19:01:26 <rbergeron> #startmeeting F15 Beta release readiness meeting 19:01:26 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Apr 14 19:01:26 2011 UTC. The chair is rbergeron. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:01:26 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:01:28 <jsmith> rbergeron: Here? 19:01:38 <rbergeron> Here, there, anywhere! 19:01:41 <jsmith> rbergeron: Perfect timing :-) 19:02:10 <rbergeron> Yup. 19:02:23 * rbergeron will hang on a few minutes for people to join and for them to interrupt the infra meeting (sorry, guys) 19:02:39 * CodeBlock here-ish, found out about it by accident/from the infra meeting conflict :P 19:03:16 <rbergeron> Codeblock: Who you representin'? 19:03:41 <rbergeron> #info Present: jsmith, rbergeron (for mktg) 19:03:48 * nirik is lurking around. 19:04:06 <rbergeron> #info present: nirik for infra, emichan for design team 19:05:07 <rbergeron> #info present: noriko for translation 19:05:16 <noriko> hi 19:05:26 * rbergeron is waiting on other folks / hunting them down. 19:06:03 * jsmith just put out the call in #fedora-docs 19:06:54 * rbergeron nods 19:06:56 <rbergeron> thanks 19:07:05 * rbergeron is finding dgilmore, QA (jlaska) 19:07:05 <CodeBlock> rbergeron: not representing anything per se, just lurking around/watching :P 19:07:10 <rbergeron> codeblock: sweet 19:07:14 <rbergeron> lurking is awesome 19:07:31 * rbergeron looks for ambassadors representation as well 19:07:43 <rbergeron> nirik: are you also being fesco now too? :) 19:07:45 <CodeBlock> rbergeron: I can represent the ... irc meeting lurkers team? :) 19:07:59 <rbergeron> lol 19:07:59 <rbergeron> YES 19:08:14 * sijis is around for web 19:08:18 <rbergeron> Alrighty, let's get started with who is here. 19:08:26 <rbergeron> #info sijis is here representing websites 19:08:28 <rbergeron> thanks! 19:08:42 * nirik is wearing several hats. Thats ok, as long as the fit. ;) 19:08:47 <rbergeron> well. let's start with websites then :) 19:08:54 <rbergeron> #topic Websites team 19:09:04 <rbergeron> sijis: How are you guys coming along? Ready for Beta on tuesday? 19:09:17 <rbergeron> Anything you need from anyone else? 19:09:34 <sijis> we honeslty don't have all the changes done in our repo for the websites.. but we should be able to get that done in a next couple of days 19:10:03 <rbergeron> is there any concern abou thte ability to get that done? 19:10:20 <rbergeron> or are you guys pretty confident about it? :) 19:10:28 <sijis> no. i'm not concerned that it won't get done 19:10:55 <rbergeron> okay. any other questions or needs from websites team? does anyone *need* anything from web folks? 19:10:56 <sijis> let me better state that... it will be done before Tuesday. i'm 100% confident 19:11:01 <rbergeron> :) 19:11:12 <dgilmore> . 19:11:22 * rbergeron wonders if that's a yes, no, or maybe from dgilmore :) 19:11:32 <sijis> dgilmore: i assume you have links for beta ready :) 19:11:58 <dgilmore> rbergeron: that was a typo 19:12:05 <dgilmore> sijis: i will soon im staging it now 19:12:13 <rbergeron> ah ;) 19:12:19 <rbergeron> okay. cool :) 19:12:20 * rbergeron shall move on 19:12:25 <rbergeron> #topic Translations 19:12:39 <rbergeron> noriko: how is everything? are you guys just about ready? 19:13:14 <noriko> yeah, I see no problem so far. 19:13:51 <sijis> noriko: i apologize for not being very good with string updates for the website :( 19:14:29 <noriko> sijis: np. any specific date you have? 19:15:22 <sijis> well. i have sat dedicated to make all website changes needed for release 19:15:40 <sijis> i can only think of 1 string update that's going on 19:15:59 <sijis> and i *think* it may have already been pushed to tx. if not, i can do that tonight 19:17:11 <noriko> sounds great, thank you 19:17:27 <rbergeron> all set? 19:18:01 * rbergeron will move on unless anyone else has questions 19:18:15 <rbergeron> #info jlaska present for QA 19:18:23 <rbergeron> #topic Release Engineering 19:18:29 <rbergeron> dgilmore: how are things shaping up? 19:18:43 <dgilmore> rbergeron: fine. getting everything in place now 19:18:46 <dgilmore> will be staged soon 19:19:13 <rbergeron> excellent. anyone have questions for rel-eng (or does rel-eng need anything from anyone else)? 19:19:31 <dgilmore> nothing more to see here :) 19:19:44 * rbergeron moves along, moves along 19:19:49 <jlaska> I have a quick on 19:19:50 <jlaska> one 19:19:59 <jlaska> may have already been asked+answered, so apologies ... 19:20:00 <rbergeron> go for it :) 19:20:32 <jlaska> has the freeze on 'stable' been lifted already, allowing tested updated in 'updates-testing' to transition. Or does that come later? 