21:00:32 <rbergeron> #startmeeting F17 Beta go no go meeting
21:00:32 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Apr 11 21:00:32 2012 UTC.  The chair is rbergeron. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
21:00:32 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
21:00:47 <rbergeron> #meetingname F17 Beta go no go meeting
21:00:47 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f17_beta_go_no_go_meeting'
21:01:34 <rbergeron> #chair adamw tflink dgilmore spot robatino
21:01:34 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw dgilmore rbergeron robatino spot tflink
21:01:48 <rbergeron> well
21:01:56 <rbergeron> no adamw yet or tflink
21:02:04 * brunowolff is lurking
21:02:11 <rbergeron> #chair brunowolff
21:02:11 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw brunowolff dgilmore rbergeron robatino spot tflink
21:03:16 <KookyMan> rbergeron - adamw is in #fedora-meeting, I mentioned that it's convening here.
21:03:34 <rbergeron> kookyman: thx
21:03:59 <rbergeron> #chair tflink
21:03:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw brunowolff dgilmore rbergeron robatino spot tflink
21:04:40 <rbergeron> tflink - is adamw coming along or is he absent
21:05:02 <tflink> rbergeron: he was asking about the meeting in #fedora-meeting
21:05:18 <adamw> Yo.
21:05:21 <rbergeron> adamw: yo
21:05:26 <rbergeron> #chair adamw
21:05:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw brunowolff dgilmore rbergeron robatino spot tflink
21:05:47 * rbergeron thought she put -1 in mail, sorry
21:06:00 <rbergeron> #topic welcome, again
21:06:19 <rbergeron> okay, we are here to do go/no-go for f17 beta
21:06:40 * adamw on phone on way to golf course, please allow extra typing time
21:06:45 <rbergeron> #info need clean bill of health on release blockers, testing done, etc.
21:07:10 * rbergeron is also typing on phone while child gets teeth surgery stuff done
21:07:29 <rbergeron> do we want to start by looking at blockers?
21:08:00 <rbergeron> tflink: are you in a position to cut/paste/bugzillafy things
21:08:21 <tflink> for a little bit, yes but I have to leave shortly
21:08:37 * spot is here for a while at least
21:08:44 <adamw> Let's ddo it quick then
21:09:00 <tflink> #topic https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=804216
21:09:01 <dgilmore> hello
21:09:08 <rbergeron> hey dgilmore
21:09:09 <tflink> ok, this is the langpack bug
21:09:26 <tflink> as I understand it, anything installed from the DVD will not have langpacks
21:09:39 * dgilmore thinks that its not nice but i dont think we should slip over it
21:09:40 <tflink> the major pieces that fall into this category would be libreoffice and KDE
21:09:52 <adamw> Unless you add a remote source too, yeah.
21:10:16 <adamw> I tested and confirmed impact is as I said in my comment...kde, libreoffice translations missing.
21:10:34 <tflink> so far, we're at -4 beta blocker
21:10:43 <adamw> Anyone changing vote?
21:11:05 * adamw still -1, can be documented and worked around for beta
21:11:09 <tflink> no, mine was conditional on whether or not the langpacks could be found post-install
21:11:13 <brunowolff> Yeah, I think we can tell people how to install the language packs in common bugs.
21:11:21 * rbergeron nods
21:11:30 <rbergeron> worked around plz
21:11:44 <tflink> it sounds like there are no advocates for +1 blocker
21:11:51 <adamw> Tfli: manually yes, automatically no
21:12:05 <tflink> but that seems a bit odd because I think all the voters are native english speakers :)
21:12:08 <jsmith> -1 beta blocker
21:12:39 <Viking-Ice> -1 beta blocker +1 final
21:12:40 <dgilmore> the workaround would be to enable network repos
21:12:47 <brunowolff> I definititely think it sucks.
21:13:06 <jsmith> Not ideal, certainly.
21:13:11 <tflink> proposed #agreed - 804216 - RejectedBlocker - This is a little nasty but it can be worked around by installing the langpacks manually post-install or enabling a network repo
21:13:16 <jsmith> Is it worth slipping the beta for on it's own, probably not
21:13:16 <adamw> Ack
21:13:29 <tflink> proposed #agreed - 804216 - RejectedBlocker (beta) - This is a little nasty but it can be worked around by installing the langpacks manually post-install or enabling a network repo
21:13:30 <brunowolff> If anaconda has locale data it needs, then I think we are borderline OK.
21:13:33 <tflink> just to be more clear
21:13:49 <jsmith> (now if there are other things that cause the beta to slip, I'd certainly take it as a NTH for a re-spin)
21:13:52 <adamw> Bruno: anaconda is okay yes.
21:14:04 <brunowolff> ack
21:14:09 <Viking-Ice> ack
21:14:21 <tflink> #agreed - 804216 - RejectedBlocker (beta) - This is a little nasty but it can be worked around by installing the langpacks manually post-install or enabling a network repo
21:14:51 <tflink> #topic https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=811412
21:15:00 <tflink> this is the wonderful livecd issue we found last night
21:15:28 <tflink> where using the latest livecd-creator made livecds that couldn't complete an install
21:15:34 <adamw> Basically, it means we have to go with rc4.1. I confirmed it's fixed.
