18:01:45 <kital> #startmeeting FAmSCo Meeting 2010-10-11 18:01:45 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Oct 11 18:01:45 2010 UTC. The chair is kital. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:01:45 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:02:07 <kital> #topic RollCall 18:02:21 * susmit is here 18:02:24 <kital> Joerg Simon 18:02:28 * tatica Maria Leandro 18:02:29 <spevack> Max is here 18:02:42 <ke4qqq> David Nalley 18:03:00 <kital> wow ;) 18:03:33 <kital> our agenda for todayhttp://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_agenda 18:03:37 <kital> our agenda for today http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_agenda 18:04:38 <kital> i have added two new topics - i suggest to start with them 18:04:54 <kital> #topic FAmSCo, please take care of the EMEA media budget 18:05:06 <spevack> I think I addressed that earlier today 18:05:17 <spevack> But if there is more to discuss, let's discuss it. 18:05:37 * ke4qqq is really confused by the original question 18:05:49 <spevack> I noted in the ticket, and email to Christoph and Sascha that their proposal seems perfectly fine, in terms of how much they propose to spend 18:05:51 <ke4qqq> does EMEA not know about their overall quarterly budget slice 18:06:22 * ke4qqq doesn't think they need to ask permission for how to spend that slice. 18:06:24 <kital> ke4qqq: budgets were seperated in the past 18:06:33 <spevack> ke4qqq: i think they're just looking for a confirmation on a large number being ok. 18:07:00 <kital> but i also think spevack clarified it - but i wanted to have it said here 18:07:10 <spevack> Anyway, anyone who looks at our famsco budget page or the monthly reports sees that we are under-budget based on where we should be in the year, so we definitely have no budget issues. 18:08:17 <kital> nothing more to add 18:09:16 <kital> i want to bring in another thing i notice right now i go through my email - sorry i am still not so well prepaired as it should be 18:09:18 * tatica just add that she had some difficult weeks and is getting informed from the middle of the last week 18:10:03 <kital> - is http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/ambassadors/2010-October/015658.html 18:10:24 <kital> tatica: oh are the difficulties solved? can we help 18:10:25 <kital> ? 18:10:49 <tatica> perssonal issues, nothing to worry about 18:11:32 <kital> difficulties with personal issues - is something to worry - you know you have all our support if we can do it some way 18:11:57 <tatica> don worry, lets keep the meeting; I see there is a lot to talk about :) 18:12:19 <kital> back to john´s Tue 19-Oct Tue 19-Oct FAmSCo and Regional Teams Meet to Address 18:12:22 <kital> Unresolved Events/Media/Swag Issues 18:13:37 <kital> should we make a announcement on this? 18:13:57 <ke4qqq> I'd want to know if there are unresolved issues first, if so lets plan a meeting 18:14:52 <ke4qqq> perhaps a mailing list post to see if suchthings exist 18:15:46 <spevack> From my POV, the biggest unresolved thing is making sure that as we move out of the summer conference season and into F14, all regions know that there is plenty of budget for Media, swag, posters, tablecloths, event kits, etc. Whatever folks need for F14 and in planning for 2011, I'd like to see all regions making sure those shopping lists exist, and that things can get purchased. 18:15:47 <kital> make a Meeting Page on this and let add agenda points? 18:16:32 <kital> spevack: q 18:16:35 <kital> spevack: +1 18:17:50 <spevack> s**t, I just spilled a bottle of water on my laptop 18:17:57 <kital> so what way is the best - let make them a "shopping list" or create a meeting and let them add the agenda? 18:18:33 <kital> spevack autsch 18:18:52 <spevack> well, we can add it to the agenda of any meeting, and also I will send a note to ambassadors-list with some budget thoughts for the next few months and planning 18:19:05 <spevack> #action spevack budget planning for rest of 2010 on ambassadors-list 18:19:09 <kital> spevack: this would be helpful thanks! 18:19:23 <spevack> my laptop seems to have survived so far 18:19:35 <tatica> lol 18:19:36 <ke4qqq> thinkpad drains ftw :) 18:19:44 <kital> ke4qqq: hähähä 18:20:13 <kital> ok lets make it so - anything to add? 18:20:39 <kital> next topic 18:20:48 <kital> #topic FAmSCo Report September 2010 18:21:18 <kital> i know normally we try to release the report in the first week of the following month 18:21:32 <spevack> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_budget 18:21:36 <kital> but i have to admit that i can do my part earliest on Friday this week 18:21:40 <spevack> budget is updated through end of Sep 18:22:04 <spevack> I need to ask HArish and Sankarshan for updates though, because I think they have spent money in APAC and India that I doin't know about 18:22:31 <kital> can we agree to add our points till next sunday 18:00 UTC 18:22:32 <kital> ? 18:22:40 <tatica> yes 18:23:28 <susmit> +1 18:23:32 <ke4qqq> worksforme 18:23:40 <spevack> yes 18:25:04 <kital> super 18:25:38 <kital> i do not want to dive into more topics because i am not really good prepared 18:25:51 <kital> anyone anything more that we should discuss today? 18:26:09 <spevack> the EMEA media was my primary topic, and we handled that. 18:26:53 * ke4qqq thinks we should plan a dinner or something similiar with next years victims and ourselves at fudcon na 18:27:05 <kital> i also saw that you were very busy with closing a lot tickets during the last meetings 18:27:07 <ke4qqq> s/victims/new famsco members/ 18:27:08 <kital> thanks for that!!! 18:27:28 <kital> victims ;) haha 18:27:34 <spevack> kital: the end of september was a big time for me getting all sorts of budget stuff updated. 18:27:48 <spevack> I've got like $10k USD of expense reports in Red Hat's system right now. It's crazy. 18:28:05 <kital> spevack: is all solved with your credit card? 18:28:24 <spevack> And Paul and Jared also have lots of Fedora expenses. We spent a lot of money on Fedora in September, with FUDCon Zurich and FUDCon Tempe. 18:28:28 <spevack> it's good though 18:28:34 <spevack> kital: yep, for now all is well :) 18:28:45 <spevack> the auto-billing from UPS was messed up, but ke4qqq and I sorted that out. 18:29:04 <spevack> ke4qqq: that customs payment seems lost in the wind though, but I'm not worrying about it. 18:29:15 <ke4qqq> spevack: lost in the wind? 18:30:07 <kital> this is still another unsolved issue here in emea that we have not "account" for shipping 18:30:21 <spevack> ke4qqq: no charge ever seems to have been made -- the document that you signed and actually mailed them. 18:30:57 <ke4qqq> I scanned, but it was one day before or same day you sent email re womens clothing purchases 18:32:18 <spevack> ke4qqq: well, we'll keep our eyes open. But when I was on the phone with them, I made it clear that I wanted all unpaid balance brought down to zero with the new card. So maybe it's part of a glob charge that they've made, and I just don't realize it. 18:32:31 <spevack> ke4qqq: but according to UPS last week, we are in full compliance with no balance 18:32:40 <kital> spevack: will we meet in january? 18:34:09 <kital> i think we can end the official meeting? 18:34:14 <kital> #endmeeting