14:01:02 <sayan> #startmeeting fedora-hubs 14:01:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Oct 25 14:01:02 2016 UTC. The chair is sayan. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:01:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-hubs' 14:01:12 <sayan> #topic Roll Call 14:01:24 <vivek_> .hello vivekanand1101 14:01:25 <zodbot> vivek_: vivekanand1101 'Vivek Anand' <vivekanand1101@gmail.com> 14:01:28 <jcline> .hello jcline 14:01:29 <zodbot> jcline: jcline 'Jeremy Cline' <jeremy@jcline.org> 14:01:42 <devyani7_> .hello devyani7 14:01:43 <zodbot> devyani7_: devyani7 'Devyani Kota' <devyanikota@gmail.com> 14:01:44 <sayan> .hello sayanchowdhury 14:01:46 <zodbot> sayan: sayanchowdhury 'Sayan Chowdhury' <sayan.chowdhury2012@gmail.com> 14:01:48 <a2batic> .hello a2batic 14:01:53 <zodbot> a2batic: a2batic 'Kanika Murarka' <murarkakanika@gmail.com> 14:04:19 <sayan> #topic Action items from last meeting 14:04:31 <sayan> Break the integration of IRC Widget into small issues for easy tracking 14:04:34 <sayan> sayan to check if the Plus Plus widgets needs FAS3 14:04:36 <sayan> abompard push commits to a branch on his fork 14:04:38 <sayan> sayan review docs PR from jcline and get it merged ASAP 14:04:40 <sayan> sayan get abompard access to hubs-dev for testing as well 14:04:41 <jogender> hello jogender.. 14:04:51 <vivek_> '.' 14:04:59 <devyani7_> :P 14:05:03 <sayan> jogender: it's .hello <fas_name> 14:05:14 <devyani7_> .fasinfo jogender 14:05:15 <zodbot> devyani7_: User "jogender" doesn't exist 14:05:22 <a2batic> .fas jogender 14:05:23 <zodbot> a2batic: jogi96 'Jogender Kota' <jogenderkvs@gmail.com> 14:06:02 <jogender> .hello jogi96 14:06:03 <zodbot> jogender: jogi96 'Jogender Kota' <jogenderkvs@gmail.com> 14:06:16 <sayan> #chair vivek_ jcline a2batic devyani7_ jogender mizmo 14:06:16 <zodbot> Current chairs: a2batic devyani7_ jcline jogender mizmo sayan vivek_ 14:07:06 <sayan> So, rtnpro and I sat down an broken down the tasks into smaller task 14:07:07 <sayan> https://trello.com/b/RetFEvn2/waartaa 14:08:11 <sayan> jcline PR was pushed during last meeting itself 14:08:26 <jcline> sayan++ 14:08:27 <zodbot> jcline: Karma for sayanchowdhury changed to 16 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:08:28 <sayan> and I also gave abompard access to hubs-dev 14:08:38 <mizmo> jcline what did your PR do? (sorry ive been out for a couple weeks) 14:08:49 <jcline> mizmo, it was just documentation updates 14:09:02 <vivek_> sayan++ 14:09:47 <mizmo> jcline, ah ok cool! 14:10:00 <sayan> mizmo: jcline also added vagrantfile and ansible role for provisioning 14:11:10 <jcline> sayan, that does remind me, I'm not sure what we need to do to get pagure building the docs, but that would be cool. 14:11:51 <sayan> pingou: I see plus plus service uses a FAS account for fas client 14:12:13 <sayan> https://pagure.io/plus-plus-service/blob/master/f/plus_plus_service/lib.py#_28 14:12:15 <sayan> Here is the code 14:13:56 <sayan> pingou: so will this be resolved when the FAS3 is deployed? 14:14:01 <sayan> jcline: sure, that would cool 14:15:37 <sayan> Also I added the tags milestone that needs to be discussed during the meeting 14:15:41 <sayan> https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issues?status=Open&tags=milestone 14:16:29 <sayan> so that people who will be chairing the meeting can be see the tickets and go through them 14:16:51 <mizmo> oh thats great sayan! 