20:00:56 <rbergeron> #startmeeting Fedora Marketing 20:00:56 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Oct 25 20:00:56 2011 UTC. The chair is rbergeron. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:56 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:59 <rbergeron> #meetingname Fedora Marketing 20:00:59 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_marketing' 20:01:01 <rbergeron> #topic Who's here? 20:01:09 <rbergeron> please answer while I get caffeine. 20:01:48 * jsmith is here 20:02:00 <suehle> Beefy! 20:02:40 * azneita is also here 20:02:50 <rbergeron> sweet. 20:03:09 <rbergeron> Okay, let's get rolling. 20:03:15 <rbergeron> #topic Release Stuff 20:03:39 <rbergeron> So! 20:03:41 <rbergeron> Ahem. 20:03:52 <bckurera> am I too late? 20:03:54 <rbergeron> bckurera: I know you were looking at the Feature List. 20:03:57 <rbergeron> nope. 20:04:01 <rbergeron> NEVER TOO LATE FOR MARKETING. 20:04:06 <rbergeron> Err, not feature list. 20:04:08 <rbergeron> Talking points. 20:04:10 * rbergeron sighs, long day 20:04:16 <bckurera> noted that 20:04:17 <jsmith> rbergeron: Ben Cotton has agreed to write the release announcement :-) 20:04:20 <rbergeron> Have you had a chance to look at that any more? 20:04:27 <rbergeron> jsmith: very cool. 20:04:29 <bckurera> yes I was doing some edits and trying to complete it 20:04:35 <jsmith> rbergeron: Affix volunteered to start on the talking points -- they're still a bit rough, but they're started 20:04:47 <rbergeron> bckurera: Oh, nice. 20:04:48 <jsmith> rbergeron: (this was last week -- haven't looked at them since) 20:04:52 <rbergeron> bckurera: looks like you have a helper, too. 20:05:13 * azneita digs his mail 20:06:49 <bckurera> rbergeron and jsmith writing talking points is very new to me :) 20:07:01 <rbergeron> bckurera: there's no time like the present :) 20:07:20 <rbergeron> i know it's a bit slow at first. 20:07:26 <rbergeron> But it gets better. 20:07:31 <bckurera> indeed 20:07:47 <rbergeron> (And then after you do it for like 5 releases, you start thinking, "I have typed this sentence 400 different ways.") 20:08:24 <bckurera> rbergeron so funny huh :D 20:08:27 <rbergeron> :) 20:08:37 <rbergeron> It's good to hav enew people breathe life into things. 20:08:40 <rbergeron> For sure. 20:09:17 <rbergeron> So I think once we have that stuff put together, we can think about the One Page Release Notes, but I think for the moment it's probably fairly low-ish on the pole. 20:09:44 <rbergeron> Those are pretty much the must-do tihngs, which are good to have, but I'd like for us to also think about... NEW THINGS. 20:09:52 <rbergeron> SPeaking of New Things. 20:09:55 <rbergeron> #topic Ideas. 20:09:57 <rbergeron> I have an idea. 20:10:05 <rbergeron> I hope you guys have ideas too. 20:10:19 * rbergeron looks at suehle, bckurera, azneita ;) 20:10:28 <rbergeron> I'll chat about mine first real quicklike. 20:10:31 <azneita> marketing sprint at fudcon pune 20:10:34 <rbergeron> #topic Dear Beefy 20:10:42 * rbergeron pulls up a link real quicklike. 20:10:59 <rbergeron> Once upon a time... 20:11:03 <rbergeron> #link http://www.redhat.com/magazine/006apr05/departments/ask_shadowman/ 20:11:10 <rbergeron> There used to be this column called Ask Shadowman. 20:11:14 <suehle> rbergeron: Those were good times. 20:11:21 <suehle> rbergeron: Do I hear "Ask Beefy" coming on? 20:11:45 <rbergeron> Slightly irreverent, full of informative things, well-written, timely. 20:12:00 <rbergeron> suehle: It's not a Yes. It's a ... well, you know. 20:12:01 <rbergeron> ;) 20:12:04 <suehle> rbergeron: I think it sounds BRILLIANT. 20:12:19 <rbergeron> But the question is: Making it consumable, in front of fedora people. 