20:00:08 <rbergeron> #startmeeting Fedora Marketing Meeting 20:00:08 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jun 22 20:00:08 2010 UTC. The chair is rbergeron. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:08 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:11 * rrix stumbles in 20:00:19 <rbergeron> #meetingname fedora marketing 20:00:19 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_marketing' 20:00:23 * NourishedCloud dismounts the bus 20:00:33 * rbergeron thinks that's a good idea 20:00:38 <rbergeron> #topic Roll Call! 20:00:44 * NourishedCloud puts hand up 20:00:50 * rbergeron puts hand up as well 20:01:01 * rrix sits in the back quietly 20:01:06 * ke4qqq wonders is roll call really necessary as I draw attention to my hand 20:01:30 <rbergeron> ke4qqq: are you volunteering to run the meeting :) 20:01:45 * ke4qqq keeps hating the view of the bus from this angle 20:01:55 * rbergeron grins 20:01:58 <rbergeron> mchua, you here? ;) 20:02:04 <rbergeron> ianweller? 20:02:17 <rrix> wonderer: pbbbbbbt 20:02:18 <rbergeron> they're hiding, apparently taking cues from bus-man here :) 20:02:21 * ianweller is kind of here 20:02:21 <rbergeron> wondere :) 20:02:25 <rbergeron> okay 20:02:30 <rbergeron> #topic Agenda 20:02:34 <ianweller> i'm stuck in a bowl of mediawiki template soup 20:02:43 <rbergeron> #info Trac Tickets - https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/query?status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&keywords=%7Emeeting&order=priority 20:02:58 <rbergeron> #info eed ideas for ongoing content / Feature Stories - know of a cool project or group to be interviewed? 20:03:07 <rbergeron> #info Marketing TOSW - http://bit.ly/MktgTOSW 20:03:10 <rbergeron> err, Need.... 20:03:18 <rbergeron> #info Fedora in the UK - Aims for F14 (did we finish this last week?) 20:03:18 * mchua here 20:03:21 <mchua> Sorry, missed the clock 20:03:24 * rbergeron salutes mchua 20:03:28 * wonderer is here 20:03:28 <rbergeron> mchua: did you ever fix your clock :) 20:03:40 <wonderer> rrix: thx for pbt ;-) 20:03:51 <NourishedCloud> that last one should have been removed 20:03:52 <rbergeron> okay..... 20:03:57 <rrix> wonderer: haiii~ :D 20:04:06 <rrix> #undo 20:04:07 <rbergeron> nourishedcloud: okay, i just remembered last week we were like 5 minutes over before we even got to that point 20:04:14 <rbergeron> #undo 20:04:14 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x14fc2c10> 20:04:18 <rrix> oh, I'm not chaired 20:04:18 <rrix> rbergeron: #undo 20:04:23 <rrix> :) 20:04:24 <rbergeron> #chair rrix 20:04:24 <zodbot> Current chairs: rbergeron rrix 20:04:32 <rbergeron> awesome, i have someone to help me do actions 20:04:35 * rrix turns into Steve Ballmer and chairs people 20:04:43 <rbergeron> #action rrix to help rbergero do actions and infos 20:04:44 <rbergeron> :) 20:04:48 <NourishedCloud> ew 20:05:00 <rbergeron> rrix: ballmer bought a building on mill, btw 20:05:00 <NourishedCloud> #action reality to drive the bus 20:05:05 <rrix> #info developers developers developers 20:05:08 <rrix> #undo 20:05:08 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x14f5e0d0> 20:05:16 <rrix> Okay, sillytime is over 20:05:20 * rbergeron notes that it feels like friday around here :) 20:05:27 * ke4qqq wishes 20:05:27 <wonderer> :) 20:05:42 <rbergeron> let's start here... 20:05:52 <rbergeron> #topic https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/35 - F13 release events marketing 20:06:03 <rbergeron> nourishedcloud: i saw you posted mail on this to ambassadors, thank you for that 20:06:18 <NourishedCloud> Yep, some people from that list then added themselves to the ticket 20:06:24 <NourishedCloud> and added some stuff in the notes 20:06:29 <rbergeron> Cool. 20:06:39 <NourishedCloud> and someone said they made generic posters for release events 20:06:56 <rbergeron> #info Mail has gone out to ambassadors - some ambassadors have added themselves to tickets, discussion of past generic posters for release events is going on. 20:07:14 <rbergeron> are you an ambassador now? /me hasn't been keeping up very well 20:07:37 <NourishedCloud> I dunno, I've been mentored and have access to the list but I don't think I'm actually a member of it yet 20:07:42 <rbergeron> ahhh 20:07:44 <rbergeron> on your way then :) 20:08:16 <rbergeron> okay - so... next item 20:08:29 <mchua> +1 to more ambassadors/mktg crossover, btw! 20:08:33 <rbergeron> indeed. 20:08:45 <rbergeron> #topic https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/107 - Brand Book 20:09:12 <rbergeron> #info ianweller will get to writing down possible FAD requirements when he's not running around like crazy :) 20:09:48 <rbergeron> the other items we have are sort of on-going at this moment... 20:10:23 <rbergeron> So: I'm going to move on to more interesting brainstorming / ideas parts of the agenda, woot 20:10:27 <rbergeron> #topic Need ideas for ongoing content / Feature Stories - know of a cool project or group to be interviewed? 20:10:48 <mchua> So, on that topic... we may have minions once school starts. 20:10:49 <rbergeron> #info we've talked in the past about the need for more ongoing marketing content. Now we just need -ideas-. 20:10:55 <rbergeron> #chair mchua 20:10:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: mchua rbergeron rrix 20:11:03 <mchua> POSSE RIT had 3 professors in the journalism/writing/publishing area. 20:11:07 <rbergeron> mchua - fill us in ;) 20:11:13 <NourishedCloud> like what kind of thing? 20:11:16 <mchua> And they saw the feature profiles, and FWN, and went "OH MY GOD OUR STUDENTS COULD DO THIS???!!!???" 20:11:32 <mchua> the journalism prof, especially, was looking for opportunities for her students to interview people. 20:11:49 <mchua> people they have never met, on topics they know nothing about. 20:12:05 <mchua> so I showed them feature profiles, and the transcripts from that, and she went "oooooh." 20:12:07 <rbergeron> that said - i think it would be a good idea for us to have those ideas laid out before they show up. 20:12:15 <rbergeron> mchua: what time frame would students be starting? 20:12:50 <mchua> Fall semester, so think September-ish 20:12:51 <rbergeron> #info We may have student minions in the fall - journalism / writing / publishing students. Would be great to have ideas for interviews / content / feature stories ready to go for them. 20:12:59 <mchua> Sept/Oct, so in the month or two pre-release 20:13:07 <mchua> nice timing there, because features will essentially be done around that time 20:13:13 * NourishedCloud is a goodfornothing student ;) 20:13:22 <mchua> I will try to get the prof (Andrea_H) in to a marketing meeting sometime next month 20:13:30 <rbergeron> Okay. I think we'd like to start getting ongoing content out before that time - but yes, features should be done by then. 20:13:33 <rbergeron> 7/27 is feature free 20:13:36 <rbergeron> freeze. 20:14:11 <rbergeron> mchua: i think it would be awesome to have profs around prior to class starting, FO SHO 20:14:57 * rrix shivers 20:14:57 <rbergeron> So - I suppose that brings us to the question - and I have blogged about this and I think asked on list - do we have any ideas, other than doing interviews on actual items from feature-list 20:14:59 <mchua> Yes, yes, yes. We have not had that yet. 20:15:18 * rbergeron notes that ideas might be good as feature-list is... not all that populated atm 20:15:20 <mchua> (profs participating in the teams their students are going to go into, I mean) 20:15:28 <mchua> Yeah... it's hard to do things this early, i think 20:15:41 <mchua> we could do more broad stuff like "the python community!!!" or upstream groups we want to reach out to 20:15:53 <mchua> Python and GNOME are two I'm personally interested in seeing, and am trying to chase down 20:15:58 <mchua> (need to holler more to list about what I am doing there, though) 20:16:06 <mchua> KDE I suspect is another, seeing rrix here :) 20:16:12 <rrix> hai :) 20:16:14 <rbergeron> #info Ideas - Python, GNOME, KDE 20:16:17 <mchua> also hardware enablements, kernel, etc 20:16:28 <rbergeron> #info Ideas - HW enablements, kernel, etc. 20:16:30 <mchua> those are hard to make visible to non-tech folks... how those are made 20:16:47 <rbergeron> What about Fedora community type stuff - 20:16:54 <mchua> other things? legal, licensing, maybe? why $foobar is so difficult to get into Fedora - not tech, but licensing? 20:17:02 <mchua> PM? the saga of Insight and what we have learned? 20:17:09 <rbergeron> We could do... well, obviously we could do some stuff on FUDCons in Latam and EU 20:17:23 * ke4qqq likes that idea 20:17:28 <rbergeron> #info other things? legal, licensing, maybe? why $foobar is so difficult to get into Fedora - not tech, but licensing? 20:17:40 <rbergeron> #info FUDCon latam, EU 20:17:47 <rbergeron> #info Saga of FI and what have we learned 20:18:16 <rbergeron> Groups? SIGs? 20:18:21 <mchua> Ooh! SIGs! 20:18:25 <mchua> Cloud SIG needs some love. 20:18:27 * rbergeron would love to do 20:18:29 <rbergeron> yeah, exactly 20:18:34 <rbergeron> Cloud SIG needs... yeah 20:18:35 <mchua> Spins SIG needs some love. A lot of love. 20:18:46 <mchua> I can look into Spins. Not right this moment, but I can look into it... ticket me on it? 20:19:07 <rbergeron> Sure. Actually, I need to ticket kind of... make a ghiant list of all of these ideas, and then start writing up a schedule 20:19:11 <rbergeron> and then getting owners on things. 20:19:33 <rbergeron> #info Cloud SIG, Spins SIG, other SIGs - Spins 20:19:33 <rrix> Neville! 20:19:45 <rbergeron> #action rbergeron ticket mchua on Spins article 20:20:09 <rbergeron> #action rbergero to write up giant list of all these ideas and start scheduling and looking for bushuggers / volunteers 20:20:22 <rbergeron> hey yn1v :) 20:20:23 <yn1v> hello, sorry for the late time 20:20:35 <mchua> hey yn1v! long time no see? 20:20:52 <mchua> Como esta? 20:20:53 <yn1v> several weeks :( 20:21:04 <rbergeron> yn1v: no worries, glad you could make it :) 20:21:16 <rbergeron> you've been doing awesome stuff, i love all the blog posts from the release parties 20:21:43 <rbergeron> Anyone else with ideas? 20:21:43 <yn1v> thanks 20:21:53 <rbergeron> yn1v; we're talking about ideas for interviews / ongoing content 20:22:05 <rbergeron> so we can avoid the "marketing only writes content at the end of the cycle" - it would be great to have more ongoing stuff. 20:22:13 <rbergeron> Maybe some regional stuff would be cool? 20:22:33 <rbergeron> Interviews / stories about what's going on in your neck of the woods, etc. 20:22:38 <rrix> +1 20:22:49 <NourishedCloud> We're making a bit of a push in the UK at the moment so there might be opportunity there 20:23:15 <rbergeron> Nourishedcloud: cool 20:23:15 <yn1v> yes, trying to get different regions on the spotlight 20:23:29 <rbergeron> #info Regional interviews - UK, LATAM, etc. 20:23:35 <rbergeron> would you be interested in signing up for something at some point? 20:23:48 <rbergeron> I can tag your name next to it - we can just put it on the schedule for... at some point 20:24:00 <ke4qqq> soooooo aside from insight - where is this content going to go 20:24:20 <yn1v> I have a interview for someday this week 20:24:42 <yn1v> paul gave my name for it ! 20:24:53 <rbergeron> ke4qqq: for now - same place it's been going - on the wiki - and it eventually should be going into Insight 20:24:53 <ke4qqq> yn1v: awesome! 