16:16:55 <x3mboy> #startmeeting Fedora i3 (2021-02-23) 16:16:55 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Feb 23 16:16:55 2021 UTC. 16:16:55 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:16:55 <zodbot> The chair is x3mboy. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:16:55 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:16:55 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_i3_(2021-02-23)' 16:17:10 <i3-tg> <Odilhao> We need to check who will be at the maintainers.toml file 16:17:40 <defolos> I got nothing, sorry 16:17:42 <x3mboy> #chair Odilhao @Odilhao @jwflory jwf defolos 16:17:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: @Odilhao @jwflory Odilhao defolos jwf x3mboy 16:17:59 <defolos> wanted to take a look at i3-expo, but didn't get to it 16:18:05 <x3mboy> #topic Quick meeting to check status of things 16:18:06 <i3-tg> <jwflory> x3mboy: Thanks 16:18:08 <defolos> and the openqa stuff is all still pending 16:18:38 * x3mboy sent an issue to pungi to get a nightly build in qa 16:18:50 <i3-tg> <jwflory> @Odilhao Ah. But looks like an easyfix task right? 16:18:57 <i3-tg> <jwflory> x3mboy++ 16:19:12 <x3mboy> #link https://pagure.io/pungi-fedora/issue/1009 16:20:25 <x3mboy> #action Odilhao to push a missing file into fedora-kickstarts 16:20:31 <x3mboy> I think all of us 16:20:33 <i3-tg> <Odilhao> yes, it is, we just need to see who will be there 16:20:47 <i3-tg> <Odilhao> I dont know we have a limit, I'll ask in the issue 16:20:49 <x3mboy> You can put several 16:21:19 <x3mboy> The one with most have 4 16:22:38 <x3mboy> If 4, I candidate myself to be out of the list 16:22:49 <x3mboy> If more, everyone: Dan, Justin, Odilon, Nasir and Eduard 16:24:47 <x3mboy> We have a logo!!!! 16:25:34 <x3mboy> #link https://pagure.io/design/issue/709#comment-716471 16:26:28 <x3mboy> It looks like it needs an approval from the design team, but our feedback in general is quite good 16:27:49 <x3mboy> And pretty optimistic about we launching the spin in F34 16:27:51 <i3-tg> <jwflory> Woot! 16:27:53 <x3mboy> But the roadmap doesn't look good 16:27:54 <x3mboy> #link https://pagure.io/i3-sig/Fedora-i3-Spin/roadmap 16:30:33 <x3mboy> What's the status of https://pagure.io/i3-sig/Fedora-i3-Spin/issue/26 ??? 16:31:59 <i3-tg> <jwflory> There is new discussion there I am behind on 16:32:40 <i3-tg> <jwflory> I thought we were going to use xdg-user-dirs-update but looks like some chatter about systemd oneshot service 16:33:19 <defolos> I suggested that 16:33:30 <defolos> but to use a systemd service to launch xdg-user-dirs-update 16:34:59 <i3-tg> <jwflory> Got it 16:35:10 <i3-tg> <jwflory> Well, today is the F34 100% code completion deadline. 16:35:23 <i3-tg> <jwflory> Do we push to get this done, or defer to F35? 16:35:59 <i3-tg> <jwflory> Unfortunately I have zero capacity until March :/ 16:36:45 <i3-tg> <Odilhao> We already have the comps package in place, we could defer to F35 and use F34 as Beta 16:37:13 <i3-tg> <jwflory> Makes sense 16:37:58 <i3-tg> <jwflory> I was thinking about that too, maybe making F34 i3 Spin a soft launch, collecting feedback, then making a bigger splash for F35. But this is a side-bar 16:37:59 <i3-tg> <Odilhao> i3 can be hard to get into, if we don't have a nice experience would be hard to get traction later 16:38:04 <i3-tg> <jwflory> +1 16:38:27 <i3-tg> <jwflory> For issue #26, I will move it to the F35 roadmap milestone 16:38:56 <x3mboy> Defer +1 16:39:09 <defolos> can't we modify the kickstart after beta? 16:39:17 <x3mboy> Not sure 16:40:00 <i3-tg> <jwflory> I think not for Fedora Infra because of the Beta Freeze 16:40:17 <i3-tg> <jwflory> Of course, we can update our own kickstarts to resubmit for F35 16:40:32 <i3-tg> <jwflory> But it will be local changes, not in official composes 16:40:36 <x3mboy> Well, let's put it like this: keep it until Beta and if we can, modify to GA, if not, defer to F35 16:40:39 <x3mboy> wdyt? 16:41:44 <x3mboy> I think it has to be possibñe 16:41:47 <i3-tg> <jwflory> We should confirm with bcotton or CPE team to confirm how late we can push changes to kickstarts 16:41:58 <defolos> sounds good 16:42:08 <x3mboy> The whole point of having a Beta it's to be able to improve and fix for GA 16:42:12 <defolos> jwf: and by cpe you mean releng? 16:42:25 <i3-tg> <jwflory> errr, yes probably defolos 16:42:35 <defolos> 👌 16:42:42 <i3-tg> <jwflory> x3mboy: true. 16:43:00 <x3mboy> #agreed keep #26 it until Beta and if we can, modify to GA, if not, defer to F35 16:43:11 <i3-tg> <jwflory> Six years in Fedora, and this is all new to me :D 17:04:51 <x3mboy> Ooops 17:04:58 <x3mboy> I think I need to close the meetins 17:05:00 <x3mboy> * I think I need to close the meeting 17:05:04 <x3mboy> #endmeeting