14:01:08 <mizmo> #startmeeting fedora-hubs 14:01:08 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue May 24 14:01:08 2016 UTC. The chair is mizmo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:08 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:01:08 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-hubs' 14:01:13 <mizmo> #topic roll call 14:01:16 <mizmo> who all is here! 14:01:28 * devyani7 waves :) 14:01:36 <devyani7> .hello devyani7 14:01:37 <zodbot> devyani7: devyani7 'Devyani Kota' <devyanikota@gmail.com> 14:01:46 <decause> .hello decause 14:01:46 <mizmo> hey devyani7 :) 14:01:46 <zodbot> decause: decause 'Remy DeCausemaker' <decause@redhat.com> 14:02:14 <sayan> .hello sayanchowdhury 14:02:16 <zodbot> sayan: sayanchowdhury 'Sayan Chowdhury' <sayan.chowdhury2012@gmail.com> 14:02:22 <mizmo> .hello duffy 14:02:24 <zodbot> mizmo: duffy 'Máirín Duffy' <fedora@linuxgrrl.com> 14:02:33 <devyani7> mizmo: decause: sayan: good evening :) 14:02:39 <akahat> .hello amolkahat 14:02:40 <zodbot> akahat: amolkahat 'Amol Kahat' <amolkahat@gmail.com> 14:02:56 <akahat> hello everyone. 14:03:14 * sayan waves 14:03:29 <mizmo> all right, why don't we each give a quick status report 14:03:32 <mizmo> #topic status reports 14:03:36 <mizmo> who wants to go first :) 14:03:43 * stickster lurks, hi all :-) 14:03:52 <decause> #info GSoC has begun!!! 14:04:10 <mizmo> dun-dundun-dun! 14:04:19 <devyani7> :P 14:04:47 <akahat> :) 14:04:52 <abompard> .hello abompard 14:04:53 <zodbot> abompard: abompard 'Aurelien Bompard' <aurelien@bompard.org> 14:05:27 <sayan> mizmo: can you add us as chair? 14:05:39 <mizmo> oh sure 14:05:46 <mizmo> #chair sayan abompard devyani7 decause 14:05:46 <zodbot> Current chairs: abompard decause devyani7 mizmo sayan 14:05:57 <mizmo> #chair akahat 14:05:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: abompard akahat decause devyani7 mizmo sayan 14:06:02 <mizmo> did i miss anybody? 14:06:17 * decause was digging for a link 14:06:21 <sayan> nope 14:06:23 <decause> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/summer-coding-discuss@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/H6JGIBU7YUU2RCK4J4WTKXHUXNE3LLSQ/ 14:06:33 <decause> mizmo: lmacken should be here shortly 14:07:21 <mizmo> decause, private archive, can everyone access? 14:07:30 <decause> mizmo: is it? 14:07:38 <decause> I thought that summer-coding-discuss was an open list 14:07:41 <akahat> Yes, Not able to acces. 14:07:44 <decause> :/ 14:07:54 * decause digs for a better link 14:08:19 <mizmo> geesh i dont even have access to it 14:08:50 <akahat> :) 14:09:00 <mizmo> #chair lmacken 14:09:00 <zodbot> Current chairs: abompard akahat decause devyani7 lmacken mizmo sayan 14:09:05 * lmacken waves 14:09:06 <thunderoy> .hello thunderoy 14:09:07 <zodbot> thunderoy: thunderoy 'Abhishek Kumar Roy' <thunderoy013@gmail.com> 14:09:12 <decause> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/commops@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/5UVC3YRYV6BXQRWEQ57MI6GMKGZPKRQW/ 14:09:24 * decause cc's the commops list for a reason ;) 14:10:03 <decause> do we have any summer-coding students here today? 14:10:16 * devyani7 waves :) 14:10:31 <mizmo> decause, i think the RH interns wont be able to make wed bc their orientation is an all-day thing tomm 14:10:46 <decause> mizmo: nod nod nod 14:10:51 <decause> are they NHO'ing in Rollywood? 14:11:02 <decause> I /could/ show up at the end of the day possibly 14:11:13 <mizmo> decause, no they are running it in westfahd 14:11:22 <decause> westfahd++ 14:11:22 <mizmo> 2 of the 3. the 3rd (simon i think) is going to be remote 14:11:52 <decause> so, interns of all strips (GSoC/Outreachy/RHT) should have gotten the message 14:12:13 * devyani7 nods 14:12:42 <decause> our first summer coding all-hands will be tomo at 11am EST (3pm UTC) in #fedora-meeting 14:12:55 <decause> after that, we'll be possibly picking a new time 14:13:04 <decause> mentors please be sure to answer the polls as well 14:13:10 <decause> contained in the welcome message 14:13:21 <decause> ok, I don't wanna take up all the meeting time 14:13:34 <decause> but that's the update from your friendly neighborhood Summer Coding Admin :) 14:13:38 <decause> EoF 14:13:42 <mizmo> decause, so we want the RHT interns on the same meetings 14:13:51 <decause> mizmo: not this week, but maybe next time 14:13:58 <decause> mizmo: we'll make sure they get the logs/notes 14:14:03 <mizmo> but if im a mentor to a RHT intern and not a GSoC intern should i still go to the mentors meeting? 