14:16:53 <jcline> Ah, that's convenient 14:17:04 <mizmo> ill also use that list to read through and make sure any mockup issues that came up are responded to asap 14:18:04 <sayan> seems like I forgot for two tickets 14:19:11 <fm-hubs> pagure.issue.tag.added -- sayanchowdhury tagged ticket fedora-hubs#63: milestone https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/63 14:19:33 <sayan> #topic IRC Widget https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/2 14:20:16 <sayan> I am still working on the API for signin 14:20:50 <sayan> Could not progress much because of suffering from fever the whole week :( 14:21:07 <mizmo> sayan, :( 14:21:18 <mizmo> are you feeling better now? 14:21:32 <sayan> mizmo: fever gone, but cough and cold still there 14:21:47 <sayan> It's more that 2 weeks now :( 14:21:51 <sayan> but recovering 14:22:12 <sayan> To track the progress of the work you can track here https://trello.com/c/8bBtyah1/20-signup-basic-auth 14:23:01 <sayan> I have broken into small task so that it's easier to track on what's going on waartaa 14:23:02 <jcline> Oof, hope you get better soon :( 14:23:10 <mizmo> cool 14:23:22 <mizmo> do you need any mockups / changes to the waartaa mockups sayan? 14:23:29 <sayan> mizmo: no 14:23:44 <sayan> mizmo: I will ping when I need 14:23:52 <mizmo> cool :) 14:24:14 <sayan> mizmo: also the chat page work is stalled because the contributor who was working seems to having a lot of office work right now 14:24:51 <sayan> Also, I updated rtnpro with matrix.org so that he can start looking into integrating it with ircb 14:25:27 <mizmo> sayan, oh sweet! 14:25:35 <mizmo> matrix integration seems like a really smart idea 14:26:14 <sayan> moving to next ticket 14:26:34 <sayan> #topic Manage Bookmarks Widget (Modal) https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/11 14:26:45 <sayan> devyani7_: what's your update on this ticket? 14:26:56 <pingou> sayan: it will likely still have to use a fas account, but w/ FAS3 it could use token instead of password 14:27:34 <sayan> pingou: ok 14:27:42 <devyani7_> sayan, I don't have any updates *this* week exactly, 14:28:34 <sayan> devyani7_: Can you update on what part you are working on this ticket? 14:28:40 <devyani7_> am yet to work on the 3-layer of the vertical bookmark bar 14:28:55 <fm-hubs> pagure.issue.comment.added -- duffy commented on ticket design#374: "UX feedback on fedmenu" https://pagure.io/design/issue/374#comment-36324 14:28:56 <fm-hubs> pagure.issue.comment.added -- duffy commented on ticket design#374: "UX feedback on fedmenu" https://pagure.io/design/issue/374#comment-36326 14:28:57 <fm-hubs> pagure.issue.comment.added -- duffy commented on ticket design#374: "UX feedback on fedmenu" https://pagure.io/design/issue/374#comment-36326 14:28:58 <fm-hubs> pagure.issue.comment.added -- duffy commented on ticket design#374: "UX feedback on fedmenu" https://pagure.io/design/issue/374#comment-36326 14:28:59 <fm-hubs> pagure.issue.comment.added -- ralph commented on ticket design#374: "UX feedback on fedmenu" https://pagure.io/design/issue/374#comment-36326 14:29:01 <fm-hubs> pagure.issue.comment.added -- riecatnor commented on ticket design#374: "UX feedback on fedmenu" https://pagure.io/design/issue/374#comment-36326 14:29:02 <fm-hubs> pagure.issue.comment.added -- ralph commented on ticket design#374: "UX feedback on fedmenu" https://pagure.io/design/issue/374#comment-36326 14:29:03 <fm-hubs> pagure.issue.comment.added -- mattdm commented on ticket design#374: "UX feedback on fedmenu" https://pagure.io/design/issue/374#comment-36326 14:29:04 <fm-hubs> pagure.issue.comment.added -- ralph commented on ticket design#374: "UX feedback on fedmenu" https://pagure.io/design/issue/374#comment-36326 14:29:05 <fm-hubs> pagure.issue.comment.added -- mattdm commented on ticket design#374: "UX feedback on fedmenu" https://pagure.io/design/issue/374#comment-36326 14:29:36 <sayan> devyani7_: ok 14:29:46 * devyani7_ nods 14:29:58 <fm-hubs> pagure.issue.comment.added -- duffy commented on ticket design#427: "Fedora specific mailman3/hyperkitty favicon" https://pagure.io/design/issue/427#comment-37398 14:30:20 <sayan> #topic Badges Widget for Project/Teams (with Path Support) https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/17 14:30:51 <devyani7_> these notifications are not recent? 