20:25:05 <rbergeron> That's part of the problem here - we have FI coming (theoretically) 20:25:14 <rbergeron> but we should really focus on having fresh content that isn't just a rehash of planet 20:25:37 <rbergeron> Also - a lot can be fed into the red hat press blog for us to have some additional outreach via that mechanism 20:25:45 <rbergeron> oh, you said insight 20:25:50 * rbergeron rolls eyes at herself 20:26:10 <rbergeron> Also - as we go forward - a lot fo these things can be put into the press kit. 20:26:27 * ke4qqq wonders if we should try farming any of this out - LWN, some of the ezines, etc. 20:26:44 <rbergeron> As we did with several of the feature stories from F13 - they're in the press kit, and a number of them got printed up into nicer layouts for use at Red Hat summit this week. 20:27:00 <rbergeron> farming it out as in - getting help - or arming it out as in - repurposing it in other spots 20:27:11 * rrix needs to go cook something, brb ish 20:27:14 <ke4qqq> as in pushing the articles to other places 20:27:21 <ke4qqq> for others to read 20:27:35 <rbergeron> Yes, i agree 20:27:41 <ke4qqq> so we right an article on FUDcon LATAM and get it published in Free Software magazine or something like that 20:27:47 <ke4qqq> s/right/write/ 20:27:47 <rbergeron> I think magazines is an interesting thing all on its own 20:28:04 <rbergeron> Like what the Virt folks have done with getting their content in magazines 20:28:16 <rbergeron> ke4qqq: do you know offhand if LJ has an editorial schedule published? 20:28:29 <rbergeron> available to view 20:28:30 <ke4qqq> rbergeron: I think they do - or they used to 20:28:34 <ke4qqq> we can certainly acquire it 20:28:42 <ke4qqq> same for LPM and several others 20:28:48 * rbergeron throws ke4qqq under the bus if he's willing? :) 20:29:02 <rbergeron> Can you find out? 20:29:03 <ke4qqq> lol - I saw the bus coming before I walked out in the street 20:29:11 <NourishedCloud> oi, that's my bus, keep it clean 20:29:23 <rbergeron> #action ke4qqq to look into magazine editorial calendars / schedules 20:29:32 <rbergeron> If we could work some of our content around those schedules 20:29:34 <rbergeron> it would be awesome 20:30:51 <rbergeron> anyway - any more ideas are welcome, plz dump them on mailing list or on wiki page... i'll send out the wiki page link after meeting 20:31:04 <rbergeron> #action rbergeron to send out wiki page link for interview content / subjects after meeting 20:31:20 <rbergeron> #topic Open Marketing / TOSW Book stuff 20:31:28 <rbergeron> #link http://bit.ly/MktgTOSW 20:31:37 <rbergeron> #chair mchua 20:31:37 <zodbot> Current chairs: mchua rbergeron rrix 20:31:45 <rbergeron> mchua: want to take this away quickly? 20:32:28 <mchua> So! Marketing of FOSS projects the open source way (tosw)! 20:32:39 * rbergeron has to grab a water really quick :) brb 20:32:47 <mchua> It's great! It's hard! It's new! It's unfamiliar! We've done it... for less than a year, here, really! (actively working on that, I mean). 20:33:04 <mchua> And and and and... other FOSS projects are working on the same! (no big surprise here). 20:33:35 <mchua> There are some things that are common across projects, so we're starting cross-project marketing team convos to see if we can swap and share tips. 20:33:40 <yn1v> it is uncharter territory. 20:33:54 <mchua> These convos are really small, new, patchy, just between individuals... there is no upstream "foss marketing" community (yet). 20:33:57 <mchua> yn1v: exactly. 20:34:05 <NourishedCloud> this is the stuff with opensuse people on the mailing list? 20:34:32 <mchua> NourishedCloud: and Sugar Labs, and GNOME, yes. 20:34:45 <mchua> #idea cross-FOSS-project marketing team conversations + meetups + best-practice sharing 20:34:49 <mchua> #link https://www.theopensourceway.org/wiki/Marketing_the_open_source_way 20:35:02 <NourishedCloud> I'm liking it. 20:35:04 <mchua> ^^ is where we're starting to keep notes - project-neutral location... or at least this is the hope. 20:35:21 <mchua> #idea OSCON FOSS Marketing BoF - rbergeron is looking into this, iirc 20:35:47 <mchua> as a first in-person convo... and I'd hope that if that happens we'd be taking copious notes, trying to bring that convo to other places, not having it as a closed circle. 