19:00:14 <jreznik> #startmeeting F18 Alpha Readiness Meeting 19:00:14 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Aug 23 19:00:14 2012 UTC. The chair is jreznik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:14 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:45 <jreznik> #meetingname f18-alpha-readiness-meeting 19:00:45 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f18-alpha-readiness-meeting' 19:00:56 <jreznik> #topic Roll call 19:01:19 <jreznik> hi! who's here today/tonight? 19:01:21 * bcotton = docs 19:02:26 <jreznik> nirik, mizmo, rbergeron, spot, dgilmore, ...: ping 19:02:35 * spot is here 19:02:37 <nirik> morning 19:03:21 <jreznik> #chair bcotton spot nirik 19:03:21 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcotton jreznik nirik spot 19:03:33 <jreznik> let's wait a minute... 19:03:43 * mizmo here 19:04:03 <jreznik> #chair mizmo 19:04:03 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcotton jreznik mizmo nirik spot 19:05:55 <jreznik> I think we can start 19:06:03 <jreznik> #topic Purpose of this meeting 19:06:12 <jreznik> #info "Before each public release all of the groups participating the development of Fedora's next release meet to make sure the release is well coordinated." 19:06:22 <jreznik> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Readiness_Meetings 19:06:57 <jreznik> #info https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Alpha_Release_Criteria 19:07:02 <jreznik> #undo 19:07:02 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x15f53250> 19:07:07 <jreznik> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Alpha_Release_Criteria 19:07:57 <jreznik> this is my first time :) so please poke me in case I miss something or I should do etc., feel free to step into as chair 19:09:18 <jreznik> #topic Current status 19:09:57 <jreznik> yesterday at Go/No-Go meeting we decided to slip F18 Alpha release by one week because of numerous unresolved bugs 19:10:19 <jreznik> #link http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2012-08-22/f18_alpha_gono-go_meeting.2012-08-22-21.00.html 19:10:45 <jreznik> current blocker bugs 19:10:50 <jreznik> #link http://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/current 19:11:37 <jreznik> #info current Fedora 18 Alpha release date is Sep 04 (was Aug 28) 19:12:38 <jreznik> I'll go through the list of invited teams, team representatives please step in to report current status 19:13:11 <jreznik> #topic Ambassadors 19:13:34 * jreznik does not see cwickert here, anyone else? 19:15:03 <jreznik> #info no Ambassadors representative present 19:15:12 <jreznik> #topic Design 19:15:24 <jreznik> mizmo: your turn 19:16:44 <mizmo> jreznik, hey 19:16:55 <mizmo> jreznik, so gnokii im pretty sure finalized the alpha release banners for the website 19:17:10 <mizmo> jreznik, the wallpaper is in and thus far we've gotten overwhelmingly positive reviews 19:17:24 <jreznik> #info gnokii finalized the alpha release banners for the website 19:17:38 <jreznik> #info the wallpaper is in and thus far we've gotten overwhelmingly positive reviews 19:17:46 <mizmo> jreznik, one question that came up from the bugzappers/qa folks is that the grub2 theme is turned on in f18 right now 19:17:52 * jreznik likes the wallpaper too 19:17:55 <mizmo> elad had brought this up in the design team channel 19:18:09 <jreznik> mizmo: yep, we talked about it yesterday 19:18:13 <mizmo> so, i do not think that grub2 should display at all unless the user opts into it 19:18:25 <mizmo> so that's one issue. i dont know if grub2 is turned on to display by default as a testing aid 19:18:32 <mizmo> but we should make sure it does not by ga 19:18:58 <mizmo> the other thing is that grub2 has a bug that causes extreme slowness, but only on some hardware. that bug really blocks having a nice theme i think 19:19:04 <mizmo> it would be very nice to have that bug resolved - 19:19:11 <mizmo> the theme itself will be trivial to update with the f18 wallpaper 19:19:22 <mizmo> but i dont think we should even have