#fedora-meeting-1 Meeting
Meeting started by quaid at 19:30:22 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Better_GSoC_umbrella_org (quaid, 19:30:51)
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Summer_Coding_SIG
- http://gsoc-wiki.osuosl.org/index.php/Saturday_Sessions_2009/Umbrella_Organizations
- Rough schedule for present to March 2010 (quaid, 19:45:58)
- http://blog.chris.tylers.info/index.php?/archives/217-StudentProject-keyword-in-Fedora-Bugzilla.html
- workflow and improving processes (quaid, 20:01:39)
- http://gregdek.livejournal.com/55670.html
- AGREED: special
online location for students to interact that logs (e.g. MUD)
- AGREED: student
sourced proposals have the highest chance of success. (quaid,
- AGREED: mentors
provide a defined problem statement, a proposed
objective/deliverable. Task chunking and problem solving is up to
the student. (quaid,
- quaid: Summer Coding SIG focus includes
overseeing GSoC while growing the mentoring practice of all involved
organizations; this is good strategy and innovation growth.
- We need to start working on process of how we
are going to attract and handle student proposals now, in advance of
the Google schedule announcement; this work is useful regardless of
ongoing GSoC participation. (quaid,
- Attracting students from within the existing
projects and upstream communities is a good method for successful
projects with a bigger impact. (quaid,
- AGREED: Require
sub-project/mentor commitment early. Enable the pool of upstreams
that can be accessed through jboss.org/fedoraproject.org rather
viewing each as "From {Fedora,JBoss}" (quaid,
- IDEA: put proposals in
to a spreadsheet in Melange and invite all upstreams to participate
in the proposal process more fairly. (quaid,
- IDEA: admins can be
empowered to rank proposals, evaluate mentors, and potentially apply
non-transparent decision processes for the betterment of the overall
umbrella effort. (quaid,
- IDEA: continue focusing
on lowered barriers between projects post evaluation (e.g. shared
blog planets, etc.) (quaid,
- ACTION: quaid to
produce a schedule from past experience & this meeting
log (quaid,
- ACTION: send summary
of this discussion to mentors list (quaid,
- ACTION: quaid to
suggest jira.jboss.org admins add a checkbox for
student_project (quaid,
- AGREED: on-list
discussion of how we evaluate projects at a granular level --
process discussion amongst mentors (quaid,
- AGREED: transparency
and strong admins will prevent the potential "more @foo mentors can
up-vote their favorites" concerns of previous years. (quaid,
- AGREED: student
integration needs to be upstream (in the actual coding project),
mentors need to integrate downstream (Summer Coding SIG)
Meeting ended at 23:04:05 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- quaid to produce a schedule from past experience & this meeting log
- send summary of this discussion to mentors list
- quaid to suggest jira.jboss.org admins add a checkbox for student_project
Action items, by person
- quaid
- quaid to produce a schedule from past experience & this meeting log
- quaid to suggest jira.jboss.org admins add a checkbox for student_project
People present (lines said)
- quaid (147)
- loupgaroublond (86)
- pilhuhn (44)
- sankarshan (32)
- abadger1999 (30)
- spevack (2)
- zodbot (2)
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