19:21:01 <dgilmore> jlaska: it will be lifted today 19:21:17 <jlaska> dgilmore: cool, thanks 19:21:20 * jlaska done 19:21:30 <rbergeron> ohh no you're not! 19:21:32 <rbergeron> #topic QA 19:21:50 <rbergeron> jlaska: I take it we haven't had any 99th hour blockers pop up mysteriously. :) 19:22:07 <jlaska> no, thank goodness! 19:22:16 <rbergeron> Excellent. 19:22:26 <jlaska> only thing on our plate now is to triage incoming issues, and get them on the Common_F15_Bugs page if needed 19:22:34 <rbergeron> Do you have anything you need from other teams, or do any of the other teams have questions for QA? :) 19:22:42 <jlaska> which also involves, documenting bug that have been flagged for CommonBugs 19:22:51 * rbergeron nods 19:23:05 <rbergeron> are you feeling pretty good about getting that done between now and tuesday? 19:23:13 <jlaska> oh yeah, those aren't too much trouble 19:23:28 <jlaska> half of them are usually already fixed, just had stale CommonBugs? requests 19:23:36 <jlaska> and then adamw and I knock out the remainder 19:23:50 <jlaska> of course, we welcome feedback/entries from anyone :) 19:24:14 <rbergeron> :) 19:24:23 <rbergeron> All is good then? 19:24:28 * rbergeron looks around the room 19:24:53 <jlaska> any questions/comments/concerns? 19:25:01 <jlaska> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_QA_Retrospective 19:25:10 <jlaska> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Common_F15_bugs 19:25:14 <rbergeron> SHOW THE SMILING BEADY EYED GLORY 19:25:25 <jlaska> rbergeron: it's no longer smiling ... 19:25:25 <rbergeron> (unless we've already killed it off with final bzs) 19:25:34 <jlaska> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Current_Release_Blockers 19:25:37 <rbergeron> man. the beefy miracle is having a rough week. 19:25:47 <coolmadmax> thanks for everything f15 look great 19:25:57 <jlaska> current proposed blocker list - There are 41 bugs affecting 28 components. 19:26:03 <jlaska> ^^^ for Final (not Beta) 19:26:14 <rbergeron> omg, i didn't want to see that proposed list 19:26:16 <jlaska> This friday will be the first of the rough final blocker review meetings 19:26:38 <jlaska> bring food and drink (emphasis on drink) 19:26:47 <jlaska> soda, water, $other 19:27:07 * jlaska has no other items, but available for questions/comments/concerns 19:27:32 * rbergeron nods 19:27:39 * rbergeron shall move on, nobody has raised their hand 19:27:42 <rbergeron> #topic Marketing 19:27:45 * rbergeron looks at herself 19:28:11 <rbergeron> I'm in the middle of writing the beta announcement - dgilmore, I'll send you a plain text model of it with the links un-embedded. 19:28:43 <rbergeron> Other than that, I'm fine, I still need love on the Talking points but I'll hopefully get there today after this meeting. :) 19:28:55 <dgilmore> rbergeron: gracious 19:28:56 <rbergeron> anyone have any questions for me? :) 19:29:41 <rbergeron> #topic Infra / FESCo 19:29:56 <rbergeron> nirik: i know you're running a meeting - so I'll get you in two places at once - everything kosher for beta? 19:30:12 * rbergeron relayed the dropped/added features over to marketing (ha) and docs 19:30:15 <nirik> I know of no concerns. ;) Everything looks ok for beta to me. 19:30:28 <rbergeron> anyone have anything they need out of infra? 19:30:43 <nirik> If there are folks who would like to seed torrents, let us know the day before or so. 19:30:52 <dgilmore> right 19:31:02 <dgilmore> nirik: do you still have access to do that? 19:31:31 <nirik> dgilmore: I can ask tummy folks to do it... or they were talking about leaving me access to do it, but not sure if that happened. ;) 19:31:51 <dgilmore> nirik: ok cool. well i have the ability again 19:31:56 <dgilmore> but more the merrier 19:33:06 <lcafiero> someone looking for a famsco member? 19:33:13 <rbergeron> i will be :) 19:33:24 <rbergeron> anyone else with anything for infra or fesco? 19:33:30 <lcafiero> I thought this meeting was in #fedora-meeting 19:33:40 <lcafiero> No wonder none of what they were discussing made sense there 19:33:58 <rbergeron> it was, i forgot they had a meeting at that time now 19:34:05 <rbergeron> there had never been a conflict in the past for that slot :) 19:34:11 <rbergeron> alrighty, moving on 19:34:23 <rbergeron> #topic Docs 19:34:35 <rbergeron> jjmcd: How is it coming? :D 19:34:43 <jjmcd> well 19:34:56 <jjmcd> We need to quivk do some touchups on release notes 19:35:01 * rbergeron nods 19:35:13 <jjmcd> But the main issue we have is that the user guide doesn't reflect Gnome 3 19:35:20 <jjmcd> So we won't have a UG for beta 19:35:32 <jjmcd> Of course, that's probably the guide we need most 19:35:48 <jjmcd> The good news is that Shaun did a good job with the help 19:35:56 * rbergeron agrees 19:36:01 <jjmcd> So I don't see Docs being a blocker 19:36:08 <jjmcd> Just not the quality we would like 19:36:19 <rbergeron> okay. 19:36:28 <rbergeron> Does anyone need anything from/have questions for docs? 19:36:41 * jlaska not from me 19:36:52 <rbergeron> jjmcd, sorry it's not going as well as you'd like, but I'm glad to hear it's not completely disastrous. :) 19:37:06 <rbergeron> "always look on the bright side of life" 19:37:11 <lcafiero> heh 19:37:23 <rbergeron> :D 19:37:36 <rbergeron> thanks jjmcd. 