19:59:50 <stickster> #startmeeting Insight (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Insight) 19:59:50 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Mar 7 19:59:50 2011 UTC. The chair is stickster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:59:50 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:59:53 <stickster> #meetingname Insight 19:59:53 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'insight' 19:59:56 <stickster> #topic Roll call 19:59:58 * stickster 20:00:04 <pcalarco> is here 20:00:10 <stickster> Hey Pascal!!!!1!! 20:00:13 * asrob too 20:00:26 * stickster greeted asrob already but does it again!!!!1!! 20:00:52 <pcalarco> hi stickster and asrob :) 20:00:54 <asrob> ;) 20:00:55 * rbergeron peeks in 20:01:28 <stickster> #chair pcalarco asrob rbergeron 20:01:28 <zodbot> Current chairs: asrob pcalarco rbergeron stickster 20:02:47 <stickster> OK, we have a bunch of things to talk about and not much time to do it, so... 20:03:13 <stickster> #info present pcalarco asrob rbergeron smooge(*) stickster (*)=lurk 20:03:26 * averi is around! 20:03:40 <stickster> #info present averi also! 20:03:40 <averi> I have 20 mins then I need to run very fast :) 20:03:42 <stickster> #chair averi 20:03:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: asrob averi pcalarco rbergeron stickster 20:03:52 <stickster> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Insight#Meeting_agenda <-- agenda 20:04:05 <stickster> #topic FAD status? 20:04:13 <stickster> pcalarco: So I hear that the FAD is not happening? 20:05:07 <pcalarco> stickster: yes, I had to make a decision so we could wrap up the budget for ILF, and so decided not to have an FI FAD at ILF; I do think it would be good to have one at some point 20:05:29 <pcalarco> if there is still a compelling case for this, we can likely go back to request funds still tho 20:05:53 <stickster> pcalarco: I already have a couple trips in April and May, but in June is the Southeast Linux Fest 20:06:02 <pcalarco> ILF is in littl over 2 weeks 20:06:09 * stickster would make time to travel somewhere for a FAD, but needs funding to do it. 20:06:15 <pcalarco> yes, SELF is a distinct possibility 20:06:32 <pcalarco> stickster: we would request funding for you 20:06:42 <stickster> pcalarco: That's a few months away, and we should be working on Phase 2 stuff by that point. 20:06:51 * rbergeron notes that we can get a room for SELF if needed - we have one saved already for a docs fad, but we can get another room provided it's under 20 people 20:06:55 <rbergeron> (per jeremy) 20:07:07 <stickster> rbergeron: That will be no problem, it'd be more like 3-6 ppl I expect 20:07:11 * rbergeron nods 20:07:27 <rbergeron> Just giving hte FYI. In case the whole world shows up. ;) 20:07:46 <stickster> pcalarco: Can you continue to be POC for a FAD, regardless of where we do it? 20:07:57 <pcalarco> stickster: certainly 20:08:29 <stickster> Since I'm already going to SELF (it's budgeted for me this year), I wouldn't be an extra cost at least. 20:08:37 <stickster> That money could be spent on pcalarco and others to travel :-) 20:08:48 <averi> stickster, where will it take place? 20:08:53 <rbergeron> stickster: you mentioned "phase 2" - does that mean that that is a point where you think it would be good to do it, or less than optimal? 20:09:06 <pcalarco> #info http://www.southeastlinuxfest.org/ 20:09:30 <stickster> rbergeron: I mean, we could use that FAD to work on Phase 2 deliverables. 20:09:45 * rbergeron as always is willing to help on the content part, but isn't so helpful in the technical part except for lots of testing. 20:10:01 <averi> pcalarco, why never in Europe? :( 20:10:09 <rbergeron> Okay. I just wasn't clear on whether or not you were thinking it wasn't good timing, or etc. 20:10:28 <stickster> averi: You could organize one there! 