a graphical grub2 thing if it's gonna screw people's machines up 19:19:45 <mizmo> so whether or not theres going to be a grub2 theme i think depends on that. 19:19:46 <jreznik> #info grub2 theme is turned on in f18 right now, we should make sure it does not by qa 19:20:01 <mizmo> s/qa/ga 19:20:09 <mizmo> also 19:20:10 <jreznik> #undo 19:20:10 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x29302a50> 19:20:12 <mizmo> its a bit more nuanced by that 19:20:16 <mizmo> it's not the theme 19:20:19 <jreznik> #info grub2 theme is turned on in f18 right now, we should make sure it does not by ga 19:20:21 <mizmo> grub2 should not display by default 19:20:25 <mizmo> no s/grub2 theme/grub2 19:20:34 <mizmo> the theme is sort of a separate thing 19:20:41 <jreznik> another try :) 19:20:43 <jreznik> #undo 19:20:43 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0xf1ef510> 19:20:46 <mizmo> if the user hits the key combo to show grub2 19:20:56 <jreznik> #info grub2 is turned on in f18 right now, we should make sure it does not by ga 19:20:59 <mizmo> then they should see a fedora themed grub (if the slowness bug is fixed) 19:21:08 <mizmo> but if the key never hits the key combo, they should never see grub2 19:21:13 * jreznik understands the point of grub being not shown by default 19:21:17 * mizmo hopes that makes sense 19:21:28 <jreznik> mizmo: yep, definitely 19:21:40 <mizmo> oh! 19:21:47 <mizmo> one more thing i forgot of course is the supplemental wallpapers 19:21:52 <mizmo> gnokii has been doing a great job organizing that 19:22:00 <mizmo> and so far we have some really high-quality submissions 19:22:05 <mizmo> more than some other distros *whistles* 19:22:13 <mizmo> ;-) 19:22:37 <mizmo> overall we're in good shape in terms of f18 artwork i think 19:22:58 <jreznik> great! 19:23:36 <jreznik> #info we have some really high-quality submissions of the supplemental wallpapers, thanks to gnokii! 19:23:47 * jreznik adds kde theming status 19:24:14 <jreznik> #info kde themes based on F18 Alpha artwork by design team is ready, thanks to mbriza! 19:24:21 <jreznik> mizmo: anything else? 19:24:23 <mizmo> \o/ 19:24:25 <mizmo> noppers 19:24:30 <jreznik> thanks! 19:24:44 <jreznik> #topic Documentation 19:24:53 <jreznik> bcotton: now it's your turn 19:25:07 <bcotton> we're making words! 19:25:38 <bcotton> #info bcotton and suehle1 have been working on the Release Announcement. It will be ready. 19:26:03 <bcotton> #info we're rounding up volunteers to put together the alpha Release Notes 19:27:04 <bcotton> one thing that's not an issue now but may be as we get closer to GA: jjmcd will be unable to manage the RN as he has done in releases past. we're hoping the RN process will hand off seamlessly, but it may be frantic to get it finished at the end. 19:27:08 <bcotton> EOF 19:27:13 <jreznik> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F18_Alpha_release_announcement 19:27:19 <jreznik> bcotton: thanks! 19:27:37 <jreznik> #topic FESCo 19:27:57 <jreznik> nirik: do you have anything from FESCo? 19:28:28 <nirik> nope. I think things are going along fine for release... 19:28:37 <nirik> hopefully we can knock out the blockers in this week 19:29:15 <jreznik> ok 19:29:41 <jreznik> #info things are going along fine for release, hopefully FESCo can knock out the blockers in this week 19:30:04 <jreznik> #topic Fedora Engineering Manager 19:30:20 <jreznik> spot: anything from you? 19:30:45 <spot> nope. i need any alpha ready art for fedora-logos asap, but i don't know that there is any. 19:31:34 <jreznik> spot: thanks 19:31:55 <jreznik> #info spot needs any alpha ready art for fedora-logos asap 19:32:08 <jreznik> #topic Fedora Project Leader 19:32:18 <jreznik> rbergeron: ? :) 19:32:35 <rbergeron> Hi! 19:32:49 * rbergeron is coming to you from venezuela... just barely on the internet 19:32:51 <jreznik> rbergeron: hi! 19:33:10 <rbergeron> I have nothing but love. no status to report. :) 19:33:48 <jreznik> #info no status update by rbergeron but love 19:34:00 <jreznik> #topic Infrastructure 