16:00:20 <spot> #startmeeting Fedora Packaging Committee 16:00:20 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Apr 25 16:00:20 2012 UTC. The chair is spot. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:20 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:24 <spot> #meetingname fpc 16:00:24 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fpc' 16:00:31 <spot> #topic Roll Call 16:00:56 <tibbs|h> Howdy. 16:01:15 * abadger1999 here 16:01:25 <spot> limburgher, rdieter_work, SmootherFrOgZ: ping 16:02:10 * limburgher here, distracted. :( 16:02:28 <Rombobeorn> Hi! Could somebody add Packaging:Ada to the Packaging guidelines category? 16:03:03 <rdieter_work> here 16:03:15 <abadger1999> Rombobeorn: I'll do the present Guidelines right now 16:03:15 <spot> Rombobeorn: oh, you mean the big list at the bottom? 16:03:32 <abadger1999> [[Category: Packaging guidelines]] 16:03:41 <spot> oh. 16:03:54 * SmootherFrOgZ here 16:04:25 <spot> geppetto: here? 16:04:28 <geppetto> yeh 16:04:40 <geppetto> current meeting is overrunning … but here 16:04:43 <spot> okay, so we have quorum easily 16:05:05 <spot> #topic Bundled library exception - allow calibre to bundle pyPdf? - https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/167 16:05:28 * nirik waves. I'm here to answer any questions I can 16:06:35 <limburgher> It looks like more or less a fork of the upstream, and more maintained than upstream. Am I reading that right? 16:06:40 <spot> this seems to be roughly identical to the qcodeedit case. 16:06:42 <Rombobeorn> I see the category now. Thank you, abadger1999! 16:06:50 <nirik> limburgher: yeah, pretty much. 16:06:54 <geppetto> limburgher: yeh, that's how it read to me too 16:06:59 <nirik> heavily mutated for their own needs. 16:07:06 <tibbs|h> This seems reasonable. 16:07:13 <abadger1999> nirik: Is "upstream is trying to move away from this library to their own custom one" part and parcel to "There is a plan upstream to someday re-write the library for completely their own internal use from the ground up, but it's not been a priority. " ? 16:07:17 <limburgher> In that light, I'm in reluctant favor. 16:07:47 <nirik> abadger1999: yeah, I have read of plans to replace this, but it's not happened and they don't seem to be in a hurry to. 16:07:58 <tibbs|h> I think it's a given that nobody will ever be more than reluctant when it comes to bundling. 16:07:58 <abadger1999> :-( 16:08:30 <abadger1999> The comments about upstream in relation to distros dont fill me with confidence. 16:08:44 <geppetto> tibbs|h: But from our POV it doesn't really matter if they do … it's just one set of custom "bundled" code being replaced with another 16:08:50 <nirik> upstream advises anyone who has any problem with any distro version to not use that and use their installer. ;) 16:08:56 <nirik> which bundles a lot more things. ;) 16:09:06 <geppetto> That's always nice. 16:09:43 * abadger1999 imagines "Hey, a security issue was just filed against pyPDF in Fedora, do you have a patch for your bundled version" "<grumble grumble> you distros, always wanting us to jump to your schedules. 16:10:20 <limburgher> I imagine we'll probably be shipping security patches to them in some cases. 16:10:31 <nirik> I suspect I would have to figure out how to apply any security update for pyPdf to the fedora package. Upstream has... interesting ideas of security. 16:10:47 <nirik> they shipped for a long time a suid root mount helper... 16:10:56 <nirik> (which fedora never shipped) 16:10:59 <abadger1999> pypdf upstream not making many changes is both a blessing and a curse... means we don't have a track record for how respnsive upstream is but also means they dont have to do much work to stay abreast of the upstream pypdf's latest changes. 16:11:17 <abadger1999> :-( 16:11:32 <geppetto> Are they actually tracking it at all? 16:11:38 <abadger1999> so a distro-unfriendly upstream that also doesn't understand security... 16:11:51 <geppetto> My impression was that they'd basically forked it and never looked at upstream pypdf anymore. 16:11:51 <nirik> pyPdf also seems to have no easy contact means I could see.. .there's a project page and a git repo, but no mailing list, maintainers addresses or bug tracker 16:12:08 <nirik> geppetto: thats my understanding as well. 16:12:20 <abadger1999> but otoh, they are diverging to the point where it's becoming a fork... 16:13:02 * geppetto nods … I mean in some ways it'd be nice to signal "upstream is annoying to deal with for distro." … but that's not about bundling, or anything to do with FPC atm. 16:13:02 * spot is a reluctant +1 on this exception 16:13:08 <geppetto> So … +1 16:13:19 <limburgher> +1 16:13:29 <rdieter_work> +1 16:13:30 <tibbs|h> +1 16:13:48 <limburgher> geppetto: Provides: upstreamissues 16:13:57 <spot> that's +5, but if anyone else wants to vote, feel free 16:14:00 <SmootherFrOgZ> +1 16:14:02 <abadger1999> -1 16:14:05 <racor> -1 16:14:28 <spot> #action Bundling exception approved (+1:6, 0:0, -1:2) 16:14:33 * abadger1999 feels this violates most/all of the rationale against bundled libraries on http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:No_Bundled_Libraries 16:15:15 <abadger1999> nirik: If we could get a commitment from upstream to work on/timeframe for making their own internal library to do that I'd be happier... but Im not holding my breath :-) 16:15:29 <nirik> I could try and ask them/him. 16:15:32 <tibbs|h> But it seems like it is their own internal library at this point. 