14:30:59 <devyani7_> O.o 14:31:12 <vivek_> devyani7_: someone is importing the issues to pagure 14:31:26 <devyani7_> vivek_, oh, i see. 14:31:38 * a2batic wonders the same 14:31:45 <devyani7_> :P 14:31:57 <sayan> I need to start working on this. I will some time this week to write the backend 14:32:28 <sayan> s/will/will squeeze/ 14:33:03 <sayan> #topic Current status in release cycle widget https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/63 14:33:22 <sayan> vivek_: what's the update on this ticket? 14:33:41 <vivek_> about nothing has happened apart from saptaks doing some front end work 14:34:03 <sayan> yeah, saptaks showed me the frontend work 14:34:13 <vivek_> i asked ralph just now about the pdc he was talking about in the issue 14:34:38 <vivek_> his msg: PDC doesn't have that data yet. better to rely on other release schedule data sources if you have them. 14:35:00 <sayan> I have told him to integrate that as a widget with dummy data 14:35:09 <vivek_> cool 14:35:20 <sayan> vivek_: did you ask how to get it integrated with PDC? 14:35:32 <sayan> or should we directly use the other data sources? 14:35:39 <vivek_> nope. i was hoping he will update the ticket 14:36:04 <vivek_> (as i didn't ask him rather, showed your comment) 14:36:34 <sayan> vivek_: ok 14:37:08 <vivek_> i will talk to him more as he is awake now 14:37:28 <sayan> vivek_: Ok, It will be good if you can update the ticket with the details 14:37:36 <vivek_> cool 14:37:45 <mizmo> just a silly q, what is PDC 14:38:23 <sayan> mizmo: https://pdc.fedoraproject.org/ 14:38:45 <mizmo> sayan++ thanks :) 14:38:45 <zodbot> mizmo: Karma for sayanchowdhury changed to 17 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:38:49 <vivek_> https://github.com/product-definition-center/product-definition-center 14:39:00 <sayan> mizmo: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/ProductDefinitionCenter 14:40:22 <sayan> #topic Badges Widget for User Profiles https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/85 14:40:55 <sayan> mizmo: I need help on this for the classes 14:41:21 * sayan looks for the code branch 14:43:24 <sayan> seems like I haven't pushed the code. will push the code after the meeting 14:45:41 <mizmo> sayan, okay cool i can write them. does your code spit out the text unstyled right now? 14:45:55 <sayan> mizmo: yes, it does 14:46:02 <mizmo> sayan, awesome that makes it super easy for me. 14:46:39 <sayan> mizmo: okay I will push the code after the meeting or later tonight 14:46:46 <sayan> and ping you when done 14:47:38 <sayan> #topic #halp/help widget: Default in the CommOps Hub https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/98 14:47:43 <sayan> abompard: are you around? 14:48:09 <abompard> yeah 14:48:19 <mizmo> sayan, sounds good 14:48:45 <sayan> abompard: can you update on the issue https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/98 14:51:43 <abompard> sayan: yeah sure! 14:51:48 <abompard> sorry for missing the meetings folks 14:51:52 <abompard> will read the log 14:52:02 <sayan> abompard: no issues 14:52:37 <abompard> sayan: about issue 98, do you need more details from me? 14:52:52 <abompard> actually, mizmo, could you have a look at https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/98 ? 