20:11:04 * stickster notes that *where* a FAD is held depends entirely on the person who is willing to plan + organize it, make a budget, seek the funding, etc. 20:11:06 <averi> stickster, yeah! I live close to venice, having one hosted there would be awesome 20:11:37 <stickster> A FAD is simply a small gathering of Fedora contributors to achieve some specific goals 20:11:43 <stickster> And it should not cost very much 20:11:56 <averi> mmm...then Venice is not the best place for it :p 20:12:13 <averi> stickster, I will think about it for the next FAD 20:12:20 <stickster> Bringing people across oceans for a FAD is not within the scope of that kind of event. But averi, you would certainly be able to bring a couple people in by train or something like that 20:12:47 <stickster> And of course you can have a remote component as well so it needn't be limited to just people within a few hundred miles. 20:12:50 <stickster> (or km) :-) 20:13:08 <averi> stickster, I just feel a bit excluded, you guys are all from u.s 20:13:27 <averi> so it is hard for me to join any particular Fedora event 20:13:42 <pcalarco> when is the next EMEA FUDCon, after Zurich? 20:13:44 <stickster> averi: There is a FUDCon coming up in Europe later this year, you should definitely attend that! 20:13:58 <stickster> pcalarco: I don't know at this point -- but Dublin has been suggested, and Budapest. 20:14:22 <averi> stickster, great! I'll try to do my best to be there as soon as we have a confirmed location. 20:14:30 <stickster> Also I think that fcrippa was putting in a bid for Milan maybe? 20:14:40 <rbergeron> Ooooh. 20:14:44 <averi> milan would be awesome 20:15:03 <stickster> averi: But to be very clear: None of this prevents you from putting together a FAD where you are 20:15:17 <stickster> You're very welcome to do that! And if we can participate remotely, we would try to do that 20:15:35 <averi> ok, will ping you to know more about how to organize that etc. 20:15:58 <rbergeron> averi: this is a good place to start: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_organize_a_FAD 20:15:59 <stickster> averi: start here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Premier_Fedora_events 20:16:03 <rbergeron> Or that. 20:16:09 <stickster> or that, rbergeron ;-) 20:16:10 * rbergeron grins at stickster 20:16:11 <stickster> haha 20:16:11 <averi> stickster, rbergeron: thanks :) 20:16:26 <stickster> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FADs 20:16:35 <rbergeron> averi: some other examples of past fads are on tha tpage stickster *just* linked. 20:16:38 <stickster> yup 20:16:40 <averi> stickster, I need to run now, I need to be in a place within 10 mins and I am terribly late. Will have a look at logs :) 20:16:46 <stickster> Thanks averi! 20:16:48 <stickster> o/ 20:17:03 <averi> thanks to you guys, have a great evening! 20:17:06 <averi> cheers 20:17:09 <stickster> OK, I think we've properly beat events into submission 20:17:32 <stickster> #topic Drupal status -- puppet 20:17:52 <stickster> So... I took a look at this, and I definitely am not grokking puppet well enough to design the module for it. 20:18:16 <stickster> But on top of that, I had two questions which I sent to the list.... because I made some changes/commits locally which do help, but I wasn't sure whether I was allowed to push them, or to where. 20:18:30 * stickster needs help with the puppetization, we're kind of blocked on that 20:18:48 <stickster> #info stickster needs help with the puppetization, we're kind of blocked on that 20:19:08 <stickster> Does everyone understand what the puppetization does, at least? 20:19:27 <rbergeron> I'll take an explanation. I think I do. 20:19:44 <rbergeron> But not positive :) 20:20:33 <pcalarco> it automates a build of packages out to a server, basically, right? 20:20:37 <stickster> Having a puppet definition for the Insight system (Drupal) allows the site host, where the drupal6 app runs, to be rebuilt from scratch in the event that needs to happen. That's why we've been packaging all the modules... so they can be installed by Puppet via yum/rpm. 20:20:42 <stickster> pcalarco: RIGHT! 20:21:30 <rbergeron> And has all the pointers and configurations I'm guessing built into that definition. 20:21:33 <stickster> The only thing that needs to be added are a few extra files with stuff like the database information and the Apache .htaccess files. I made some commits to get those in the repo... but the manifest, which is Puppet's definition file, I don't know how to write completely. 20:21:33 <rbergeron> ? 