20:12:23 <rbergeron> For at least 6 months. 20:12:32 <rbergeron> If it runs its course during F17, then so be it. 20:12:41 <rbergeron> If it lives forever, like mustard on a shelf, then that's okay too. 20:12:49 <azneita> it's something like this right? -http://ask.fedoraproject.org/questions/ 20:12:57 <suehle> It could change! Like if it had started with Ask Verne, the answers would have been nautically themed with a French accent. 20:13:05 <azneita> but for fedora 16 20:13:36 <rbergeron> LOL. 20:13:48 <rbergeron> azneita: not quite, but that's thenext interesting part. 20:13:54 <rbergeron> We also have this new thing called Ask Fedora. 20:14:06 <rbergeron> Now bear in mind, this was going to be Dear Beefy, and not Ask Beefy, at least in my head. 20:14:19 <azneita> haha 20:14:25 <rbergeron> (I was thinhking kind of like Dear Abby, and also, not totally and completely mimicking Ask Shadowman.) 20:14:48 <bckurera> sounds good anyway 20:14:51 <suehle> I'm good with Dear Beefy. Maybe Get Beefy. no, that's a different program... 20:14:56 <rbergeron> LOL. 20:14:58 <bckurera> hi azneita nice to see ya 20:15:03 <rbergeron> That's Wendy's. Or something. :) 20:15:09 <suehle> Marketing idea: Get Beefy protein powder 20:15:15 <rbergeron> Oh. 20:15:28 <rbergeron> What if we had "Where's the Beef" and spotlighted Fedora in a different part of hte world each week? ;) 20:15:43 <rbergeron> (And didn't get sued by Arby's or whoever owns wendy's these days) 20:15:51 <rbergeron> Maybe it would have to be Where's the Beefy. 20:15:55 <azneita> do we get a mascot? 20:15:55 <suehle> How about "Where's the BEefy" 20:15:57 <rbergeron> Okay, I'm totally digressing. 20:16:24 <mizmo> how about wheres the miracle where we show slices of toast with beefy imprints 20:16:32 <bckurera> shall we list the possibilities and then select one? 20:16:34 <rbergeron> Ohhhhhhhhhh. 20:16:41 <rbergeron> Mizmo: that would be awesome. 20:17:09 <rbergeron> Esp. since it would be very double-entendreish, joke-wise, to NA folks who remember the where's the beef slogan. ;) 20:17:11 <suehle> The Where's The Beef trademark is owned by OLDEMARK LLC LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. Since you asked. 20:17:26 <rbergeron> Thank you! 20:17:46 <rbergeron> azneita: well, i suppose we do have a temporary mascot. 20:18:00 <rbergeron> Whether or not he's accepted on a permanent basis... who knows. 20:18:25 <suehle> This release is going to make me hungry on a regular basis. 20:18:33 <rbergeron> mizmo: the where's the miracle thing seems like it would be cool as weekly blog / rotating on the front page of www.fp.o. 20:19:10 <rbergeron> you know, like, where I'm "Community Marketeer", maybe? 20:19:29 * rbergeron wondres if we could convert a wordpress blog to just post to that spot ... somehow... oh, technical details, we'll get there. 20:19:39 <rbergeron> #idea Dear Beefy / Ask Beefy. 20:19:53 <rbergeron> #idea Where's the Miracle? (showcase Fedora in various spots around the globe.) 20:20:06 <rbergeron> Sort of like where's waldo, but with toast. LOL 20:20:53 * rbergeron looks around for other thoughts. 20:21:07 <suehle> Does that mean we can have funding for Beefy Miracle toasters? 20:22:18 <rbergeron> suehle: LOL 20:23:31 * rbergeron sees all sorts of hot dog branders available on the internet 20:23:35 * azneita got some work mail, brb 20:23:51 <suehle> rbergeron: Like... a tiny branding iron? 20:24:07 <suehle> rbergeron: Like we could be burning the fedora logo into the hot dogs of passersby? 20:24:35 <rbergeron> Yes, but I don't see a Fedora One. I see "Every $sportsteam on the planet" 20:24:35 <suehle> Do hot dog cart umbrellas take sponsors? 