19:01:11 <stickster> #startmeeting Insight 19:01:11 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Mar 14 19:01:11 2011 UTC. The chair is stickster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:01:11 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:01:14 <stickster> #meetingname Insight 19:01:14 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'insight' 19:01:16 <stickster> #topic Roll call 19:01:19 * stickster 19:01:21 <tatica> o/ 19:01:23 <asrob> o/ 19:01:40 <pcalarco> is here 19:01:42 <stickster> #chair pcalarco tatica asrob 19:01:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: asrob pcalarco stickster tatica 19:01:47 * rbergeron waves 19:02:04 <stickster> #chair rbergeron 19:02:04 <zodbot> Current chairs: asrob pcalarco rbergeron stickster tatica 19:02:28 <stickster> averi will be here shortly. He was grabbing some food but had some good news, I'm guessing about staging. 19:02:50 <stickster> #link http://publictest09.fedoraproject.org/drupal/ <-- test instance 19:03:13 <stickster> #link http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2011-03-07/insight.2011-03-07-19.59.html <-- previous meeting notes 19:03:45 <stickster> #info All our action items are either done, obsoleted, or OBE (overtaken by events) -- yay! 19:04:01 <stickster> #topic Packaging 19:04:17 <stickster> Everything we need is now either in testing or stable for EPEL, including our AuthFAS plugin. 19:04:22 <stickster> oops 19:04:24 <stickster> #info Everything we need is now either in testing or stable for EPEL, including our AuthFAS plugin. 19:04:45 <stickster> #info The theme has been packaged and averi got it into the Infrastructure repo for use in staging and production. 19:05:21 <pcalarco> great news and great work! 19:05:26 <asrob> yeah 19:05:36 <stickster> asrob: We ended up not needing a package review for the theme -- thank you for volunteering (and sparks, who also volunteered) 19:06:08 <asrob> stickster: yeah, no problem, thanks 19:06:57 <stickster> Thanks also to tatica, schendje and asrob for agreeing quickly to licensing, so we could get the theme packaged up quickly 19:07:31 * averi is around! 19:08:06 <stickster> Anything else to ask about packaging, or should we move on to other stuff? 19:08:49 <asrob> nothing 19:08:51 <pcalarco> #chair averi 19:08:51 <zodbot> Current chairs: asrob averi pcalarco rbergeron stickster tatica 19:08:59 <stickster> Thanks pcalarco! :-) 19:09:07 <stickster> #topic Puppet and staging 19:09:38 <averi> let me update you guys about what's going on infrastructure's side, which is what is missing at the moment 19:09:48 <stickster> Go right ahead averi, thank you! 19:10:26 <averi> first of all, the insight's theme is now packaged (thanks stickster) and pushed into the infrastructure repos 19:10:40 <averi> repos are updated and re-built already for el6 19:11:29 <averi> on the second hand, we are now really really close to move staging. The machine that will host our data is ready 19:11:56 <averi> we will have a dedicated vm just for us 19:12:18 <averi> the vm can be reached (not yet, smooge finishing some configurations atm) at insight01.stg.phx2.fedoraproject.org 19:12:58 <stickster> #info Dedicated VM for staging will be at insight01.stg.phx2.fedoraproject.org 19:13:02 <averi> the database we will use for our drupal istance won't be the general db.stg one but it will be stored locally, I agreed on that since what we need to check in staging it's just puppet reproducing correctly what we need 19:13:30 <stickster> *nod, that makes sense to me averi -- will we be using the general db host when we move to production? 19:13:40 <averi> I think so, yes 19:13:52 <averi> going production, means several posts and data to be stored 19:14:12 <averi> so going for the general db host should be the answer when we are going live 19:14:37 <averi> when the vm is ready (either today or tomorrow), we gonna apply stickster's patch I reviewed on the list some days ago 19:15:02 <averi> and then we'll just add the insight01.stg machine into puppet's configuration and we'll see what will get broken 19:15:03 <stickster> averi: My understanding is that our staging environment has a 'clone' of the real FAS data. So we may need to make sure people have their group access for cmsadmin, etc. on the real FAS? 19:16:07 <averi> stickster, yeah, I am not really sure about staging using the official FAS istance, but anyway adding people to their correct groups should be done anyway 19:16:21 <averi> before going production 19:16:47 <stickster> #agreed Everyone on the team should check their real FAS account and see that they have a cmsadmin or cmseditor group membership. 19:17:13 <averi> I have just asked this question to skvidal so we can have an answer for the end of meeting 19:17:30 <stickster> Great, thanks averi. 19:17:54 * stickster is sure other people have questions... ;-) 19:18:13 <averi> to finish up my talk about the current topic I just have to add one thing 19:18:57 <averi> if puppet won't brake stuff and will just do what we need (i.e reproducing an insight's istance ready to go without modifying a file) we are ready to go live (finally!!) 