15:01:11 <sayan> #startmeeting fedora_hubs 15:01:11 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Nov 15 15:01:11 2016 UTC. The chair is sayan. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:11 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:01:11 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_hubs' 15:01:18 <sayan> #topic Roll Call 15:01:22 <sayan> .hello sayanchowdhury 15:01:23 <zodbot> sayan: sayanchowdhury 'Sayan Chowdhury' <sayan.chowdhury2012@gmail.com> 15:01:25 <jcline> .hello jcline 15:01:25 <stickster> .hello pfrields 15:01:29 <zodbot> jcline: jcline 'Jeremy Cline' <jeremy@jcline.org> 15:01:31 <vivek_> .hello vivekanand1101 15:01:32 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <stickster@gmail.com> 15:01:34 <zodbot> vivek_: vivekanand1101 'Vivek Anand' <vivekanand1101@gmail.com> 15:02:14 <sayan> #chair stickster vivek_ jcline mizmo 15:02:14 <zodbot> Current chairs: jcline mizmo sayan stickster vivek_ 15:02:37 <mizmo> .hello duffy 15:02:39 <zodbot> mizmo: duffy 'Máirín Duffy' <fedora@linuxgrrl.com> 15:02:41 <abompard> .hello abompard 15:02:42 <zodbot> abompard: abompard 'Aurelien Bompard' <aurelien@bompard.org> 15:02:58 * pingou 15:03:10 <sayan> #chair abompard pingou 15:03:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: abompard jcline mizmo pingou sayan stickster vivek_ 15:04:05 <sayan> #topic Action items from last week 15:04:12 <sayan> * sayan to test the halp_widget branch 15:04:14 <sayan> * abompard to talk with nirik to check if we need to form new upstream 15:04:16 <sayan> with openstack folks for meetbot 15:04:18 <sayan> * saptaks to send a PR for the frontend of the Release Widget 15:04:20 <sayan> * mizmo to get saptaks better icon artwork for ticket #63 15:04:22 <sayan> * saptaks to look at implementing release status widget designs from #63 15:04:24 <sayan> as one widget that tabs between the views 15:04:26 <sayan> * sayan to fix the fedora hubs docs 15:04:58 * mizmo hasn't done #63 yet, will do today 15:05:03 <saptaks> .hello saptaks 15:05:04 <zodbot> saptaks: saptaks 'Saptak Sengupta' <saptak013@gmail.com> 15:05:09 <sayan> I never got much time to test the halp_widget so re-actioning it again 15:05:16 <sayan> #action sayan to test the halp_widget branch 15:05:25 <sayan> #chair saptaks 15:05:25 <zodbot> Current chairs: abompard jcline mizmo pingou saptaks sayan stickster vivek_ 15:05:38 <abompard> Should I talk about my action item now? 15:05:52 <sayan> #action mizmo to get saptaks better icon artwork for ticket #63 15:06:06 <sayan> abompard: we can discuss in detail during the ticket 15:06:11 <abompard> OK 15:06:38 <sayan> saptaks: what the update on the tab view? 15:07:04 <saptaks> sayan: I am working on it. 15:07:15 <saptaks> As of now I have sent the PR with only the single view 15:07:28 <sayan> saptaks: yeah I saw that 15:07:44 <saptaks> I am done with the fontend design of the other view. I will complete the tab implementation and update the PR 15:07:56 <stickster> saptaks++ 15:07:56 <zodbot> stickster: Karma for saptaks changed to 3 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:08:02 <sayan> saptaks: cool 15:08:08 <sayan> Moving on to tickets then 15:08:43 <sayan> I haven't done any progress on the IRC ticket, so should I skip that? 15:09:05 <mizmo> are there any blockers we can help with? otherwise yeh just skip 15:09:17 <sayan> mizmo: nope, no blockers 15:09:41 <sayan> #topic Manage Bookmarks Widget (Modal) https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/11 15:10:05 <sayan> so devyani isn't around for the meeting but from the update it seems she is still facing troubles with her setup 15:10:37 <sayan> but she did write a blogpost for magazine that is scheduled to go on 18th Nov 15:10:49 <stickster> sayan: would it be possible to set up a time with devyani7_ to walk her through the vagrant setup? 