17:12:29 <sochotni> #startmeeting 17:12:29 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Sep 7 17:12:29 2010 UTC. The chair is sochotni. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:12:29 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:13:29 <sochotni> #topic Decide when/where we'll be meeting 17:13:53 <sochotni> you can look here for schedule of meeting rooms: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting_channel 17:14:05 <akurtakov> I think bi-weekly meetings should be fine for now 17:14:34 <sochotni> yes, I think that would be ideal for now 17:15:12 <akurtakov> about the day tuesday or wednesday ? 17:15:18 <sochotni> how about 16:00-17:00 UTC on Tuesdays? 17:15:18 <akurtakov> same time? 17:15:27 <sochotni> every other week 17:15:53 <akurtakov> this is the exact time of my team meeting 17:16:01 <akurtakov> so it's not an option for me 17:16:04 <sochotni> ah, I am good :-) 17:16:33 <sochotni> Tuesdays 17:00-18:00 ? 17:16:42 <akurtakov> fine by me 17:17:06 <akurtakov> it's fun with only 2 guys talking :) 17:17:13 <bozhidar> akurtakov: indeed 17:17:15 <sochotni> ok damn... 17:17:32 <sochotni> it's actually just 17:16 UTC because of Summer time 17:18:08 <sochotni> so the meeting is supposed to start in 45 minutes... 17:18:13 <akurtakov> sochotni: really ? 17:18:29 <akurtakov> haha nice try :) 17:18:44 <sochotni> akurtakov: http://tycho.usno.navy.mil/cgi-bin/timer.pl 17:19:16 <akurtakov> bozhidar: nice that you have joined 17:19:37 <bozhidar> akurtakov: well I was SIG + Java on the same line 17:19:41 <bozhidar> so I was tempted 17:20:05 <bozhidar> am I not sure if I'd be of any help though, since I haven't packaged anything yet 17:20:23 <akurtakov> bozhidar: if you want you surely can 17:20:28 <bozhidar> I've been perusing the docs today in my spare time - some of them need an update :-) 17:20:45 <akurtakov> sochotni: so we will wait 40 mins, right ? 17:21:02 <akurtakov> sochotni: please stop the meeting so we don't abuse the channel 17:21:05 <sochotni> akurtakov: yes, there is no meeting here in the meantime so let's just wait 17:21:09 <sochotni> akurtakov: 17:21:16 <bozhidar> ok 17:21:26 <sochotni> #endmeeting