21:01:37 <rbergeron> #startmeeting Fedora Marketing 21:01:37 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Nov 9 21:01:37 2010 UTC. The chair is rbergeron. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:01:37 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:01:43 <rbergeron> #meetingname Fedora Marketing 21:01:43 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_marketing' 21:02:13 <rbergeron> #topic Roll Call! 21:02:17 * rbergeron looks around for who's about 21:02:29 * stickster will be here but may have to run afk partway through 21:02:37 * rbergeron nods 21:03:32 * rbergeron waits a minute to see if we have any other arrivals 21:03:37 * rrix 21:03:50 <rrix> Dealing with some campusamb stuff realfasts, 5 minutes 21:03:56 <rbergeron> ah, yes. 21:05:10 <rbergeron> rrix: wrath of the spammerz 21:05:37 <rbergeron> #topic Agenda 21:05:45 <rbergeron> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_meetings#Agenda 21:06:27 <stickster> rbergeron: Is there anything we need to do about the meeting time officially? 21:06:36 <stickster> for future meetings, that is 21:06:53 <rbergeron> stickster: there are a few things playing in here. 21:06:59 <rbergeron> #topic Meeting Time 21:07:03 <rbergeron> hey, markdude :) 21:07:04 <Lutoma> ohai 21:07:15 * rbergeron almost typed marketdude, which could almost be "marketingdude" 21:07:18 <rbergeron> :) 21:07:22 * Lutoma isn't part of the marketing team, but who cares 21:07:31 <rbergeron> lutoma: the more, the merrier :) 21:07:40 <rbergeron> stickster: so a few things in play here, as I was saying. 21:07:57 <rbergeron> #1 We could stick with this time, and decide if we want to move it about with the time change. 21:08:18 * jsmith lost track of the time 21:08:19 <MarkDude> rbergeron, hello, did you seee my question? 21:08:21 <rbergeron> #2 We can see if this is a bad time altogether and if anyone gives feecdback from the mail I sent, and I should probably follow up with an additional meeting time mail. 21:08:48 * jsmith apologizes for being late 21:08:49 <rbergeron> #3 I may have some conflicts with this meeting time in the future but am not sure yet, but should probably check that out as well. 21:09:24 * rbergeron might as well note that she'll be travelling this time next week and can'tmake the meeting, and needs a volunteer to run things. 21:09:59 <rbergeron> stickster: So I'm not sure if maybe we should hang loose for a week, poll the group and see if people are really needing a new time altogether, so that we're not changing the meeting time multiple times unnecessarily. 21:10:11 <rbergeron> thoughts? 21:10:15 <stickster> rbergeron: I think that's as good a plan as any. 21:10:15 <rbergeron> markdude: I missed the question. 21:10:19 * rbergeron scrolls back 21:10:24 * rrix +1 21:10:44 <rbergeron> #info We'll keep the meeting time at this time (2100 UTC) till at least next week, and possibly change based on feedback. 21:10:52 <rbergeron> #action rbergeron to solicit some meeting time feedback on list. 21:10:57 <MarkDude> Your thoughts on having NixiePixel promote the F14 event we are doing 21:11:13 <rbergeron> markdude: I have no idea who or what nixiepixel is :) 21:11:23 * MarkDude is asking now, since he must get going. 21:11:46 * rbergeron is happy to have anyonepromote things, though :) 21:11:51 <MarkDude> http://www.nixiepixel.com/ 21:12:15 <rbergeron> markdude: go for it 21:12:23 <MarkDude> She is bigtime in Ubuntu, so there is a bonus there :D 21:12:39 <rbergeron> #info Robyn needs a helper to run the meeting next week, feel free to volunteer :) 21:12:54 <MarkDude> What day do you need a volunteer? 21:12:54 * jsmith can run the meeting, if nobody else volunteers 21:12:57 <rrix> If we pick a time that WORKSFORME, I can run it 21:13:09 <rbergeron> markdude: this time, next week, same bat place, same bat channel. 