14:53:03 <abompard> I have a design question 14:53:29 <mizmo> abompard, sure 14:53:30 * mizmo takes a look 14:54:08 <sayan> abompard: no, update on what you did last week on this ticket 14:54:14 <mizmo> abompard, so there should be a notion of an irc channel associated with a hub, i dont know where/how that is stored, 14:54:29 <abompard> sayan: gotcha 14:54:30 <mizmo> abompard, but the design of the irc config is such that a hub admin can associate a specific IRC channel to that hub 14:54:56 <mizmo> where you might run into an issue is where a #halp is used in a channel not associated with a hub yet... at which point maybe it could be categorized as 'general' 14:55:11 <abompard> mizmo: yeah, like the meeting channels 14:55:13 <mizmo> (does that make sense?) 14:55:16 <mizmo> yeh exactly 14:55:20 <mizmo> although 14:55:23 <mizmo> okay that is tricky too 14:55:27 <abompard> mizmo: I'll look for the IRC-Hub association somewhere 14:55:28 <mizmo> if someone calls for help during a meeting.... 14:55:34 <mizmo> the meeting should be associated with a team 14:55:43 <mizmo> so this is pretty complicated 14:56:07 <mizmo> i think meetbot fedmsgs have a field that says what team the meeting is for 14:56:21 <mizmo> but i dont know if when you're looking for halp you're looking at meetbot stuff only? 14:56:25 <mizmo> or general irc? 14:56:45 <mizmo> so maybe your irc-hub association is really the team name in the meetbot fedmsg => a hub 14:56:46 <mizmo> ? 14:57:01 <abompard> mizmo: I'm looking at the fedmsg 14:57:23 <abompard> mizmo: yeah, I wonder if we have that data somewhere 14:57:36 <mizmo> abompard, well the meetbot stuff is a little sloppy unfortunately :( 14:57:38 <abompard> mizmo: that would solve my problem 14:57:57 <mizmo> for example, there's seperate fedora-design and design-team 'teams' in meetbot 14:58:02 <mizmo> but it's all the same team 14:58:12 <mizmo> so looking up our meeting minutes is a bit tough :-/ 14:58:37 <sayan> maybe we need to do some kind off mapping 14:59:14 <mizmo> yeh 14:59:23 <mizmo> i think each team needs some kind of way to look up its assets 14:59:31 <mizmo> eg meetbot, irc channel, mailing list, ticket system, etc 15:00:22 <abompard> yeah, that seems like a generic hub config, not a widget config 15:00:48 <abompard> because for example the IRC chans would be used by multiple widgets 15:01:12 <sayan> abompard: yes, it should be a generic config 15:02:24 <sayan> too many teams here https://meetbot-raw.fedoraproject.org/teams/ 15:05:06 <sayan> since we are overtime let's discuss this after meeting 15:05:20 <sayan> jcline: btw, can you tell the issue you were planning to workon? 15:05:28 <sayan> the one related to fmn 15:06:13 <jogender> sayan: there is an issue on the overview of the project page 15:06:19 <jcline> sayan, right now I'm working on fmn.sse and have got a pretty significant backlog of issues to work through before it's ready 15:06:50 <jcline> After that I assume hubs is supposed to consume those messages to populate the dashboard? 15:06:51 <sayan> jcline: no issues, I'll just add the tag milestone to it 15:07:19 <sayan> jcline: yes, display the feed 15:07:24 <jogender> sayan, : I tried to look into the documentation but, on the overview tab, both documentation and development guide are saying that the site cannot be reached. 15:07:35 <sayan> jogender: oh! yes 15:07:39 <sayan> need to look into that 15:08:10 <sayan> #endmeeting