20:06:52 <cwickert> #startmeeting EMEA Ambassadors 2012-05-09 20:06:52 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 9 20:06:52 2012 UTC. The chair is cwickert. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:06:52 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:07:36 <cwickert> #meetingname emea ambassadors 20:07:36 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 20:07:44 <cwickert> #topic roll call 20:07:49 <gnokii> .fas gnokii 20:07:50 <zodbot> gnokii: gnokii 'Sirko Kemter' <buergermeister@karl-tux-stadt.de> 20:07:53 <cwickert> .fas cwickert 20:07:58 <zodbot> cwickert: cwickert 'Christoph Wickert' <christoph.wickert@googlemail.com> 20:08:02 <Sesivany> .fas eischmann 20:08:03 <zodbot> Sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 20:08:06 <giallu> .fas giallu 20:08:08 <zodbot> giallu: giallu 'Gianluca Sforna' <giallu@gmail.com> 20:08:23 <thunderbirdtr> .fas thunderbirdtr 20:08:23 <zodbot> thunderbirdtr: thunderbirdtr 'Onuralp SEZER' <thunderbirdtr@gmail.com> 20:09:34 <cwickert> that's all? 20:09:56 <gnokii> always the same 20:09:59 <thunderbirdtr> seems so... 20:10:05 <cwickert> no, it's getting worse 20:11:01 <cwickert> I wonder what has happened 20:11:07 <cwickert> we have lost so many people 20:11:18 <giallu> cwickert, how many used to oin meetings? 20:11:27 <cwickert> 10-15 20:11:33 <cwickert> at least, sometimes more 20:11:43 <t2hot> .fas t2hot 20:11:44 <zodbot> t2hot: twohot 'Onyeibo Oku' <twohotis@gmail.com> 20:12:51 * cwickert has pinged some more people 20:13:11 <dmaphy> good evening 20:13:27 <cwickert> #toipc Announcements 20:13:39 <ib54003> hi 20:13:45 <cwickert> #info FUDCon APAC ahead 20:13:54 <thunderbirdtr> cwickert, topic not toipc ? 20:14:01 <cwickert> thanks 20:14:05 <cwickert> #topic Announcements 20:14:49 <cwickert> #info Last call for LinuxTag. If you want to attend LinuxTag Berlin and need a hotel, get in touch with cwickert ASAP 20:14:58 <cwickert> any other announcements? 20:15:13 <gnokii> cwickert Froscon 20:15:30 <cwickert> gnokii: this is not an annoucement 20:15:44 <cwickert> this will be covered under "events" 20:16:01 <cwickert> #topic Ambassadors Schedule 20:16:34 <cwickert> as you can see we are in the F17 launch phase now 20:16:46 <cwickert> not really, but close 20:17:04 <cwickert> Sesivany: what does QA say? is 22nd realistic? 20:17:26 <Sesivany> cwickert: Adam says 50:50. 20:17:47 * giallu seen a couple of scary bugs 20:17:57 <Sesivany> told me to count with delay. 20:18:21 <cwickert> #info Fedora 17 might be delayed by another week. we need to be prepared 20:18:30 <cwickert> gnokii: what about artwork? 20:18:37 <cwickert> is the media artwork ready? 20:19:18 <gnokii> Alexander put the src on his space last week, so I can work on it this week, will finish something until friday 20:19:35 <gnokii> the media artwork is on his way wait I show u 20:19:47 <cwickert> what is left to do? 20:19:54 <t2hot> not much 20:20:13 <thunderbirdtr_> updating wiki ? for adding new designs ? 20:20:15 <gnokii> http://inkscaper.fedorapeople.org/Fedora17/media-artwork/Fedora-17-installationmedia-32-2.png 20:20:38 <cwickert> gnokii: ? 20:20:47 <t2hot> cwickert: see Url 20:21:08 <cwickert> that does not really tell me what is left to do 20:21:22 <cwickert> is there anything wrong with this design? 