21:13:14 * jsmith puts his hand back down, and lets rrix or MarkDude run it :-) 21:13:28 <rrix> I'll have to leave a little bit early for ENG102, so this time doesn't work for me to lead 21:13:30 <MarkDude> rrix, is smarter than me 21:13:32 * rrix yields to MarkDude 21:13:55 * stickster thinks the FPL is the best person to do it for next week 21:13:57 * MarkDude says ok, I can brush up on ##### start meeting crap 21:14:06 <MarkDude> :) 21:14:07 <rbergeron> markdude: would be a great way to do more stuff in marketing, we can always use moar volunteers :) 21:14:22 <jsmith> I'll be here to help 21:14:26 * MarkDude is all about the marketing 21:14:35 <rbergeron> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_run_a_Fedora_Marketing_meeting 21:14:46 <rbergeron> markdude: that link has a lot of good info. 21:14:59 <jsmith> MarkDude: I can help with the logistics of meetbot, etc... if you want to focus on the agenda 21:15:22 <MarkDude> ty jsmith 21:15:23 <rbergeron> markdude: do you want to run the meeting, and have jsmith as a backup? I can synchronize with you at some point this week on the details and whatnot. 21:15:43 <MarkDude> Sure, I can do it even if I am at work 21:15:43 <rbergeron> Or markdude and jsmith can work it out with what they're comfy with. 21:16:02 <rbergeron> #action markdude and jsmith to run the meeting next week as they see fit. Same time, same place :) 21:16:12 <rrix> same bat time, same bat place* 21:16:16 <rbergeron> #action rbergeron to send out meeting reminder for next week's meeting and make sure agenda is updated appropriately 21:16:20 <rbergeron> cool? 21:16:27 <rbergeron> Thanks guys! 21:16:29 <jsmith> WORKSFORME 21:16:31 * rbergeron bows in gratitude 21:16:39 <rrix> woot 21:16:53 <MarkDude> WORKSFORME 21:17:05 <rbergeron> #topic One Page Release Notes 21:17:08 <yn1v> this time is also work time to me, so I will some times or other times half-present 21:17:33 <rbergeron> Okay. I caught up on the notes from last week and I'm eternally grateful and filled with cookies and pie for everyone who helped round this out. 21:17:43 <rbergeron> yn1v: understood. 21:18:01 <rbergeron> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F14_one_page_release_notes 21:18:37 <rbergeron> How do we feel about this document? Does it feel done? Are we ready to have it turned into a nice, printable .pdf document? 21:18:51 * rrix clickylinks it 21:19:08 <rbergeron> can I remove the admon note? ;) 21:20:00 <rrix> +1 I likey! 21:20:02 <rbergeron> rrix: whatcha think? 21:20:10 <rbergeron> jsmith, markdude? 21:20:12 <rrix> You've got my vote 21:20:14 * rbergeron thinks the pictures turned out good 21:20:20 <rrix> indeed! 21:20:32 <rbergeron> though we've had a few more in the past - do we want to add more? 21:20:36 <rrix> kudos to everyone who kicked ass on making that :) 21:20:42 * rbergeron notes that we had a few extra in the f13 OPRNs 21:20:44 <yn1v> I feel this time looks more feature focused, last was community-friends. But looks great, flows easily 21:21:06 <MarkDude> So I was asked if there were only 2 new things in F14 21:21:17 <MarkDude> The page says that basically 21:21:28 <rbergeron> markdude: how do you mean? 21:21:50 <rbergeron> 2 new things for desktop users - but then for sysadmins, developers, there is more stuff. 21:21:56 <rbergeron> Maybe it's the bulletpointing that throws people off? 21:22:25 <MarkDude> Well, I am promoting this many desktop users 21:22:49 * rbergeron nods 21:23:24 <rbergeron> well, these are highlighted features, specifically - there are also, of course, other smaller, incremental improvements that keep happening. 21:23:31 <MarkDude> spice and libjpeg, cant we make up something to add to there 21:23:47 <MarkDude> Even if it is shinied up more from f13? 21:24:01 <rbergeron> But things like "moar printers!" and "moar webcam support!" - if we say that every single time, it gets repetitive. 21:24:24 <rrix> MarkDude: we more or less made the decision to only do "Features" (capital F, official features) in these sorts of things, so...~ 21:24:26 <rbergeron> but maybe it is helpful for new users 21:25:04 <rrix> (I really think that precedant should change and we should highlight other things, but that's F15 Feature Spotlight Thingy business) 21:25:19 <rrix> talking points, sorry 21:25:20 <rrix> lol 21:25:35 <MarkDude> Features - with a capital F 21:25:43 * MarkDude has been reading some :) 21:26:43 <rbergeron> markdude: there is also some additional documentation that might help in the actual documentation stuff. 