseo 'Robert-André Mauchin' <zebob.m@gmail.com> 17:03:12 <jcajka> #chair eclipseo 17:03:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: Eighth_Doctor alexsaezm eclipseo jcajka 17:04:30 <jcajka> hello, there seems to be no tagged issue this week, please excuse me if I would drop off for a bit, I'm on bit unstable connection atm 17:04:37 <jcajka> #topic Open Floor 17:05:18 <masch> Hi! I'm sorry if it's the wrong moment or the wrong way to mention it, but I'm online in order to kwnw you guys and the workflow that you follow. 17:05:46 <jcajka> To note from myside go1.15 has been released just after branching last week if should be currently available on rawhide and f33 17:06:17 <eclipseo> so status report: I've updated all the packages (new ones already popped up), I need to package 108 new deps (and counting), and now I'm trying to update k8s 17:06:35 <alexsaezm> masch, yeah this is the right time to ask about the sponsorship :) 17:06:59 <eclipseo> I'll need help to review these packages as I haven't been able to secure an exemption 17:07:08 <jcajka> masch: Generally speaking every time is good time :) but atm everything will be logged so it is more for formal discussions, announcements 17:08:25 <jcajka> so best will be in a bit for general Go topics, that doesn't need to be recorded 17:10:11 <eclipseo> that's all I have today, I'll need volunteer to review all this 17:11:03 <alexsaezm> I have Go 1.14.7 ready to push changes, that's pretty much all I've been doing regarding Fedora. I need to keep working on Delve and its dependencies 17:11:24 <masch> Ok so I think that the best way is just to ask some sponsorship when ever you could guys after the meeting, I don't want to interrupt the ceremony 17:12:01 <jcajka> eclipseo: I will be bit more offline this week, but I could possibly do few reviews on next Monday, do you have somewhere list of the pending review, or is it best to just ping you? 17:12:43 <jcajka> alexsaezm: cool 17:12:51 <eclipseo> jcajka: I haven't yet filed them, I am testing them in COPR right now 17:13:20 <eclipseo> https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/eclipseo/gotests2/builds/ 17:13:43 <alexsaezm> jcajka, which releases should get go 1.14.7? just f32? 17:13:58 <jcajka> eclipseo: ack, I will ping you on Mon next week or if I see some notes on the ML 17:14:52 <eclipseo> ok 17:14:58 <eclipseo> thx 17:15:14 <jcajka> alexsaezm: yes f32, and I think that there is time to move epels to go1.15 eventually 17:15:31 <jcajka> as 1.13 is no longer supported in upstream with release of go1.15 17:15:50 <alexsaezm> jcajka, got it, I'm going to push the changes to the f32 branch then 17:16:03 <jcajka> alexsaezm: thanks 17:16:33 <jcajka> I guess if there are no other topics we can make this meeting short 17:17:24 <eclipseo> I wish the various upstream would test their package with Go 1.15 beta sooner, that wouldsquash a lot of bug before coming to us 17:17:35 <eclipseo> ok for me 17:17:54 <QuLogic> .hello qulogic 17:17:57 <zodbot> QuLogic: qulogic 'Elliott Sales de Andrade' <quantum.analyst@gmail.com> 17:18:03 <jcajka> #chair QuLogi 17:18:03 <zodbot> Current chairs: Eighth_Doctor QuLogi alexsaezm eclipseo jcajka 17:18:07 <jcajka> #chair QuLogic 17:18:07 <zodbot> Current chairs: Eighth_Doctor QuLogi QuLogic alexsaezm eclipseo jcajka 17:18:12 <jcajka> #unchair QuLogi 17:18:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: Eighth_Doctor QuLogic alexsaezm eclipseo jcajka 17:18:19 <jcajka> sorry 17:18:36 <jcajka> eclipseo: and some already need it... 17:19:09 <Eighth_Doctor> so far, my experience has been upstreams actively refuse to do so before rc stage 17:20:33 <eclipseo> Do you have any specific topic to add QuLogic? 17:21:08 <QuLogic> Just catching up on the log, but nothing specific 17:21:25 <jcajka> Eighth_Doctor: I think that I have seen all the possible approaches over the time and I don't feel that there is any outlining/mostly used approach(maybe bit we don't care and we update/fix when it is contributed/asked for) 17:21:38 <jcajka> but I don't do much hands on packaging 17:22:01 <Eighth_Doctor> usually the Fedora Way(TM) for this would be to fix everything and send patches upstream 17:22:11 <Eighth_Doctor> that's how it gets done for GCC bumps anyway 17:22:11 <jcajka> apart of occasionally contributing,requesting fixes 17:22:56 <jcajka> yeah that is IMO best practical approach(but definitively not perfect) 17:23:40 <eclipseo> Eighth_Doctor: I've sent dozens of PR upstream for the rune stuff 17:25:32 <QuLogic> ok, I'll try and get in some reviews as well, let us know when they're ready 17:26:10 <eclipseo> I'll probably semd a merrage on the golang ML 17:26:15 <eclipseo> *message 17:28:02 <QuLogic> sure 17:28:25 <jcajka> last call 17:29:01 <eclipseo> that's all for me 17:30:07 <jcajka> #endmeeting