20:21:44 <pcalarco> I have a sysadmin here that works on puppet that I could ask if we could get some help from, if needed 20:22:26 <stickster> pcalarco: Yeah, either that or I need to shout on the infrastructure list for some extra help. I think smoge is at his limit right now 20:22:51 <stickster> For someone who knows puppet, this is probably 30-60 minutes of work 20:22:56 <pcalarco> let me check locally and I'll report back on logistics if he can help 20:23:02 <stickster> I've spent 2 hours on it already and still banging my head on the wall 20:23:15 <stickster> OK 20:23:27 <stickster> #action pcalarco check with local help for some puppet expertise 20:23:41 <stickster> #action stickster check with infrastructure list for assistance with puppet 20:25:05 <stickster> One last packaging need is the theme. I'm working on that now and should have a revew request in shortly. 20:26:49 <stickster> #action stickster finish packaging Fedora Insight theme and put up review request 20:27:26 <stickster> There doesn't seem to be a lot left to do with the theme that can't be fixed in minor updates 20:27:58 <stickster> asrob: We just want to get to staging at this point post-freeze, and it shouldn't be hard if we can get the !%#@ puppetization done :-) 20:28:13 <asrob> yeah :) 20:28:36 <pcalarco> stickster: once we're done with reviews and puppetization to production, are we ready to go live with FWN? 20:29:10 <stickster> pcalarco: Well, there's staging in the middle, which is sort of a "try the puppet thing, fix, try again, fix..." bit, but yeah, once we get that down, you're correct 20:29:38 <pcalarco> that's great news :) 20:30:41 <asrob> :) 20:31:06 <stickster> pcalarco: Hm... this needs to be done pronto: 20:31:13 <stickster> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=680423 20:31:28 <stickster> ke4qqq was going to review that, methinks 20:31:59 <stickster> I should have the Insight theme packaged shortly too, so both will need review 20:32:22 <stickster> #action ke4qqq review drupal6-authfas in BZ 680423 20:32:50 <stickster> asrob: You could perhaps review the theme for me 20:33:00 <stickster> asrob: It's an easy review, so it would be a good introduction to package review 20:33:27 <asrob> stickster: okay, I will try it 20:34:33 <stickster> asrob: You can start reading here: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Package_Review_Process#Reviewer 20:35:00 <stickster> The "review guidelines" link will lead you to a list, and then there are a couple sublinks from there that are fairly lengthy. I can help you by answering questions. 20:35:29 <asrob> okay, thanks 20:35:38 <stickster> #action asrob review the drupal6-fedora-insight-theme package once it's entered into a BZ 20:35:58 <stickster> asrob, pcalarco: What else do we need to discuss here today? 20:37:07 <pcalarco> should I start working up a FAD proposal for SELF, or should we let Andreas work on a European one? 20:37:28 <stickster> pcalarco: It doesn't have to be exclusive, AFAIC 20:37:47 <pcalarco> so we could conceiveably do both, sounds good 20:37:47 <stickster> pcalarco: If you, one other NA person, and I get together at SELF, that's a fine FAD 20:37:55 <asrob> stickster: I removed Calendar modules but there are in database, so I will re-enable that, it will work flawlessly imho :) 20:38:33 <stickster> asrob: Right... we'll be able to add that back in later in our publictest09 host after we get the database moved or whatever needs to happen there. 20:38:37 <pcalarco> Southern_Gentleman is likely interested, and perhaps rbergeron in addition to us 20:38:52 <asrob> stickster: OK 20:39:10 * rbergeron nods 20:39:14 <stickster> #topic Open floor 20:39:18 <rbergeron> just depends on the date/time 20:39:28 <asrob> any suggestion, feedback in related to Drupal? 20:39:43 <asrob> stickster: what about jQuery UI module? 20:40:05 <asrob> stickster: is it packaged? 20:40:22 <stickster> asrob: It is not 20:40:51 <stickster> So before we get the calendar/date stuff back up, we need that packaged too 20:40:58 <stickster> or rather, around the same time, it's flexible :-) 20:41:18 <asrob> ah, I see 20:42:38 <stickster> Anything else? 20:42:52 <asrob> nothing 20:42:59 <stickster> #action stickster email the theme contributors to make sure a GPLv2+ licensing works for them 20:44:28 <pcalarco> nothing here 20:44:32 <stickster> OK then 20:44:34 <stickster> #endmeeting