#fedora-meeting-1: f18-beta-freeze-readiness-meeting
Meeting started by jreznik at 17:00:03 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- roll call (jreznik, 17:01:00)
- jreznik mitr nirik notting t8m tflink
Viking-Ice Martix jwb present (jreznik,
- purpose of the meeting (jreznik, 17:07:42)
- the purpose of the meeting is to decide whether
the current state of Fedora 18 is in a good shape to enter Beta
freeze (jreznik,
- based on FESCo ticket #946 the required
functionality is a) upgrades, b) beta release partitioning in
anaconda (jreznik,
- https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/946
- current status (jreznik, 17:09:42)
- wwoods reported that the upgrade functionality
is not yet ready, should be testable by the end of the week (no
gui) (jreznik,
- beta criteria partitioning - luks code posted
for review, raid code already available in the current build in
testable state (jreznik,
- http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Beta_Release_Criteria
- http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2012-10-08/fedora-qa.2012-10-08-15.02.html
- QA recommends not entering freeze at this time
because there is no released upgrade tool to test (jreznik,
- proposal: to push beta freeze back a week to
allow that to be actually done before we enter freeze (jreznik,
- AGREED: due to
upgrade functionality not being in a testable state, push schedule 1
week to allow it to land before entering beta freeze (+1 6, 0 0, -1
0 for FESCo, +1 for the whole QA, +1 for FPGM) (jreznik,
- to use ticket #946 to revisit the decision,
freeze by default next week (jreznik,
- suggested to start packaging/reviewing of fedup
as soon as possible (in case a new package is needed) (jreznik,
- ACTION: jreznik to
announce pre-freeze Beta slip and to adjust F18 schedule
- open floor (jreznik, 17:45:00)
- ACTION: jreznik to
report a ticket to fesco if we want to have freeze readiness
meetings regularly or not (jreznik,
Meeting ended at 17:52:17 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- jreznik to announce pre-freeze Beta slip and to adjust F18 schedule
- jreznik to report a ticket to fesco if we want to have freeze readiness meetings regularly or not
Action items, by person
- jreznik
- jreznik to announce pre-freeze Beta slip and to adjust F18 schedule
- jreznik to report a ticket to fesco if we want to have freeze readiness meetings regularly or not
People present (lines said)
- jreznik (60)
- nirik (20)
- wwoods (15)
- t8m (12)
- tflink (10)
- jwb (9)
- Martix (6)
- zodbot (6)
- drago01_ (6)
- mitr (6)
- Viking-Ice (4)
- notting (4)
- mjg59 (2)
- akshayvyas (2)
- clumens (1)
- pjones (1)
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