20:35:58 <mchua> That's what I understand of it, at least. 20:35:59 <mchua> Questions, thoughts? 20:36:03 <rbergeron> mchua: yes, I'm available to go 20:36:31 <rbergeron> and has financial backing 20:36:37 <mchua> rbergeron: Ok, lemme know if you need a frontman for "I am registered and will submit the BoF app" stuff... I am generally around for minionhood, and you haz crash space. 20:36:38 <rbergeron> AND an awesome hotel mate :) 20:36:40 <mchua> rbergeron: EXCELLENT 20:36:48 * mchua thus also has an awesome roommate. yay! 20:37:02 <rbergeron> #action rbergeron and mchua to sync up at some point and submit BoF proposal 20:37:11 <rbergeron> i'll write it, you'll click it :) 20:37:33 * rbergeron wonders if an upstream marketing mailing list would be awesome, or not. 20:37:43 <rbergeron> or marketing@tosw mailing list? 20:37:52 <NourishedCloud> yes it would be awesome 20:38:02 * rbergeron hates to separate things - but also doesn't want to turn off other potential participants by making them think it's too fedora-centric. 20:39:07 <rbergeron> mchua - do you offhand if that's a possibility? mailing list there? 20:39:17 * mchua nods. I think, rbergeron, that is something we can figure out at the BoF, with the other projects too? 20:39:26 <rbergeron> ah - that's a good point 20:39:27 <mchua> rbergeron: uh, dunno re mailing list... that would be quaid's call, I believe 20:39:30 <mchua> quaid: ^ 20:39:44 <rbergeron> actually - i think just holding off on it might be good 20:40:30 <rbergeron> until we can have a wider discussion - if we can get enough fun people at a BoF 20:40:51 * mchua nods 20:40:56 <mchua> sounds good to me. 20:41:12 <rbergeron> cool. 20:41:16 <mchua> #agreed hold off on broader cross-project FOSS marketing collaboration discussion until we're actually talking with those folks from other projects about it :) 20:41:23 <mchua> rbergeron: That's all I've got. 20:41:36 <rbergeron> awesome. thank you :) 20:41:38 <quaid> 'sup? 20:41:39 * mchua needs to start driving home, anything else you want me to chime in on? 20:41:45 <rbergeron> nada. 20:41:49 <mchua> OH! Press kits, press releases 20:41:50 <mchua> I'll do that real quick 20:41:54 <mchua> #topic Press kits and press releaes 20:41:59 <mchua> ...I can't spell. 20:42:02 <mchua> #topic Press kits and press releases 20:42:12 <rbergeron> that's it, i'm sending you back to typing school :) 20:42:23 <mchua> #info Kara will talk with us about a press release workflow once the RH Summit craziness is over (this week), so likely sometime in July we should be nailing that down for the F14 cycle. 20:42:36 <quaid> rbergeron: I think we decided last night to keep discussions around the [[Marketing the open source way]] node _until_ they got so much we needed a new list. 20:42:44 <mchua> #info Press kits - we have gorgeous PDF designs, but I am not sure if they were/can-be printed in time for the Summit... I'll try, though. 20:43:02 <mchua> #action mchua to see if we can rush-print press kits for the Summit right now to test them out 20:43:06 <rbergeron> ah - I missed that part, quaid 20:43:09 <quaid> tosw.org isn't doing list hosting right now, I'm using tosw@fedorahosted.org if we need a real discussion list -- again, I'd start there and break off if it was clear there 20:43:12 <rbergeron> or maybe i was just sleepy :) 20:43:12 <mchua> (just a few, to see what happens, how they look) 20:43:13 <quaid> was a consensus to split discussions. 