21:15:51 * rbergeron nods
21:15:54 <adamw> So I think not much to say.
21:15:59 <tflink> the livecds were respun with an older livecd-tools and labeled RC4.1
21:16:38 <adamw> Next bug!
21:16:39 <tflink> so we can accept the respun livecds and drop this bug as a blocker or slip
21:16:42 <rbergeron> so mostly (assuming things go well in this meeting) we ship rc4 and rc4.1 for lives
21:16:49 <adamw> Yes.
21:16:53 <tflink> yep
21:17:01 * rbergeron just noting for later readers of this
21:17:04 <tflink> are there any objections to the plan of RC4 + RC4.1
21:17:28 <spot> not from me
21:17:30 <adamw> Assuming no other issues, no.
21:17:38 <brunowolff> No objection
21:17:42 <rbergeron> not here
21:17:42 <Viking-Ice> +1 to NTH to that one from me
21:18:49 * dgilmore is ok with shipping RC4.1
21:19:16 <tflink> proposed #agreed - 811412 - RejectedBlocker - Respun lives from RC4.1 will be accepted for beta. Since RC4.1 is not affected by this bug, dropping as a blocker for F17 beta
21:19:29 <Viking-Ice> ack
21:19:40 <rbergeron> ack
21:19:53 <adamw> Ack
21:19:56 <brunowolff> ack
21:19:57 <spot> ack
21:20:01 <tflink> #agreed - 811412 - RejectedBlocker - Respun lives from RC4.1 will be accepted for beta. Since RC4.1 is not affected by this bug, dropping as a blocker for F17 beta
21:20:13 <tflink> #topic https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=811438
21:20:28 <tflink> so, kde lives were oversized due to the new livecd-creator
21:20:37 <tflink> this is not an issue with RC4.1 and this bug can be closed
21:20:38 <adamw> Ditto with above
21:21:00 <Viking-Ice> ack to that
21:21:04 <adamw> Well, we might want to keep it, as it seems 17.7 innately makes bigger lives
21:21:17 <tflink> drop as blocker, then?
21:21:19 <adamw> Which we might want to consider a 'bug' I guess
21:21:22 <adamw> Yeah
21:21:57 <rbergeron> yep, drop as blocker
21:22:00 <brunowolff> I remember seeing a couple of late changes to the KDE ks file to try to reduce size.
21:22:38 <tflink> proposed #agreed - 811438 - RejectedBlocker - The oversized KDE spins were a direct consequence of moving to livecd-creator 17.7. Since the lives from RC4.1 are using livecd-creator 17.3, this bug does not apply to beta and thus is not a beta blocker
21:22:51 <adamw> Ack
21:22:53 <rbergeron> ack
21:22:54 <Viking-Ice> ack
21:22:59 <brunowolff> Ack
21:23:13 <tflink> #agreed - 811438 - RejectedBlocker - The oversized KDE spins were a direct consequence of moving to livecd-creator 17.7. Since the lives from RC4.1 are using livecd-creator 17.3, this bug does not apply to beta and thus is not a beta blocker
21:23:33 <tflink> I forget, do we need to go over bugs that have been resolved but still ON_QA?
21:23:55 <tflink> eh, it'll take 30 seconds
21:24:00 <tflink> #topic https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=810451
21:24:20 <tflink> This was another late blocker where the machine would power off after a gdm issue on logout from a livecd
21:24:38 <adamw> Fixed in rc4, set to verified, move on.
21:25:12 <tflink> #info this bug has been reported to be fixed, one contrary report seems to be talking about a different bug
21:25:20 <tflink> ok, that's all of them on my list
21:25:24 <tflink> did I miss any?
21:26:17 <adamw> Can't think of any
21:26:21 <adamw> preupgrade?
21:26:47 <tflink> I think that was closed when anaconda-17.20 was pushed to stable
21:27:38 <rbergeron> i see no others.
21:27:43 <Viking-Ice> had everybody finish voting on that systemd/libvirt bug?
21:28:05 <tflink> AFAIK, yes
21:28:09 <adamw> Yeah, I set that to rejected
21:28:33 <rbergeron> 805942 was that one
21:28:40 <Viking-Ice> ok ah interesting counting you got there thou =)
21:28:46 <rbergeron> (wow bad sentence)
21:29:05 <Viking-Ice> there is no such thing as bad sentence when I'm around =)
21:29:07 <adamw> Vik: I'm counting dan b. As representing the virt team. :)
21:29:23 <tflink> if there are no other blockers to consider, shall we move on to test results?