15:11:00 <sayan> stickster: I will do that 15:11:15 <sayan> #action sayan to setup a time with devyani7_ and fix her issues with vagrant 15:11:33 <jcline> I'm also happy to help if there's any trouble with the vagrant setup 15:11:37 <stickster> maybe that will expose some issue that we didn't see elsewhere 15:11:57 <sayan> #topic Badges Widget for Project/Teams (with Path Support) https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/17 15:12:42 <sayan> jcline: anyways will be doing over on IRC itself so will ping you when we will do that 15:13:01 <jcline> sayan, cool 15:13:17 <sayan> the backend for the widget should be done in 2-3 days 15:14:13 <sayan> also, during FUDCon /me and Ryan discussed on moving badges to fedora-bootstrap 15:14:54 <sayan> so, I also worked to write a script to have dummy data to test 15:15:46 <sayan> I picked a few exisiting series like (copr, fas-account, qa etc) to populate the DB 15:16:14 <sayan> mizmo: you should can start working on it in next 2-3 days 15:16:23 <mizmo> sayan: sounds great 15:16:31 <sayan> I'll ping you when done 15:16:36 <stickster> I had a question, it's general but this is an example of where it matters 15:16:47 <sayan> Found some old bugs too in badges :) 15:16:49 <sayan> stickster: yeah 15:17:22 <stickster> When editing devyani7_'s article, I added the statement that Hubs is meant to be fairly modular and allow other FOSS communities to use it... That's accurate, right? Having badge widgets, for example, doesn't *require* another project to set up badges... just that it's included in case they do 15:17:42 <stickster> but it might require use of fedmsg as another upstream foundation 15:17:52 <stickster> is that ^ basically accurate? 15:17:57 <mizmo> +1 15:18:02 <sayan> stickster: yes 15:18:11 <stickster> OK, great... sorry, just the Badges topic reminded me to ask :-) 15:18:14 <stickster> <eof/> 15:18:35 <sayan> #topic Badges Widget for User Profiles https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/85 15:19:21 <sayan> so, I change the code to display the widget using the DB data 15:19:42 <sayan> but, mizmo: I have a question here 15:19:50 <mizmo> sayan: sure 15:20:46 <sayan> I dropped a mail regarding thi 15:20:50 <sayan> s/thi/this 15:21:09 <sayan> The mockup shows x number of badges then ellipsis 15:21:41 <sayan> but the UI that you made shows all the badges under categories like Community etc 15:21:45 <mizmo> sayan: oh sorry - 15:22:01 <mizmo> sayan: the idea is for any widget that drives you to extended info / details is that it links out to the originating app 15:22:11 <mizmo> so in this case it would link to the users badges.fpo profile 15:22:41 <mizmo> ideally for tehse categorized ones, it'd link to an HTML anchor showing the users badges in that category specifically 15:22:47 <mizmo> (does that make sense?) 15:23:06 <sayan> mizmo: ok, instead of showing all the badges, I need to show an ellipsis? 15:23:22 <sayan> which would link to maybe badges.fpo/#community? 15:23:29 <mizmo> sayan: exactly 15:23:38 <mizmo> there should only be one line per category of badges 15:23:56 <mizmo> sayan: and... this is a little affordance, but if possible - it would be nice if the badges shown in the widget was randomized 15:24:06 <mizmo> sayan: so if i reload the page i may see 5 diff ones representing that category 15:24:08 <sayan> yeah, can do that 15:24:25 <mizmo> i'll take notes on this and add to the ticket so you have it to refer to 15:25:12 <sayan> mizmo: one-line per category was my doubt as right now it shows all the badges in multiple lines 15:25:43 <fm-hubs> pagure.pull-request.comment.added -- vivekanand1101 commented on pull-request#274 of project "fedora-hubs" https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/pull-request/274#comment-13440 15:25:45 <sayan> never got time to ping you on IRC :\ 15:26:02 <fm-hubs> pagure.issue.comment.added -- duffy commented on ticket fedora-hubs#85: "Badges Widget for User Profiles" https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/85#comment-42784 15:26:19 <fm-hubs> pagure.issue.comment.edited -- duffy edited a comment on ticket fedora-hubs#85: "Badges Widget for User Profiles" https://pagure.io 15:26:41 <mizmo> sayan: it's all good, not sure how i missed the email 15:27:07 <sayan> mizmo: also, I changed a few CSS like padding, you can review once I update the PR 15:27:34 <mizmo> sayan: sure sounds good. gotta be careful about that stuff because i did it cascaded with fedora-bootstrap 15:28:24 <sayan> better you can review once 15:28:32 <sayan> moving to next ticket 15:28:48 <sayan> #topic Current status in release cycle widget https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/63 15:28:58 <sayan> saptaks: vivek_ ^^ 15:29:34 <vivek_> about the backend i have done a bit but, not enough to send a PR 15:29:48 <sayan> vivek_: so how are you proceeding? 