20:43:17 <mchua> #EOF 20:43:24 <mchua> rbergeron: and *now* I'm done :) 20:43:32 <quaid> sorry, was just typing :) 20:43:35 <rbergeron> mchua: I thought inode0 had stuff printed out? 20:43:40 <rbergeron> feature profiles and such 20:44:20 <rbergeron> okay - well, anyway 20:44:40 * rbergeron looks around for gbinns 20:45:06 <rbergeron> #topic Future agenda item: web referral optimization. 10 min, every other week, starting in F14. 20:45:18 <rbergeron> I think we're probably ready to start discussing this stuff more in meetings. 20:45:24 * NourishedCloud would like to note that he saw rrix's notice before he deleted it 20:45:38 <rbergeron> #info Garland has been pinging the list on SEO / optimization stuff - if you have any thoughts or want to contribute, please pipe up! 20:45:52 <rbergeron> #info will be adding this permanently to meeting schedule now that we're getting well into F14. 20:46:04 <rbergeron> Anyone else have anything on this topic? 20:46:29 <rbergeron> allllrighty 20:46:43 <rbergeron> #topic F14 Schedule Update 20:46:55 <rbergeron> #link http://poelstra.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-14/f-14-marketing-tasks.html 20:47:11 <rbergeron> Because I know you ALLLLL love the schedule dearly :) 20:47:32 <rbergeron> #info Schedule Items start up next week - starting with wiki cleanup / recycling. 20:47:41 <rbergeron> Just to keep an eye on it :) 20:47:52 <rbergeron> Questions, comments, flames? 20:48:29 <rbergeron> #topic Open Floor 20:48:47 <rbergeron> Anyone have anything else they want to cover? 20:48:52 <yn1v> o/ 20:49:14 * NourishedCloud coughs about microblogging languages 20:49:19 <yn1v> I have a ticket assigned to me ... on hold 20:49:35 <rbergeron> yn1v: yep, you surely do - I know you've been busy 20:49:50 <yn1v> I am ready to take it, but would like to get more info 20:49:57 <mchua> NourishedCloud: you're the one who's been blogging about microblogging, iirc - THANK YOU! 20:50:33 <rbergeron> Nourishedcloud: so - a number of us saw your mail to the list 20:50:33 <yn1v> this goes 20:50:34 <yn1v> Was about distribution, a update wiki... but not sure how deep/far 20:50:45 <NourishedCloud> mchua: yes that's me 20:51:06 <rbergeron> okay, let's pick one at a time - yn1v, i'm not sure offhand 20:51:14 <NourishedCloud> just wanted to confirm that it has been taken into estimations ;) 20:51:16 <yn1v> so... where do I start? 20:51:22 * rbergeron goes and looks at the ticket for yn1v's stuff 20:51:45 <yn1v> I can let NourishedCloud to get atention first 20:52:01 * NourishedCloud waits :) 20:52:14 <rbergeron> lol 20:52:15 <rbergeron> okay 20:52:16 <rbergeron> so 20:52:30 <rbergeron> nourishedcloud: i think your points about not leaving out other languages are valid 20:52:36 <rbergeron> and i don't think that anyone wants to slight anyone in other countries 20:52:49 <rbergeron> but: I think it still stands that we're clearly in the beginning points of starting a process here 20:52:58 <rbergeron> and I think it's going to be very difficult to "big bang" everything all at once 20:53:02 <NourishedCloud> yep 20:53:11 <rbergeron> I think it's an incremental step in the process - one that we need to definitely keep on our radar 20:53:23 <rbergeron> but - from the start - I think it's going to be too much to integrate immediately 20:53:28 <NourishedCloud> but since the subject came up in the last one and the stuff about translating was mentioned I thought I'd counter it 20:53:42 <rbergeron> I think it's a matter of revisiting it once a month or every other month 20:53:43 <NourishedCloud> it's fair enough to start off with English and evolve 20:53:48 <rbergeron> see what progress we're making 20:53:51 <rbergeron> and then add more pieces into it 20:53:56 * NourishedCloud nods 20:54:01 <rbergeron> particularly as we get more people who are coming around saying they're interested in translating 20:54:04 <NourishedCloud> and review the success of strategies 20:54:12 <rbergeron> or doing... whatever it is that we decide will work best 20:54:33 <rbergeron> for now - i think our hands are full with - who's doing what as far as abasic items - what are we microblogging about - that kind of thing. 