20:00:42 <cwickert> #startmeeting Spins SIG meeting 2011-10-24 20:00:42 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Oct 24 20:00:42 2011 UTC. The chair is cwickert. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:42 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:51 <cwickert> #meetingname Spins SIG meeting 2011-10-24 20:00:51 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'spins_sig_meeting_2011-10-24' 20:01:02 <cwickert> #chairs nirik brunowolff 20:01:14 <cwickert> #chair nirik brunowolff 20:01:14 <zodbot> Current chairs: brunowolff cwickert nirik 20:01:17 * pbrobinson is here 20:01:19 <cwickert> that's better 20:01:24 <cwickert> #chair pbrobinson 20:01:24 <zodbot> Current chairs: brunowolff cwickert nirik pbrobinson 20:01:26 * nirik is sorta around, but also busy trying to catch up after being away for a few days. 20:01:53 <cwickert> nirik: no worries, we just need to approve 3 spins 20:02:11 <nirik> it's it super duper dreadfully late to be approving things? 20:02:12 <cwickert> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Spins_Ready_For_SIG 20:02:26 <cwickert> nirik: yes, we are already to late 20:02:35 <cwickert> nevertheless I'd like to give it a try 20:02:47 <cwickert> as it was not the spins submitters fault 20:02:56 <cwickert> and all spins are desktop spins 20:03:20 <cwickert> this means they should already have received testing through the normal milestones 20:03:30 <cwickert> does everybody agree to that? 20:03:46 <brunowolff> We also need to commit the ks files once they are approved. 20:04:03 <nirik> and make a new spins package. 20:04:05 <cwickert> I mean, it can still go wrong, if say websites or design are not ready, but I'd like the spins sig not to be the blocker 20:04:06 <brunowolff> The owners should get commit access to the git repo at some point. 20:04:09 <nirik> and inform rel-eng 20:04:13 <cwickert> right 20:04:16 <nirik> and websites 20:04:28 <cwickert> we need a new spins package anyway 20:04:39 <cwickert> websites should already be aware of it AFAIK 20:05:02 <cwickert> should we first go through the list of spins and then discuss what is left to do? 20:05:04 <brunowolff> There was a change to the kde spin today for a package which has been retired. 20:05:37 <cwickert> brunowolff: there are fixes in master that are not yet in F-16 20:05:45 <cwickert> and I need to fix something in the LXDE spin 20:05:50 <cwickert> because of a change in gnome 20:06:18 <cwickert> brunowolff: can I just merge F-16 into master? 20:06:22 <brunowolff> The KDE change was only in the F-16 branch as far as I read. I might have missed a second message though. 20:06:31 * cwickert looks 20:07:14 <cwickert> brunowolff: rdieter made the same change in master 2 days ago 20:07:19 <brunowolff> That should work. It might leave a merge note in master has already changed, but we don't want to rebase f16 to avoid that. 20:07:19 <cwickert> and it affects all spins 20:07:32 <cwickert> alright 20:07:45 <cwickert> you see: http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/?p=spin-kickstarts.git;a=commit;h=de17f07d8dcdb2adc6b40b79fd99d46337e4162f 20:07:57 <cwickert> hs just did the same in F-16 an hour ago 20:08:04 <cwickert> so it should be easy to merge 20:08:18 <cwickert> alright, lets start with the individual spins 20:08:32 * jsmith sneaks in 20:08:35 <cwickert> #topic Games Spin 20:08:36 <cwickert> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Games_Spin 20:08:45 <cwickert> brunowolff: why does this need an approval? 20:09:03 <cwickert> I mean, we had this spin for some releases now 20:09:08 <brunowolff> Not much has changed for the games spin. So it really shouldn't. 20:09:20 <cwickert> ok 20:09:34 <cwickert> everybody fine with appriving the games spin? 20:09:37 <cwickert> +1 from me 20:09:52 <pbrobinson> +1 20:10:01 <nirik> sure 20:10:21 <cwickert> #agreed Games Spin is approved for F16 20:10:42 <cwickert> #topic Robotics Spin 20:10:43 <cwickert> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Robotics_Spin 20:10:48 <brunowolff> The workflow was to mark it as ready for SIG, so I did that. Probably the other Spins didn't. But in practice unless the spin has changed significantly or the SIGs world view, there approval should be automatic. 20:11:23 <cwickert> brunowolff: basically yes, we just want the maintainer to confirm the spin is still required and maintained 20:11:33 <cwickert> so, on the Robotics spin 20:11:39 <cwickert> I am not sure about this one 20:11:56 <cwickert> because of this: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Talk:Robotics_Spin 20:12:03 <cwickert> no response to my questions 20:12:34 <cwickert> ideas? 