15:04:21 <threebean> #startmeeting fedora-hubs 15:04:21 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Apr 6 15:04:21 2016 UTC. The chair is threebean. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:04:21 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:04:21 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-hubs' 15:04:27 <threebean> #topic rollcall 15:04:42 <devyani7> .hello devyani7 15:04:43 <zodbot> devyani7: devyani7 'Devyani Kota' <devyanikota@gmail.com> 15:04:51 <threebean> hi devyani7 :) 15:04:54 <devyani7> hi :) 15:06:42 <decause> .hello decause 15:06:43 <zodbot> decause: decause 'Remy DeCausemaker' <decause@redhat.com> 15:06:48 <dhritishikhar> .hello dhrish20 15:06:49 <zodbot> dhritishikhar: dhrish20 'Dhriti Shikhar' <dhrish20@gmail.com> 15:07:08 * decause finally gets the calendar and reality to agree on this meeting 15:07:25 <threebean> hey all :) 15:07:43 <threebean> #topic ticket discussion 15:08:13 <threebean> i've still been working over the last week with getting the cache invalidation stuff working on the demo site. 15:08:31 <threebean> it's fully populated with a sync of users and groups from fas.. and that load of data is causing the backend updater to get really clogged up. 15:08:56 <threebean> so, I split it up into a farm of triager processes and worker processes, which is helping.. but there's still some optimization and profiling work to be done there. 15:09:11 <threebean> so - not specifically widget work there on my side. 15:09:26 <threebean> anyone want to bring up a bit they're working on? share with the group? ask for feedback? 15:13:23 <devyani7> threebean: still working on the part to keep similar threads together in the feed widget. had couple of things on my plate this weekend. started working just yesterday, will get back to you soon :) 15:13:28 * decause has been prepping for GSoC a bit 15:13:35 <threebean> devyani7: cool. let us know how you get along :) 15:13:40 <threebean> decause: great - thanks for that :) 15:13:47 <devyani7> sure thing :) 15:14:06 <decause> we're going to request at least one slot for Hubs 15:14:46 <decause> after consulting with the mentors, we'll figure out if we're going to ask for more, depending on the total GSoC pool across projects 15:15:17 <decause> I believe we going to be getting some RHT interns as well who will be helping with Fedora Hubs 15:15:27 <decause> starting end of May-ish 15:15:36 <decause> at 60-75% time 15:15:46 <threebean> cool :) 15:16:11 <threebean> good to hear. more people = more help, will help us get a beta release at Flock in august. 15:16:11 <decause> so, that makes for a *very* large team, by Fedora Standards, who are going to be rallying around the project 15:16:52 <decause> threebean: how much longer til you are fully transitioned into the new role? 15:17:32 <threebean> monday is my first day there ;P 15:17:53 <decause> :P 15:17:58 <decause> so, immediately :P 15:18:15 <threebean> speaking of which.. anyone want to volunteer to run this meeting next week? 15:18:20 * threebean nudges decause 15:18:26 * decause raises hand 15:18:39 <threebean> pingou might also want to take it on.. but he's out this week. 15:19:06 * decause will need all the infra/eng help he can get for handling the actual code questions, but when it comes to administrivia /me can handle biz 15:19:28 <decause> #idea decause leads the hubs meeting next week 15:19:41 * decause is not a chair it looks like 15:19:50 <decause> threebean: chair me plz? 15:19:56 <threebean> #chair decause 15:19:56 <zodbot> Current chairs: decause threebean 15:19:59 <threebean> :) 15:20:02 <decause> #idea decause leads the hubs meeting next week 15:20:11 <threebean> decause: yeah - it will help to have someone connect people together. 15:20:31 <threebean> if someone comes in with code questions.. you don't necessarily have to answer them, but just help hook them up with other who can help work it through. 