14:14:27 <decause> mizmo: since GSoC and RHT will be working on Hubs, I think that treating everyone as a unit will help align the work 14:14:32 <mizmo> okay cool 14:14:39 <decause> the calendar will be a bit different, but that is normal in FOSS :) 14:14:51 <mizmo> okay 14:14:55 <mizmo> ill go next for status 14:15:00 <mizmo> so, last week i was out at oscon 14:15:20 <decause> BECAUSE YOU WON A HUGE AWARD FOR BEING AWESOME! 14:15:34 <decause> #link https://www.redhat.com/en/about/blog/two-red-hatters-win-2016-o%E2%80%99reilly-open-source-awards 14:15:35 <mizmo> so i actually dont have much new to report. i do need to put together some solid plans for Radhika to work on, i have some ideas, will solidify this week 14:15:38 <mizmo> aww lol 14:15:41 <devyani7> mizmo: congrats :) 14:15:55 <mizmo> thanks devyani7 :) 14:16:00 <decause> #info congrats mizmo for winning the O'Reilly Open Source Award last week!!! 14:16:05 <lmacken> mizmo++ 14:16:05 <zodbot> lmacken: Karma for duffy changed to 27 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:16:13 <abompard> mizmo++ 14:16:13 <zodbot> abompard: Karma for duffy changed to 28 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:16:30 <mizmo> \o/ 14:16:34 <mizmo> who wants to go next w status? 14:16:40 <decause> mizmo: stickster put together an etherpad for coordinating early tasks, btw 14:16:42 <akahat> mizmo, congratulation. :) 14:16:49 <sayan> mizmo: congrats :) 14:16:49 <mizmo> decause, is that separate from this one? 14:17:07 <decause> mizmo: yeah, but I think we can reconcile them 14:17:22 <sayan> Let me go next with the status 14:17:23 <mizmo> okay cool ill start with that one 14:17:29 <mizmo> go sayan! 14:18:04 <stickster> Yeah, I just sent mizmo the etherpad 14:18:08 <sayan> I have finally started to get the hang of React. 14:18:24 <decause> stickster: nod nod nod 14:19:15 <sayan> did a lot of configurations like webpack, LESS, Material UI etc 14:19:37 <sayan> We built the base layout and I have finally got to start working on the login page 14:19:56 <sayan> and rtnpro did his initial commit for the chat page. 14:20:27 <decause> :-O 14:20:31 <decause> exciting! 14:20:50 <sayan> This week I am planning to have a roadmap for next two months and add timeline to it 14:21:02 <sayan> so that the work is easy to track 14:21:28 <mizmo> sayan, are you going to use tags in pagure to make the roadmap? 14:21:36 <mizmo> or are you tracking issues elsewhere? 14:21:57 <sayan> mizmo: so we had the repo in Github 14:22:38 <sayan> so we are continuing with that 14:22:40 <sayan> https://github.com/waartaa/waartaa/ 14:22:51 <mizmo> okay cool 14:23:13 <sayan> that's all from my side 14:23:41 <devyani7> mizmo: may I go next? 14:23:50 <mizmo> devyani7, sure go for it! 14:24:27 <devyani7> so, I worked on the checklist for GSoC students like: 14:24:54 <devyani7> applying to groups; updating gpg keys; and working on bootstrapped badges. 14:25:07 <mizmo> devyani7++ 14:25:07 <zodbot> mizmo: Karma for devyani7 changed to 6 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:25:18 <devyani7> had an exam this morning so, couldn't code last night. 14:25:30 <devyani7> will start working on the bookmarks issue tonight 14:25:54 <devyani7> and maybe discuss with sayan and pingou, when he returns tomorrow 14:25:59 <devyani7> regarding the same 14:26:23 <devyani7> Also, will finish my Introductory Blog post tonight. 14:27:02 <devyani7> needs more info for issue #11 14:27:21 <devyani7> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/11 14:27:49 <mizmo> devyani7, do you need info on how to do the manage bookmarks stuff? 14:27:49 <devyani7> that's all from my side :) 14:28:22 <devyani7> mizmo: not on the mockups, 14:28:39 <devyani7> but how to proceed on get those mockups working 14:28:43 <devyani7> :P 14:28:56 <mizmo> ah okay 14:28:59 <mizmo> hopefully pingou can help 14:29:22 <devyani7> yup, will speak with both :) 14:29:27 <mizmo> cool 14:29:29 <mizmo> who wants to go next? 14:29:43 <akahat> Can I? 14:29:48 <mizmo> sure! go for it akahat 14:30:05 <decause> devyani7: me/lmacken got your back too, if you need help :) 14:30:14 <akahat> I'm working on issue 99. 