15:59:28 <spot> #startmeeting Fedora Packaging Committee 15:59:28 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug 8 15:59:28 2012 UTC. The chair is spot. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:59:28 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:59:31 <spot> #meetingname fpc 15:59:31 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fpc' 15:59:59 * limburgher hi. 16:00:44 * abadger1999 here 16:01:31 <spot> #topic Roll Call 16:02:01 * geppetto is here 16:04:34 <spot> tibbs|h, rdieter, Smoother1rOgZ: ping? 16:04:53 <rdieter> yo 16:05:54 <geppetto> that's 5, right? 16:06:03 <limburgher> yup 16:07:14 <spot> okay, now that we have quorum... 16:07:18 <spot> #topic Open Floor 16:07:24 <spot> thats right, no pending tickets. 16:07:58 <spot> i would point out that if anyone understands RPM 4.9 native filtering, it would be very useful to get a draft 16:08:31 <limburgher> seconded. 16:08:53 <geppetto> spot: Panu is not here 16:09:12 <spot> geppetto: i get the implication. maybe you could ask him? :) 16:10:08 <geppetto> Sure 16:10:58 <geppetto> he's left for the day, and isn't on IRC 16:11:01 <spot> okay, well, if there are no other open floor items in the next 5 minutes, we'll end this early 16:11:07 <geppetto> saved it in my buffer for tomorrow. 16:11:14 * geppetto nods … early lunch … gogogo! 16:12:43 * abadger1999 will have more time to prepare for the board secure boot discussion... not sure whether that's good news or bad ;-) 16:13:36 <rdieter> wouldn't want to be one of *those* people :) 16:14:09 <limburgher> abadger1999: Have fun. :) 16:14:31 * abadger1999 semi-hysterical laughter ensues 16:16:04 * limburgher whistles nervously 16:18:09 * limburgher enjoyed not getting spammed by f18 branching. 16:18:37 * limburgher sucks at small talk IRL also, in case you were curious. 16:19:04 <spot> okay. we're done, thanks all 16:19:06 <spot> #endmeeting