20:21:32 <t2hot> its now a case of finetuning and multiplication 20:21:47 <t2hot> that's 32bits only 20:21:50 <cwickert> gnokii: I was asking you 20:21:57 * jreznik is here too, just a little bit silent (my dog wants to play) - just a note :) 20:22:16 <cwickert> jreznik, Sesivany: please respond to my email about hotel ASAP 20:22:27 <gnokii> cwickert: as I said, is on his way, its fine tuned and Alexander makes the rest now 20:23:03 <cwickert> gnokii: as we have agreed on doing the install dvd biarch, can you make sure we have the correct artwork? 20:23:19 <cwickert> it needs to read "32+64 bit" just like the live media 20:23:28 <gnokii> cwickert: yes, that I will tell him 20:23:32 <cwickert> shouldn't be a big deal 20:23:37 <cwickert> I could to this myself 20:23:50 <cwickert> Sesivany: do we have exact specifications from the vendor? 20:24:08 <cwickert> like, how much border around the image etc 20:24:22 <Sesivany> cwickert: yes, i will give them to Alexander. 20:24:44 <cwickert> #action Sesivany to give Alexander the specs of the media vendor 20:25:38 <cwickert> #action gnokii to work on the media artwork with Alexander. make sure we have the artwork for install media in 32+64 bit (on one DVD) 20:25:46 <cwickert> ok, anything else left to do? 20:25:55 <cwickert> gnokii: what about the release event posters? 20:25:55 <giallu> if we release on 22nd, when can realistically get the actual media? 20:26:28 <cwickert> giallu: Sesivany can start shipping 10 days later 20:26:30 <Sesivany> giallu: the production will take one week... 20:26:40 <giallu> noted. thanks 20:26:41 <gnokii> as I said, Alex put the sources out last week, until friday I will produce something 20:27:18 <cwickert> giallu: we are trying our best, hopefully the vendor can already prepare the sleeves 20:27:30 <cwickert> and we might be able to give him the media a little earlier 20:27:49 <cwickert> but still one week after the release is the minimum I think 20:28:16 <giallu> well. Images should be composed and seeded one week before release 20:28:22 <cwickert> #action cwickert to figure out how/when we can get the final images 20:28:34 <giallu> not a big dealt though 20:28:38 <cwickert> giallu: 5 days, if everything goes well 20:28:39 <Sesivany> cwickert: i cant get it to ambassadors sooner than 10 day after release. 20:28:48 <cwickert> Sesivany: ack 20:28:53 <giallu> Sesivany, ack 20:29:03 <cwickert> ok, I think that's all for schedule 20:29:14 <cwickert> #topic Events 20:29:25 <cwickert> we have LinuxTag coming up 20:29:36 <cwickert> jreznik: glad you are coming :) 20:29:55 <cwickert> dmaphy: what about you? 20:30:03 <cwickert> will you be there for Tine 2.0? 20:30:16 <cwickert> I have prepared most stuff for LinuxTag 20:30:25 <cwickert> however one thing causes me headache 20:30:33 <dmaphy> i will be there, but unfortunately not for Tine 2.0, they've missed to register a booth 20:30:38 <cwickert> I have no idea how I can get the eventbox to berlin 20:30:49 <cwickert> dmaphy: you will be there for whom? 20:31:00 <gnokii> cwickert: what u need from the box? 20:31:02 <dmaphy> I'm not sure about Xfce though, I've mailed Enrico yesterday 20:31:12 <cwickert> dmaphy: Xfce does not have a booth 20:31:17 <cwickert> we discussed that already 20:31:22 <cwickert> not sure if you were CC 20:31:28 <dmaphy> because I've vacancies for those days 20:31:33 <dmaphy> +confirmed 20:31:41 <cwickert> dmaphy: do you want to work at the Fedora booth? 