19:34:07 <jreznik> nirik: again you 19:34:41 <nirik> :) 19:34:57 <nirik> everything is looking ready. We are in our change freeze... ready to mirror bits, etc. 19:35:09 <nirik> everything seems to be going along fine with buildsystem, updates, etc. 19:36:06 <jreznik> #info everything is looking ready, Infra in change freeze, ready to mirror bits, everything seems to be going along fine with buildsystem, updates, etc. 19:36:09 <jreznik> nirik: thanks 19:36:45 <jreznik> #topic Marketing 19:37:18 <jreznik> suehle, suehle1: to fix marketing mistake, it's your turn now 19:37:30 <jreznik> (my mistake inviting rbergeron) 19:38:24 <rbergeron> LOL 19:40:00 * rbergeron notes we just discussed this a bit in the marketing meeting and the release announcement for alpha is coming along well 19:41:32 <jreznik> #info the release announcement for alpha is coming along well 19:42:26 <jreznik> #topic QA 19:42:47 <jreznik> anyone from QA? 19:43:28 <suehle> that was easy :) 19:43:37 * jreznik thinks we covered QA and blockers on Go/No-Go meeting quite well 19:43:44 <jreznik> suehle: if you have anything more, feel free 19:45:33 <suehle> that's the important part 19:46:25 <adamw> sorry folks, juggling too many balls here... 19:46:52 <adamw> er, qa status is that everything is boned. 19:47:28 <adamw> we're at alpha tc3, currently working to try and get a tc4 built. we don't have 100% test coverage because anaconda is too broken; what coverage we have has revealed numerous blocker bugs, not all of which are fixed yet. 19:48:10 <jreznik> #info QA is at alpha tc3, currently working to try and get a tc4 built 19:48:34 <jreznik> #info QA doesn't have 100% test coverage because anaconda is too broken 19:48:57 <jreznik> #info current coverage has revealed numerous blocker bugs, not all of which are fixed yet 19:50:07 <jreznik> adamw: thanks, is it all from you? 19:51:19 * jreznik expects eol :) 19:51:54 <jreznik> #topic Release Engineering 19:52:53 <jreznik> anyone? dgilmore are you around? 19:52:54 * spot thinks dennis might not be here. 19:53:11 <nirik> yeah, I think he's probibly asleep. 19:53:28 <jreznik> yep, Australia... I'll try to reach him by email :) 19:53:32 <nirik> releng should be ready to compose rc1 as soon as/when we fix blockers. 19:53:56 <jreznik> nirik: ok, thanks 19:54:06 <jreznik> #info releng should be ready to compose rc1 as soon as/when we fix blockers 19:54:33 <jreznik> #topic Translation 19:55:49 <jreznik> anyone from translation teams? 19:57:06 <jreznik> #info no Translation representative present 19:57:23 <jreznik> #topic Websites 19:58:00 <jreznik> shaiton: are you around? or anyone from Websites team? 19:59:12 <nirik> There was an update from them recently that there is a f18 alpha website in staging. 19:59:15 * nirik gets link 19:59:43 * jreznik is digging info from ml too 20:00:31 <nirik> http://stg.fedoraproject.org/ and 20:01:09 <nirik> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/3429 20:01:29 <jreznik> #link http://stg.fedoraproject.org/ 20:01:37 <jreznik> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/3429 20:01:42 <jreznik> nirik: thanks 20:02:07 <nirik> no problem 20:03:35 <jreznik> well, we covered a lot today, I'll try to get sync with teams not represented here, thank you very much! 20:03:48 <jreznik> #topic Open floor 20:04:30 <nirik> thanks for rounding up folks jreznik 20:05:50 <jreznik> #info The next Go/No-Go meeting has been rescheduled to Thursday, Aug 30 (21:00 UTC, 5 PM EDT) 20:06:30 * jreznik is going to update schedules asap, delay because of family issue... should be ready tmrw morning 20:06:51 <jreznik> anything else? 20:06:58 * nirik has nothing 20:07:18 * rbergeron salutes jreznik. It's like you've been doing this for years! :) 20:07:31 <spot> jreznik: nice work. :) 20:08:02 * jreznik is getting red in face :) thanks :) 20:08:39 <jreznik> ok 20:08:44 <jreznik> countdown 20:08:47 <jreznik> 3 20:09:07 <jreznik> 2 20:09:32 <jreznik> 1 20:09:35 <spot> BOOM 20:09:50 <jreznik> now :) 20:09:53 <jreznik> #endmeeting