21:26:46 <rbergeron> http://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora/14/html/Release_Notes/sect-Release_Notes-Changes_for_Desktop_Users.html 21:27:19 <MarkDude> ty rbergeron that hits the spot correctly :) 21:27:24 <rbergeron> Has things like updates, etc. 21:27:35 <rrix> wow, kde love on that page 21:27:41 * rrix surprisefaces 21:27:41 <MarkDude> I can take some points out of there for Sat 21:27:58 * MarkDude has to get going now 21:28:00 <rbergeron> So a lot of that stuff is not exactly super huge important stuff that we might want to highlight in the one page release notes. 21:28:06 <rbergeron> markdude: have a good oen, thanks for coming :) 21:28:15 <MarkDude> ty folks 21:28:17 * rbergeron will get with you later this week on mktg meeting stuff for next week 21:28:23 <rbergeron> rrix: yeah, kde got some good love. 21:28:25 <MarkDude> jsmith, we can talk soon 21:29:05 <rbergeron> rrix: so do you think we should send this off to .pdf-ing land? 21:29:09 <rrix> So, who is PDF'ing those? 21:29:10 <rrix> yes :) 21:29:13 <rbergeron> or throw some more community-type pictures in there 21:29:16 <rrix> hmm 21:29:35 <rbergeron> for comparison 21:29:36 * rrix ponderificating 21:29:43 <rbergeron> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F13_one_page_release_notes 21:30:01 <rrix> Add one to == Help Make Fedora! == ?' 21:30:13 * rbergeron nods 21:30:36 <rrix> Oh, like in F13's hehe 21:30:56 <rbergeron> I think we could use a giant desktop screenshot too. 21:31:00 <rrix> Yeah 21:31:07 <rrix> And pictures of me on it 21:31:08 * rrix nods 21:31:25 <jsmith> rrix: Works for me, as long as it's not a KDE desktop :-p 21:31:33 * jsmith is only kidding -- just trying to egg rrix on 21:31:35 <rrix> jsmith: pshhshshshhhh 21:31:45 <rrix> kde all the way ;) 21:31:57 * rrix jests 21:32:08 <rrix> Gotta advert what our users will actually be using, I guess 21:32:11 <rrix> :) 21:33:04 * rbergeron looks through themarketing photos 21:33:08 <rbergeron> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_photos 21:33:32 <rbergeron> http://fedora.nicubunu.ro/photos/fudcon2010zurich/qdig-files/converted-images/sml_img_8621.jpg 21:34:12 <rrix> I like the latter a lot, but it lacks branding and context as fedora stuff :) 21:34:12 <rbergeron> http://jsimon.fedorapeople.org/events/2010/fosdem2010/100206-113748-00.JPG 21:34:28 <rbergeron> http://jsimon.fedorapeople.org/events/2010/fosdem2010/100207-110628-00.JPG 21:34:39 <rbergeron> spevack cutting stickers 21:35:20 <rrix> looks dangerous 21:35:29 <rbergeron> http://picasaweb.google.com/saliyath/AthensDigitalWeek_2010/#5527938829930203266 <-- maybe next to the Live USB section? 21:35:35 <rbergeron> though ti's be awfully small 21:35:42 <rrix> I like the first jsimon pic for a Help make Fedora 21:36:11 <rbergeron> #agreed add http://jsimon.fedorapeople.org/events/2010/fosdem2010/100206-113748-00.JPG to Help Make Fedora section of OPRN 21:36:47 <rrix> ugh 21:36:51 <rrix> okay, I have to jam for class 21:36:58 * rbergeron laughs 21:37:00 <rbergeron> have fun 21:37:00 <rrix> Sorry I have to punch out :( 21:37:05 <rbergeron> lol 21:37:05 <rbergeron> NO 21:37:17 <rrix> I'd be here if I could 21:37:23 * rrix will catch the rest in scrollback 21:37:24 <rbergeron> okay... lemme just find the keys to let you go ;) 21:37:30 <rrix> ohmai 21:37:36 * rbergeron kicks rrix to class 21:37:53 <spevack> every year, I cut stickers at FOSDEM. It's a tradition of sorts 21:38:08 <rbergeron> #action rbergeron to mail on list about adding a desktop photo and listed photo to the Help Make Fedora section 21:38:30 <rbergeron> spevack: I almost typed that as "cutting stickster" rather than stickers, which would really be quite bad. 21:38:49 * rbergeron clearly types stickster far more often than stickers - I have to mentally think about it while typing 21:38:50 <spevack> heh 21:39:00 <spevack> ex-FPL deathmatch 21:39:07 * spevack would put his money on gafton 21:39:20 <ianweller> there's an idea for a FUDCON event 21:39:23 <rbergeron> lol 21:39:35 <jsmith> spevack: I dunno -- gdk is pretty sneaky 21:39:37 <ianweller> s/ON/on/ 21:40:35 <rbergeron> I think that would make an excellent recruitment video. 