21:29:28 <adamw> Sure
21:29:31 <Viking-Ice> well kinda left me Robyn,Eric and Jared from that count =)
21:29:54 <adamw> Vik: I just counted enough to reject it really
21:29:59 <adamw> Stopped after that heh
21:30:33 <tflink> looking at the the isntallation test matrix for RC4 + RC4.1:
21:30:36 <rbergeron> okay, are we ready to look at test matrices
21:30:46 <tflink> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Current_Installation_Test
21:30:49 <rbergeron> #topic test matrices
21:31:11 <tflink> the only potential problem that I see is the lack of preupgrade results
21:31:20 <adamw> So we're missing liveusb-creator; I think that has a pass from rc3 we can pull in
21:31:23 <tflink> I'm 99% confidant that they'll pass
21:31:30 <tflink> preupgrade, I mean
21:31:32 <adamw> Install to scsi, we have no hardware for
21:31:48 <rbergeron> shocking :)
21:31:51 <tflink> we've done tests with unofficial repos but are waiting for the official repos to be updated before giving the official pass
21:32:01 <adamw> Upgrade text mode skip bootloader, ditto we can take an rc3 pass for that
21:32:29 <adamw> I was gonna say we could mark preupgrade as a pass with your side repo test, tflink
21:32:58 <tflink> I'm OK with that, too
21:33:05 <adamw> I don't see the 1% failure chance there...
21:33:12 * rbergeron thinks that should suffice
21:33:14 <adamw> But hey.
21:33:27 <adamw> Throw the pass inthere and let's go.
21:33:49 <tflink> adamw: in my book - 'should' is a bad word that invokes the wrath of mr. murphy
21:33:55 <rbergeron> lol
21:34:14 <adamw> In my book the only words are heavy and drinking.
21:34:28 <rbergeron> i used the word, sorry :)
21:34:49 <adamw> So with those fudges we can say matrix is complete. Yay fudges.
21:34:59 <tflink> either way, we don't have any objections over the matrix for beta
21:35:09 <tflink> for the desktop tests:
21:35:24 <tflink> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_17_Beta_RC4_Desktop
21:35:31 <adamw> Oh, I've gone through all the 'fails' and there's none that hit the criteria.
21:35:44 <tflink> the only missing one is the login test for KDE
21:35:51 <adamw> There's some interesting bugs but they're all extra credit stuff.
21:36:21 <adamw> We prolly have an rc3 pass for that, can you check?
21:36:49 <tflink> last pass was RC1
21:37:23 <adamw> Kde hasn't changed. Still fine. :P
21:37:41 <tflink> yeah, we can pull that forward
21:37:49 <adamw> I actually hit the main points on that test already, just not the keymap stuff.
21:38:12 <adamw> So with the rc1 test too I think that's okay.
21:38:17 <tflink> agreed
21:38:34 * nirik arrives late.
21:39:30 <tflink> the last one is the base matrix
21:39:35 <tflink> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_17_Beta_RC4_Base
21:39:41 <tflink> all green, nothing more to say
21:40:03 <tflink> that's all of the test matrices that we have for RC4+RC4.1
21:40:42 <tflink> with all of the currently open blockers dealt with and all of the matrices in good shape for beta - there aren't any remaining issues from QA
21:40:51 <rbergeron> hey nirik.
21:41:01 <adamw> Ok, so...go?
21:41:07 <rbergeron> #topic go or no go?
21:41:10 * nirik cheers
21:41:12 * spot says go
21:41:18 * nirik is good to go.
21:41:19 <tflink> QA is go
21:41:23 * Viking-Ice says go go go
21:41:36 <rbergeron> #info blockers clear, matrices green
21:41:41 * rbergeron votes go
21:41:42 * jskladan lurking
21:41:49 * dgilmore votes go
21:42:02 * nb votes go
21:42:06 * rbergeron looks for detractors
21:42:38 * brunowolff votes go
21:42:41 * adamw goes to tee off
21:42:42 <rbergeron> okay, i see none
21:42:42 <adamw> Bye
21:43:35 <rbergeron> propose agreed, ship rc4 and 4.1, we are a go for beta on 17th
21:43:45 <tflink> ack
21:43:48 <nb> ack
21:43:55 <nirik> acky ack
21:44:05 <rbergeron> #agreed ship rc4 and 4.1, we are a go for beta on 17th
21:44:08 <bodhi_zazen> \o/
21:44:21 * nb cheers
21:44:29 <rbergeron> #action rbergeron to ship minutes / shipment notice after her child is done at dentist
21:44:36 <rbergeron> praise the beefy miracle
21:44:40 <rbergeron> anything else?
21:44:50 <gnafu> Hurray!
21:44:53 * rbergeron knows commonbugs will get done between now and then
21:45:05 <tflink> that's the plan
21:45:20 <rbergeron> cool, anything else?
21:45:32 <rbergeron> dgilmore, everything good for you?
21:45:41 <tflink> adamw or I will go through and update the blockers with resolutions later tonight
21:45:57 <dgilmore> rbergeron: si amiga
21:46:08 <rbergeron> #action adamw or tflink to update blockers with resolutions tonight
21:46:13 <rbergeron> okay, folks.
21:46:41 <rbergeron> if that's everything, then we are good to go, and i'll end this in a minute.
21:46:52 <rbergeron> #info HOORAY BETA
21:47:30 * spot flees
21:47:46 <rbergeron> bye spot :) thanks for coming
21:47:55 <rbergeron> and thanks to everyone else for coming also
21:48:10 <tflink> rbergeron: thanks for organizing
21:48:39 <rbergeron> i try. heh
21:48:46 <rbergeron> #endmeeting