20:31:45 <cwickert> we need more booth personal 20:31:59 <dmaphy> well, seems I've missed a lot of conversations while diving into work.. :( 20:32:08 <cwickert> seems so :) 20:32:24 <dmaphy> yeah, of course, i'd support Fedora then :) 20:32:38 <cwickert> then please add yourself at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/LinuxTag_2012 20:32:54 <cwickert> dmaphy: when will you arrive and leave? 20:33:43 <cwickert> dmaphy: lets have a conversation about this after the meeting 20:33:50 <cwickert> I want to book the hotel tonight 20:33:56 <dmaphy> i still have to check for the train, but i guess i will get there on wednesday and leave on saturday or sunday 20:34:04 <cwickert> dmaphy: ok 20:34:17 <cwickert> gnokii: back to your question: it's not so much the eventbox but the banners 20:34:30 <cwickert> dmaphy, gnokii: who of you has the tablecloth? 20:34:42 <dmaphy> gnokii should have them 20:34:42 <gnokii> cwickert one rollup I have 20:34:55 <gnokii> the tablecloth also 20:35:01 <dmaphy> since it was quite too short-term to send them over or do anything else with them :) 20:35:01 <cwickert> gnokii: ok, please bring both with you 20:35:06 <Sesivany> cwickert: we can bring banners and tablecloth too 20:35:08 <jreznik> we also have our own tableclooth 20:35:09 <gnokii> that was the plan 20:35:16 <cwickert> Sesivany: Fedora banners?! 20:35:24 <jreznik> rollup 20:35:28 <jreznik> by gnokii 20:35:32 <cwickert> Sesivany, jreznik: awesome, you saved us 20:35:40 <cwickert> lets discuss the details in the wiki 20:36:41 <cwickert> like, how much we need etc 20:36:41 <cwickert> as for the booth 20:36:41 <cwickert> the furniture was confirmed yesterday 20:36:41 <cwickert> we have a shared booth with CentOT 20:36:46 <cwickert> OS* 20:36:47 <cwickert> and we have a sofa suite 20:37:25 <Sesivany> cwickert: is it going tobe smaller than last year? 20:44:38 <gnokii> mmh 20:45:13 <Sesivany> cwickert left us alone 20:45:42 <cwickert1> #chair cwickert1 20:45:55 <cwickert1> uh, I cannot make myself chair 20:46:02 <gnokii> yes 20:46:03 <cwickert1> what as the last thing you heared? 20:46:09 <thunderbirdtr> nothing 20:46:12 <gnokii> <cwickert> and we have a sofa suite 20:46:14 <thunderbirdtr> just Sesivany questions 20:46:19 <cwickert1> wow 20:46:30 <thunderbirdtr> <Sesivany> cwickert: is it going tobe smaller than last year? 20:46:33 * cwickert1 must have been gone for a while 20:46:46 <cwickert1> I think last year we had one booth of 4,5 x 3 am, right? 20:46:56 <cwickert1> this is what we have this year: wiki.linuxtag.org/mediawiki/images/c/cd/LINUX12_72b_270412.pdf 20:47:07 <cwickert1> is is 6.5 m but shared with CentOS 20:47:10 <thunderbirdtr> cwickert1, get your nick now 20:47:26 <cwickert> re 20:47:37 <cwickert> k, anything else about LinuxTag? 20:47:47 <cwickert> Sesivany: more questions? 20:48:13 <Sesivany> cwickert: no 20:48:20 <cwickert> ok 20:48:25 <cwickert> I suggest we do the rest in the wiki or by mail 20:48:36 <cwickert> lets make a list of items we need and who can bring them 20:48:52 <cwickert> anything more on events? 20:49:03 <cwickert> gnokii: your turn about FrOSCon 20:49:43 <gnokii> yes, FrOSCon has called for papers 2 weeks ago, we like to do a Fedora related track again 20:50:00 <cwickert> #info cwickert has registered Fedora as project for FrOSCon but not yet requested a devroom 20:50:22 <cwickert> #info we would like to have a Fedora room again, but we need talks and workshops 20:50:36 * giallu wonders if anyone is planning to go to EuroPython Florence this July 20:50:43 <cwickert> #action cwickert to create a wiki page for FrOSCon 20:51:07 <Sesivany> giallu: we will 20:51:18 <cwickert> anybody who is probably coming to FrOSCon in August? 