#fedora-meeting-1 Meeting

Meeting started by kital at 18:00:38 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_agenda (kital, 18:02:22)

  1. Make sure everyone was happy with the FAmSCo report 2010-01. (kital, 18:03:31)
    1. AGREED: html-reports for monthly famsco reports are a additional and made as long as we have the ressources (kital, 18:06:14)

  2. Mentoring (kital, 18:06:45)
    1. http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/?p=fama.git;a=blob_plain;f=stats/ambassadors.png (kital, 18:07:49)
    2. ACTION: susmit works on a draft for "fallback policy in case there be dispute among mentor and mentee" to add to the join page (kital, 18:19:40)

  3. Ben Williams requested Mentor Status for Paul Mellors (kital, 18:20:40)
    1. ACTION: spevack get paul mellors to an event, and talk to him about what we can do in the UK. (spevack, 18:30:48)

  4. "bad" booth behavior has to be "fixed" - do we need a guide? (kital, 18:33:06)
    1. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/ambassadors/2010-February/013745.html (kital, 18:33:56)
    2. http://tatica.fedorapeople.org/fedora-videos/ <== example (tatica, 18:38:49)
    3. AGREED: famsco decided to not set up a policy LET THE EVENT OWNER DECIDE - be prepared, responsive, kind and levelheaded (kital, 18:40:19)
    4. ACTION: tatica wiki page for "things to show on your laptop during an event" (spevack, 18:40:31)

  5. Continue discussion on opening of trac instance, if necessary (kital, 18:41:19)
    1. ACTION: spevack delete old tickets with private info, then open famsco's trac instance to the public (spevack, 18:49:28)

  6. Cleaning up ((Category:Ambassadors)) pages: "Mercilessly" delete some pages, reduce information overhead, improve organisation and presentation. (kital, 18:55:09)
    1. ACTION: triage 20 pages each week from Category:Ambassadors (kital, 19:00:07)

  7. # Creating an Ambassadors FAQ like this. (kital, 19:00:51)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Sankarshan/Questions (susmit, 19:01:21)
    2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/FAQ (spevack, 19:01:59)
    3. ACTION: spevack make call for building the https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/FAQ (kital, 19:04:43)

  8. Media general ordering and distribution process (kital, 19:07:19)
  9. how can famsco help to maintain a healthy symbiosis between all contributing parties (kital, 19:09:23)
    1. ACTION: spevack make next week's agenda and send out this week's meeting log. (spevack, 19:09:30)
    2. ACTION: spevack make sure the february report is getting finished. (spevack, 19:09:39)
    3. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/ambassadors/2010-February/013639.html (kital, 19:18:14)

Meeting ended at 19:22:20 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. susmit works on a draft for "fallback policy in case there be dispute among mentor and mentee" to add to the join page
  2. spevack get paul mellors to an event, and talk to him about what we can do in the UK.
  3. tatica wiki page for "things to show on your laptop during an event"
  4. spevack delete old tickets with private info, then open famsco's trac instance to the public
  5. triage 20 pages each week from Category:Ambassadors
  6. spevack make call for building the https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/FAQ
  7. spevack make next week's agenda and send out this week's meeting log.
  8. spevack make sure the february report is getting finished.

Action items, by person

  1. spevack
    1. spevack get paul mellors to an event, and talk to him about what we can do in the UK.
    2. spevack delete old tickets with private info, then open famsco's trac instance to the public
    3. spevack make call for building the https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/FAQ
    4. spevack make next week's agenda and send out this week's meeting log.
    5. spevack make sure the february report is getting finished.
  2. susmit
    1. susmit works on a draft for "fallback policy in case there be dispute among mentor and mentee" to add to the join page
  3. tatica
    1. tatica wiki page for "things to show on your laptop during an event"

People present (lines said)

  1. kital (139)
  2. spevack (125)
  3. susmit (55)
  4. tatica (41)
  5. RodrigoPadula (14)
  6. inode0 (6)
  7. lfoppiano (5)
  8. rodrigo_padula (4)
  9. zodbot (4)
  10. sspreitzer (2)
  11. rsc (1)

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