16:59:46 <spot> #startmeeting Fedora Packaging Committee 16:59:46 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Dec 14 16:59:46 2011 UTC. The chair is spot. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:59:46 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:59:48 <spot> #meetingname fpc 16:59:48 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fpc' 16:59:52 <tibbs|h> Howdy. 16:59:57 <spot> #topic Roll Call 17:00:10 * limburgher here 17:01:04 <spot> ping: abadger1999, geppetto, rdieter 17:01:15 * abadger1999 here -- has to get door though 17:01:17 <abadger1999> brb 17:01:29 <spot> abadger1999: don't let that door get away! 17:01:42 <limburgher> I use blowdarts, typcially. 17:01:56 <limburgher> Can drop a double garage door at 15 meters. 17:02:14 * abadger1999 back 17:03:38 * spot notes that we currently have four people, which is not quorum 17:03:56 <spot> but i'll wait. 17:07:50 * spot has spent the last several days legal auditing texlive2011 17:07:59 <spot> so i'm a bit loopy, be forewarned 17:08:02 <limburgher> Oh you poor thing. 17:08:03 <tibbs|h> Really? 17:08:20 <tibbs|h> I was going to try and be involved with some of that. 17:08:32 <spot> tibbs|h: you still can be. 17:08:52 <tibbs|h> I'll have to read up on the current status. 17:09:04 <spot> i'm just waiting for jindrich's feedback then i'll make a new wiki page and send out emails about it 17:09:09 <tibbs|h> People around here are asking why our tex install is so old. 17:12:35 * geppetto is here 17:13:57 <spot> hey! 17:13:59 <spot> thats five. 17:14:18 <spot> #topic Updated Eclipse Guidelines - https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/122 17:14:49 <spot> So, the original reporter added the broken out macros, but wants to keep the "super macro". I don't think that is a good idea. 17:16:25 <tibbs|h> I mostly agree. 17:16:50 <tibbs|h> I mean, I guess there is simplification to be had if we were to allow this kind of thing all over the distro. 17:17:12 <spot> i just think it is a recipe for confusion and error 17:17:19 <spot> "but I don't have a %posttrans!" 17:17:46 <geppetto> Yeh, I mean it's like 1 simple (very maigc) line vs. 6 simple lines 17:18:03 <spot> geppetto: indeed. 17:18:55 <spot> so, lets kick it back to them to amend their draft to drop the magic macro entirely and we'll revisit this next week 17:19:19 <tibbs|h> +1. 17:19:32 <limburgher> Agreed. 17:20:16 <spot> okay. next! 17:20:33 <spot> #topic Update Emacs Guidelines - https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/124 - https://fedoraproject.org/w/index.php?title=PackagingDrafts%2FEmacs-Dec2011&action=historysubmit&diff=262887&oldid=262760 17:21:06 <spot> Honestly, like emacs, these guidelines were a bit confusing before, and are still a bit confusing, just in a different way. 17:21:10 <tibbs|h> Crap, I didn't read up on this. 17:21:26 <limburgher> tibbs|h: Might not have helped. :) 17:21:31 <spot> That said, I generally assume that jgu knows what he's talking about 17:21:40 <spot> and it seems to be reasonably sane enough 17:21:48 <spot> so i'm inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt. 17:22:15 <limburgher> That would certainly be simpler. 17:22:33 <limburgher> I don't see anything that jumps out at me as Bad. 17:22:36 <spot> and it does drop the major oddity of the current text, which is the -el subpackage 17:22:55 <spot> so, I'm +1 17:23:42 <limburgher> +1 17:23:58 <abadger1999> +1 17:24:16 <geppetto> yeh, I kind of prefer to not ship the .el files … given no sane person can read them … but we don't require that for python, so it seems selfish 17:24:18 <geppetto> +1 17:25:12 <geppetto> And, to be fair, anyone installing emacs is probably not caring about a minimal install much 17:25:45 <tibbs|h> Still trying to read. 17:26:05 <tibbs|h> Most of it appears to be minor cleanups and eliminating the -el package (and stuffing the source files into the main package). 17:26:09 <limburgher> geppetto: heh. 17:26:16 <tibbs|h> Which sounds great to me. 17:26:42 <spot> tibbs|h: yeah, thats a good summary of the changes. 17:26:59 <tibbs|h> Not like the el files take much space. (And maybe I am insane; I did a good bit of elisp work about half a lifetime ago.) 17:27:15 <limburgher> tibbs|h: RMS can probably sing them. 17:27:23 <spot> tibbs|h: no one here is presuming you retain any sanity. ;) 17:28:14 <tibbs|h> I also want to make sure he's not sneaking in any requirement that if there's an el file anywhere in a package, you have to go through the whole emacs packaging mess. 17:28:27 <tibbs|h> There was an argument over this last time. 17:28:29 <geppetto> tibbs|h: Some of them are pretty big: repoquery --qf '%{ui_nevra} %{size}' \*-el 17:29:28 <spot> tibbs|h: i don't think he did 17:29:46 <spot> if he did, it snuck past two readings of it for me 17:31:28 <tibbs|h> So according to that repoquery, some packages get bloated quite a bit. (11MB in one case). 17:31:34 <limburgher> And a cursory Ctrl-Fing. 17:31:38 <tibbs|h> Is that something we care about? 17:33:08 <tibbs|h> repoquery --qf '%{ui_nevra} %{size}' \*-el|sort -n -k 2 17:33:54 * spot points to geppetto's comment 17:34:01 <tibbs|h> Although that list includes some unrelated pacakges for whatever language 'el' is. 17:34:35 <spot> el is greek 17:34:40 <tibbs|h> I can sacrifice 14MB to have emacs, I guess. 17:34:55 <geppetto> ^another 17:35:00 <limburgher> tibbs|h: A pittance, really, for such a fine OS. 17:35:38 <spot> limburgher: i hear it boots the hurd 17:35:43 <tibbs|h> Anyway, I guess if nobody here cares then I'm not really going to do so. 17:35:48 <tibbs|h> So +1. 17:35:51 <spot> #action Draft update to emacs guidelines approved (+1:5, 0:0, -1:0) 17:36:25 <spot> and with that, the agenda is done for this week 17:36:25 <tibbs|h> And for the record, I use both emacs and vi. Right next to each other. 17:36:28 <spot> #topic Open Floor 17:36:58 <limburgher> spot: :) 17:38:05 <tibbs|h> Nothing from me. 17:38:13 <abadger1999> spot: any update from lennart on that systemd ticket? 17:38:21 <spot> abadger1999: none whatsoever. 17:38:32 <abadger1999> Okay. 17:38:32 <tibbs|h> Are we done with the usrmove thing? 17:38:45 <spot> tibbs|h: it is still blocked on panu accepting that patch 17:38:52 <spot> is that bug closed->rawhide? 17:39:15 <tibbs|h> I thought panu said it was OK with him. 17:39:39 <tibbs|h> Of course, it still needs to actually get in a package at some point, but do we need to wait for that? 17:39:48 <spot> tibbs|h: i guess we don't have to. 17:40:12 <spot> i think i will be spending this afternoon doing writeups (there is quite a backlog) 17:40:16 <spot> so i'll just do it then 17:48:28 <abadger1999> welp, nothing more from me. 17:48:36 <limburgher> nor me. 17:48:56 <spot> okay. closing it out then 17:48:59 <spot> thanks everyone 17:49:00 <spot> #endmeeting