20:51:28 <cwickert> anybody except gnokii ;) 20:51:28 <gnokii> cwickert: would u write a mail, I think we should not ask only ambassadors for froscon 20:51:36 <cwickert> gnokii: yes 20:51:51 <cwickert> #action cwickert to call for talks and workshops for FrOSCon 20:52:14 <cwickert> giallu: tell us more about EuroPython 20:52:38 <giallu> Sesivany, I'm the the staff for EP, last year it was 700+ people coming there 20:52:51 <giallu> it would be nice to have some blue polos around 20:53:17 <giallu> and I could ask for some sapce (a table or something) if backed by someone 20:53:23 <cwickert> speaking of blue polos... 20:53:32 <cwickert> who needs polos? 20:53:33 <Sesivany> giallu: we as Red Hat are considering to become a sponsor, to have a booth there etc. 20:54:00 <cwickert> giallu: you need a polo? I can make you a good price ;) 20:54:08 <giallu> cwickert, I have 2 :) 20:54:23 <thunderbirdtr> cwickert, seller is lost :)) 20:54:25 <giallu> of the wrong color thoug :) 20:54:26 <cwickert> you can never have enough polos ;) 20:54:33 <gnokii> +1 20:54:44 <cwickert> gnokii: you only have one, I know it 20:54:49 <gnokii> yes 20:54:51 <cwickert> you need to order some more 20:54:55 <giallu> Sesivany, maybe talk about it again when you decided what tot do? 20:54:55 <gnokii> and I need a bigger one 20:54:58 <cwickert> hahaha 20:55:06 <cwickert> you need to loose weight ;) 20:55:15 <gnokii> ooh I lost 20:55:25 * cwickert too 20:55:28 <cwickert> ok 20:55:30 <cwickert> anyway 20:56:03 <cwickert> #info if you need a polo, request one by following the instructions at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Polo_Shirt#EMEA 20:56:12 <cwickert> anything more on events? 20:56:26 <cwickert> who is event owner of EuroPython? 20:56:33 <cwickert> giallu: are you volunteering? 20:56:43 <gnokii> ! 20:57:21 <giallu> cwickert, I'm already working with the organizers 20:57:34 <cwickert> giallu: ok, can you become the coordinator for Fedora? 20:57:36 <giallu> I'll probably have one day free in the week 20:57:46 <giallu> but nothing more 20:57:54 <cwickert> ah, come on 20:57:58 <giallu> cwickert, sure. what's needed 20:58:23 <cwickert> you just need to create a wiki page and figure out the details with Sesivany and jreznik. I am sure they will support you 20:58:30 <giallu> ok. will do 20:58:56 <cwickert> #info giallu is event owner for EuroPython 2012 in Florence 20:59:07 <cwickert> #action giallu to create a wiki page for EuroPython 20:59:10 <cwickert> gnokii: your turn 20:59:31 <gnokii> its just a question for dmaphy it he knows when ORR this year will be 20:59:46 <cwickert> gnokii: november 20:59:49 <dmaphy> OpenRheinRuhr will not take place in 2012 20:59:54 <cwickert> ah, right 21:00:01 <gnokii> dmaphy: thx thats what I liked to hear 21:00:07 <cwickert> no location 21:00:07 <dmaphy> we did not get the Rheinisches Industriemuseum this year 21:00:11 * cwickert dislikes to hear that 21:00:27 <dmaphy> but we have a fix date for OpenRheinRuhr 2013 already 21:00:43 <cwickert> it's never too early to start ;) 21:00:51 <cwickert> ok, anything more on events? 21:01:07 <cwickert> shaiton_: do you have everything for Paris? do you still need swag? 21:01:07 <dmaphy> you can visit us at the Software Freedom Day in September this year in the meanwhile 21:01:46 <cwickert> nb: do we have an estimate for the things we ordered with you NA fokks? 