19:19:31 <averi> stickster, that's all for me, I am here for any question :) 19:19:31 * sparks notes there are 13 members of the cmsadmin group. 19:19:50 <averi> stickster, seth just answered me 19:20:01 <stickster> sparks: Can you post that URL so we can all look at the list? 19:20:01 <averi> stickster, just a few machines are on fakeFAS atm 19:20:22 <averi> so *.stg's data should be on the official FAS istance 19:20:39 <stickster> averi: That makes sense, and it agrees with what I recall about staging setup 19:20:40 <sparks> Members of CMS Editors: 19:20:44 <sparks> #link https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts/group/members/cmseditors 19:21:10 <sparks> Members of CMS Administrators: 19:21:12 <sparks> #link https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts/group/members/cmsadmin 19:21:35 <stickster> You can append /* to each of those to see the full list at once 19:21:36 <asrob> tomorrow I am going to review our drupal documentation 19:21:51 <sparks> Looks like there are several Sponsor or above in CMSAdmin so there shouldn't be too much wait for anyone applying 19:21:56 * schendje applies 19:22:34 <averi> I guess we can cover this at the end of the meeting in #-mktg 19:22:56 <averi> if stickster will be around for 5 more minutes after the meeting ofc 19:23:08 <stickster> schendje: And you are approved :-) 19:23:15 * schendje dances 19:23:18 <stickster> I'll be around until :00, then I have a meeting with my manager :-) 19:23:52 <averi> stickster, I will just ping you as soon as insight01.stg will be ssh accessible 19:23:59 <stickster> averi: Excellent 19:24:07 <pcalarco> cmsadmin looks like it could be trimmed a bit 19:24:10 <stickster> averi: Is there any sysadmin-* group needed for SSH access to that host? 19:24:29 <averi> stickster, I guess it runs under -test 19:24:51 <stickster> averi: OK, I have that 19:25:16 <stickster> Does anyone know who cyrushmh is? ke4qqq approved the access to cmsadmin last year, but I don't think that person is still around. 19:25:39 <stickster> matheo and itbegins were both on the Zikula instance, but they also are not around AFAIK 19:25:53 * ke4qqq doesn't recall who it was.....prolly a zikula person 19:25:58 <stickster> I suspect so 19:26:00 <ke4qqq> feel free to harvest IMO 19:26:02 <sparks> yeah, I think it's safe to remove the latter two 19:26:04 <averi> stickster, mmm...no, they aren't into -test. Let me check 19:26:35 <stickster> averi: That's OK, those accounts probably aren't in -test and don't need to be. They worked on a previous incarnation but not this one 19:26:59 <stickster> #action stickster Thresh the list of people in @cmsadmin to remove people no longer around the team 19:27:32 <sparks> stickster: I'm listed as the group owner. Could there possibly be someone better for this? 19:27:58 <stickster> sparks: I'll volunteer for it for now, but I'm happy for it to be someone else 19:28:14 <sparks> I don't think it makes a big difference... 19:28:16 <stickster> sparks: I believe you can change the ownership, right? I don't think a non-owner can. 19:28:28 <stickster> Yeah, as long as we have many sponsors things are great 19:28:29 <sparks> I can 19:28:46 <stickster> It's basically a figurehead position... like being King :-) 19:28:47 * rbergeron has no idea who cyrushmh 19:29:10 <sparks> Do I get any benefits for remaining King? 19:29:26 <stickster> sparks: Your salary is triple your normal Fedora paycheck 19:29:33 <stickster> which is AWESOME 19:29:34 <sparks> Oh I dare not give it up now! 19:29:38 <schendje> lol 19:29:38 <stickster> :-D 19:29:45 <asrob> :)) 19:29:47 <averi> stickster, sysadmin-main is required, and that's a problem, I am currently checking if having an acl done like sysadmin-stg would work 19:29:49 * stickster tricks sparks once again :-) 19:30:21 <averi> stickster, otherwise we can't access the machine and testing puppet can be hard without ssh (impossible I would say :) ) 19:30:35 <asrob> stickster: what about drupal modules' updates? 19:30:44 <stickster> asrob: They should be done via RPM packages now 19:31:01 <asrob> stickster: OK, because... 19:31:02 <asrob> Internationalization 6.x-1.8 19:31:04 <asrob> Recommended version:6.x-1.9 (2011-Mar-14) 19:31:07 <stickster> The package owners should be monitoring and pulling down updates, and issuing them as we do for other things 19:31:09 <asrob> Download Release notes 19:31:17 <stickster> asrob: We don't need i18n yet, I believe. 19:31:25 <asrob> yeah, you are right 19:31:38 <asrob> is it in BZ? 19:31:46 <sparks> asrob: You could always file a bug letting the maintainer know there is an update. 19:32:55 <asrob> sparks: OK 19:33:04 <stickster> asrob: sparks: We should try and get Drupal covered in http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Upstream_Release_Monitoring 19:33:25 <stickster> There's a bot that will automatically let the maintainer know, by filing a bug, when a new upstream version of software is released. 