08:45:49 <kital> #startmeeting 08:45:49 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Aug 27 08:45:49 2011 UTC. The chair is kital. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:45:49 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 08:46:06 <kital> #chair asrob 08:46:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: asrob kital 08:46:41 <kital> #topic Fedora Round Table Hungary/Budapest 08:46:48 <kital> #topic Fedora Round Table Hungary/Budapest Opening 08:55:05 <kital> .whoowns NetworkManager 08:55:05 <zodbot> kital: dcbw 08:55:24 <kital> .fas dcbw 08:55:28 <zodbot> kital: dcbw 'Daniel Williams' <dcbw@redhat.com> 09:00:04 <kital> .whoowns syslog-ng 09:00:05 <zodbot> kital: silfreed 09:00:12 <kital> .fas silfreed 09:00:13 <zodbot> kital: silfreed 'Douglas E. Warner' <silfreed@silfreed.net> 09:06:26 <kital> Zoltan introduces the Agenda 09:07:36 <asrob> #topic First topic, Status, targets, ideas, possibilities within the Hungarian Fedora community 09:08:27 <asrob> we are talking about the problems like our community is fragmented 09:20:11 <asrob> OpenScholar, the drupal distribution for Universities, http://openscholar.harvard.edu/ 09:20:42 <webappz> sziasztok! 09:20:44 <webappz> hi all! 09:21:20 <kital> hi 09:44:46 <kital> #idea approach universities to introduce Fedora 09:44:54 <kital> #undo 09:44:54 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Idea object at 0xff27e6c> 09:45:14 <kital> #idea approach universities to introduce Fedora and how to use an contribute 09:45:17 <kital> #undo 09:45:17 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Idea object at 0x19cf720c> 09:45:21 <kital> #idea approach universities to introduce Fedora and how to use and contribute 09:48:08 <asrob> #idea Sulix and OpenEdu program for hungarian education, http://www.openedu.hu/ 09:48:25 <kital> discussion about educational linux distributions and how they can help each other 09:51:25 <kital> #idea aggregate the different projects in one online-interface 09:51:33 <kital> #undo 09:51:33 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Idea object at 0x19cf71ac> 09:51:49 <kital> #idea aggregate the different educational projects in one online-interface 10:00:06 <asrob> hm, like an Insight website?! :) 10:03:41 <asrob> #endmeeting