21:01:49 <dmaphy> it will take place on the 15th of september at the technical university in Hamburg-Harburg 21:02:32 <cwickert> #info Software Freedom Day Hamburg will take place September 15th at the Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg 21:02:40 <cwickert> anything more on events? 21:02:46 <dmaphy> seems there is noone yet, willing to support a fedora-booth 21:03:07 * dmaphy himself is busy with Tine 2.0 there for that event 21:03:43 <cwickert> dmaphy: I'll see what I can do now that I have become a fellow 21:04:04 <cwickert> I suggest to skip the release events 21:04:06 <rbergero1> cwickert: an estimate on which things? 21:04:09 <dmaphy> congratulations for the fellow! ;) 21:04:20 <rbergero1> err, do yu mean an estimate on whe nthey'll arrive, or pricing? 21:04:36 <cwickert> rbergero1: we ordered case badges and stickers and I wonder when they will be done 21:04:57 <rbergeron> Stickers are getting to us on May 21. 21:05:06 <cwickert> ok 21:05:07 <rbergeron> I'm not sure on the ETA on case badges; they just got ordered monday or tuesday. 21:05:23 <cwickert> ok, we need to figure out where/how to deliver them 21:05:41 <cwickert> we could ship them to Sesivany in the RH office in Brno I guess 21:05:49 * rbergeron nods 21:05:52 <cwickert> or to me 21:06:03 <cwickert> but kital_ is pretty busy these days 21:06:06 <Sesivany> cwickert: no problem with that 21:06:13 <cwickert> he is not involved in swag shipping that much 21:06:19 <cwickert> ok 21:06:27 <cwickert> speaking of swag shipping 21:06:34 <rbergeron> sesivany: you guys will probably get a large batch anyway from the 20k sticker shipment, i'm guessing a few k of them anyway, but I have no idea. 21:06:36 <cwickert> I have an idea, but lets discuss this later 21:06:50 <rbergeron> (We ordered 50k, 30k for fedora nad 20k for red hat to distribute internally to various offices, for everyone's FYI.) 21:07:05 <Sesivany> cwickert: id like to have some swag to include it to packages with media 21:07:08 <cwickert> rbergeron: IIRC we ordered 2k stickers and 2k case badges 21:07:13 <cwickert> Sesivany: +1 21:07:24 <cwickert> no, +10 ;) 21:07:31 <cwickert> alright, lets move on 21:07:36 <cwickert> #topic Action items from previous meetings 21:07:43 * cwickert looks 21:08:06 <cwickert> gnokii: what about "gnokii to make a release event poster and flyer template, color and b/w" ? 21:08:08 <Sesivany> rbergeron: the internal stuff for Brno will go to me too, so they can send it in one package. 21:08:21 <giallu> may I add something about stickers? 21:08:27 <cwickert> giallu: sure 21:08:29 <gnokii> cwickert: u already asked me that on the begin, this friday 21:08:37 <cwickert> ok, sorry 21:08:51 <cwickert> I think it got lost when I was disconnected 21:08:52 <rbergeron> sesivany: noted. i'll sort that out with lh and stabbymc. 21:09:08 <rbergeron> thanks for the info :) 21:09:15 <giallu> you probably seen somewhere a thread about how our logo looks like facebook one 21:09:23 <giallu> and it actually happened to me 21:09:25 <cwickert> #action rbergeron to ship case badges and stickers to Sesivany at the Brno office 21:09:41 <cwickert> so? 21:09:46 <giallu> so, can we consider to make in the future larger stickers with full logo? 21:09:48 <cwickert> should we sue Facebook? 