21:41:29 <rbergeron> Anyway. MOOOOOVING ON 21:41:34 <rbergeron> #topic Marketing Retrospective 21:42:32 <rbergeron> So - I know we used to call this the postmortem but I believe that phrase has been phased out ;) 21:43:06 * rbergeron pulls some stuff out of the wiki 21:44:13 <rbergeron> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F12_marketing_retrospective 21:44:21 <rbergeron> Basically, we do a few things here: 21:44:30 <rbergeron> #1 - Figure out what we did well 21:44:38 <rbergeron> (which results in feel-good fuzzy feelings) 21:44:48 <rbergeron> #2 - Figure out what needs improvement 21:45:08 <rbergeron> and that includes - changing timing of things, how things are done, assessing if things need to be done at all, etc. 21:45:21 <rbergeron> And then Figuring Out how we can actually improve the things in #2. 21:45:36 <rbergeron> #3 We figure out if there are any new ideas we'd like to pursue. 21:46:39 <rbergeron> Now, I know that the schedule has this for now (actually, last week) through 11/16 - so I'll send out some mail to the list and see if people are itnerested in throwing their thoughts into the wiki about what's going awesomely and not so awesomely. 21:46:48 <rbergeron> And I invite everyone else to add their 45 cents as well. 21:47:08 <jsmith> Sounds good 21:47:20 <rbergeron> #action rbergeron to set up the F14 marketing retrospective page, and invite everyone to add their thoughts on the good, the bad, the unneeded, and the newly wanted. 21:47:49 <rbergeron> And Essentially, that crosses over into the next topic I have for today, which is: 21:47:53 <rbergeron> #topic F15 Schedule 21:48:03 <rbergeron> #link http://poelstra.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-15/f-15-marketing-tasks.html 21:48:36 <rbergeron> #info In conjunction with thinking about the Retrospective stuff, let's think about how well our schedule is working out. 21:48:57 <rbergeron> I know we need to remove release slogan, since we've decided, at least in the last cycle, to not pursue per-release slogans. 21:49:14 <rbergeron> jsmith, mizmo: how are we feeling about more of a permanent or at least longer-term slogan? 21:49:29 <rbergeron> Have we made any movement / progress in that front, or decided against, etc? 21:49:38 * jsmith prefers a longer-term slogan, but we should definitely discuss it more detail 21:50:19 <mizmo> rbergeron: the website design went through with the notion there would be longer-term slogans 21:50:25 <mizmo> non-release specific slogans 21:50:49 <rbergeron> mizmo, jsmith: Do we want to maybe start discussing it more in-depth in like... 2 weeks-ish? 21:50:57 <rbergeron> And figure out what the plan of attack might be for making that happen? 21:51:03 <mizmo> we have one? 21:51:06 <mizmo> 'free your desktop' 21:51:14 * mizmo confused 21:51:31 * rbergeron is confused too, i didn't know that was official ;) 21:51:39 <mizmo> it's live, it's official 21:51:44 <mizmo> was in the mockups for over a year.... 21:51:45 <jsmith> mizmo: We used to have a per-release slogan, such as "Rock it!" 21:52:03 <mizmo> nobody actually brought up any issues with it nor suggested alternatives 21:52:04 <rbergeron> Well, I know it was on the page, I didn't know that that was *the* slogan vs. we're saying something here 21:52:09 <mizmo> that's official enough to me :) 21:52:20 <mizmo> jsmith: yeh i know, i started the tradition 21:52:31 <mizmo> i think with f7 21:52:35 <mizmo> maybe f6 21:53:19 <rbergeron> okay then 21:53:28 * rbergeron will remove the per-release slogan stuff from schedule 21:53:33 <mizmo> +1 21:53:37 <rbergeron> #action rbergeron remove per-release slogan stuff from schedule 21:54:03 <rbergeron> #info If anyone has any other feedback on the F15 schedule, please pipe up and mail the list! 21:54:44 <rbergeron> koay. 21:54:46 <rbergeron> errr, okay. 21:54:50 <rbergeron> #topic Any other business? 21:55:17 * rbergeron will close out in a second 21:57:00 <rbergeron> Alrighty. Thanks everyone for coming :D 21:57:02 <rbergeron> #endmeeting