20:12:48 <pbrobinson> cwickert: has he been emailed directly? I've never had updates from Talk when I follow it 20:13:25 <cwickert> pbrobinson: if you follow a page, you follow the talk page automatically 20:13:29 <brunowolff> I am not sure removing the config stuff is a good idea. Is the reason for this tight space? 20:13:40 <cwickert> but I am not sure that they follow their own page 20:13:57 <pbrobinson> yea, but I've never had updates from either (maybe its me) 20:15:04 <cwickert> I wonder why they have their own versions of the other files 20:15:27 <cwickert> I mean fedora-live-base.ks and fedora-live-minimization.ks 20:15:39 <brunowolff> Possibly to help to test builds. 20:15:59 <pbrobinson> is there any difference to them? 20:16:25 <pbrobinson> that might indicate why there's a difference 20:16:39 <cwickert> fedora-live-minimization.ks is the same 20:17:27 <cwickert> and so is fedora-live-base 20:17:38 <cwickert> at least up to the date when they last synced 20:17:54 <cwickert> so they are not doing anything nasty on purpose 20:18:04 <cwickert> what about the removals in the ks itself? 20:19:08 <cwickert> I mean, other than that the ks looks good 20:19:47 <brunowolff> I agree, they aren't doing anything crazy in the ks file. 20:20:10 <cwickert> proposal: give them a preliminary approval given that they fix the spins page and get the artwork etc done in time 20:20:14 <cwickert> say within this week 20:20:47 <jsmith> +1 20:20:54 <brunowolff> +1 20:21:13 <cwickert> me notes that 20:21:13 <cwickert> # No Office-libreoffice-*-planner 20:21:15 <pbrobinson> +1 and possibly a direct email or some other form of contact other than via the talk page 20:21:18 <cwickert> is not needed 20:21:27 <cwickert> because they don't install @office anyway 20:21:41 <cwickert> +1 20:22:30 <cwickert> #agreed: The Robotics spin gets a preliminary approval for F16 given that the spins page and the artwork is completed in time 20:22:51 <cwickert> #topic Scientific Spin 20:22:52 <cwickert> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Scientific_Spin 20:23:30 <cwickert> looks good IHMO, AMit responded to all my questions and participates on the mailing list 20:23:51 <pbrobinson> +1 20:23:53 <cwickert> +1 20:25:48 <brunowolff> The ks looks fine. Note that they asked about trying to do both KD and Gnome at once a couple of days ago. 20:26:02 <brunowolff> I discouraged them from trying to do that this late. 20:26:10 <cwickert> yeah, me too 20:26:21 <cwickert> and AMit already responded that he won't to it 20:28:31 <cwickert> more votes? 20:28:46 <brunowolff> +1 if that wasn't obvious from my comment. 20:29:03 <cwickert> #agreed Scientific Spin is approved for F16 20:29:12 <cwickert> #action nirik to sponsor the following people into gitspin-kickstarts: timn and rmattes (Robotics spin) and amitksaha (Scientific Spin) 20:29:24 <nirik> ok. 20:29:28 <brunowolff> Do we want to formally state that all of the other recurring spins are also approved? 20:29:38 <cwickert> alright 20:29:42 <nirik> cwickert: or I can make you a sponsor since you are wrangler? 20:29:48 <cwickert> nirik: ok 20:29:58 <cwickert> #undo 20:29:58 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0xb246950> 20:30:25 <cwickert> #action nirik to make cwickert sponsor of gitspin-kickstarts 20:30:31 <cwickert> #action cwickert to sponsor the following people into gitspin-kickstarts: timn and rmattes (Robotics spin) and amitksaha (Scientific Spin) 20:31:23 <cwickert> #agreed: all other reoccuring spins from https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/16/Spins are approved for F16 20:31:25 <brunowolff> I don't think there has been any policy change on what we are willing to do spins for and none of the other spins has changed greatly that I am aware of. 20:31:52 <cwickert> right 20:32:04 <cwickert> #topic Todo for F16 20:32:13 <cwickert> so, what is left to do? 20:32:30 <cwickert> brunowolff: can you commit the new kickstarts and roll a new package? 20:32:32 <brunowolff> nirik, are nightly composes currently using master or F-16 versions of ks? 20:32:36 <nirik> f16 20:32:40 <nirik> I changed when you asked me to 20:32:52 <brunowolff> Thanks nirik! 20:33:33 <brunowolff> I can do the spin-kickstarts change tonight (4-9 hours from now). 