21:10:06 <cwickert> what stickers are you referring to? 21:10:15 <cwickert> the 6,5 cm round ones? 21:10:22 <giallu> yeah those 21:10:37 <cwickert> I don't think they look like Facebook 21:10:51 <cwickert> giallu: you want the whole wordmark? Fedora + logo? 21:10:55 <giallu> if "fedora" was also part of the sticker at least I'd get the Q "what's that?" 21:11:01 <giallu> cwickert, right 21:11:16 <giallu> just a suggestion 21:11:16 <cwickert> hm, we could consider that 21:11:19 <cwickert> but I like them 21:11:27 <cwickert> and I don't care about facebook 21:11:27 <giallu> me too honestly 21:11:38 <cwickert> they already said this about the old logo 21:11:56 <cwickert> ok, but lets keep this in mind for the next time 21:12:01 <cwickert> back to action items 21:12:09 <cwickert> NOT DONE cwickert to finally send out a mail about LinuxTag 21:12:19 <cwickert> but I did not do it on purpose 21:12:30 <cwickert> because I figured out we need to save money 21:12:39 <cwickert> and therefor I did not want too many people there 21:12:48 <cwickert> we need to invest in hotdogs this time :) 21:13:12 <cwickert> NOT DONE cwickert to disuss the possibility of making new Fedora shirts with kital 21:13:12 * gnokii next linuxtag cwickert will milking a cow :D 21:13:17 <rbergeron> we need to save money? 21:13:24 <thunderbirdtr> :D :D 21:13:35 <rbergeron> dude. i will pay money to see cwickert milking a cow 21:13:45 <cwickert> rbergeron: yes, if we pay 1000 EUR for hotdogs, we need to cut costs somewhere else 21:13:46 <thunderbirdtr> :D :D 21:14:03 <cwickert> rbergeron: anyway, we are fine with LinuxTag 21:14:11 <cwickert> next year it will be bigger again 21:14:12 <rbergeron> oh, i see. I interpreted what you said incorrectly :) 21:14:30 <cwickert> but I am not sure if we really need get back to the old times with 30+ people there 21:14:46 <cwickert> we had times where we spend over 15k EUR for Linuxtat 21:14:50 <cwickert> this was just too much 21:15:05 <gnokii> +1 21:15:07 <cwickert> if we can do the same for 3.5k 21:15:25 <cwickert> OBSOLETE gnokii to send dmaphy tablecloth 21:15:33 <cwickert> OBSOLETE dmaphy to file a ticket for the banner for Graz ASAP and directly assign it to somebody who actually has a banner 21:15:39 <cwickert> dmaphy: please close the ticket 21:15:53 <dmaphy> it already is closed iirc 21:16:03 * cwickert doesn't think so, but anyway 21:16:08 <cwickert> NOT DONE gnokii to send a mail to the list that we need to collect all remaining media or at least have an overview what is left and where 21:16:18 <cwickert> thunderbirdtr: you still have media, right? 21:16:27 <thunderbirdtr> cwickert, yes 21:16:32 <cwickert> how much? 21:16:37 <gnokii> damn, thats what I forgot 21:16:52 <thunderbirdtr> ~100 or little bit low 21:17:15 <cwickert> I wonder if it makes sense to send them to me for LinuxTag 21:17:23 <cwickert> but I guess we are already late 21:17:33 <thunderbirdtr> you know the shipping time 21:17:35 <gnokii> cwickert: I packed everything from vienna for linuxtag 21:17:39 <cwickert> thunderbirdtr: how long did it take to send you media? 10 days? 21:17:46 <cwickert> gnokii: how much is left? 21:17:48 <thunderbirdtr> If we lucky yes 21:17:53 <thunderbirdtr> If not 15 or 20 21:18:00 <gnokii> one package and a few "design suites" 21:18:03 <cwickert> thunderbirdtr: yes, I am fraid so 21:18:08 <cwickert> ok 21:18:13 <cwickert> thunderbirdtr: keep the media 21:18:20 <cwickert> spread them ASAP 21:18:21 <thunderbirdtr> cwickert, ok 21:18:22 <nb> cwickert, case badges should be shipped to me on 5/11 21:18:28 <cwickert> nb: thanks 21:18:32 <thunderbirdtr> cwickert, done 21:18:41 <cwickert> NOT DONE shaiton_ and cwickert to get quotes for tablecloth 21:18:46 <cwickert> #action shaiton_ and cwickert to get quotes for tablecloth 21:18:47 <nb> should cost you about 400 21:18:50 <cwickert> ok, that's all 21:18:56 <cwickert> nb: ok 21:19:07 <cwickert> that's all for action items 21:19:13 <cwickert> #topic Open FLoor 21:19:26 <cwickert> I have two things on my mind 21:19:30 <gnokii> cwickert: I have something 21:19:31 <cwickert> one is improving shipping 21:19:42 <thunderbirdtr> ! 