15:30:06 <vivek_> i have an option to use icalendar module 15:30:26 <vivek_> but, i choose not to and read the file as string and do some manipulation there 15:30:45 <vivek_> would it be better to use that package for just this widget? 15:31:28 <vivek_> basically, from here i have extracted out three latest releases: https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/ 15:31:37 * sayan checks icalendar 15:32:05 <vivek_> and then simple requests.get() to details about a particular release 15:33:44 <sayan> vivek_: icalendar looks good to me 15:33:53 <vivek_> ok, cool 15:34:01 <vivek_> i will use it then 15:34:16 <vivek_> that's it from me 15:34:23 <saptaks> sayan: about the frontend I will work on the tab implementation and when mizmo provides the icons will use them. The first view is already there in PR. 15:34:42 <sayan> vivek_: have you pushed the branch? 15:34:49 <vivek_> nope 15:34:55 <sayan> vivek_: ok, np 15:34:58 <vivek_> there hasn't been a commit yet, just the changes 15:35:25 <sayan> saptaks: ok 15:35:48 <sayan> Moving to next ticket 15:36:01 <sayan> #topic #halp/help widget: Default in the CommOps Hub https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/98 15:36:05 <sayan> abompard: ^^ 15:36:31 <mizmo> this is the meetbot related one right 15:36:38 <abompard> So, I contacted the guy who has a meetbot fork on openstack 15:37:01 <abompard> he replied that they are interested in working with us, but they are currently porting their bot plugins to errbot 15:37:27 <abompard> #link http://errbot.io 15:37:46 <abompard> I don't think we had heard of this one before 15:38:02 <mizmo> sounds exciting! (thanks for the cc btw abompard) 15:38:03 <abompard> it's an IRC bot that has the big advantage of being maintained 15:38:09 <abompard> and it's in Python 15:38:12 <stickster> Ooo, and multiple backends supported 15:38:16 <abompard> yes 15:38:32 <abompard> So it may be the way to go for us too 15:38:47 <mizmo> it would be nice to have a living upstream 15:38:57 * mizmo spritzes some garlic spray to ward off zombies 15:39:07 <abompard> they say they need to add a file-based config system before they can port their bots, because they use a config management system like us 15:39:18 <abompard> and errbot is currently configured using IRC commands 15:39:21 <stickster> https://github.com/errbotio/errbot/graphs/contributors looks promising 15:39:29 <abompard> stickster: yes! :-) 15:39:37 <stickster> hey, we know this guy: https://github.com/sijis 15:39:45 <mizmo> oooh sijis 15:40:02 <pingou> yes we do :) 15:40:03 <sayan> I've used Errbot once before 15:40:13 <sayan> long time back it was though 15:41:09 <mizmo> so we couldn't deploy it until file-based config was available? 15:41:24 <mizmo> but we could do a test deployment to implement our features while we waited for upstream to implement file based config? 15:41:41 * mizmo wonders if she should re-file her RFEs under errbot 15:41:42 <abompard> mizmo: yeah I suppose we could do that, yeah 15:42:00 * mizmo wonders if errbot already has some of the RFEs implemented? 15:42:17 <mizmo> abompard: openstack isn't using errbot yet right, just looking to migrate soon 15:42:29 <abompard> but we need to sync with errbot and the openstack team to avoid duplicating the porting effort 15:42:38 <abompard> mizmo: that's what I understood 15:42:59 <abompard> mizmo: they say they need file-based config, then port their plugins, then migrate 15:43:02 <sayan> abompard: so are the errbot plugins configured/activated/decativated through IRC? 15:43:19 <abompard> sayan: I didn't look into that yet, but that's my understanding 15:43:25 <mizmo> abompard: ohhh the plugins have to be ported too, right 15:43:46 <abompard> yeah, meetbot is a supybot plugin, it needs to be ported to errbot 15:43:47 <sayan> There is a good list of plugins https://github.com/errbotio/errbot/wiki 15:44:02 <mizmo> abompard: could we help port meetbot specifically? (we don't use the other plugins they use right?) 