#fedora-meeting-1: Fedora Marketing
Meeting started by rbergeron at 20:00:13 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Roll Call :) (rbergeron, 20:00:27)
- Announcement: NEW MEETING TIME PLZ (rbergeron, 20:04:21)
- http://whenisgood.net/ik5ppp
- please use the link to help marketing pick out
a new and improved meeting time (rbergeron,
- Agenda (rbergeron, 20:05:05)
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_meetings#Agenda
- Feature Profiles Status (rbergeron, 20:06:41)
- ACTION: rbergeron to
mail jsmith info on his feature profile (rbergeron,
- Firefox bookmarks (rbergeron, 20:12:31)
- http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_bookmarks_SOP
- ACTION: rbergeron to
mail spot / stickster for help with Firefox stuff once she gets
through the obvious parts (rbergeron,
- Beta Press Blog Entry (rbergeron, 20:15:44)
- jsmith has Beta Press Blog stuff Under
Control. (rbergeron,
- Beta One-page release notes (rbergeron, 20:16:56)
- http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F14_one_page_release_notes
- ACTION: rbergeron to
ask list for PLZ HALP on one-page release notes. (rbergeron,
- one-page release notes is likely deserving of a
nice blog entry and identi.ca/otherguys love to get rally up some
help. (rbergeron,
- ACTION: stickster to
help out on social networking end of rallying help (rbergeron,
- ACTION: rbergeron to
whip out a blog on gathering help. (rbergeron,
- Brief Ambassadors (rbergeron, 20:24:09)
- ACTION: rbergeron to
hit up list / blog on briefing ambassadors as well. (rbergeron,
- Press Kit Readiness (rbergeron, 20:25:47)
- ACTION: stickster Fix
the darn FPL schedule so tasks don't show up as Marketing team
responsibilities (stickster,
- press kit should be USB one-sheet, and on FPL
list. :) (rbergeron,
- Beta Announcement (rbergeron, 20:29:09)
- ACTION: rbergeron to
pop into docs meeting wednesday night to coordinate beta
announcement (rbergeron,
- http://poelstra.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-14/f-14-docs-tasks.html
<-- line 36 (stickster,
- ACTION: sparks to add
docs / marketing on announcements discussion to docs mtg
agenda (rbergeron,
- ACTION: rbergeron to
come to meeting with stickster's suggestion. (rbergeron,
- Web Promo Ideas to Brand (rbergeron, 20:38:02)
- web promo ideas is another FPL thing
- Beta Release Readiness Meeting (rbergeron, 20:39:50)
- ACTION: rbergeron to
go to beta release readiness meeting (rbergeron,
- AOB (All other business) (rbergeron, 20:40:57)
- ACTION: rbergeron
passing the firefox bookmarks torch to rrix, thus making her blood
pressure go down (rbergeron,
- PLEASE sign up for a new meeting time!!!
Meeting ended at 20:54:04 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- rbergeron to mail jsmith info on his feature profile
- rbergeron to mail spot / stickster for help with Firefox stuff once she gets through the obvious parts
- rbergeron to ask list for PLZ HALP on one-page release notes.
- stickster to help out on social networking end of rallying help
- rbergeron to whip out a blog on gathering help.
- rbergeron to hit up list / blog on briefing ambassadors as well.
- stickster Fix the darn FPL schedule so tasks don't show up as Marketing team responsibilities
- rbergeron to pop into docs meeting wednesday night to coordinate beta announcement
- sparks to add docs / marketing on announcements discussion to docs mtg agenda
- rbergeron to come to meeting with stickster's suggestion.
- rbergeron to go to beta release readiness meeting
- rbergeron passing the firefox bookmarks torch to rrix, thus making her blood pressure go down
Action items, by person
- jsmith
- rbergeron to mail jsmith info on his feature profile
- rbergeron
- rbergeron to mail jsmith info on his feature profile
- rbergeron to mail spot / stickster for help with Firefox stuff once she gets through the obvious parts
- rbergeron to ask list for PLZ HALP on one-page release notes.
- rbergeron to whip out a blog on gathering help.
- rbergeron to hit up list / blog on briefing ambassadors as well.
- rbergeron to pop into docs meeting wednesday night to coordinate beta announcement
- rbergeron to come to meeting with stickster's suggestion.
- rbergeron to go to beta release readiness meeting
- rbergeron passing the firefox bookmarks torch to rrix, thus making her blood pressure go down
- rrix
- rbergeron passing the firefox bookmarks torch to rrix, thus making her blood pressure go down
- stickster
- rbergeron to mail spot / stickster for help with Firefox stuff once she gets through the obvious parts
- stickster to help out on social networking end of rallying help
- stickster Fix the darn FPL schedule so tasks don't show up as Marketing team responsibilities
- rbergeron to come to meeting with stickster's suggestion.
People present (lines said)
- rbergeron (165)
- stickster (51)
- rrix (15)
- Sparks (13)
- jsmith (10)
- zodbot (6)
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