21:19:48 <cwickert> we have a problem that people file tickets and nobody looks at them 21:20:06 <cwickert> I wonder if we should establish a group of "swag-shippers" 21:20:18 <cwickert> which are CC'ed on all mails from the swag tracker 21:20:27 <cwickert> or a mailing list for swag shipping 21:20:39 <cwickert> does this sound like a good idea? 21:20:52 <thunderbirdtr> ! for shipping 21:21:01 <cwickert> thunderbirdtr: noted 21:21:17 <cwickert> good idea of not? 21:21:18 <Sesivany> cwickert: definitely, unless its assigned to me i dont know about it. 21:21:27 <thunderbirdtr> no no I ı have idea for improving shipping 21:21:54 <cwickert> Sesivany: I could CC you in the trac admin, but this is a manual step. a mailing list will scale better 21:22:03 <cwickert> thunderbirdtr: ok, your turn 21:23:01 <thunderbirdtr> Can we deal one of common shipping company then we gonna have to give money in year and they will send our package much fast then post but we have to identify ourself as "Company" 21:23:45 <Sesivany> its very simple, i can ship only with fedex. 21:23:50 <thunderbirdtr> I was talked some of my friends working company they always use that way and send package for free 21:24:06 <cwickert> thunderbirdtr: this is basically the plan 21:24:15 <Sesivany> red has has a contract and better rates from them 21:24:22 <thunderbirdtr> +1 21:24:33 <cwickert> we send stuff to Sesivany and he ships through Red Hat's company account 21:24:45 <thunderbirdtr> this will be fast 21:25:00 <cwickert> it will not help with smaller shipments though 21:25:13 <Sesivany> i think shipping media was fast last time 21:25:23 <cwickert> yeah 21:25:29 <thunderbirdtr> just in idea 21:25:39 <thunderbirdtr> eof 21:25:52 <cwickert> Sesivany: but you won't ship a package of 30 media + some stickers with fedex, just too expensive for small packages 21:26:09 <cwickert> for small shipments we still need to do them locally 21:26:18 <cwickert> and within one country they are usually fast 21:26:28 <Sesivany> thats right 21:26:32 <cwickert> like when I sent something to dmaphy for Graz, it took one day 21:26:51 <cwickert> the idea for smaller shipments is that we get a "prepaid card" 21:27:03 <cwickert> or something like a credit card 21:27:12 * dmaphy can confirm this was *really* fast here in Hamburg 21:27:15 <cwickert> Deutsch Post / DHL does offer this 21:27:21 <cwickert> it is called "Post Card" 21:27:24 <giallu> cwickert, same in italy 21:27:34 <cwickert> you just go to the post office and don't have to pay 21:27:45 <cwickert> and at the end of the month sombody gets an invoice 21:27:56 <cwickert> the preoblem is that it requires a German bank account 21:28:18 <thunderbirdtr> that means countries banks ? 21:28:19 <Sesivany> thats what we have with fedex too. 21:28:29 <cwickert> we should investigate this opportunity in other countries, too 21:28:39 <cwickert> giallu: do you know if this requires a back account in Italy? 