19:37:40 <rbergeron> #topic Design 19:37:43 <jjmcd> thanks robyn 19:37:54 <rbergeron> emichan: how are things going? 19:38:02 <rbergeron> ready for beta beta beta? 19:38:07 <Emichan> afaik 19:38:17 * Emichan has been out of the loop for the past few weeks 19:38:35 * rbergeron nods 19:38:42 <Emichan> pretty sure the only thing left to do before beta is the beta website banner 19:38:54 <rbergeron> Is someone taking that on? 19:38:58 <Emichan> schendje said he would do that 19:39:00 <rbergeron> or still seeking volunteers 19:39:02 <rbergeron> okay, sweet 19:39:24 <rbergeron> anyone have any questions / needs from design? 19:39:25 <Emichan> he said he'll post it to the design and website list on Saturday 19:39:32 <jjmcd> RNs needs icons 19:39:33 <rbergeron> cool, very nice. 19:39:41 <sijis> Emichan: i'll ping schendje on that banner 19:39:41 <jjmcd> But planned to wait for mo to get back 19:40:09 <rbergeron> jjmcd: is that something needed for beta? or can wait 19:40:17 <sijis> unless you are talking about the small banner button 19:40:21 <jjmcd> Can wait. we have temp icons there for now 19:40:26 <rbergeron> okay. 19:41:01 <Emichan> okay? 19:41:03 <jjmcd> unless design cracks out knuckles for ugly 19:41:16 <Emichan> not for beta ;) 19:41:20 * rbergeron grins 19:41:37 <rbergeron> all good then? 19:41:52 <rbergeron> last, but not least 19:41:56 <rbergeron> #topic Ambassadors 19:42:04 <rbergeron> lcafiero: all ready? 19:42:10 <lcafiero> Oh, least would suffice. 19:43:02 <lcafiero> I'm not sure what is required of us prior to a release -- pierros would probably know but he's not here. 19:43:36 <lcafiero> Other than setting up events for F15, that is. 19:44:36 <rbergeron> so when we're closer to the end - it's more of the "do we have PO's ready for media" and "do ambassadors know where to look to get information about the newest release" and so forth 19:44:43 <lcafiero> So perhaps you should ask me what we're supposed to have done, and perhaps I can answer whether it's done or not. 19:44:43 <rbergeron> for beta, not quite so much. 19:45:27 <lcafiero> I can tell you that currently I believe the NA PO has been either made or in the process of being made by nb and herlo. 19:46:10 <lcafiero> And that I know the POs for other areas are being gathered, per an famsco e-mail, and this will probably be discussed at length on Saturday at the FAmSCo meeting 19:46:11 <rbergeron> there's nothing really *blocking* the beta, per se, but things like - have you guys started filing tickets for media design/posters/artwork for release, doing calls for release events, etc. 19:46:14 <jsmith> We may want to see if it's going to be feasible to make up some F15 discs to take to FUDCon Panamá -- might be too tight on time though 19:47:20 <lcafiero> To my knowledge, no, there has been no tickets filed for artwork regarding events. 19:47:22 <rbergeron> jsmith: i think the only way to make them is if you're making them yourself 19:47:43 <rbergeron> that's what we're doing for SELF 19:47:53 * lcafiero will make this an item on the FAmSCo meeting Saturday. 19:48:10 <rbergeron> lcafiero: basically just check in on the schedule with them - I know that usually happens there anyhow 19:48:18 <lcafiero> Ah, OK. 19:48:55 <rbergeron> anyone hav eany questions / needs for/from ambassadors? 19:49:31 <rbergeron> #topic Open Floor 19:49:37 <rbergeron> Did I miss anyone or anything? 19:49:40 * rbergeron looks around 19:49:51 <rbergeron> Otherwise, it sounds like we are all set for Beta on tuesday. 19:50:12 * jsmith cheers! 19:50:18 <lcafiero> thanks, jsmith, for pointing out where the meeting was in #fedora-ambassadors. 19:50:30 <jsmith> lcafiero: No worries... glad you could join us! 19:50:34 * lcafiero was sitting in #fedora-meeting going "huh?" 19:50:57 <rbergeron> lcafiero: I told them to send people over - I would have found you if I had known you were coming for pierros :) 19:51:07 <lcafiero> I wasn't. 19:51:13 <rbergeron> oh :) 19:51:25 <rbergeron> Alrighty. 19:51:27 <rbergeron> Thanks, everyone! 19:51:30 <rbergeron> #endmeeting