15:20:34 <decause> any +1's? 15:20:53 <threebean> +1 here. devyani7, dhritishikhar? 15:21:05 <dhritishikhar> threebean, yes 15:21:09 <devyani7> +1 :) 15:21:34 <threebean> cool :) 15:21:44 <threebean> #agreed decause leads the hubs meeting next week 15:22:01 <decause> \o/ 15:22:03 <devyani7> :) 15:22:13 * decause starts plotting a scheming on promotion via commblog 15:22:45 <decause> jflory7: commops is going to be running hubs meeting next week, we'll add that to our tuesday agenda 15:22:54 <threebean> cool :) 15:23:01 <decause> threebean: cool :) 15:23:11 <threebean> anything else to discuss this week? we might be able to close out early.. 15:23:16 <decause> so, the staging instance 15:23:17 <threebean> i expect there'll be lots more come up next week. 15:23:19 <threebean> yeah? 15:23:36 <decause> is there a playbook? how do we push to it? where does it live? 15:23:56 <threebean> yes, one sec. 15:24:01 * decause has not ops'd for hubs at all really 15:24:14 <threebean> 15:24:19 <threebean> https://infrastructure.fedoraproject.org/cgit/ansible.git/tree/playbooks/hosts/fedora-hubs-dev.yml 15:24:42 <threebean> all the services on it are managed by systemd.. so no need to attach to a $SECRET tmux session to administer it. 15:25:06 <threebean> I think only sysadmin-main members can ssh in (as root) right now.. but we could open that up to another FAS group whenever if the group likes. 15:25:12 <decause> nod nod 15:25:19 <decause> I think that'll be alright 15:25:21 <threebean> it's sitting in fedorainfracloud, so it's a low-security instance. 15:25:30 * decause will have to get more in tune with fedora-infra 15:26:03 <decause> I think we need a staging instance too 15:26:24 <decause> local dev will happen locally 15:26:26 <decause> not a big deal 15:26:33 <threebean> well, staging requires an rpm. 15:26:37 <threebean> and a real postgres db 15:26:48 <threebean> (and more) 15:26:53 <threebean> I don't think we're ready for that yet. 15:26:53 <decause> I mean, a fedorainfracloud staging instance 15:26:57 <decause> yeah, nod nod nod 15:27:24 <decause> no worries, it's good to just see it up in lights now and point at it 15:27:29 <threebean> ah, ok. 15:27:31 <threebean> https://infrastructure.fedoraproject.org/infra/docs/requestforresources.rst 15:27:36 <threebean> ^^ for future reference. 15:27:48 <decause> threebean++ 15:27:49 <decause> TY 15:28:16 <decause> #action decause request a 'staging' instance for fedorahubs in the infra cloud so we can break the demo sometimes 15:28:33 <devyani7> :P 15:28:47 <threebean> :) 15:28:55 <threebean> other items? 15:29:12 * decause tries to come up with any reason to keep threebean from leaving ;) 15:29:28 <decause> #idea threebean is too amazing to end this meeting 15:29:30 <decause> +1 15:29:41 <devyani7> +1 :P 15:29:58 <dhritishikhar> decause, that's true 15:29:59 <threebean> :P 15:30:07 * threebean is held hostage! 15:30:11 <threebean> I won't leave, I promise :3 15:30:12 <decause> :) :) :) 15:30:16 <dhritishikhar> threebean, you will still be around? 15:30:27 <threebean> dhritishikhar: yes :) in a less involved way, but yes. 15:30:40 <decause> dhritishikhar: yeah def 15:30:58 <dhritishikhar> :) 15:31:55 * decause doesn't have much other biz though if folks don't have tickets they wanna bring up 15:32:09 <decause> #topic GSoC 15:32:09 <threebean> cool - let's close for now and continue in channel, etc.. ;) 15:32:13 <threebean> oh? 15:32:32 <decause> #info Slot requests are due by April 11th 15:32:42 <decause> #topic RHT Interns 15:33:08 <decause> #info hubs will be getting cycles from other non-GSoC interns starting in June-ish 15:33:12 <decause> #topic OpenFloor 15:33:19 <decause> threebean: we can end now :P 15:33:32 <threebean> :) 15:33:34 <threebean> thanks decause! 15:33:37 <threebean> #endmeeting