20:25:43 <rbergeron> Hot dog cart umbrellas and hot dog carts will do anyting if it involves money. 20:27:07 <rbergeron> Okay. 20:27:11 <rbergeron> Ummmmmm................ let's see. 20:27:14 <rbergeron> Those are two ideas. 20:27:20 * rbergeron will throw out some more. 20:27:32 <rbergeron> #topic Improving/Changing up Collateral-type stuff. 20:27:35 <rbergeron> (Or just having it.) 20:28:03 <rbergeron> http://mairin.wordpress.com/2011/03/11/flyers-about-free-open-source-software-for-sxsw-creatives/ <-- mo made these last year for sxsw. 20:28:07 <rbergeron> And some tri-fold flyers. 20:28:21 <rbergeron> Right now, we have a basic fedora flyer that ambassadors give out / create. 20:28:24 <suehle> They have been continuingly very useful as I have run out of leftovers. 20:28:49 <rbergeron> Aside from beefing up the number of flyers we could have, do we have any other thoughts on improving/refreshing things like that? 20:29:03 <rbergeron> or something new we could do altogether in the "Informative Thing To Take With You" front? 20:29:03 <suehle> beefing up... heehee 20:29:06 <rbergeron> :) 20:29:21 <suehle> The trifolds that were use-case specific (photographer, video, etc.) were really popular and useful. 20:29:36 <mizmo> the trifolds were Emichan's design 20:29:50 <mizmo> we keep getting requests for more coverage, like for coders or DJ's etc 20:30:22 <rbergeron> specific use cases/audiences, basically? 20:30:23 <mizmo> if someone could take on figuring out topics for new trifolds / come up with copy i could churn out the PDFs 20:30:25 <mizmo> yeppers 20:31:03 * rbergeron looks at suehle and wonders if she might be interested in doing a bit of copy, and maybe we can brainstorm a list of topics now? 20:31:29 <jsmith> mizmo: I know that pbrobinson had some ideas along those lines 20:31:48 <suehle> rbergeron: I could do that 20:31:53 <rbergeron> And maybe matching that up with a "what kind of conference are you going to" - so people aren't feeling like they need to have all 20 versions on the table at every conference? 20:32:03 <rbergeron> I RELISH THIS MEETING. 20:32:09 <jsmith> mizmo: He mentioned one for software developers (showcasing IDEs and languages), packagers, and people writing documentation 20:32:19 <rbergeron> #chair suehle jsmith mizmo rharrison bckurera azneita 20:32:19 <zodbot> Current chairs: azneita bckurera jsmith mizmo rbergeron rharrison suehle 20:32:24 <rbergeron> Let's brainstorm, shall we? 20:32:40 <suehle> Unrelated, we have JUST ENOUGH time to request the Weinermobile appear at FUDCon blacksburg http://hotdoggerblog.com/contact-us/ 20:32:47 <rbergeron> #idea New pamphlets for Diffrerent audiences. 20:32:49 <rbergeron> WHAT 20:32:52 <jsmith> #idea Flyer for software developers (showcasing IDEs and languages) 20:33:04 <jsmith> #idea Flyer for people writing documentation 20:33:09 <jsmith> #idea Flyer for software packagers 20:33:11 <mizmo> i think the flyers have room enough to highlight 3 things 20:33:11 <suehle> or just writers in general 20:33:16 <jsmith> suehle: Even better :-) 20:33:19 <mizmo> per topic 20:33:49 <mizmo> theres a cool/slicker writing app called focuswriter 20:33:59 <mizmo> one of those ones that takes over the full screen to help you concentrate 20:34:07 <rbergeron> #idea Flyer for people who are interested in those White FLuffy Cloudy Things 20:34:23 <suehle> Did we have a music creating one? 20:34:30 <jsmith> suehle: We did indeed 20:34:39 <suehle> #idea Flyer for academics 20:35:50 <rbergeron> Makers? 20:35:59 * rbergeron looks at suehle for thoughts on that one. Or rrix might have ideas there. 