20:33:37 <cwickert> ok 20:33:58 <cwickert> #action brunowolff to check in the new spins into spin-kickstarts and build a new package 20:34:19 <cwickert> brunowolff: by then I already made my commit, but I'm only doing it in master, so please make sure to merge F-16 20:34:21 <brunowolff> Are the other changes from master going to be in by then? 20:34:57 <cwickert> yes 20:35:29 <cwickert> and if my change is not in, forget it. I'll fix it in the lxde-common package then 20:35:42 <cwickert> ok, what else is left to do? 20:37:26 <brunowolff> Is commit "Xfce: Included system-config-language as GDM no longer ..." supposed to be backported to F-16? 20:37:47 <cwickert> brunowolff: yes, I said merge F16 into master 20:37:59 <cwickert> all changes in master are supposed to be in F-16 20:38:02 <cwickert> AFAICS at least 20:38:54 <brunowolff> I think that is the only commit in master that isn't in F-16. 20:39:34 <cwickert> right 20:40:52 <cwickert> nirik: how do I actually sponsor somebody? I seem to not find the right button 20:41:21 <brunowolff> We may not make the freeze without karma. And hence would need a NTH or blocker bug for this. 20:41:21 <cwickert> the only person I could sponsor is danielkonrad, because he applied himself 20:41:22 <nirik> add their name with add, then list the members and there should be a 'sponsor' button next to them 20:42:15 <cwickert> I don't have "add" 20:42:24 <cwickert> I guess the german translation is bad 20:43:56 <cwickert> nirik: add or invite? 20:44:08 <nirik> invite perhaps it is. 20:44:14 <cwickert> ahh 20:44:23 <cwickert> no, I can add them straight away 20:45:44 <cwickert> ok, what else is left to do? 20:46:34 <brunowolff> The is a bug about gdm and xfce. 20:46:44 <brunowolff> Is this going to be a blocker? 20:46:47 <nirik> needs more info... 20:46:53 <nirik> I don't see how it could happen. 20:47:02 <brunowolff> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=748544 20:48:05 <brunowolff> OK, if it isn't consistently happening I won't worry about it too much now. If there was going to be a fix coming real soon, I'd want to try to get that in tonight's build of spin-kickstarts. 20:48:35 <cwickert> I cannot reproduce it 20:48:42 * nirik either 20:49:55 <cwickert> I did intensive testing and fixing of Xfce yesterday 20:50:11 <brunowolff> I update the https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/16/Spins page to indicate everythings approved and the two need spins should get isos. 20:51:30 <cwickert> #atcion brunowolff to update https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/16/Spins page to indicate everything is approved 20:51:37 <cwickert> ok, what's next? 20:52:26 <brunowolff> If the robotics guys get artwork in, what happens to it to get it in the right spot? Do we worry about this or someone else? 20:53:18 <nirik> websites team would need to know/have folks working on adding it. 20:56:05 <cwickert> the spin owners need to file tickets if they haven't done so already 20:56:23 <cwickert> I suggest we tell them to report progress back to the mailing list and update the wiki page 20:56:55 <cwickert> once the kickstarts in git, can you add them to the nightlies? 20:57:05 <nirik> sure. 20:57:23 <cwickert> #action nirik to add the new spins to the nightly composes once they are in git 20:58:43 <cwickert> #info spin owners should file tickets for in the trac instances of the design and the websites team. They are encouraged to report progress about back to the mailing list and update the wiki pages 20:58:51 <cwickert> what about the rel-eng site? 20:59:05 <cwickert> s/site/side 20:59:22 <nirik> perhaps it would be nice to file a ticket listing all the spins that should be produced for final... 20:59:29 <nirik> or pointing to the page that lists them perhaps 21:00:52 <cwickert> ok 21:00:59 <cwickert> I will to this 21:01:18 <cwickert> #action cwickert to file a ticket for the F16 spins at rel-eng 21:03:32 <cwickert> anything else? 21:03:38 <cwickert> otherwise I'll close this meeting 21:04:12 * cwickert will wait 5 minutes for somebody to speak up 21:04:18 * pbrobinson is good 21:04:29 <brunowolff> Thanks for running the meeting. 21:04:37 <cwickert> brunowolff: no problem 21:04:46 <cwickert> sorry for being such a bad spins wrangler 21:04:59 <cwickert> I hope things will be better for F17 once we switch to trac 21:05:12 <cwickert> already started working on that 21:06:30 <pbrobinson> cwickert: I think your proposed changes to the sig make sense for all involved 21:06:39 <pbrobinson> thanks for the work you've put into i 21:06:41 <pbrobinson> t 21:06:49 <cwickert> welcome 21:07:01 <brunowolff> It's not an easy job. The cat herding analogy applies. 21:07:15 * cwickert would like to thank brunowolff for keeping the SIG alive 21:07:38 <cwickert> alright, before we get too sentimental, I'll end this ;) 21:07:41 <cwickert> #endmeeting