14:30:21 <akahat> but unable to fix it. 14:30:26 <devyani7> decause: lmacken: thanks, will bug you soon :) 14:30:28 <akahat> Still trying that. 14:30:44 <mizmo> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/99 14:30:59 <akahat> Actually stuck where i need to change. 14:31:43 <decause> akahat: the thread suggests populate.py 14:32:12 <decause> sayan was the one who replied, so maybe he has some ideas? 14:32:32 <akahat> yes. I review code. but my fixes not working. 14:32:52 <akahat> Sure. I'll ping him. 14:32:56 <decause> akahat: I think in the meantime, adding something to the README letting folks know this is a bug is a good idea maybe too? 14:32:57 <sayan> akahat: as you had told you added login_required but that would not work as the user is logged in 14:33:52 <sayan> so I was thinking to add a extra step to remove the user sessions if the database is deleted in the local machine 14:33:56 <akahat> sayan, yes. And some fixes with populate.py also not works. 14:34:25 <sayan> akahat: ok, let discuss that after the meeting :) 14:34:42 <akahat> sayan, yes sure. 14:34:51 <decause> akahat: this is a good bug to work on though, so good on you for tackling it :) 14:35:05 <akahat> Ok. That's all from myside. 14:35:12 <decause> harish__-: welcome :) 14:35:33 <mizmo> okay who is next? 14:36:37 * decause already went from the Org Admin side of things, but has another announcement too 14:36:48 <mizmo> go for it decause! 14:36:57 <decause> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PyCon_2016 14:37:22 <decause> starting next week I will be at PyCon in Portland, with a handful of other folks from Fedora 14:37:45 <decause> we're going to have a strong presence at the Sprints this year, and Hubs will likely be one of the projects getting some attention 14:38:01 <decause> #link https://us.pycon.org/2016/community/sprints/ 14:38:08 <decause> you can find our entry at the bottom of this page 14:38:19 <mizmo> \o/ 14:38:25 <decause> we're going to have a dedicated room, and be encouraging new contributors to join us 14:38:26 <sayan> cool 14:38:29 <decause> so 14:39:04 <decause> it'd be great if folks who have had experience were around (or at least could check backlog for the timezone differences) and keep an eye on pull requests and issues 14:39:21 <decause> I'm hoping well make some good progress during the event, and draw more heat and light to Hubs 14:39:49 * decause knows that when he sits next to lmacken things happen 14:39:58 <lmacken> :) 14:40:44 <decause> #info PyCon Sprints will be from Thursday 6/2 to Sunday 6/5 14:41:06 <decause> I hope some of you folks will be able to join us! 14:41:18 <decause> and also, that means I'll be harder to get ahold of during that time as well 14:41:41 <decause> starting on Friday, until thursday 14:41:53 <devyani7> cool, sprints++ :) 14:42:07 <decause> #info decause leaves for PyCon on Friday 5/27 and will be more difficult to reach until 6/2 14:42:19 <decause> (it's in Fedocal) 14:42:26 <decause> EoF mizmo 14:42:51 <mizmo> cool if we dont have any other status reports maybe we should end meeting? 14:43:34 <decause> #info the CommOps meeting will be in #fedora-meeting in about 72 minutes if folks want to join us ;) 14:44:30 <thunderoy> hi all i want to contribute to hubs but cannot get an starting point please help 14:45:23 <decause> thunderoy: you've come to the right place :) 14:45:38 <mizmo> thunderoy, where are you at right now? did you go thru the readme? 14:47:50 <thunderoy> decause, mizmo yeah i have gone through it and actually i had picked the issue #99 and had some discussions about it with threebean but it doesn't work 14:48:24 <thunderoy> and as this issue was not in the production so... 14:49:08 <mizmo> thunderoy, ah okay. akahat is going to work on that issue with sayan after the meeting so maybe you could join them? 14:50:56 <thunderoy> mizmo, ok 14:51:01 <decause> \o/ 14:51:05 <decause> great 14:52:11 <mizmo> cool 14:52:14 <mizmo> let's end meeting then! 14:52:16 <mizmo> #endmeeting