20:54:40 <rbergeron> What stuff about translating? 20:54:44 * rbergeron missed that maybe? 20:55:18 <NourishedCloud> When someone-or-other said that we shouldn't have official accounts for other languages and we should just have random people RDing and translating 'if they want' 20:55:39 <NourishedCloud> that is fair enough to start off with but it needed developing :) 20:56:26 <rbergeron> ah 20:56:51 <rbergeron> yeah - I think we're just going to have to see how it evolves, basically 20:56:59 <rbergeron> best to not attach ourselves to something now, IMO 20:57:25 <rbergeron> Instead - see what works best for us once we have a pretty good standard of operation going on. 20:57:28 <NourishedCloud> yep, but to approach it with a non-exclusionary stance is always a good thing 20:57:43 <NourishedCloud> yes 20:57:56 <yn1v> I am not sure translation would be nice, we need localization... what is relevant for people speaking Spanish 20:58:01 <rbergeron> And accept that people are probably going to do things on their own anyhow 20:58:40 <rbergeron> yn1v: i agree - i think it's just a matter of getting to that point 20:58:55 <rbergeron> and we're just barely starting out... so. 20:58:57 <rbergeron> anyway. 20:59:01 <rbergeron> https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/33 20:59:04 <rbergeron> Re: your ticket - 20:59:07 * rbergeron reads 20:59:14 <rbergeron> I'm honestly not sure if this was a matter of clarifying the webpage 20:59:28 <rbergeron> or verifying the existence / strength / ownership of freemedia as it is currently 21:00:17 <yn1v> clarification of channels for getting fedora?? 21:00:30 <rbergeron> I think just maybe making it more up to date - the wiki page 21:00:44 <rbergeron> the original ticket info says it looks "stale" - ie "out of date" 21:00:51 <rbergeron> or maybe not as much information as is actually available 21:01:01 <rbergeron> honestly: if you think it's fine as is - and others agree 21:01:07 <rbergeron> I have no problem with saying "notabug" :) 21:01:12 <yn1v> I have been working in freemedia, but not paying attention of the content of distribution pages 21:01:35 <yn1v> it is out of date... 21:01:39 <rbergeron> this page, for example - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Distribution/SponsoredMedia 21:01:49 <rbergeron> has thomas's name on it as "send him money" 21:02:00 <rbergeron> well, more than that but 21:02:11 <rbergeron> - he's not here, but his name is still attached. 21:02:18 <yn1v> so I will refresh and ask for feedback along the proccess 21:02:27 <rbergeron> That would be awesome. 21:02:48 <yn1v> I think that susmit was taking over the donation link... 21:02:57 <rbergeron> Maybe verify that sponsored media vendors are still around / in business. 21:03:04 <yn1v> I will confirm with him for update 21:03:05 <rbergeron> yeah, that' would be good to verify as well. 21:03:31 <rbergeron> #info re: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/33 21:04:03 <rbergeron> #action yn1v to update some of the information - susmit on donation link, do some general refreshing. 21:04:12 <rbergeron> Want me to ping you in 2 weeks on it? does that work? 21:04:23 <yn1v> great! 21:04:29 <rbergeron> awesome. thanks neville :) 21:04:32 <rbergeron> Anyone else with anything? 21:04:48 <yn1v> yeap ... two weeks is fine 21:06:40 <rbergeron> alrighty. 21:06:46 * rbergeron will call this meeting then :) 21:06:51 <NourishedCloud> woohoo 21:06:53 * rbergeron counts backwards from her favorite number.... 21:06:58 <rbergeron> (87) 21:07:06 <rbergeron> thanks for coming, everyone! 21:07:09 <yn1v> lol 21:07:10 <rbergeron> #endmeeting