#fedora-meeting-1 Meeting
Meeting started by kital at 18:00:38 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_agenda
- Make sure everyone was happy with the FAmSCo report 2010-01. (kital, 18:03:31)
- AGREED: html-reports
for monthly famsco reports are a additional and made as long as we
have the ressources (kital,
- Mentoring (kital, 18:06:45)
- http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/?p=fama.git;a=blob_plain;f=stats/ambassadors.png
- ACTION: susmit works
on a draft for "fallback policy in case there be dispute among
mentor and mentee" to add to the join page (kital,
- Ben Williams requested Mentor Status for Paul Mellors (kital, 18:20:40)
- ACTION: spevack get
paul mellors to an event, and talk to him about what we can do in
the UK. (spevack,
- "bad" booth behavior has to be "fixed" - do we need a guide? (kital, 18:33:06)
- http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/ambassadors/2010-February/013745.html
- http://tatica.fedorapeople.org/fedora-videos/
<== example (tatica,
- AGREED: famsco
decided to not set up a policy LET THE EVENT OWNER DECIDE - be
prepared, responsive, kind and levelheaded (kital,
- ACTION: tatica wiki
page for "things to show on your laptop during an event"
- Continue discussion on opening of trac instance, if necessary (kital, 18:41:19)
- ACTION: spevack
delete old tickets with private info, then open famsco's trac
instance to the public (spevack,
- Cleaning up ((Category:Ambassadors)) pages: "Mercilessly" delete some pages, reduce information overhead, improve organisation and presentation. (kital, 18:55:09)
- ACTION: triage 20
pages each week from Category:Ambassadors (kital,
- # Creating an Ambassadors FAQ like this. (kital, 19:00:51)
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Sankarshan/Questions
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/FAQ
- ACTION: spevack make
call for building the
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/FAQ (kital,
- Media general ordering and distribution process (kital, 19:07:19)
- how can famsco help to maintain a healthy symbiosis between all contributing parties (kital, 19:09:23)
- ACTION: spevack make
next week's agenda and send out this week's meeting log.
- ACTION: spevack make
sure the february report is getting finished. (spevack,
- http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/ambassadors/2010-February/013639.html
Meeting ended at 19:22:20 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- susmit works on a draft for "fallback policy in case there be dispute among mentor and mentee" to add to the join page
- spevack get paul mellors to an event, and talk to him about what we can do in the UK.
- tatica wiki page for "things to show on your laptop during an event"
- spevack delete old tickets with private info, then open famsco's trac instance to the public
- triage 20 pages each week from Category:Ambassadors
- spevack make call for building the https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/FAQ
- spevack make next week's agenda and send out this week's meeting log.
- spevack make sure the february report is getting finished.
Action items, by person
- spevack
- spevack get paul mellors to an event, and talk to him about what we can do in the UK.
- spevack delete old tickets with private info, then open famsco's trac instance to the public
- spevack make call for building the https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/FAQ
- spevack make next week's agenda and send out this week's meeting log.
- spevack make sure the february report is getting finished.
- susmit
- susmit works on a draft for "fallback policy in case there be dispute among mentor and mentee" to add to the join page
- tatica
- tatica wiki page for "things to show on your laptop during an event"
People present (lines said)
- kital (139)
- spevack (125)
- susmit (55)
- tatica (41)
- RodrigoPadula (14)
- inode0 (6)
- lfoppiano (5)
- rodrigo_padula (4)
- zodbot (4)
- sspreitzer (2)
- rsc (1)
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