16:15:41 <geppetto> yeh 16:15:43 <abadger1999> <nod> yeah 16:15:51 * abadger1999 is happy that he wasn't the deciding vote this week. 16:16:10 <tibbs|h> I mean, if they had just done a renaming we wouldn't be talking about this at all. 16:16:34 <spot> Believe it or not, that is the only item on the agenda this week 16:16:38 <spot> #topic Open Floor 16:16:51 <abadger1999> well.... if you notice that most of the code is from somewhere else we probably would still have the discussion. 16:17:08 <abadger1999> but renaming does make it so that we don't notice as easily. 16:17:50 <spot> i will leave the floor open for topics until, say, 16:20. 16:18:15 <abadger1999> I noticed that we don't have a Packaging:Guideline entry to go with our ReviewGuideline "Packages should be tested to see that they function as described" 16:18:32 <nirik> I feel bad about asking for the exception, but I'm not sure what other options are really open for me. ;( 16:18:38 <abadger1999> <nod> 16:18:39 <tibbs|h> That's not really a packaging guideline issue. 16:19:03 <limburgher> I'm with tibbs. 16:19:04 <tibbs|h> It's more along the line of whatever other distro guidelines there are around actually testing packages before you push them. 16:19:13 <abadger1999> We do have it in the Should items: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:ReviewGuidelines 16:19:35 <abadger1999> SHOULD: The reviewer should test that the package functions as described. A package should not segfault instead of running, for example. 16:19:52 <spot> except for "libsegfault" 16:20:03 <abadger1999> heh 16:20:14 <tibbs|h> Sure, it's part of the review process but not really part of the packaging guidelines. 16:20:22 <tibbs|h> Obviously there's no clean distinction here. 16:20:29 <abadger1999> yeah. 16:20:58 <abadger1999> So this came up because someone started writing up something on using Xnest to test functionality.... specifically mock and Xnest. 16:20:58 <SmootherFrOgZ> well, testings package should be something normal in the process. that must be a usual step from a reviewer. 16:21:09 <tibbs|h> By the way, since it is sort of related to the review process, I have a proposal before FESCo at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Tibbs/RevitalizingSponsorshipProposal 16:21:33 <abadger1999> which doesn't fit in with things like the unittest section but is generally useful to point packagers and reviewers to. 16:21:44 <tibbs|h> I'm going to send that to devel@ for discussion later today. 16:21:58 <spot> tibbs|h: seems sane on a first read 16:23:22 <abadger1999> Looks good to me 16:23:41 <tibbs|h> back on the testing thread, it would seem to be a sad day if we have to add a guideline that says "Your package should actually work". 16:23:46 <abadger1999> Does it require more numbers than the current guidelines? 16:24:01 <SmootherFrOgZ> tibbs|h: +1 16:24:15 <tibbs|h> abadger1999: Sorry, two things going on. What do you mean by "more numbers"? 16:24:26 <abadger1999> tibbs|h: that was about the sponsors changes 16:25:00 <tibbs|h> RIght now we have no sponsorship guidelines at all, much less ones involving numbers. 16:25:21 <abadger1999> I guess that I was thinking of the current provenpackager policy: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Provenpackager_policy 16:25:32 <abadger1999> "You must get at least 3 positive votes with no negative votes. " 16:26:15 <tibbs|h> Part of my proposal is to make provenpackager entirely unrelated to sponsor. 16:26:19 <abadger1999> <nod> 16:26:48 <abadger1999> Just saw "A packager may be made a sponsor with the consent of five existing sponsors" and wondered if it changed things significantly. 16:26:56 <tibbs|h> But if you want my opinion, FESCo has been ignoring that document anyway. 16:27:17 <tibbs|h> And that "five" was probably the number I pulled deepest out of my rear. 16:27:38 <abadger1999> :-) 16:27:48 <tibbs|h> The whole document is certainly open to tuning, and I'll probably reduce that five before I post it. Three does seem much more reasonable. 16:28:15 <abadger1999> Cool. I just wanted to mention it since I remembered it. 16:29:11 <tibbs|h> I still need to actually provide some sort of sponsor activity report. 16:29:30 <tibbs|h> Once that's done I'll make another tuning pass and then prepare for flames. 16:29:39 <limburgher> heh. :) 16:29:42 <abadger1999> :-) 16:29:49 <tibbs|h> But so far feedback has been quite positive. 16:29:53 <abadger1999> Regarding testing... would we have a place to link to or incorporate some of this page: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging/Testing 16:30:23 <tibbs|h> Just the one technical thing to sort out so the proposal is actually complete. 16:30:38 <tibbs|h> Which, not coincidentally, is going to require more input from abadger1999. 16:31:07 <abadger1999> tibbs|h: oh, what was the technical input you need? 16:31:27 <abadger1999> oh the sponsor-has-acls thing? 16:31:29 <tibbs|h> Got to figure out how best to give sponsors access to the sponsorees' packages. 16:31:31 <tibbs|h> Yeah. 16:31:48 <abadger1999> doable but hard. 16:31:53 <tibbs|h> And, interesting, how was a regular user able to create a page under Packaging on the wiki? 16:32:00 <abadger1999> Doing it statically is easier than doing it dynamically. 16:32:16 <tibbs|h> Right, finding the "best" way is what's at issue. 16:32:34 <abadger1999> (ie: packager becomes owner of package -- at that time, the packagedb finds out who your sponsor is and adds them as a comaintainer) 16:33:25 <abadger1999> (vs dynamic: when the acls are generated, the packagedb queries fas to find out sponsors and then adds them to the acls for the packages you own.) 16:33:36 <spot> feel free to keep chatting, but i am going to close out the meeting. 16:33:40 <spot> thanks everyone 16:33:42 <tibbs|h> spot: Feel free. 16:33:43 <spot> #endmeeting