19:33:37 <sparks> stickster: Yes! I love getting those messages as it is nearly impossible otherwise. 19:33:39 <stickster> I would be *very* surprised if we couldn't extend the URM to catch Drupal, since their release process is so orderly 19:33:42 * stickster <3 Drupal\ 19:33:57 <sparks> stickster: Of course I *use* all the modules I've packaged so I get hit when there is an update. 19:34:02 <asrob> ;) 19:34:18 <asrob> sparks: what about drupal-filefield? :) 19:34:23 <stickster> asrob: Do you want to look into that? 19:34:41 <stickster> asrob: "that" == upstream release monitoring, and developing a regex to add to the system for Drupal modules 19:34:50 <sparks> asrob: That hasn't hit the streets yet, has it? 19:35:25 <asrob> stickster: I will read that documentation ;) 19:35:58 <asrob> sparks: yeah, you are right, but do you want to "release" that? 19:36:07 <stickster> #action asrob Read docs on Upstream Release Monitoring, report back next week on whether we can get Drupal modules added to this facility 19:36:21 <sparks> asrob: As soon as I can it will be deployed. 19:36:46 <asrob> sparks: OK, then what am I doing my request? :) 19:37:08 <sparks> asrob: Right... sorry about that.. 19:37:11 <asrob> sparks: np ;) 19:37:25 <averi> stickster, btw I think you can apply your patch. an insight01 node is not yet created on the nodes/ dir but we currently have our drupal module ready to go already right? 19:37:33 * sparks packages faster than BZ can spit out results 19:37:46 <asrob> sparks: :DD 19:37:52 <stickster> averi: OK, I can push that patch 19:38:03 <stickster> averi: Into 'master' is OK, I believe, since we are not active anywhere 19:38:19 <averi> stickster, just git clone puppet on puppet01 and go to puppet/modules/drupal6 19:38:25 <stickster> averi: Yup, already there ;-) 19:38:54 <averi> stickster, yup, master is fine, the module is not yet included in any node so it will just hand there 19:38:59 <averi> s/hand/hang 19:40:46 * stickster troubling on puppet to make sure he doesn't goof anything up 19:42:21 <averi> CIA just mailed me your commit :) 19:42:28 <asrob> :)) 19:42:37 <stickster> averi: Yeah, something's wrong with that patch you didn't see, I think! 19:42:46 <stickster> #topic Open floor (all other business) 19:42:49 <averi> stickster, what's wrong? 19:42:51 * stickster opens floor so other people can talk 19:43:09 <schendje> publictest09's theme hasn't been updated in a while 19:43:18 <stickster> My push was not accepted by the hook 19:43:24 <averi> stickster, smooge will start working at the insight istance at 22 UTC 19:43:26 <stickster> schendje: I just updated it about 60 minutes ago 19:43:31 <averi> stickster, ? 19:43:35 <stickster> schendje: I'm not sure why my cron job wasn't working though! 19:43:46 <schendje> stickster: yay, thanks! 19:44:04 <averi> stickster, http://fpaste.org/Fw4z/ 19:44:07 <stickster> averi: http://fpaste.org/GK1F/ 19:44:45 <averi> stickster, mmm..that's something wrong with puppet 19:44:47 <averi> let me see 19:44:57 <averi> wrong syntax 19:45:34 <averi> stickster, the commit never reached 19:45:37 <averi> puppet 19:45:37 <averi> ^^ 19:45:46 <stickster> averi: Right 19:45:49 <averi> stickster, could you please paste me the init.pp? 19:46:19 <stickster> averi: http://fpaste.org/WeVn/ 19:46:38 <stickster> Oh, I see the problem. 19:46:48 <stickster> Needs to close braces at line 18 19:46:50 <averi> stickster, you missed something :) 19:46:53 <averi> exactly :) 19:47:48 <stickster> averi: Ah, that's better :-) 19:48:14 * averi git pulls to see changes landing 19:48:26 <averi> and yes, that's it :) 19:48:29 <averi> patch applied 19:48:29 <stickster> pcalarco: tatica: You guys have been awful quiet, are there any questions you guys have? 19:48:37 <stickster> \o/ 19:50:05 <stickster> averi: OK, should I be seeking sysadmin-main, then? 19:50:26 * stickster is very hesitant about giving himself any more capability to mess things up :-) 19:50:36 <asrob> :) 19:51:03 <averi> stickster, that group is usually really restricted, there are only 13 people with that and pretty much all of them are RH employees 19:51:23 <averi> stickster, i was asking to have another acl added just for stg, that could solve the issue a bit 19:52:34 <averi> stickster, let me see what seth thinks about it 19:52:39 <stickster> averi: don't bother 19:52:43 <stickster> I would rather not apply for it, frankly 19:52:55 <stickster> And if I were them, I wouldn't give it to me even if I did ;-) 19:53:06 <stickster> I think the added ACL makes more sense. 19:53:31 <stickster> #action averi investigate using a sysadmin-staging or equivalent for our staging process. 19:53:44 <stickster> Is there anything else we need to discuss today? Anyone? 19:54:04 <asrob> - 19:55:33 <stickster> Okeydokey then 19:55:38 * stickster has to get ready for his next meeting :-D 19:55:50 <asrob> :) 19:56:00 <stickster> Thank you, everyone, for coming! Please keep things moving on the list so we can keep pushing forward quickly! 19:56:03 <stickster> #endmeeting