20:36:06 <mizmo> we had to build a lot of the makerbot tools from scratch 20:36:11 <mizmo> java... ugh 20:36:16 <rbergeron> That whole type of ... movement. I suppose. 20:37:31 <suehle> I think we could come up with something though, between me and rrix 20:37:33 * rbergeron throws out, maybe not a tri-fold, but a "The Relationship between Fedora and RHEL" ..... suitable for giving out at multiple kinds of booths... ? 20:37:39 <suehle> and anybody else with a good idea 20:37:47 <jsmith> rbergeron: +1 20:38:04 <suehle> +1 20:38:25 <rbergeron> #idea maybe not a tri-fold, but a "The Relationship between Fedora and RHEL" ..... suitable for giving out at multiple kinds of booths... ? 20:38:44 <suehle> #idea Trifold about open licensing rather than the 8.5x11 20:39:04 <suehle> can reuse the content of course, but I think the trifolds are more appealing 20:39:13 <suehle> and that one always seems to go first. 20:39:19 <mizmo> oh one for kids 20:39:23 <mizmo> #idea Flyer for kids 20:39:25 <suehle> ooh, definitely 20:39:26 <mizmo> #idea Flyer for games 20:39:29 <rbergeron> ooh 20:39:32 <mizmo> #idea Flyer for teachers 20:39:35 <mizmo> #idea Flyer for cooks 20:39:41 <mizmo> #idea Flyer for finance 20:39:50 <mizmo> (latter two topics, recently found a treasure trove of stuff in the repos) 20:39:55 <suehle> what about... what do I mean here? Everyday life? General existence? Useful tools? 20:40:07 <mizmo> lifehacking? 20:40:17 <suehle> ooh that could be 20:40:38 <rbergeron> okay, let me ask this: 20:40:43 <mizmo> hamster-applet 20:40:44 <mizmo> gnote 20:40:47 <mizmo> are good candidates for that one 20:40:53 <mizmo> and the build in gnome agenda calendar thingy 20:41:14 <suehle> #idea flyer for gamers 20:41:33 <rbergeron> We have like, 3ish people here who can write, and fewer that can design. So I'm curious what a reasonable type of schedule for this might be? A new flyer every few weeks? 20:41:49 <mizmo> well 20:41:54 <rbergeron> Maybe a blog post pointing to wiki page saying, "We want to make these, can you at least contribute framework, even if your english isn't perfect?" 20:41:59 <mizmo> if the writers have the content prepped with the screenshots ready to go 20:42:08 <mizmo> it seriously takes way, way less time on the design front 20:42:10 <rbergeron> or rather, even if your grammar isn't perfect? 20:42:14 <rbergeron> Right 20:42:30 <rbergeron> Is there a guideline for, say, "how many words" you might want in a section, where pictures might logically go? 20:42:42 <mizmo> rbergeron, the ones we've already got :) 20:42:43 <rbergeron> Or is that just a matter of juggling around a bit once you have the pieces? 20:42:56 <mizmo> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design/SXSW_Materials#Brochures 20:43:22 <mizmo> erg and those pdf links are broke 20:43:23 * mizmo fixes 20:43:53 <rbergeron> mizmo: yeahh 20:43:53 <rbergeron> oh 20:43:55 <rbergeron> yeah. 20:46:30 <rbergeron> Okay, so maybe just wrangle people to get in some crucial details, and then convert those thoughts to Nice Pretty Paragraphs. 20:47:15 <rbergeron> VPN, YOU FAIL ME 20:47:38 <mizmo> ugh i really, really hate the wiki edit button disappear game 20:47:43 <rbergeron> yup 20:50:24 <rbergeron> Okay. So I tihnk we're about out of steam here. 20:51:00 <rbergeron> If the wiki "make a list, hope for some basic content" thing sounds reasonable, I'll do that on that front. 20:51:06 <rbergeron> Using the ideas we have here. 20:53:08 <rbergeron> I'll take that as a yes. :) 20:53:34 <rbergeron> #action rbergeron to do wiki "make a list, hope for some basic content", blog 20:55:54 <rbergeron> Okay then. 20:56:10 <rbergeron> hi sparks! 20:56:22 * rbergeron will ship out minutes. 20:56:25 <rbergeron> #endmeeting