15:44:21 <abompard> mizmo: yeah, that's what I thought too 15:44:38 <abompard> mizmo: but I need to make sure no other porting effort of meetbot is underway 15:44:46 <mizmo> essential: Plugin for retrieving catfacts LOL 15:45:08 <abompard> I'm OK with working on porting meetbot to errbot if you think that's the next step for this widget 15:45:44 <mizmo> bigger picture... stepping back - if at some future point we migrated to matrix.... this would still be fine because any IRC bots work fine in matrix 15:45:49 <abompard> it seems rather far removed from the original hubs widget, but sometimes that's how it is 15:46:05 <mizmo> abompard: you're kind of recursed many levels deep :( 15:46:16 <abompard> mizmo: exactly :-) 15:46:25 <mizmo> but if nirik is ok with migrating to errbot, i think doing the meetbot porting work and going from there is the right way to do 15:46:43 <mizmo> i think, what also might make sense - and i am volunteering to do it - is a blog post talking about all these levels of recursion 15:46:44 <abompard> I think so too 15:46:51 <mizmo> so folks know what we are doing 15:46:54 <mizmo> and that we're still active, etc. 15:47:01 <abompard> Oh yeah a mizmo blog post! 15:47:32 <mizmo> #action mizmo to blog about the halp widget recursing down to errbot meetbot porting and future plans there (maybe a bit of discussion about matrix.org too) 15:47:54 <abompard> anyway, that's where I'm at. 15:48:05 <mizmo> abompard - you'll get back to the openstack guys in the email thread? 15:48:15 <abompard> mizmo: just did an hour ago 15:48:21 <mizmo> okay sweet 15:48:33 <abompard> you should be in CC 15:48:49 <sayan> abompard: so I just talked with one my friend 15:49:13 <sayan> the time we built the bot which was based on Errbot the configuration was a python config file 15:49:35 <abompard> sayan: yeah the README says something about a config.py file, that's why I'm a bit confused 15:49:41 <abompard> so I'll investigate 15:49:59 <abompard> maybe it's only basic config, not plugin config 15:50:48 <sayan> abompard: that would be better 15:51:29 <stickster> mizmo++ 15:51:40 * stickster catches up after being dragged off in another channel 15:51:59 <mizmo> #action abompard to investigate errbot config 15:52:07 <stickster> sayan: I misread your statement above as "my one friend"... you have *lots* of friends here ;-) 15:52:40 <abompard> stickster: +1 15:53:15 <mizmo> +1 15:53:17 <sayan> stickster: on of my friend, I meant :p 15:53:24 <stickster> mizmo: I like the idea of a blog post, it's probably past due, and you write great summaries/catch-up posts like this for other initiatives 15:53:25 <sayan> s/on/one 15:53:44 <stickster> yep yep, I just read it wrong ;-D 15:55:02 <abompard> Alright, you can go to the next ticket I guess 15:55:20 <sayan> http://errbot.io/en/latest/user_guide/configuration/irc.html 15:56:18 <vivek_> i am interested in doing anything related to irc. is there anything suitable fo me atm? 15:56:24 <sayan> if it's Python file config then hopefully we can add more configuration 15:56:43 <sayan> vivek_: yes, we need help on the IRC widget :) 15:56:55 <vivek_> cool 15:57:04 <sayan> abompard: that was the last ticket :) 15:57:11 <sayan> #topic Open Floor 15:57:45 <sayan> Anything to share in the open floor? 15:57:52 <mizmo> is there anything else we need to keep making progress? do we have any new volunteers looking for help in getting started? 15:58:34 <sayan> mizmo: nope, we don't have new volunteers right now 15:58:49 <mizmo> ok 15:58:55 <stickster> mizmo: I will piggyback on your post to put out feelers for them, though 15:59:14 <mizmo> we do have suzanne hillman who is going to be starting as my outreachy UX intern on Dec 1 :) she's going to be focusing on research and design for regional hubs 15:59:16 <stickster> mizmo: Using your "big pointer finger of Need Help Now" would be most welcome! 15:59:19 <mizmo> stickster: sweet thanks! 15:59:20 <mizmo> lol 15:59:31 <stickster> I love that graphic 15:59:45 <mizmo> its a good one from open clip art :) and... makes it super obvious i hope :) 15:59:52 <sayan> a2batic will be working on zanata after her exams. she did talk to aeng to know more about zanata 16:00:01 <sayan> and getting aquainted it with 16:00:37 <mizmo> yay 16:01:15 <sayan> mizmo: but I am actively looking for volunteers :) 16:01:52 <sayan> Going over and ending the meeting in 16:01:53 <sayan> 3. 16:01:55 <sayan> 2. 16:01:57 <sayan> 1. 16:02:02 <sayan> #endmeeting