21:28:55 <giallu> cwickert, no. I need to check the details 21:29:44 <cwickert> thunderbirdtr: ideally we have one person in every country that has such a prepaid card. Sesivany would send a big package to you with fedex and when needed, you can send smaller packages to other ambassadors in Turkey and don't have to pay for it 21:29:51 <cwickert> lets work on this 21:29:58 <cwickert> giallu: please do 21:30:05 <giallu> checking now 21:30:40 <cwickert> #action everybody try to figure out if there is a kind of "prepaid card" for your local postal service 21:30:54 <cwickert> ok, I think gnokii had something 21:30:57 <cwickert> gnokii: your turn 21:31:43 <thunderbirdtr> cwickert, +1 thanks 21:31:45 <gnokii> cwickert: about the stickers we spoke about last meeting, I filed a ticket spoke with Mo and also with Sesivany to find a company who does it, what I need is to know which projects u like to see on them 21:32:55 <cwickert> gnokii: basically everything that is related to Fedora, say GNOME, KDE, Xfce, LXDE (because we have spins of them) and then the evergreens like GIMP, inkscape, blender, ... 21:33:02 <Sesivany> gnokii: we have a vendor for that. you saw the quality. 21:33:12 <cwickert> I think the last ones mizmo made were pretty good 21:33:26 <cwickert> if they had Xfce and LXDE, they were perfect already 21:33:33 <cwickert> not much to improve 21:33:54 <cwickert> other than they would need to follow the latest logo usage guidelines 21:33:58 <gnokii> ok, then I will do something, looking to bring fedora flavor to them ;) 21:34:05 <cwickert> but I trust the design team 21:34:13 <jreznik> are the all project ok with stickers producing? not like fedora :) 21:34:13 <cwickert> they know way better than me ;) 21:34:37 <cwickert> gnokii: question answered? anything still unclear? 21:34:48 <cwickert> gnokii: you could write to ambassadors list about this 21:34:48 <gnokii> have my answer 21:34:53 <gnokii> ok 21:35:01 <cwickert> but I am afraid this will become "please do foo" thing 21:35:09 <cwickert> and we end up with too many suggestions then 21:35:10 <gnokii> thats the point 21:35:15 <cwickert> then leave it 21:35:37 <cwickert> gnokii: so basically its just the old ones 21:35:41 <cwickert> plus spins 21:35:54 <cwickert> say Xfce, LXDE, Sugar, perhaps OLPC 21:36:05 <cwickert> not sure if we violate anybodys trademarks 21:36:16 * cwickert is not a lawyer and happy about it 21:36:32 <cwickert> ok, anything else for Open floor? 21:36:37 <thunderbirdtr> lawyer = passion ;) 21:36:53 * cwickert will close the meeting in 3 minutes if there are no further questions 21:37:01 <cwickert> ha, one more thing 21:37:44 <cwickert> #info the deadline for asking the FAmSCo candidates questions is due, but you might sneak your question in last minute at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F17_elections_questionnaire 21:37:53 <cwickert> ok, that's all from me 21:38:27 <thunderbirdtr> cwickert, what happend to wiki pages in designs parts ? just little answer for it ? 21:38:37 <cwickert> I don't know 21:38:42 <thunderbirdtr> ok 21:39:14 <cwickert> mizmo_, gnokii: do you know about the status of cleaning up the wiki and removing outdated artwork and pr material? 21:40:01 <gnokii> cwickert: its more a question for mo, but there are things with higher prio right now 21:40:10 <cwickert> ok 21:40:15 <cwickert> understood 21:40:25 <cwickert> alright, lets close this meeting 21:40:34 <cwickert> thanks everybody for coming 21:40:36 <cwickert> #endmeeting